Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 6 Feb 1985, p. 8

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PAC.F. R WrïV'JPVnAY.VrTmflPIARY 6.1985.WIITBY FREE PRESS LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Cartoon promotes bligotry:o Director of Education portant that the com- munity access to the facts, fairly and ac- curately presented. However, I was ap- palled by a lapse of editorial standards in thse 1985 01 16 (Jan. 16, 1985) issue. I refer to the editorial cartoon on DearSir: I was pleased to see tihe Whitby Free Press take an active interest in thse recent meeting of parents at E.A. Fair- man P.S. to discuss the regular and French Immersion programs there. I believe it is im- Call us (613) 445-3133 Box 10 Morewi Ontaric KOA 2R( BY MOREWOOD INDUSTRIESc page four, the intent of which was clearly to link Frenchs Immersion at E.A. Fairman with the language situation in Quebec. First, I must insist that there is no logical connection between, Fr- ench Immersion oo O programs and the Quehec situation. English speaking paren- ts voluntarily enrol their children in French Im- mersion in order that they become fluent in both French and English. This allows them to participate more fully in our national life and gives themn a deeper ap- preciation of our two founding cultures. Second, I believe the cartooni was in poor taste, because it en- couraged the anti-Fren- ch bigotry this school system and others are educating children to reject. The Durham Board of Education will continue to address the needs and the concerns of parents and ratepayers in Whit- by and elsewhere in Durham'. I believe, the Free Press' fair and ac- curate coverage of, and thoughtful comment on public education are an important part of that process. I look forward to future issues of the paper. Very truly yours, Bruce Mather, Director of Education. EDITOR'S NOTE:.The purpose of the edltei'ial cartoon is primarily humer, and that was the case with the item to whîch Mr. Mather referred. Cartoons can of ten be thought provoklng and serlous but, first and foremost, they are to help us Iaugh at ourselves. They also often exaggerate the Issue, taklng iLt t the helgbt of absurdlty. This cartoon's pur- pose was not to Incite blgotry, as Mr. Mather suggests, but te bring a littie humor to an ail tee serlous subject. Fur- thermore, we do not percelve a link between the E.A. Faîrman situation and the events ln Quebec, we just took the issue te its moat illogîcal absurdlty. Whitby Red Cross coflects 1433 units of blood 0f course you want to keep more of the moniey you work hard for. And you could-if you let H &R Block prepare your tax return. As a matter of tact, in a recent survey, 2 out of 3 H &R Block customers who got refunds belîeved thy got bgger rfnds than if they did theur own taxes. H&R Block helps you get every possible deduction, exemption and credît you're entitled to. Caîl your near- est H &R Block office today. We could help you keep more of your hard-earned money. k pays to bc prepared by THE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS 776 LVERPOOL RD. S. 122 DUN DAS ST. W. PICKERING WHITBY Open 9 arn. to 9 p.m. Weekdays, 9-5 Saturday Phone 668-3371, Open today - no appolntmeflt necessary Aiso In these locations durlng rogular store hours. Seas heay EATONS Dear Sir. On behaîf of the Whit- by Branch of the Canadian Red Cross, I would like to thank you for the coverage you give us four times a year. I appreciate the fact that you are willing to publicize the blood donor clinics so readily. During 1984, 1,433 units of blood were collected in Whitby. I consider this a success since our goal at each clinic is 350 to 375 units depending on thse time of year (or a total of 1,400 to 1,500 units). The ar- ticles in your paper have contributed to this successful collection. I also have appreciated any ime you were able to send a photographer to the clinics. Thank you for your support and co- operation. Yours truly, Margaret Horton, Blood onor Chairman. Community contributes to rehabilitation Dear Sir: On behaif of the patients, staff and volunteers at Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital, I would like to thank al those in the community who responded to the request for Christmas gîf ts for our patients. The continued support and interest of the, community contributes greatly to rehabilitation in the hospital. A special thank you to Ite aple! 4prainast Camping on WVheels is a show for the pu rist The person like yvu who loves the freedom of taking to the road. And this year the show has moved to the Convention Centre at the base of the CN Tower, one of Toronto's most popular tourist attractions. This ne.', bigger location means you can see even more Canadian-built recreational vehicles, ail certified to CSA Z-240 quality and safety standards. So whether ou're thinking of making that first purchase or upgrading the vehicle you already have, corne to the show thats been planned for you. The one designed for your pure recreational pleasure, and sure to be yvur road to the good life. METRO TORONTO CONVENTION CENTRE February 7 to 10 Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday_ HOCRS: 5 p.m. - 10 p.m. Noon - 10 p.m. 1030 am. - 10 p.m. Noon - 7 p.m. ADMISSION: Aduts Seniors & Juniors (5- 15) Chidren under 5 admitted free $500 $350 A CANADIAN NATIONAL ý SPORTSMEN'S SHOW A non-proft Co rrtin dedi.ted to Canaas orildoor hent je DUILDERS CONTRACTORS DEVELOPERS 1. Are you dissatisfied with your construction costs? 2. Are you uncomfortable with labour costs and availability»? Marewaod Industries has a team of seasaned construction experts wha can effectively show your company ways ta reduce bath prablems. w'lzp w FFHT~~~ you and your newspaper for printing tise article regarding Christmas gif ts for Whitby Psychiatric Hospital. AIl the best in the New Year. Sincerely, Cindy Newman Co-ordinator of Volunteer Service. Job weli done Dear Sir:- I would like to com- mend you on a job well done on the section en- titled "You and Your Insurance" - The ar- ticles in this section were very informative and extremely ac- curate. I am president of an Insurance Brokerage firm in St. Catharines, Ontario and came to know of your publication through an unusual set of circum- stances. Your paper was first aquired by my businesrý partner while enroute to his cottage in-Rosedale. There it sat. He came across it sometime later and thought the articles might be of interest here in thse office. It was passed around and eventually iit my desk. Some 200 miles later and fifth hand, it was received. Yours truly, Frank Steward, R.I.B. (Ont.) St. Catharines Ontario. r- L. i ] //57- - - M--

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