Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 28 Nov 1984, p. 26

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PAGE 26, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS 'E..I PEu.. -Ps i. Emporium Ads wilI only be accepted subjeci to the following conditions. A ARTCLESARTICLES IfC E FOR SALE FOR SALE two belge standard EUREKA VACUM cleaner with bucket seats (with bases) from a attachments, now condition, Ford Econoîlne, aimoat new, $W $120. Singer sewing machine, an- each, Precision o1raftlng isot, tique, ln excellent. condition, complets with ink pens, M4. ÇCaîl $100. New fir slab outaido door, Mak 668&9702 ater 6 p.m. $25. Antique end table, $50. ______________________ Ladies wintor coat, good con- dition, $25. Trunk, $40. Antique FOU SALE woman's bicycle, $15. lironing board, $20. Beatty ChIlda tri-cycle, $5. Aiuminum 4 automatia roner, $40. 668&2800. stop ladder for above ground pool, 1 ye4r 0Wd, $75. Phono 683- 1«94. e/ MENS Dynastar skis, 207 cm. with bindinga and pales, $50. Ladies ski boots, aize 7, $10. CMild's wood table and 2 chairs, $10. Konmore chIid's nicrowave bakeoven, usod once, $10. Tonka black jumbo truck, $10. Tonka 3 peu. jeep, bout and* trailer, $7. Tonka jeep buggy, $4. Fuse penel, 100 amp. with breaker, $35. Phono 668-6185. GM 15" RIM AND TIRE, $10. Car boiter, $10. House electric panel c/w 40 circuits and 200 amp. disonnect, $95. Firepiace heat pipe Insert, $10. 8 Track cassette playor 12VI110V c/w groat soun- ding speakers,, $35; Dining room light fixture, $10. Cross country skis and poies (for 6 to 10 yrs.), $18. Mens 9V2 Riecker buckie boots and press, $35. Cati 576- 7697 îfter 5 p.m. CORNER BAR, black teatherette wlth two sheives and three bar stoots, $100. Portable pool table, $25. Sankyo Super 8 movle caera with ight attachment, Mec new, $75. 666-762. 111Y"S CLOTHINO very good condition. Infant to 3 years anowsuit, $7. Four hand kntted seters, $2.50 eich or ail for $9. Aive long steeve t-shirts, $1 oach. Three 'pinte, $1.25 each. Five blanket aleepers, $2 oach or al for $9. Infant swing seat, _$5. Brookiin 6553735. STEREO cabinet modal, $175. White chest-of-drawers, $50. Framod glass mirror, $8. Au iln excellent condition. Phone 886- 1149. DOUBLE BEO, $110. Cheet-of- dawors, $35. Exorcise bike, $50. SMaii AM/FM record 'playor, 2 apea10kers, $30. AM/FM radio, record playor, 8 track player, butît-in spea2kers, $80. Excellent condition. 666422. L-ADIES Muakrat and Raccoon o:at, sizo 14. $350. Phono 66&. ,MS7 atter 6 p.m. DUNCAN PHYFE table, roflnlohod, leaf, seita a, $185. Mapie kitchon est, 4 chairs, drop 111ef table, $145. Oak dining table, lbafe, 2 chairs, $85. Maplo table, 350. Antique blrd's eye maple, aldeboard, refinished, $225. Saal hait moon walnut table, $35. Antique set: of drawere, $60. End tables, *15/pair. Two chairs, *25/pair. Diahos, $10. Tools, $10. Mtono 683463. COLECO VISION aimost new, gamnes lncluded. Donkey Kong, Donkoy Kong Jr., Gorf, Space Panic, Zaxxon, Venture, Lady Bug, Basebail, with 2 Joysticks, $250. Phone 666-1421 daytime, 668-9946 venings. ANTIQUE Victoren chaise lounge, $750. Antique radio and Gorard Phono and speaker, $150. Empire sofa, claw foot, $200. Pine dry sink, $85. Singer console sewing maching, $50. Single b.d couch, re-uphoistered, $250. Food dehydrator, 10 trays, 1 Toflon shoot, 1 cookbook, $300. Eiectric loge, $25. Tait oak stoot, $4. Chesterfield and chair, $350. Two judo suits, size 3, $20 each. One pair Edsbyns skis, 170 cm., potes and boots, size 81V2, $45. On. pair Asnes skis, 190 cm., potes and boots, size 81/2, $65. Phone 655-4822. FOR SALE Gibson Ripper bass, excellent condition, $400 and Imitation Stratocaster, $300. in- ciuding hardsheit case, hardiy used. Calitattor 1 p.m., 723-2579 ask for Karen. KITCHEN SET, white ovai table, white swivoi chairs with beige senta, $20. Combinatlon swing gym set, 2 swings, swinglng boen- ch, gildes and slde, $20. Freezer, 10 cu. ft., neede compressor, $50. Insulation, 4 batte plnk fibergiasa, paperbick R12, 1W0 sq. ItL, $20par batt. Antique space hoiter, large heater bulbe, costIiron with copper reflector, real show pleco and It works, $250. TV, black and white, works, $25. Cai 668-528. FOR SALE swIvel rocker, white loatherotte, excelle nt condition. $150 or best offor. Phone 725- 8lS9aftor6 p.m. ONE PAIR Pioneer Peeriesa Tweters. One pair Jensen Triax 2-6x9. XR70 Sony AM/FM casset- te steroo. XM55 Sony storea power amp. Can be heard working, complote with boxes and buis, $500. Phone after 7 p.m., 668&2495. SAVE ON TUNE-UPS. AIC Delco Diagnostic centre, rocontiy robutit, HEI harness, added 34 functions, with extras. $1,.200 ln- vosted. Soit $575 or beat offer. 668-5064. FOUR WOODEN CHAIRS for sale, need some work, $15 oach. Oak table, $95. 8 galion crock, $40. Cail 683-6638 after 5 p.m. FOR SALE ktchen s et, Arborite table with staintesa steel frame, 30" wide x 54" long, bench seat wIth beige vinyl covering, 2 chairs, al ln excellent condition, $150. Chandelier dining room Ilght fixturo, 5 ights, brass coloured with crystal, $80. Smal Yamaha gutar with case, suitabie for begInner, $45. Cail W"8686. EXECUTIVE STYLE desk, ex- cellent condition, 34"x60", soiid birch, recentiy rfinished, 6 drawe, $125. GM baby lovoseat, 1 yoar old, $30. Phone 655-8026. BOYS 20" BMX Raigh Mssie, 1 year old, $60 or beat offer. Girls 20" 3 speed Universel, $35 or beat offer. Caii 66&-3274 after 8 pm. -PLEASE READ- When the advertised item la sold, dlsposed of, or unavalable for whatever reason, the item wiIl be deemed to have been sold and a commission will ha charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE aslllustrated below, regardiesa if priceis stated with "best offer". If the item la NOT SOLD, or dlsposed of, the ad wlIl h run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $6.00 wiIl apply payable in advance of publication of the first ad. Otherwise a $7.50 charge wiII apply if biled whtch must ha paid upon recelpt of bill. The above minimum charges will ha applied-to the final cohimission due-but In any case the higlwr amount wl ha charged. Minimum charge: *6.00 pre-paid; *7.50 billed. Maximum commission: *100.00. Ail advertlsements muet ha placet! on an exclusive basis with the WIIITBY FREE PRESS and run atleast one month if not sold. 5% of advertlued price up to *400.00 RATES (if article la sold): 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertlaedl for $120.00. Commission due *6.00 t(minimum charge la *6.00) Private advertising onlyl1 Please notify the Whitby Free Press immedlately when item is sold 50 that we may delete It from the foUlowing issue. All ada not fltting the Emporium guidelines will ha treated and charged per week as regular classlfied ada on a pre-paid bais such as: services, help wanted, clothing, reai estate, and personai tnessage type ada, or ada not quoting price or quantity. Private classified ads may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headings. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 2% Whitby. LIN 581 If ln deubt caîl: 668-6111 OR DELI VER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whltby. Ont. tVMOIVE U~flPAAIARS~AIARTS DOMESTIC A FOREIGN anti- sway bars 3A" 1979 Mustang Cobra rear, $45.-Pinto front and roar set, $60. 44" Monza, Vega rear, $45.i1118" Vega front, $50. 1 1/8" Dateun truck front, $50. 1 118" Mazda, Courler truck front, $50.1i 1/8" Mustang Il front, $40. four 14"x5½" white spoke wheels for Mazda and Courier truck, $60. Ciii Chuck 282-876Ã". 1973 à 1974 ASTRA: almoot new transmission, $125. Windshield, $45. Two GT seats, $30. Gas tank, $15. Hood, $15. Hatchback, $40. Two seats, $15. 1974 Demon: hood, $20. Trunk Ild, $15. Three 14" aluminum siots for Chev, $35 each. Two 15" aiuminum alois for truck, $50 each. Good condition. 668-405. 197à-1975 CUTLASS 2-door outer door skmn (motai), wrappod ln original package from G.M. Stored Indoors and dry, perfect condition, $150. Phone after 7 p.m., 6882495. M M g .,ARTICLES ARTICLES OTOCY CLE"'1AUTOMOBILE FO RSA LE FOR SALJE SALERENTALS] C FOR SL WEST BEND eiectrlc griddie, SKIS, boots and polos, $85. Ski 1979 250 YZ Motorcross, nover 1979 AUSTIN MINI. Also 1973 used once, $25. CharIoscraft hair iongth 170 cm. Toboggan, 6 ItL, raced, $800. Cati befo;re 2 p.m., Lincol Mk IV. Both low original dryer, $10. Electil knIfo, $10. wood, $25. Two brasa lampe, 66&9466. mileage, drive and look Ilko new, ElectrIc heated tray table, $10. *38/pair. Oak china cabinet, $85. ____________________andout, Two eiectric motors 1/4 h.p., $5 Five oak chairs, $15 each. Cedar- imcues id and tieoucle t, r oach. Phono 668-2155. chest, $95. Cali 683-6gi38an.tirs-1ce-lntcor UNIQUE COFFEE TABLE antique wagon wheoI with glass top, bareiy used, muet be soon. $400, best of fer. 668&W38. MANUAL SLIDE prolector, Crestine, good condition, $30. Mans downfieaid coat, beige, wtth hood, aize 40, like new, $80. Phone 668-2335, FOR SALE Boy's skates, size 11, $5, size 12, $12. size 1, $15. Cali 668-1116. PAIR 0F HANDMADE Tai Plng area rugs ln Adam design, living roomn 14x18, dining roomn - round 9'5" diameter, In perfect con- dition, $12,500 pair. Aiso magnîficant Victorian Armoire wlth large crown and original finish, $1,500. Cali ovenings bel- ween 6 and 9 p.m., 668-1223. COUCH AND ARMCHAIR, beige tweed, large size, good quaiIty, excellent condition, $200. "Stroiee Wee Cire" car seat (In- fatnt to 44 lb), excellent condition, Inctudes boit to attach 'to car frime, $28. Phono 725-1095. UPPLIEj £HOUSEHOLDI GOODSFOR SALE 3 pairs of silver dtmmnnd dn VYVO utipe pur pal[. 668-2481. FOR SALE West Af rican grey parrot, $800 Phono 688-7012. EjSTRUMENTSI FOR SALE Lowery Organ, full size, double koyboard, complote rhythm section, bench and book, Ilko new, $950. The perfect X-max gifi for anyone. 655-4995. ANTIQUE PUMP ORGAN. Vox Humana Tremoco - Fat. 1865. Cabinet, fret work and fabric, ait ln good condition, $500 or fair of- fer.668-8618 Whitby. FOR SALE Hammond Piper elec- tric organ. Excellent condition, wouid mako a great gift for the entiro famlly. $60. Cail 668-7472 after 7p.m. COLDSPOT frost-free rofridgorator, 17.1 cu. ft. and Kenmore -deluxe seif-cieaning oven. 9 years old, Ai condition, green colour, $700 pair or best of- fer. 683-4835. SOFA beige, 7 It. long, fine for roc room or cottage. $100 or boat ofloer. 655-4073 alter 5 p.m. SOLID FINE BUFFET HUTCH, only one month otd. Asking $700. WIN discusa price. Cati Cindy 668-0887 mornings or 723-0877 af ter 2 p.m. DîNETTE SUITE for sale. Smoked glass table and four chairs, Ilke new, $125. Phone 688-7269. 42" CAMPER pick-up cap, $500. Phone 655-4241. tIf ted, private sale, $3,200 each. Mr. Offer, 688-3839. 1976 CHRYSLER CORDOBA. 2 door, fulîy oquipped, power steering, power'brakes,-air con- dltioning, $1,500 or best offer. Phone 655-3178. 1976 FORD TRUCK, F1 50 (5/8 ton> 360 cu. Inch engine, 4 sp. for- ward, 1 reverse, heavy duty tran- smission, power stoering, power brakos, ftbrogiass cab, auxiliary gis tank factory instalted, new tires front and roar, new braicos ,ý. and hoses, traiter hitch, 50,000"' original miles, excellent con-, dition, $3,150.655-8764, Brookltn. 1976 CHEVELLE MALIBOU Ciassic, i owner, 90,000, 350 V8, very good condition, must ses, asking $1,000 or beat 0f fer. Cal aftor 6p.m., 1-649-5464. 1976 GRAND MARQUIS. 2 door, fully equippod, Intorior spottess, rnechanicaliy excellent, doos not burn cil, very littie body work neoded. $1,500 firm. 655-3006. Meot the "Recycler o, Unwants" Ib EMnSOIeton St tho Whltbv Fr06 Pros:! There ls no rea- son to keep things you don't need or enjoy be- cause they're valuable. There are customers wiIIing ta pay good money for things you've tir- ed of. Contact the "Recycler of Unwants", the classified depart- ment of the Whitby Free Press. You will be. pleased with the quick resuits. As fast as a phone cail, re- suits happen! 1 have read the Emporium guidelines and wish to have the following advertise- ment placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press. (don't forget to El 1 enclose $6.00 to cover the minimum charge. n] Charge $6.00 to my Visa aCCount. n1 Bill me $7.50 after f irst publication of my ad. Card No. Exp. Date Name (please pri nt - f irst and last name) Street Addres City Postal Code include your phone number) MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS 1P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby Li N 5S1 Coli Us Now At 668-6 111 Or Use This Form To Mail Tour Ad ln, AUTOMOBILES 1411SA IEII 1974 DATSUN B210, 4 speed plus extra engin., transmission, $250.. Phono 655-4829. 1974 DODGIE CHARGER 400 SE, 2 door, Interlor spotiese, vory dependabie, needle paint, cornes with wlinter tires, $1,500 or béat offer, certified. W68210. 1974 GREMLIN. Low mileage, body needa work, $250. 10.sp.ed Noratar Atala, $80. Phonoe66» 4425. 1974 VOLK8WAGON 'Bug' In good condition. As le, *1,000.ý Phone 660-2114. 1969 CADILLAC ELDORADO. Power steerIng, power brakes, cruise control, power windows and seats, tilt stoerlng wheei, etc. Mochanicaiy sound. Asklng $1,500. Phone 688&2655 after 5 p.m. 1968 FORD RANCHERO (coilec- tor). Book prîce $4,500 to $5,500, ln good condition, muet eil, gve away prico $2.000. Phone 668- 7546. 1962 CIIEVROLET. 4 door Bel Air, runnlng condition, requires some body work, uncert. Asklng $450. Phono 668-2092. EEEIYNEDS_ ELECTRIC BOITLE.- steritizer, $15. Bumper pada, $15. Babyý seat, $5. Bathtub, $3. Tottet traîner, $8. Two toliet traîner, rings, $2 each. Coit withhood, size-18 months,' $10. Wtnter boots, size 6, $4. Phono 427-7009. G'RAILERS BOX TRAILER FOR SALE, heavy duty with tilt, $450. 1970 Charger SE, $450. Cati 655-3497 after 4 p.m. 29FT. TRAVEL TRAILER, olectric brakes, separate bedroom and aIl conveniences, $8,000 ornearest offer. i6ft. boat, 20 h.p.\ $800. Phono 668-2677. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON.,

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