Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 31 Oct 1984, p. 23

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1984, PAGE 23 'E.. PEU.. .1~ j Emporium Ads wili only be accepted subject to the following conditions. I Pl C A i" CA1 S ARTICLES ARTICLES F0'R 3SA L E FOR SALE BED CHESTERFIELD. Includos 44 bed end orange leaiher cauch, $50. Floor poleher, $15. Eloctrlc bromr, $10. Pure leether cln- namon coat, $70. Phone 668- TWO LAMPS, brase finish, $40 pair. Two bar etoole, $25 pair. Ail Items excellent condition. 427- 7069. FOR SALE woman's bicycle, $15. Chlde tri-cycle, $5. Alumlnum 4 stop ladder for above ground pool, 1 year old, $75. Phono 683- 1094, FOR SALE ans set glas sehower doore with mirror, track, etc. Ueed $85. Amway 'rug-eham- pooer, $15. Two-whsel grocery buggy, good for paper dellvery, $10. Phone 668-2935. GM 15" RIM AND TIRE, $10. Car heater, $10. Hous etactrlc panai c/w 40 circuits and 200 amp. disonneot, $95. Firepiace hast pipe Insert, $10. 8 Track cassette player 12VI110V c/w groat soun- ding speakers, $35. Dinlng room * ight fixtura, $10. Cross country skis and potes for 6 to 10 yrs), $18. Men's 9Wk Riacker buckie boots and prose, $35. Cali 576- 7697 after 5p.m. CORNER BAR, black leatherette wlthi two shelves and threo bar atools, $100. Portabls pool table, $25. Sankyo Supsr 8 movis 1camera with Ilgiht. attachmsnt, Ilk new, $75. 668-8762. BOY'S CLOTHING very good condition, Infant ta 3 years snowsuiî, $7. Four hand kntted sweaters, 32.50 oach or ai l for $9, Five long aiOOvO t-shirts, $1 oach. Thres pente, 31.25 each. Five bianket eleepers, $2 each or al for $9. Infant swing seat, $5. Brooklln 655-3735. FOR SALE 3 wheel, 3 apeed ladies bike, $225. Two wheel, 3 epeed girls bike, $85. Phone 668- 1507 beiween 12 and 6 p.mi. or 666-0825 asher 6:W0 p.m. 35MM HANIMEX sulds projocior, $60. Remots contrai, 3 silde irays, West Bond eiectric grIddie, used once, $25. Charesacrafi hair dryer, $10. Eiectrlc knIfe, $10. Eiectric heated irsy table, $10. Two elecirlc motors, 1/4 h.p., $5 each. Phone 868-2155. BOYS 20" BMX Raleigh Misais, 1 year oid, $60 or beet offer. Girls 20" 3 speed Universai, $35 or beet offsr. Cal 666-3274 after 8 p.m. FOR SALE medium size frIdge, white, Moffat, $175. Ruge, 11x03 ft yallow/bolge and 11lx13 fi. gold fioeck, $95 both. 668-5083. EUREKA VACUUM cloaner wlth attachments, new condition, $120. Singer sewing machine, an- tique, ln excelsent condition, $100. New f ir'slab outside door, $25. Antique end table, $50. Ladies winter coat, good con. dition, $25. 43 fi. new wire fonce, green, 4 ft. high, $22. Trunk, $40. Antique roning board, $20. Beat- ty automatic Ironer, $40. 6U8 2800,. FOR SALE giri's figure ekatss, size 10, $5. Boys skatss, sizs 9, $12, size 11, $5, size 12, $12, size 1,3$15. Cali 668-1116. DOUBLE BED, $110. Cheet-of- drawers, $35. Exorcise bike, $50. Smail AMIFM record player, 2 speakers, $30. AMIFM radfio, record player, 8 track playar, bulit-In speakes, $80. Excellent condition. 68a-4220, SAVE ON TUNE-UPS. A/C Delco Diagnostic centre, racantiy rabuilt, HEI harnese, addad 34 functione, with extras. $1.200 ln- vestsd. Sali $575 or beet of fer. 688-5064. ONE PAIR Pioneer Peeriese Tweeters. One pair Jensen Triax 2-6x9. XR70 Sony AMIFM casset- te storeo. XM55 Sony etereo power amp. Cen be hoard Working, complote with boxes and bis, $500. Phono after 7 p.m., 668-2495. FOR SALE swivol rocker, white leatherette, excellent condition. $150 or beat offer. Phono 725- 8159safter 6 p.m.- KITCHEN SET, white aval table, white swlvei chaire with beige ssIs, $200. Combination swing gym st, 2 swings, ewinging bon- ch, gildes afld silde, $20. Freezer, 10 cu. fi., neede compressor, $50. Insulation, 4 batte pink fiborgiasa, paperbsck R12, 150 Bq. fi., $20 par bail. Antique epace hester, large heaier bulbe, coat ran wlth copper refiector, real show place and Il warke,. $250. TV, black and white, worke, $25. Cail 688-8528. - LC#4*CmIJ %u- When the advertised Item le sold, disposed of, or unavallablefir whatever reason, the Item wIl be deemed ta have been soid snd a commission wiii be charged based orn THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Iliustrated beiow, ragardias If price la stated with "best offer". If thu Item sa NOT SOLO, or dispossd of, the ad wilI be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE, of $600 wili appiy payable ln advance of publication of thé firet ad. Otherwise a $7.50 charge will Sp. piy If bIlaed whlch must be paid upon receipt of bill. The above minimum charges wIil be applied to the final commissiondue but ln any case the higheramount wii be chiarged. Minimum charge:, $6.00 pre-paid; $7.50 biled. Maximum commission: $100.00. Alil advertisements muet be piaced on an ex- clusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atieaset one moith If not sold. 5% c 8dOrti0d rIceup o S 40.00RATES (if article le aold): EXAMPLE: Soid Item advertIued for $120.00. Commission due 36.00 <minimum chargs la $6.00). PtIvato advortIsing onlyl Please notify the Whitby Free Presimmadiateiy whan Item le soid so thai we may daiete il from the following Issue. Ail ads not fitting the Emporium guidelines wili be treatad and charged par weak as regular ciassified ade on a pra-paid basie such as: services, help wanled, cloîhing, rosi astate, and persanai massage type ade, or ade nol quating price or quantity. Private claseif lad ade may appear ln the EmporIum section under approprias headinge. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whitby, Li N 5S1 if ln doubi cali: 668-6111 OR DELI VER TO: 131 Brock Si. N. ITHE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS ISTH TRAIERISREPAIR/ PARTS FO SARILES ElL R UTMTV DUNCAN PHYFE tabla,' refinished, leaf, seate 6, $185. Mapie kitchen set, 4 chairs, drap lesf table, $145. Oak dining tabla, leafe, 2 chairs, $85. Mapie tabla, $50. Antique birds eye mapie, eldeboard, refinished, $225. Smail hait moon wsinut table, $35. Antique set of drawers, $60. End tables, 315/pair. Two chairs, 325/pair. Dishss, $10. Toole, $10. Phono 883-6638. FOUR WOODEN CHAIRS for sala, naed some work, $15 each. Oak table, $95. 8 galan crack, $40. Cail 683-8638 afler 5 p.m. SINGER KNITTING machins, Modei 327. Excellent condition, Patterns and woai aI no extra cost. Idesi Christmas gift, $300 or best off er. 576-083, LADIES Muskrat and Raccoon coat, size 14. $350. Phone 666- 1387 after 6 p.m. FOR SALE two beige standard bucket seats (wiih bases) f rom sa Ford Econolino, sîmost new, $75 each. Precision drafting set, compiete with ink pens, $40. Qali Mike 668-9702 aftor 6 p.m. BOX TRAILER FOR SALE, heavy duty with tilt, $450. 1970 Charger SE, $450. Cai 655-3497 aflar 4 p. M. 29FT. TRAVEIL TRAILER, eiectrIc brakes, saparate bedroom and ail conveniences, 38,000 or nearest offer.' 1611. boat, 20 h.p., $800. Phone 668-2677. MUSIAt l TRUMETS FOR SALE Lowery Organ, fuit siza, double keyboard, complote rhythm section, bench and book, liko new, $950. The parfect X-max gif t for anyone. 655-4995. ANTIQUE PUMP ORGAN. Vox Humana Tremoco - Pal. 1865. Cabinet, fret work and fabric, ail in good condition, $500 or fair ai. fer. 668-8618 Whitby. FOR SALE Hammnond Piper alec- tric orgsn. Excellent condition, wouid makeas great gift for the entIre famiiy. $600. Cail 668-7472 aflaer 7 p.m. DOMESTîC & FOREIGN anti- sway bars 34" 1979 Mustang Cobra rear, $45. Pinta front and rear set, $60. 3/" Monza, Vega rear, $45.1i11/8"Vega front, $50. 1 11/8 Dateun truck front, $50. 1 1/8" Mazda, Courier truck front, $50. 1 1/8" Mustang Il front, $40. Four 14"x5'/2" white spoka wheels for Mazda and Courier truck, $60. Cai Chuck 282-8760. 1973 à 1974 ASTRA: aimost new transmission, $125. Windshiold, $45. Two GT seais, $30. Gas tank, $15. Hood, $15. Hatchback, $40. Two Sse, $15. 1974 Demon: hood, $20. Trunk id, $15. Three 14" siuminum siote for Chev, $35 each. Two 15" aiuminum eslots for* truck, $50 each, Good condition. 668-4065. 1972 PINTO. 4 speed tran- smission, good 4 cylinder Ford motor, good tires, for parts. Compiete $300. Phono 655-3006. 1973-1975 CUTLASS 2-door outar door skmn (matai), wrappad in original package tram G.M. SIored indoors and dry, perfect condition, $150. Phone sitar 7 p. m., 668-2495. TWO STEEL.BELTED Radiai snow tires (78.14) on rime. Ex- -ceii'ent condition, $75. Phono 666-3137. U R E P R I SI R / P A R T SW R . O R A E VOLVO BLOCK< 1975 approx. Maybe In excellent condition. $35. Phono 666-2243. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1977 PINTO hatchback, 4 cylin- der, automatic, Raily whesis, $1500. Phone 688-5909. 1976 FORD TRUCK, F1 50 (5/8 ton) 360 cu. Inch angine, 4 op. for- ward, 1 reverse, haavy duty tran- smission, power staering, power brakes, fibragiase cab, auxilliary gas tank factory inetaiied, new tiras front and rear, new brakes and hoses, traiter hitch, 50,000 original miles, excellant con- dition, $3,150.655-8764, Brooklin. 1976 GRAND MARQUIS. 2 door, fuiiy equipped, intarior epollees, machanicaiiy excellent, doas nol burn ail, very lit11e body work naadad. $1,500 f irm. 655-3006. FOR SALE 1976 Buick Century. P.S., p.b., 65,000 milos, good mechanicai, body needs work, $950 firm, as le. Witt consider par- tial trade for emali boat and motor. Phono 783-2441 (Toronto), daytime or 668-1173 afiar 5 p.m. 1974 D000E CHARGER 400 SE, 2 door, intorior spoties, very dependabte, neede paint, comee with winter tires, 31,500 or beet offer, cortified. 688-4210. 1974 DATSUN B210, 4 epeed plus extra angine, transmission, $250. Phone 655-4829. 1974 GREMLIN. Low mleage, body naede wark, $250. 10-speod Norstar Atais, $80. Phone 668- 4425. 1974 VOLKSWAGON 'Bug' ln good condition. As le, $1,000. Phono 666-2114.j 1973 MAZDA RX-3 ROTARY. 4 eod, AM/FM cassette sereo, requires ultile body work and exa 0tt certify. AekIng $700 or beet offer. 655-4533. 1969 CADILLAC ELDORADO. Powor stsering, power brakss, cruse control, power Windows and seats, tilt stosring wheei, etc. -Mechanicaliy sound. AskIng 31,500. Phono 668-2855 after 5 p.m. 1966 FORD RANCH ERO (coliioc- tor). Book prico $4,500 to $5,500, n good condition, muat sali, givo away prIce $2,000. Phono 668- 7546. 1982 CHEVROLET. 4 door Bei Air, running condition, roquiras some body work, uncert. AskIng $450. Phone 668-2092. COLDSPOT frost-free refridgerator, 17.1 cu. fi. and Kanmore deluxe saif-cleaning ovan. 9 yeare oid, Ai condition, green colour. $700 pair or beet cf- fer. 683-4835. OUEEN SIZE WATERBED, soft elde, baffles foating syetem, oak framo, Scandanavian style, with night tables, drawers wiîhIn frame. Aeking $800 or beet offor. 655-4917. SOFA beige, 7 fi. long, fine for roc room or cottage. $10 0 or beet offar. 655-4073 sutrS5 p.m. SOLID PINE BUFFET HUTCH, oniy one month oid. AekIng $700. Wiii dIscues prIce. Cail Cindy 668-0887 morninga or 723-0877 FOR SALE eniertainmenî wailunIi, white doors wiih black aides, 87"x79"xl8". Excellent condition, $275. Phone 668-8554. 1969 OLDS CUTLASS Supreme, 350 4 barraI, automsîic, power etoaering, power brake, as sa, $400 or basf affer. Cal1668-8178. * 1'~ Don't Put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- tions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear'up many -of your ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't questions - if not, do eall 668-6111 and we'11 be pleased to explain the miss out on our 10w advertising rates just because you have ques- Emporium Section to you personally. CONFUSw -W ir you: " are a private advertlser; " have an article to seil; and, " have a speclfied asking priCe for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details). Vour ad wilI run each week Until the article has been sold (maximum three months). A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad: $6.00 if paid before the f irst Insertion of your ad; $7.50 If you are biiled after your ad has appeared once. If your article does NOT seil within three months, you pay only the minimum charge. It is unfortu- nate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will seli, but, where else could you get three mon- ths advertislng for only $6.00? When your article seils, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Commission Is: 5% Up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge ciescribed above. I have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have the foîlow- ing advertisement placed under this section 0f the Whitby Free Press. Below are some examples of what you would be charged If your article sold within three months. Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE. Advertlsed Up to $1 20 $ 150 $ 200 $ 300 $ 400 $ 500 $ 600 don't forgaita include your phone number) 1. I enclose, $6.00 to cover the minimum charge. 1 1-Charge $6,00 to my Visa account. 1iBill me for $7,50 after f irst publication of my ad. Card No. Exp. Date Neme (pleasso print) Addres City Postal Code MAIL TO:J WHITBYj FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206J 131 Brock St. N. Whitby LiN 5S1' $ 700 $ 900 $1 ,000 $2,000 $4,000 $5,000 and up Total Amount Payable $ 6.00 7.50 10.00 15.00 20.00 22.00 24.00 26.00 28.00 30.00 32.00 52.00 72.00 92.00 100.00 2% of balance over $400.00 1 if. Lr- A

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