Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 24 Dec 1984, p. 32

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PAGE 32, MONDAY, DECEMBER 24. 1984. WHJTflY FRRE PRESS u WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ U.3ýES IC ESj C3LD CRE ARTICLES ATCE UTOSACIN SEFRICES SE VICE FORSAUFOR SALE TRS80 COLOUR COMPUTERS USERS llpgrade your COCO f rom 16 to 64 Kbytes Calfrappolntment 666-3958, evenlngs c181f01 65 Dollars Installed UNEMPLOYMENT HELP CEN. TRE: Need help? Workers' Com- pensation, Welfere, OHIP assistance, Unemployment In- surance, or Criais referrais to other agencles, ceil: 579-1821. JOANNE'S PALM, tarot carde, crysiel bail readînge, wIll gîve ad- vice on ail problema 0flitfe. One viel wIll convince you of hem powers. Don't walt tîli tomorrow, caîl today 7à5-8547, 325 SImcoe St- S. ANNONEM ENTS CONGRATULATIONS on your forthcomlng marrlage. Please vIew our samples of engraved wedding Invitations et your Discover the colours & shades that com- pliment your' skin tone & enhance your best features. O0nIy $30 per ConsultatIoln Cal 66-2770 "«AJAX - WHY RENT" Buy and save - only $64,900. Spotesas detached bungalow, modern kit- chen, two car garage, heat and power for hobbylst. Caîl Wes Stit 759-4701, Royal LePage Real Estate Services Ltd. DAYCARE AVAILABLE In my home commencîng ln the new year. Responsîble homemaker, fluentîy bîlingual, Ideai oppor- tunity for French or French im- mersion children, but flot restric- tive. Otter Creek area. Please cali afier 6 p.m. or daytîme, holiiay and weekends, 668-4163. ROBERTS - Krista Dawn la proud to, announce the safe arrivai of her baby sister Klmberiy Ann born December 10, 1984 at Oahawa Generai Hosptal, weighing 7 Ibs. 12 oz. Proud parents are Rick and Linda. Proud grandparents are Mr. & Mme. Ron Roberts of Whitby and Mm. & Mme. Ted Thachuk of BrookIin. Special ihanka to Dr. Epstein and 4th and 5th f loor maternIiy staff. AUVOOTIVE U~EARPAI~RIPARTS] Dîckson Prlntlng & Office Sup- DON'T LISTEN to anyone else, plies, 683-1968. ~i L . 7 we pay top dollar for scrap cars 0 FOR RU EflI and trucks. 668-9712. à COMING STORE FOR RENT Downtown EVENTS Whllby location, uaed as ea AUTOMOBILESI 1 Beauty Shop for the lest 10 yeers. FOR SALE MLKART ? aninar _I , nr Calil668-2757 for Info.1 10 weeks. Stertlng Jan. 15, 1985. Momîlngs, aflemoons, eveninge. Supply package avalleble fo r 5 projecis. Al 'day as àminers avallable. Regsiereriy. Open hous Jan. 4th and th from 1 10 4 p.m. Cal Suzanne et 668-8272. BPUNIES FANTASTIC OPPORTIJNITYI $50 - $100,000.00 per year possible. Become our Commission Mail Order Sales Agent. No lnventory capital or experience required. Work from your home or office. Application and details by mail only. Wrte today 10: LA. Smith Co., 128 Alexandra St., Pt. Ed- ward, Ontario, N7V 1 C2. OFFICE SPAC' FOFO R RENT WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for ent on professîonal floor. Wouid be sultable for lawyer, accountant, etc. Rent Includes ail utlliles and la negotiabie for an eppropriete tenant. For further Information cail 668-8372 between 930 a.m. and 5 p.m. Mondey t10 Frîdey. FOR RENT PICKERING - Hous for ent. 3 bedroom, 2 bethroom, broedioom, woodburning stove, $850 monthly plus utilîties. Aiso basement apartmnent for ent, $350 plus utîlities. Phone 683- .1030. ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE AND MORE... WANTT WANTED USED APPLIANCES <Worklng or Not) WE BUY, SELL RECON DITION FREE: Drop into the Diokson Prlntlng & Office Supply atore ln the Ajax Plaza and pick up a f ree copy of thelr 1984 Matrlc Calen- dar. Prlnted ln two coloura. Il makne. for handvfrnrh, 68 1979 GMC truck Io6 ton, S-15, w/cap, 6 cyl., heavy duty suspen- sion, standard transmission, steerlng, stereo radio, 40,000 km., excellent condition, as new, $4.150. 427-7048. Charlie has decided nôt ta make his own piper from pulp but ta rather aider it fram Dickson Printing & Office Supplies where the prices open your eyes. --AL USOA 8)98 1968. ARTICLES QFONREJ S«O E RVCA ICES TYPEWRITER rentai, meny %WV ERVIESq makea and modela, by the ceeen, week or month. "GRAMMER for people who hale Discounts avallable. Dickaon grammer" la the Ideel pockel Printlng & Office Supplies in the reference book for business Ajax Plaza. Cail us for business peopie. $3.95 par copy and machine repaire 683-1968. aveleabie et Dickson Printing & ______________ Office Supplies In the Ajax Plaza. Dealer enquiries lnvited 683-1968. f HELP FIGHT KIDNEY DISEASE. PAINTINOS, original cils, waiem- colora, art classes and com- missions 'by R. Erneat Jukea, WIIiow Run Gallery, 585 King Street East, Oshawa, 579-1101. GEOTYPE press-on ietteming now ln stock et Dckson Prînting & Of- fice Supplies In the Ajax Shop- ping Plaza. Large selection of styles and sizes. Why pay more for a amailer sheet of ietterIng? 683-1968. BARRELS - Whîskey, $29'. Rum, $30. Guarenteed, wet, free delivery. 686-1645 or 686-257. CHESTERFIELD suites, loveseats, sectionals, leas than t36 price. Large selectlon. McKeen Funiure, 524 Slmcoe St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. VISIT our used furnilure warehouse by eppointmeni. BIg savînga on desks, chairs, flilng cabinets, etc. Cati l ckson Prin- ting & Office Supplies to arrange an appoiniment to vIew. 683- 1968. FOR SALE Speed Queen wesher and dryer, gold color, washer ln working condition, $150 for boih. 579-2532. I IREWOOD FOR SALE I ALL SEASON HARDWOOD 57-30or 723-20211 CHECK OUR LOW EVERYDAY PRICES d J.n e chesterfields, bedroom sets, colonial dining roorns. andi kitchen suites. beds, etc. ELMER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloor St. E. (At Rîtson) Oshawa MATTRESSES and box sprnge at TEAI< DININO room aet - table, 4 haîf prîce. MoKeen Furnîture, 524 chairs, buffet and hutch, ex- Slmncoe Street South, Oshawa. cellent condition, $500. Phone 725-5181 . 571-3471. "HEROES of the Bble" colourlng RADIAL arm aaw, Craftsman, 21h book avallabIe ai Dlckaon Prîn- h.p., 120 volts, 1 year old, Ilttle ,ilng & Office Supplies, Ajax used, cost $750, selI, $375. Drill Plaza, 683-1968. dealer Inquirles presa table'mod.., 4 apeed wlth lnvlted. ½h" chuck, ½h motor and wooden stand, 2 years old, $150. 427-7046. Waaher & Dryer VITAMINSI VITAMINSI boih automatlc, G.E. 2 speed, We are a Canadien Company 5 haocycle, whie, $500. slig qalyCnda Dlshwasher, Viking Power sllg qaly Cnde mWd Jmlao vtain e Surge, numerous programa, malodrpcs.CiM. $150. Colour T.V. Phîlîps Modular 4 wlth Ain7849,7551 o converter,0. yoplcIltMneac 683-1030 productsaialo avallable. PHOTOCOPYM M.. .411ub lisig fWhitby re e rs wutfrh he ou one s. AUCTION SALE - EVERY SUNDAY 1:00 P.M.* Prevlsw Sunday Ilrom 10 &.m. Seling every week a variety of Estate Lots and Consignments of antiques, quallty used furniture, coîlectables, glass, china, etc., etc. No reserves. 955.Brock Rd. S., Unit 5, Pickering Take 401 or Hwy. 2 to Brock Rd. follow south to 955. Watch for signs. Terms cash or cheque with I.D. For more Information or to consign to one of our upcoming sales cali 831-3234 PICKERING SALES & SERVICES fHEzm cm:~ THE CORPORATION 0F THETOWN OFWHITBY THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY, PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT ARE NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR THE FOLLOWING PART-TIME POSITIONS: HOCKEY SCHOOL INSTRUCTORS and. ICE PATROL GUARDS PLEASE APPILY AT IROQUOIS PARK COMPLEX, 500 VICTORIA STREET, WHITBY, ONTARIO. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION- PLEASE TELEPHONE MARK McNICHOL AT 868-77655. LOOKING FOR A ~~ CAREER UN ADVERTISING? Downtown business requires, that -person who: *Possess good communication skills; "*Has ambition and self confidence; " ls eager to Iearn; ois capable of earnlng an above average income; @And is not afraid to work for it. - If you possess these qualities drop in and see us. Experience not necessary. Start immediately. Corne in to our office anytime Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 131 Brock St. N., Whitby. WORD PROCIESSING Program- mlng, Lotus, dbase, Il and 111 and more, wlth certîfîcate and job UNEMPLOYED? Looklng for a placement, $149 and up, gover- care .er change? caîl 683-2261 for nment approved courses free counselllng- on job oppor- avallable, tax deductîble, tunitles. 0.S.A.P. boans, 683-2226. Em2InoaN ATTE] Please check your advertisement for eni-ors on the first -. day 0lf publi ca tion. The Whitby Free Press wilI flot be fiable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographie errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. Theý Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or rejeet ail advertisements. Mds must appear in the paper one day before they can be changed or cancelled. CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.5b> for 20 words; lit each ad- ditional word il pre-paid. YoQu xay charge your Classified 3N L)I8ILAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTII Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your Visa card ready when calling. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for thé first 100 words; 12t each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $800 for the fir- st 50 words; 12e each additional word. AUCTION SALES -37t~ per line. (No word ads allowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press wiil make every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damage alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding such replies. We will flot be responsible for box number replies not called for within 30 days. DEADLINES.: Monday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Classified Ads. Fridaynoon prior to publication to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111 ý E 1 %l.

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