Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 6 Feb 1985, p. 22

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PAGE 22, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1985, WHITBY FREE PRESS IWhltby's Most WIdeIy Read CLASS1F1IED WAIADTED ! ATED MATURE RELIABLE person f0 balayaif 3 daye e week In My home, West Lynde ares, f0 sfart March 4. Phione 6832160. UNEMPLOYED? Looking for s cereer change? Cail 6832261 for free counseiiing on ob oppor. tunifies. CHURCI4 SECRETARY - AllSain. le' Anglican Churcft. A parfutme position la avalable ln our chur- ch office. Individual muet have proven abilty f0 work indepen- dently and lhane exceplIossl In- ferpersotiali &its, lyping and booickeeping souiis wiii be necessaty and sforthand wouid be desirable. Applicaionis May be submilled lu the Churcli War- dans, 300 Dundas St. W., Whilby, Onf. Li N 2M5 SECRETARY for smaii office ln Wfiifby. Dufles f0 Inciode fyping and generai office work, use ut dicfa equipmeflf an assef. Phone for appoinfmenf 666-2900 days, 655-3093 evenings. CREATIVE RESUMES $19-00, ofuuienfs and unemployed $5.00, fine free copies, coner leffets $4.00, safisfact ion gusranieed. 57608M3. Aiso business incor- poraI ions, fasf, 10w cool. WORD PROCESSfNG Program. mIng, Lotus, dbase, Il and 111 and more, wifh cerfificafte and lob pfacement, $149 and up, gover- nmenf approveci courses available, fan deductibie, O.S.A.P. foans, 663-2226. h I -1 i1- ~~poymn71i-eip Reep ~~alLe~LdRed Cross DRYWALL TaperPainler seeks wori. Aiso lexfured and suspen- ded ceiings. 15 years auperien- ce. im Tominson, 7239268. ready. .m. PHOTOCOPYING H(gh quality ptotocopyiflg while you wait.- y WHITBY FREE PRESS 131 Brock Street North, Whitby ARE YOU OPEN FOR BUSINESS? THE CLASSIFIEDS ~SFIE ARE! _ .. The classlfled pages - ~~ are for everyone -whether you are - selllng or buyîng PLACE YOUR AD TODAY! WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111 Here are last w'eek's niinor hockey scores The foiiowing are the resuits of lasL, week's play by teams of the Brooklin-Whitby Minor Hockey Association. In representative team play: The Eastway Plymouth Chrysier minor peewee team took part in the Pickering 'A.A' Tournament lasL week. They defeated tbe Northwest Boy's Club 6- 0 in their first game on goals by Justin Car- dweil (2), Drew Myers, Rob Martin and Shawn Keoghan and Derik Ellis. However, it Was downhiii from tbere. Tbey lost to Pickering 8- 0 before losing to tbat same team 5-3 in the third round robin playoff. Scoring for Whitby in that game were Martin, Jeff Cove and MaLt Shearer. But they did win their last game over Ajax 3-2 on goals by Myers, Mar- in and Jeff Catts. Kristina Lee's atom squad doubled Ajax 4-2 on goals by Gord FIFTEEN POSITIONS AVAILABLE NOW! We are hiring homemakers with telephone tlent. Here's What We Offer: @A comfortable off ice atmosphere. *A convanient location. *A competitive saiary. @An opportunity to work with us throughout tha year. Houra noon to 4 p.m. daiiy cali Mrs. April at 688-3742 Fight breaks out at rmngette game LOOKING FOR A CAREERIN ADVERTISING? DowntOWfl business requires that person who: *Possess good communication skills; *Has ambition and self conf idence; eIs eager to learn; ois capable of earning an above average i ncome; *And is not afraid to work for It. If you possess these qualities drop in and see us. Experience not necessary. Start immediately. Come In to our office anytime Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5p.m. 131 Brock St. N., Whitby. The foiiowing are the resuits of last Satur- day's play by eams of the Whitby Ringette Association. SBUNNY The Witby Kiwanis trounced Oshawa Auto Tow 9-1 on goals by Stephanie Nichols (5), Julie Rowland (2) and Pauline Lang (2). PETITE Witby Color Your Worid blanked Ajax Shoppers Drug Mart 8-0 on goals by Kim Guymer (4), Jennifer Hatziehoofer (2), Carissa Keebn and Laura Weckman. Ear- ning the shut-out was Tracie Osier. TWEEN Whitby Iolab bombed Ajax Harwood Mer- chants 12-3 on goals by Jennifer Copper (4), Leanne Muir (4), Karen Bugelli (2), Michelle Reader and Lisa Carke. JUNIOR BELLE Whitby Optimist beat Oshawa Bob's Towing and Tom Clark Tours 6-4 on goals by Susan Mar- sali (2), Paula Barrack (2), Janie Cailan and Michelle Fowiie. Whitby Speedy Muf- fier downed Ajax Dickson Printing 4-3 on goals by Leanne Ellie (3) and Tammy Bates. However, this game urned into a reai "Don- nybrook", mucb to the leagues disappoin- Lment. In total, there was 23 penalties banded out: 14 to Ajax and 9 to Witby. Three Ajax players were evicted from tbe game, as was one Whitby player. A league officiai said this was "not your average ringette game." FRESHLY GROUND COFFEE small .4O* medlum .45e large .60e FRESH MUFFINS BAKED DAILY .55e FRESH FISH & CHIPS Haiibut 12.90 Cod '2.65 Filet of Sole 12.65 Hadbck '2.70 AU prices are tax lncluded. - r p 6 ,.. ~.' ~ .,*44'~* <,..e,îm' m PlumTmer, Scott Jensen, Jordi Joinston and Geoff Cadan. However, tbey went on to lose 4-1 to Peterborough. Scoring in that effort was Cadan. The Algoma Orchards minor atom teamn blanked Pickering 3-0 on goals by Mark Babony (2) and Scott Mac- Doneli. They then lost to Kingston Township 3-2 with MacDoneli and Kily Moulton putting in Whitby's offensive ef- fort. Markham downed Aigoma 4-2. This time Brodie Richards and Paul Moore picked up Whitbyls markers. But, they did manage another 2-0 defeat of Pickering on goals by MacDoneil and Brett Payne. Tbey also defeated Georgetown, this time by a 9-0 score. Scoring were Babony (2), Payne (2), MacDoneli, Moulton, Richards, Brandon Knight and Brian Medeiros. The Whitby minor bantamn select teamn earned a 2-ail tie with Scarborough Catholic on goals by Shawn Beat- ty and Mike Thom. They went on to defeat Oshawa's St. Mark's 4-1 on goals by Peter Defina, Levin Washer, Brad Moore and Jason Hunt. Tbe County Bowl peewee team lost both their games last week. Vince Seleto scored the only Whitby marker in their 3-1 ioss to Ajax. Port Hope then handed themn a 10-3 loss. SeleLo, Adrian Deveau and Brad, Tbompson scored for Witby. In bouse league play: NOVICE Witby Mail Videc suid by Double 'Ni Fisli and Chips 3-2 on goals by Jamie Pawiuk (2) and Brian Lodge. Responding were David Mitchell and Robert Simpson. Brooklin Kinsmen banded Showcase Video an 8-3 ioss on goals by Andre Marios (2), Jeff Montaigue (3) and Mike Hogan (3). Answerini for Sbowcase was Mat- Lhew Muir with a hat rick. SQUIRT The Olers suid by the Nordiques 2-1 on goals by Daryl Lewis and Damon Kaziooskis. Responding was Paul Neff. The Wbalers downed Lhe Canadians 5-2 on goals by Jason Robinson (2), Tyler Derks, Jobn Mees and Daniel Thor- ne. Responding were Steve Moss and Ryar Watson. The Fiyers defeated tbe Black Hawks 4-1 or goals by Briar Smitb(2), Matthem Fleming and Chri Goring. The, Blacl Hawks' soie marke scored by Jan Nelson. Aaron Beiton scorec for the Nordiques it their 1-al L ie with LLi Kings. Their goal wa! scored by Brett Barnett Tbe Canadian! defeated the Flyers 7- onsorn fforts h Speaking to You By SCOTT' FENNELL, MP (PC - Ontario) You may recall, from a few months back, that the Auditor General tabled his report to the House of Commons for fiscal 1984, and the Department of Public Works (DPW) became known for exactly what il bas been: a veritable wasteland of the Canadian taxpayers' dollars. The crux of the matter, as the Auditor General put iL, is that DPW bas lacked a sense of accountability for the full costs of holding and using real property, IL is as if they have been dealing with 'Monopoly" money. The House of Commons Standing Committee on the Public Accounts is now engaged in getting Lo the bottom of the mnany problems which exist in DPW, bringing them to the light of day, and obtaining the commitment of the officiais involved that ap- propriate remedial action wiil be taken. As vice-chairman of the Public Accounts Commit- tee, I can tell you that this is no- easy ask, in fact, it is extremely frustrating. For exampie, since 1962, when the Glassco Report pointed out that DPW sbouid have a basic cost accounting system, DPW bas been promnising to implemnent one. Today, 23 years later, they are saying that it sbouid be in place by 1986 . Clearly, it wili require strong ministerial wili to get this department into shape. Not only does DPW not have a cost accountiiig system, it does not have an accurate data base to identify vacant space in its inventory. Thus regional managers tend not to use the data base. Moreover, iL is impossible for the department to make a con- sistent effort to put its unoccupied space to efficient use if iL does not know at any given time how much vacant space it is maintaining. The department also bas some very important questions to answer regarding its leasing activities, and its failure Lo follow Treasury Board's guidelines pertaining to leasing. It would appear that DPW bas not been compiying with these regulations for the past 16 years, rougbly the reigning period of the Liberal Party under P.E. Trudeau. The committee is currently investigating a numnber of particular cases in wicb DPW neglected to comply witb Treasury Board rules. We will also be looking into wby Treasury Board bas failed to force DPW to comply witb ils rules. THE CORPORATION 0F THETOWN OFWHITBY TOWN 0F WHITBY 1985 MUNICIPAL TAX NOTICE' The f irst instalment of taxes for 1985 is due and payable February 15, 1985. If payment is not received by the due date, penalty will be added on the f irst day of default and the first day of each calen- dar month so long as non-payment con- tinues, at the rate of 11/4 % per month or part thereof. Taxes mnay be paid at any Whitby bank without bank collection charges or at the Municipal Office, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. Corinne Wendt, A.M.C.T.(A), Tax Collector, TOWN 0F WH ITBY. Oilers 3-2 on goals by Brad Oliver (2) and Mark Blimke. Jamie Boyd and Bryan Howden scored for the Oilers. Jamie Young earned the- shut-out in the Whalers' 7-0 win over the Black Hawks. Scoring were Derks (2), Craig Lanneger, Joey Caine, Wesley Heuther, Mees and Andrew Star- nes. The Kings also sud by the Nordiques 4-3 on goals by Oliver (3) and Bîimke. Responding were Gavin Finders and Glen Magee. ATOMS - Kameka Footwear blanked Victoria and Grey Trust 6-0on goals by Shane Bayford (4), Joey Jedinak and Mark Wisdom. Eliiot Cooper earned tbe shut-out. ITT Cannon blanked Totten Sims and Hubicki 5-0 on goals by Casey Bryant (2), Dwayne Torrens (2) and Jeffrey Thorne. Brian MacGreggor earned the shut-out. Duff's Towing and Midas Muffler fought to a 2-ail tie. Duff's goals by Stephen Wood and Jonas Dereks whiie Mike Broucher scored botb markers for Midas. Exclusive Hair Design and Brooklin Esso battled Lo a 3-al tie. Scoring for Ex- clusive were Mlax Poîzin, Steve Malanko and Sean Lawrence. Prout (2) and Aaron Ailison. PEEWEE Dodd and Souter downed Miracle Food Mart 7-1 on goals by Dean Mizen (3), Stephen Brown (2), Paul Wilson and Troy Jackson. Making the sole response was Chris Sinclair. MacMillan and Bathurst doubled Elegance Hair Design 6- 3 on goals by Don Belanger (4), Mike Bolton and Blair Sbep- pard. Answering were Ricky Badowich (2) and Brian Cole. I.W.A. Local 2-242 slid by Miracle Food Mart 6- 5son goals by Scott Wood (3), Alex Wheeiand, Martin David and Dan- ny Clarke. Responding for Miracle were Jason Bradimore (2), Phiiip Sauer, Robbie Lawren- ce and Brian Locke. Mercantile Depar- tment Store and the Whitby Professional Fire Fighters fought to a 3-al L ie. Scoring for Mercantile was Chris Cooksey, Ron Kapuscinski and Shane Cronin. Responding for the Fire Figbters were Chad Harvey (2) and Craig Malanka. Dodd and Souter blanked McTeague Eiectric 5-0 on goals by Mike Burgess (2), Paul Wilson, Stephen Brown and Adrian Vargas. Earning the shut-out was Shayne Keddy. 1 ýq 'q

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