Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 19 Dec 1984, p. 19

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WILTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1984, PAGE 19, Whltby's Most WIdeIy Read __CLASSIFIýFDAUS SEVI'E R 9.RVCE"AUTOMOTIVE ~ . ARTICLES ARTICLES ACIN LCIN TRS80 COLOUR COMPUTERS USERS IUpgrade your COCO f rom 16 to 64 Kbytes Calelfor appointment 666-3958, evenings I 65 Dollars InstalledI JESSI CLEANING SERVICE Mili dlean your home to your satisfac- tion, wth many extras. Cali me f0 help ovor the hoiidays, have many referencos, 434-6198. CRYSTAL'S PALM and card Readinga. Advico on ail probioma oflilfo, overylhing saad MiI be kept In complote and total socrecy. 435 Howard Ave., aide entrance, or for sppointment cati 433-8671. JOANNE'S PALM, tarot carda, crystal bail readinge, wiil give ad- vice on ail problemas of lifo. One viait wili convince you 0f hor powera. Dont wait I tomorrow, fcali today 725-8547, 325 Simcoe UNEMPLOYMENT HELP- CEN- TRE: Noed heip? Workors' Com- pensation, Welfsro, OHIP assaisance, Unompîoymont In- auranco, or Criais referrala f0 other agencies, cail: 579-1821. COLOUR ANALYSIS Dîscover the colours & shades that com- Ipliment your Skl tone & enhance your best features. rS OnIy $30 per Consultation Cal DON'T LISTEN to snyone aise, we psy top dollar for scrap cars and trucks. 668-9712. FOR SA.ELE 1977 GMC hsif ton, excellent condition, now paint, p.s., p.b., 350 automnatic, $1,950 or besi of- fer, 666-3250 or 666-1140. st. S. ______________- ___ 'I DTO PET& euENLJ UjSUPPLIES IKE pla ONE FREE PUPPY f0 go f0 good home. For further Information cail 655-8044. BEAUTIFUL baby budgiea, variefy of colora, $10 and up. Phone 668-721. ~N~EMENTS THE FAMILY 0F Samuel Hollingsworth la pieaeed f0 Invite hie frienda f0 attend an Open House, Recepf i*on for celebrati 'on of hie 801h Birfhday at the United Church, Brookiin, Ontario, Sun- dsy, December 23, 1984 f rom the houra of 2 to 5 p.m. CONGRATULATION$ on your forthcomIng, marriage. Please view Our samples of engraved wsdding Invitations at your lei- sure ln our Ajax Plaza store. DIck- son PrIntIrg & Office Supplies 683-1968. WANTED USED APPLIANCES <Worklng or Not) WE BUY, SELL à T& L RECONDITION OFFFICE SPACE r FOR RENT WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for rent on professionai fioor. Wouid be suitabie for iawyer, accountant, etc. Rent Inciudes all utilities and la negotiabie for an appropriais tenant. For further Information cail 6«6-372 between 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Mondsy to Friday. Q SU.TIESq FENT FANTASTIC OPPORTiJNITYi $50 - $100,000.0o per year possible. Become our Commission Mail Order Sales Agent. No Inventory capital or experience required. Work from your home or of fice. Application and detalse by mail oniy. Writs todsy tb: LB. Smith Co., 128 Alexandra St., Pt. Ed- ward, Ontario, N7V 1 C2. STORE FOR RENT Downtown Whitby location, uaed as a Beauty Shop for the asat 10 yoars. Cali 668-2757 for info. CD.3REE FREE: Drop into the Dckson BE YOUR OWN BOSS Printing & Office Suppiy store ln 184 DUSINESSES ANYONE t he Ajax Plaza and pick up s free CAN START AND MAKE copy of thelr 1984 Matric Caben- A LOT OF MONEY der Printod ln two coiours. t i This 377 page book couid makea for hsndy reforence. 683- change your life. To order 1968. send $15 ta: BrIckîey Promotion&, Bai 340, ~ IHastinga, Ont., KOL ivo. - EDUCATIONALI -11 a CECE CHILO GARE *GRAMMAR for people W11o nate SERVICES grammar' la the idesi pocket SERVICES referonce book for business people. $395 por copy and avait- DAYCARE AVAILABLE In My able at Dlckson Prlnting & Office home commoncing ln the now SupplieosIn the Ajax Plaza. Dealer year. Responaible homemaker, enquiries Invited 683-1968. fluently olingual, Idesi oppor- tunity for French or French Im- mersion children, but not restric- tive. Otter Crook ares. Piesse cali after- 6 p.m. or daytimo, holiday and weokends, 668-4163. Charlie is jumping for joy since he found out about the service at DicksontPrintîng & Office Supplies in the Ajax Plaza. ARTICES FOR RENT TYPEWRITER rentai, manymokes and models, by the weekend, week or monhr',Piacounts avail- able. 'Dickaon Printing & Office Supplies In the Ajax Piaza. q4i1 us for business machine repaira 683-1968. PAINTINOS, original olle, walor- colora, art classes and com- missions by R. Ernest Jukea, Wiilow Run Gallery, 585 King Street Easat, Oshawa, 579-1101. GEOTYPE prose-on iettering now n stock at DIckson PrInting & Of- fice Supplies ln tho Ajax Shop- ping Plaza. Largo seloction of stylos and sizos. Why psy more fora samailer shotot f ileterIng? 683-1968. BARRELS - Whiskey, $25. Rum, $30.' Guarsnlood, wet, f ree deiivory. 686-1645 or 686-0257. FOR SALE 7 fi. Myors piough with hydrsuiic pump. PrIce nogotiable. Phono 668-3471. CHESTERFIELD suites, love- sse, sectionals, lese than ½ prIce. Largo soiection. MVcKoon Furnituro. 524 Simcoo St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. VISIT our used furnIlure wsre- houso by appoinimont. Big savingà on deeka, chairs, fMing cabinets, etc. CoU Dickson Print- Ing & Off ico Suppliios 1 arrange an appoinîment 10 viow. 683- 1968. FIREWOOD FOR SALE ALL SEASON HARDWOOD 57-30or 723-2021 FURNITURE STIPPING Refinishing & Custo *m Upholstery ANTIQUES BOUGHT&SOLD Open.7 Days aW\Neek 41e Dundas St. E. Whitby OnL.668-5481 BUNDLES FOR BABIES * as beautiful arrangements of bailoons on adorable musical figre osfraiocsos re eleyt l opt I gres os o a4ocaios4-60divytoal6opias. h FOR SALE mink atole,, $200. Siiver piated Rogers tes service, 5 pioces, $300 (Birks>. Phono 666- 3516. MATTRESSES and box aprIngsata haif prIce. McKsen Furniture, '524 eimcos Street South, Osahawà. 725-5181. AQUARIUM 32 galion wif h stand, ail accessorios Inciudod only used two moniha, $150, Speakers BOSE 901 Sore 3, $500. Phono 723-2580. ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE AND MORE... "HEROES of the Bible" coiouring book avaibable at Dickson Print- ing & Office Suppiy, Ajax Plaza, 683-1968. Dealor inquirios -in- viied. TEAK DINING room set - table, 4 chairs, buffet and huich, ex- cellent condition, $500. Phono 571-3471. St. John Ambulance The need neoer changes iiMM m-4 ,--II AUCTION SALE - EVERY SUN DAY 1:00 P.M. Preview Su nday f rom 10 arn. Selling every week a variety of Estate Lots and Consignments of antiques, quality used furnîture, collectables, glass, china, etc., etc. No reserves. 955 Brook Rd. S., Unit 59 Pickering Take 401 or Hwy. 2 to Brock Rd. follow south to 955. Watch for signs. Terms cash or choque wlth l.D. For more Information or to consigin to one of our upcomlng sales cail 831-3234 PICKERING SALES & SERVICES AUCTION SALE 4- f BOXING DAYT WED., DEC. 26 11:00 A. M. Brooklin Community 0 Centre, Cassels Rd. E., Brooklîn. lncluding glassware, nishings, Another good holiday auction. EARL DAVIS AUCTIONEER 728-4455 china, fur- paintings, HELP FIGHT KIDNEY NOON TO 4 P.M. Telephone sales office in Ajax requires several part-time people to work Monday to Frlday, 4 hours daily. Good clear Englîsh speaking voice a must. Hourly wage plus bonus. OnIy those with a sense of humor and who like to have a littIe bit of fun at work need apply. So caîl today and start tomorrow at 686-3250. THETOWNOFWHITBy, THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY, PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT ARE NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR THE FOLLOWING PART-TIME POSITIONS: HOCKEY SCHOOL INSTRUCTORS and ICE PATROL GUARDS PLEASE APPLY AT IROQUOIS PARK COMPLEX, 500 VICTORIA STREET, WHITBY, ONTARIO. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE TELEPHONE MARK McNICHOL AT 668-7765. LIVE-IN BABYSITTER roqulrod WORD PROCESSING Program- Monday to Friday. Three chlldren ming, Lotus, dbase, il and 111 and - one 6 year oid, one 3½V2yoar oid mrpîac etfiasan o and 6 month oid baby. Phono 666- ornceent, $149 and up, gover- 3486. nmeni approved courses _____________________ available, lax deductible, O.S.A.P. boans, 683-2226. UNEMPLOYED? Looking for a csreer change? Cali 683-2261 for EXPERIENCED CASHIERS fui?- freo counsolllng on job oppor- limne and part-limne. Appiy at tunlîles. Dagmar Ski Rosort, Durham Road 23, 649-2002. HihPHOTOCOIPYINGi Hihquaîity pl'otocopyinq whiîe you wait. WHITBY FREE PRESS 131 Broc k Street North, WhitbyJ CHEICK OUR LOW EVERYDAY PRICES Onnew chesterfiel<ls. bedroom sets, colonial il ning minMJs, (mi kilchen suites. beds, etc. ELMER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloor St.- E. (At Rilson> Oshawa 729W473 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED'ADVE1ITISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Ad to your Chargex or Visa account'. Please have your every endeavour to forward replies to box numnbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wiil not be Visa card ready when calling. however, we accept no liability regardiiig loss or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographie BRHDAH 70 o h is 0 od;1<ec alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied dIRTHSdEAH 70 o h is 0 od;1te such replies. We wiil not be responsible for box nuxnber by the error Up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. in . replies not called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $800 for the fir- reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12e each additional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50 for 20 words; lit each ad- AUCTION SALES -37t per lino. (No word ads allowed.) to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. ditional word if *pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111 668-4521 a m

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