WI-ITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRIJARY 6, 1985, PAGE 9 Ferren named head of local NDP couneil jOntario Conser- vativea are not the only people with a new leader, local New Democrats have also elected a new boas. Ambrose 6"Amby"l Bingo CONT'D FIiOM PG. Joperating bingos at1 present time couid k as much as $28,000 week if a second h opened. The iost of as muci 50 customers could tt bingo into a 1ws proposition. Committee membi Ferren of Oshawa was chosen president of the South Central Ontario NDP Area Council at the counii's annual meeting recentiy. Ferren, a veteran debate noted that the MQn- Whitby groupa 'hokang bingos at the Hideaway do serve sorne Whitby people, however, they told Wood that if a Whit- by group wanted to start up a bingo then these organizations wouid have to leave. party activiat, defeated Brian Nicholson of Oshawa for the right to iead the council, which is the governing body of NDP riding associations in Durham Region and surrounding area. Although retired from General Motors, Ferren la stili active within UAW Local 222 and ser- ves as chairman of the local's political action committee. Aiso elected were Nester Pidwerbecki of Oshawa as vice- president, and seven rnembers-at-large of the council executive. About 50 people took part in the meeting which featured three workshops dealing with different aspects Of politics. Workshops focussed on women's issues, municipal politica and telephone canvaasing techniques. Beaches - woodbine MPP Marlon Bryden participated in the one concerned with women's issues and was also keynote speaker following the workshiops- Several municipal of- ficiais from Durham at- tended that workshop. They included Brock Mayor Allan MePhail, Whitby Reg. Coun. Tom Edwards, Georgina Mayor John Rogers and Roy Fleming and Gord Burnett of the Oshawa Public Utilities Com- mission. The area council comprises the provin- cial ridinga of Oshawa, Durham East, Durham York, Durham West and Victoria-Haliburton. FURNITURE STRIPPUNG Refinishing & Custom Upholstery ANTIQUES BOUGHT &SOLD Open 7 Days a WAieek Fniure 1;3 LDundis St. E. WhltbY Ont.668-548l DIIGS IEmIR R *KTHN... *LACESRE Regency II opens The second phase of Regency Place, a local senior citizens apartment compiex was officially opened last week. Takingpart in the ribbon cutting ceremony were: Barbara Hicks, rental agent; Bill Nurse, one of the owners of Regency Place; Bill Triemstra, of the Royal Bank of Canada; Gordon Thompson, of Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation; Reg. Coun. Gerry Emm;- and, Eldene Edwards, property manager. The six-storey compiex iocated on Hickory St. has a total of 124 units ail of which boast special features needed by senior citizens. Free Press Staff Photo I Standard Trust RRSP No mater wtcl Standard Tust RRSP you choose, tire.ore abslutely no fees. e INSTANT TAX RECEIPT e APPLY BY PHONE la *SAVINGS OR G.IC. PLAN Up. fl0l iU r, UI(,...d.d.aa TRUSUT 165 Due",Steet, PO Ba, 1318 Pot P.nry. Otario LOS 188 Teepon 95-8435 ln Vhitby ttirough FENNELL INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. 185 Brock St. N. Suite 214, Whitby 666-2400 TOWN 0F WHITBY IROQUOIS PARK The Parks and Recreation Department, assisted by Totten, Sims, Hubicki Associates, Consultants, willi conduct a .~. series of prîvate and public meetings with local sports and recreation groups and individuais. PURPOSE:- To discuss and review the space and equip- ment needs aiong with design features for an expanded sports and recreation taciiity atItroquois Park Complex planned for 1986.ï LOCATION:- Whitby Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby. IME-.- 7:30 p.m. - Council Chambers MEETING DATE:- February 7 Thursday) - Public meeting with ail groups and indivduals f0 sum- inarize the concerna raised. Any group or individual concerned can arrange a meeting by appointment. Please cati 668-5803, Ex- ~I tension 292 to make suitable arrangements, pref erabiy not later than February 6th, 1985. W. G. Deveau, Drector of Parka and Recreation 668-5803, Extension 292 . ....... C ORPORATION OF THE TOWN OFWHITBY PUBLIC NOTICE FOR INFORMATION The following prolecta have been included in the approved budget for 1985. The plana for these proecta will be on dîspiay in the Foyer of the Whitby Municipal Building, 575 Rosland Road East, Whitby, on THUIR- SDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1985, tron 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The plans are being displayed for information purposea and 10 shlow the public an op- portunity to view the plans prior 10 construction. 1 . Reynolds Street Reconstruction (Dundas St. - Dunlop St.) 2. Dunlop Street Reconstruction <Hickory St. - Reynolds St.) 3. Front Street Reconstruction (Brock St..- Duf ferin St.) 4. Burns Street Reconstruction (Annes S. - Henry St.) 5. Southwest Quadrant Storm Sewers Phase 2 Ontario Street (Brock S..- King St.) Byron Street South (Burns St. - Trent St.) Centre Street South (Dundas St. - Coiborne St.) 6. Rossland Road Bridge Reconstruction Lynde Creek Eaaterly Branch 7. Scott Street Reconstruction (Manning Rd. - 100 maIres south of Hazeiwood Dr.) 8. Green Street Reconstruction (St. John St. - Burns St.) 9. Price Street Reconstruction (Campbell St..- Way St.) 10. George Street Improvement (Baldwin St. - Queen St.) il. Sidewalk Construction Dunlop St. East (both aides) (Lupin Dr. - Dovedale Dr.) Hilicreat Drive Walkway (Cochrane St. - Hiticreat Dr.) Crawforth Street (south aide) (Anderson St. - St. Theresas School) Ail affected and interested citizena are invited to attend. The Staff of the Public Works epartment will be on hand to explain the detaila of the projecta and the construction achedule. RA. KUWAHARA, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. 1