Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 6 Feb 1985, p. 21

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WFITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1985, PAGE 21 Whltby's Most Widely Read WATE T hs'ARICL-E D' ARTILE RUSS WILDE Elctrical Sarvica. star. Prov. N. 309A008752. Phaoae988-2127. WEODINGIPORTRAIT Photo- graphy. Fise pbtography, raasonabte prIces. Colin inig, 888-8487. UNEMPLOYMENT HELP CEN- TRE: Nead haip? Wrkrs Cern- pansalion, Waltara, OHIF assistance, Unaemptoyment la- surasca, or Criais ratrreis ta other agancies, cati: 579-1821. OUALIFIED MUSIC TEACHER has opasînge tor the toîtowiag: pia, sInging, orges, tbaary. PMase cati 6554892 later 7 p.r.) WANTED: People wbo ara sicir end tred of baiag brokat Wliiig ta do aarnthIag for tisascial rewardsl eoat commissions la the ladustry. Srlous Inquirlas, 782-7701 (Tornta). FREE DETAILS: MakIng big bucks la mail order. Sluas How ta Maka Money intarmation Books". No invéalory capital or axparleace requirad. Va co tari youc aws bsinss asat: Wark ram pour home or Otica. $50.000 ta $100.000 par yaur potantial. Wrta today - R & R Cowa Co., Box 127, McAuil'y, Manitoba, ROM iHO. CONGRATULATIONS an your torlhcomlng marrlaga. Pleasa vlgw Our samptes af engraoad weddisg Invtaionsai pour lalaura ln aur Alax Plaza stora. Dcheos Prlntisg & Otfica 5up- A FULI. DAY WORISHOP on strass manaemnt wii ba preasaata by Or. H. Shah, pspchoiogist, an Sat, Feb. 101h aI the Oshawa Holiday tan. For raglstratioa cali 433-0833. OFFICE SPAC WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for rosI on protssianai Itoar. Wouid be suitable for taspar, accouaitaat, etc RantI lcudas Éli utilities and sa nogolabia for aa appropriate teant. For furiher Inormaton cati 6688-6372 btweaa 9:30 am. and 5 p.m. Masday ta Frlda. "ORAMMER tor people wbo hala grammer la the Ideat packet reoreace book fr businss people. $395 par capy and asaliabie aI 01cksoa Prirtiag & offica Supplias la tha Aax Plaza. DealerattquIrlas lavitetI 883-1968. ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE CORA NALYSIS *Dlscover the coioursM Upll mentyUkll OnIy $30 parCorn-ttr Cal OOR REN houe.t yBradi basem&en, wltho f tove an w sh e re. a al CaiI e(FR LMENT FORRIENT hoE. BE roAFATTla amalk Wi lyiding. d aîts fny ildge stoirl da, tae byd ra ad arkIn. aiTVan landy01talnîît abla. Avllba Arll 31mnhy TO 9EDROOM APARTMENT la amatI Whtby Atbuildn. ut ol c l ue as stops u tîlîla ,yr eyan parking.cluad. AVltand Mvaylb 1 $4. 301 mot.CaI 88 688-372 betwan 9:30 arn. antd 5 p.mlW b M Aday tbld ng. Cevtallbtalmmdately Sloetaboe ard parking tamla ta shurlablit Ma oom.$43 0 wakly C lth kI- chas priwen :0agaaor and5 boalad$ btalsdar ly. utat bad le Ast ai-0115 irs ARICESRICi SAzEz "-J __L BU/RNTFO SLEFO SLE1 BARLrwWika,$5.Rm inUCTION SALESchnes WANTED TO PURCHASE on consigaaient, ski oquipmeflt, downhlll end cross-country. Ap- piy t 58 Badwn, No. 12 Hlgh- way, Brookln. 10:30 arn. ta 5:30 p.m. 6558W79. WANTED TO PURCHASE Scrap GoId 0f Ail Karats. 10K -$3/g 14K - $4/g 18K -$5/g Also Planu Please Cali anytime 668-0860 WANTED USED APPLIAN CES (warklng or Hall WE BUY, SELL RECON DITIONI MR. WEATHERELL, ot 400 Byron St. S., would tîke ta thank ail the klrrd peope wha hlpad hlmn when ha tait and braka bIs aakta. Thankyoule FREE: Drap inta tha Dicksafl Printing & Offica Supply stare ln tha Aja Plaza and pick up a re capy ai thl, 1985 Metrlc Calen- dar. Prlnted la lwo calaura. Il makea tor harrdy raterance. 683. 1968. V~ANEr) DONT LISTEN ta anyose aise, we a top dollar lor ecral) Cars -ACCOMMODATION for unleer- sipy sommer studenta required. Please contact Carlyn ut Weal and Culien Nurseries bermeen 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.. Mon-Thurs. 655- 4300. NTRO DATING SERVICE Cal the service that cares. Oshawa 725-8566 CHead Ofice 1-800-263-7502 and trucks. 668-9712. 1975 MONTE CARLO rebuilt star- ter, aierautar, oas tankr and radiator. nom exhausi syaiem, beat aller. 866-1058. RECYCLEO aura parts. Phone 666-2127 aller 6 p.m. and weekends. 1981 FORD ESCORT 2 door, sunroat. 76,000 km., standard, $3.500, original awaer. 883-8811 or 883 5559 HELP FIGHT KIDNEY DISEASE ane wth hlgh spaad and ana whaal. Asa oaa Ford Vaa beach seaal.Phona 571-3944. VIStT aur asad turntura warahauaa by applstmaat. Big savInga os dasirs, chaira, tllasg cabinats, tc. Gall cksan PrIa- tlag & Ottice Supplias ta arrange aa appoltmeat ta vlaw. 883. 1968. FOLO OUT COUCH wit mat- chlag rocker, biaits kîr, $325. Phone 655-8926. VITAMINSI VtTAMINSI Wa ara a Caaadien Compaay salsg quetlty Caaadiaen mada Jamlaesattvtamias at mail ordar prîcas. Caîl Mr. Atos 728-4694, 725-5319 tor your prîce lst. Monay back guaratae. WATKINS producta ala avaltabte. 100 ROILS 0f any natlonaliy ad- verised camera film, any sîze film or dlsc for only $20 plus sales tax ($21.401. Please send choque payable ta: Armstrong, Robinson & Assoclates, P.O. Box 1263 Station B Oshawa, LIJ 5ZI lLlmitad ima enr LADIES 150 cm. 101) downhiii skies, size 7 boots and Ples, used anly 3 imes, lire new, $50. Phase 666-1821. FOR SALE ireplace acreen, ramed aad brasa. Large uprigbt freezar, 1 ½ p ears aid. Arbarite table andI twa chairs oo casiers. Threa Hitorical canudiana tramed pictures, 11/2 Il. x 2 Il. 668- 1166. $30. Guaratead, wet, iraa deiivery. 888-1845 or 686-0257. FULLER BRUSH PRODUCT$. Homo asd prsonai care pradnc- ta direct tram tactory. Cati your local represeatative ai 883-8026. Praducis tully guarasteed. PAINTINGS, original ils. wter- colora, art classes and com- missions by R. Ernant Jukes, Wiiisw Rua Galery, 585 King Street Easst, Oshawa, 579-1101. GEOTYPE press-on letterlng now la stock ai Dicksan PrIalIng & Oi- ice Supplies la tbe Aax Shop- ping Plaza. Large aelectiotl aI styles and ies. Wby psy mare for a amaller hbeat aI letterlog? 883-1988. REBUILT washers, dryors. firdges, stovea antIdlabswashors. Six moniba and ona year guarun- tees. Grand openlag special iis weeh onlp, 20% aIl on ail stock. M & M Applancea, 107 Duadas St. W., Whiiby. 888-9444 or 723- 5444. MATTRESSES and boa aprInga ai hall price. McKeen Furature. 524 Simcoa Street South, Oshawna. 725-5181. '1HEROES ai the Bilie" colauring book avaliabie ai Dicksan Pria- ing & office Supplies, Aax Plaza, 883-1968. Dealer Inquiries lnvlted. CHECK OUR LOW EVERYDAY PRICES On rieu' heserfieldr ,bedrorrm rets. coinrniai riains rodons,. andl hiches çitite.,. ledm. etc. f [ ELMER'S FURNITURE U 253 Bloor St. E. i (At Rteoni Oshawa cabinet, new condition. $4.000. Pbone 68-8.062. CHESTERFIELD sultas. loveseats. sectionals, losa han th prîce. Large selection. McKeea Furniture. 524 Simcoe St. S.. Oshawa. 725-5181. TYPEWRITER rentai. many makes and modela, by the wehand, week or monib. Discounts availahie. Dicksaa Priniing & Ofice Supplies la the Aja Plaza. Caîl us tor business machine repaira 883-1968. EVERYTHURSALESGH 7:00 P.M.AY IGH 955 BROC K RD. S., UNIT 5, PICKERING Items to be soid: antiques, general household contents, jeweliery - modern and antique. Good ciean sales. Absoluteiy no reserves or bid-ins. JOHN ANNIS AUCTIONEER 831-3234 AUCTION BARN FRI., FEB. 15 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Lttle Brîtain or 7 miles wesi of Lindsay, on the LIn- dsaylLttle Brtaîn Road. Hussler ktchen cup- board, Farmers alrtight stove, parlour tables, cutter, Sunbeam eiectric snowbiower, 14 fIt.single axle traiter (steel plat- form). More details next week. For conslgnment or pick-up information contact: DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 STRANGER INTON Vax never haoe ta fast alose. Shop th.easla the Whtby Free Presfor oaws ai com- munlty batpasnIngs. antar- taismesi and social avants la pour areal WHITBY FREE PRES 66-51 CALL CIRCULATION 668-6l11 (ROUTE CARRIERS EARN $$S$I) ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS aeease check your advertisement for errors on thse first Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your every endeavour to forward ele obxnmes day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be Visa card ready when cailing. however, we accept no iiability regarding loss or damage hable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographie ITS ETS-$70 o h is 10wrs 2 ah alieged to arise through falure or deiay in forwarding erosin publication beyond the cost of the space occBiRdadtHSDa TH 70fr h is 0 words;1ec such replies. We will not be responsible for box nurnber by thse error up to a maximum cost of thse first insertion, replies not calied for within 30 ays The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $800 for the fir- reject al advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12e each additional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert rone day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication eri uAUCtION SALES -37e per line. (No word ads allowed.) to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. TC htLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50 for 20 words; 11< each ad- BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Ciassified ditional charge of $200. The Whitby Free Press wiil make 668-6111 -MM"

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