-. ý , -- . %n il ?y 'TLTýA n n rAD -7 l 0 r ,ie ,ninrt7T DV PP D13Vt PAGE 20, WEDLNSDAY, tFEiiUARY 27,1985J, ruk> WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY IIEAI> tLAI$IFiID ADI$ AUTOMOBILES , ARTICLES ~3j~ES ~ ~3~1jfl SALE FOR SALE NS GAILLIND SMAINTENANCE LIMITED Personal ized affordable housecleani ng service. Full refund If flot satisfied. nquire about early week reduced rates. 663-7515 "Spollngin, Homa.CI.aning F«r Per&iuvr Peopi." 666m21 44 RU68 WILDE Elecricai Service. nter. Pro. N. 309A-008752. Phono 6662127. WEDOINGIPORTRAIT Photo- graphy. Fins photography, reasonabie prines. Colin King, 668-m47. UNEMPLOYMENT HELP CEN. TRE.: Need heip? Workera' Com- passation. Wetra, 0141F asiatanue, Unemptotrment ln- aurance, or crisaeraerrais fa otheragencies, oeil 579.1621. BROICE AT A DIFFERENT LEVEL? A "good lob"~ without adequafo compensation 0r ad- vancement? If pou are wiiing lu do somthing toward Inancil rewirds phone 7827701 (toron- toi for pour Ires, no-obtigation 45 minute financiai saminar. FRE DETAILSI Msks big Sucka tn mail orderi Seling 140w To Make Monsp Information Books". No Invnnory capital or auperience requIred. You csn tafl our own business fasti Worfa from pour homo or office. $50.000 to $100.000 par poar potentiali Write todap wth seilf- addreased stamped ennelope f0 ..J, Company, Bon 1362, Station H, Monfreai, Ouebec H3G 2N43.- -GRAMMER for people who hale grammar" la the ideai pocksi rafarence book for businsss people. $3.95 par copy and avalabie t ickson Printing & office Supplies In the Alan Plaza. Dealer enquiries Inaled 6831968. PUPS FORSALE part Irish Seller and LaS.$35. Phone 668-5471. WANTED TO PURCHASE on conslgnmsnt, ski equipmneni. downhIii and cruss-country. Ap- piy ei 58 Baldwin, No. 12 Higit. way, Brookiin. 10:30 ar..lu 5:30 p.m. 6558079. MTRES RLIEpesnt gnpassuon oDsn m home CLOUR ANALYSIS p.m. Dîscover the colours frsaulcu6854 fe & shades that com- AN INVITATtON ta invesîlgate plîment your skin the Bahai faiih. Unling te enhnc yo r worid one heurt t a ime. For tone & ehneyu iteraturs phone 668-865 or 668- best teatures.753 OnIy $30 prconsullalion 62770OFIESA WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for rent on professional flbar. Wouud Se sulabie for iawysr, accountant, FREE. Drop nIa the icksun Printing & 0ffics Suppip store In te Alax Plusa and pick up a fIree copy of thoir 1985 MetrIc Clen- dar. Prinled In twa clours._il sa negotiable for an appropriate tenant. For further InformalIon cati 668-6372 Setween 9:30 ar.. and 5 pm. Monday fa, Fridap. makes for handp reference. 683 1968. FOR ENT UUILDING LOT ln Brooklils pet- mît aneialei $24,900. Phase 655 8N2 TYPEWRITER rssiai, many makes and modais. Sy the weekend, wssk or monf h. Discounts avalabie. Dcksan Priniing & Office Supplies ln the Alan Plaza. Cal us for business machine repirs 683-1968. $200 REWARD sentimental naine. Lost "Annie" gray and white cockaleii bird wth eiiow hsud and orange chesks. Mary and Gardes Street area, WhiiSp. 145545 speciai medicafion. Phase 686-3&W. CONGRATULATIONS on pour forhcaming mrriage. Pisas iew aur sampes oI sngraved wedding iniaionsst pour ilesure ln aur Aan Plaza store. Oicksun Priniisg & Office Sup)- plies, 683-1968. DAYCARE - moiher oftlwo wishing la cars for ans or two chIldrsn agsd 6 manihs ta 5 pears, ln own home, large nome tesced yard and oeil aanced lunches and snacks provIded. Of. ter cresk area. Cali 666-3593. MOTHER 0F TWO oilabysitl n my home In West Lynde. Monday la Friday. 666-3766. DONT LISTEN tlanasons 51.5, os pap top daller for scrsp cars and trucks. 6689712. RECYCLED eta parts. Phono 66-2127 aller 6 p.m. and weekends. 1962 BLICK Skyhawk Custom, 4 spesd, sport package. AMIFM sterso, excellent condition, 58,000 km., $6860 or 55sf oiter. 7259640. 1081 FORD th itonna, ahort Sou, &top sida, sports coups, black and gray, 2 tons, 6 cyl., 4 apeed 00, A1 shape. cou 68-3243 ater 1980 FORD Feirmunt Wagon, p.a., pSb., auto, good condition, $2.500. Phoneo 666-191. FOR SALE 1976 Honds, 400 Twin, l0w milsa, certifiebis. $550 Or basf of fer. Appty In person - 110 Victoria Sf. W., Apt. 6, WhIf Sp. 1977 PONTIAC Lemanz, Abert a car, no ruaI, 0ow mlsage, ex- collant condition, certIi ld, usking $2.200 or best offer. 694- 9215. 1976 FORD Mavsrick, 70,000 miles uniy, ruse oeil, as la $600. Phono 688.5985. REBUILT washers, dryers, fridgess sones and dshwashsrs. Six mont hs and osa pear guaran. tees. Grand opening speciai this wsek oniy, 20% off on ail stock. M & M Apptlances, 107 Oundus Sf. W., WhIf Sp. 6689444 or 723- 5444. MATTRESSES and Sou springs ut hait price. McKsn Furnilurs, 524 Simcoe 5ftreet Southb, Oshawa. 7255181. "HEROES of the Bible" coiuuring bouk avalabis ut Dichoon Pris- t ng & office Supplies, Alan Plaza, 6831968. Dealer Inquiies inuit 54. ANTIQUE soiid osk puni ry cabinet wif h flour bis and read drswsr, etc., $85 and other tems.68-1300. GOOD quaiify hay for suis. Bruugham 2945937. PAINTINGS, originel aile, water- colora, sr1 classes and com- missions Sp R. Ernest Jukss, 541110w Run Galery, 585 ling Street East, Oshuwa, 5791101. CHESTERFIELD suites, luesets, seclinals, less than tAs prie. Large eleciion. MoKeen Furniturs, 524 Simncos Si. S., Oshawa. 725-5161. vistT our used furnifure wurahouse by appoinimenf. Big savings on desks, chirs, iing cabinets, sic. cal Ocksan Prin- f ing & Office Supplies la arrange as appointmeni f0 nisw. 683- 1968. GEOTYPE press-on ltaring nuw n stock ai Ockson Printing & Ot-tg tics Supplies In the Alan Shop- ping Fils. Large sisction ot styles aud sizes. Why psy mrs for e smaiisr sht 09tut ittsring? CHECK IuUR LOW EVERYA RCES- On neuv chesterfueids, bedraum sels, colonial dining taums, uund kîtchen suites, beds, etc. ELMER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloor St. E. lAi Ritsoni Oshawa 66845. PHOTOCOPYINO* .at Iow, iovv rates.. whiie you wait.. We're open to serve you when you need us. M.B.M. PublishinglWhitby Free Press 131 Brock Street North, Whltby iOust north oft h four camerai CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FR1., MARCH 8 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britaîn or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lin- dsaylLlttle Britain Road. Fiat-top farm scales, Hoosier kitchen cup- board, modemn dressers and chest-of-drawers, Vîctrolia, 16 h.p. Gilson garden tractor, quantity of china and glass. Corn- plete listing next week. For conslgnment or pick- up Information contact: DON CORNEIL AIJOTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 DRYWALL Taper-Painfer aaeks worfu. Aiso fsotured and suspen- -dsd cslIings. 15 years soperien- ce. Jim Tomlinson, 723926. 91055 MINI TRUcKING, deliveries and smaii moving lobs, reasonabis rates. Phone 6e8 0131. EXPERIENCED home cars proaided, many years soperience wifh the eideriy and handicap. psd. References avalable. cel 705768&3078. ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE AND MORE... , THE REGIONAL MUN ICI PA LITY 0F DURHAM "lWeight Restriction Regulations wilI be in force on roads under the jurisdiction of the Regional Municipality of Durham effective March 4. Vehicie Ioads are restricted to 5 TONNES per axie In ac- cordance with Durham Region By-Iaw Number 99.84. Signs wiII be erected on ail Regional Roads to which these Weight Restric- tions apply." W.A. Twelvetrees, P. Eng. CommIssioner of Works Regional Municipality of Durham PICTURE FRAME CLEARANCE SALE 1000s To Choose From Lowest Prices ln Canada Our 9th Vear 2 Days OnIy - Saturday & Sunday, March 2 & 3 10:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. Iroquois Park Recreatian Complox Henry & Victoria Streets Whitby, Ont. Bring Your Prints, Photos, Patntlngs, Neediework, etc. Ktm- AUCTION SALES EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT 7:00 P.M. 955 BROCK RD. S., UNIT 5, PICKERING Items to be sold: antiques, general househoid contents, jewellery - modern and antique. Good clean sales. Absoiuteiy no reserves or bld-Ins. JOHN ANNIS AUCTIONEER 831-3234 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be Visa card ready when calling. however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographie BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the first 100 words; 12c each alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in pbiainbyn the cost of the space occupied adtoa od such replies. We will not be responsible for box number byPthe error Up 10 a maximum cost of the first insertion, replies not called for within 30 days. 0b aThe Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - 80fr the fir- reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12t each addi tional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one day before they can be changed or cançelled. or cancel Classified Ada. Friday noon prior to publication LAr 11AUCTION SALES -37 per line. (No word ada allowed.) tb insert or cancel Emporium Ada. cpLufASSIFIED RATES: $350 for 20 worda; 11< each ad- BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are availabie at an ad- CALL ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Pres wili make 668-6111 jLý e