PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1984, WHITBY FRE-E PRESS' Ashe concludes it would be too expensive... MPP deci'des against running for l*eadership, Durham West MPP made his announcement said in a written will probably shift to marred the recent says, "I think it reaily is sometime next spring. George Ashe will not bo last week saying that statement. just right of the centre."ý federai leadership cam- " distasteful to a lot ,Of ibnkteeoear a contender for the much soul searching ' One of the primary And it is holding th at paigns of both the people, including me . "Iti hepolar leadership of the On- went into his decision. factors in his decision centre ground that has Progressive Conser- Ashe is also confident going to continue to tario Progressive Con- "I was, indeed fiat- not to run was financial. kept the party in power vative and Liberal par- that whoever succeeds think that we can doý ser'mative Party. tered by the significant Ashe notes that to run a for 41 years and Ashe ties. Davis as premier wiIl will do and will continue Ashe, who also serves nuinher of people, both credible leadership 'doesn't think the party "That wiil not be lead the pry t to do a better job than as teMinister of inside and outSide the campaign, a candidate will give it up that allowed to happen,"I he another election vltory anybody else." .- " Ai"« tuhd - --l - - - . - - - . xoveUnme[1L services 1in the cabiniet of returning Premier BW Davis, riu.ung, wuu contactec me and encouragedrniy entry into the race," be acito9i hait talon CalJi for appointment 666-2244 900 Bonacord Ave., WhitbyJ> DID YOU KNOW? ?MCARELD PRO VIDES HOME HELP - W. cari help you stay at home by providlng M EALS and LIG HT HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES To fi1nd out how we 5130 Can help you cail 51351 would have to spenci in the area of $350,000 to $500,000. "And that's just literally to get your name on the ballot and do nothing,"be added. While he won't be a candidate, Ashe, who bas served as Durbam West's MPP since 1977, will be active in the campaign by lending his support to a yet to be declared candidate. The end of the Davis era will see the provin- cial Tory shift itself slightly to the rigbt 0f the political spectrum. However, Ashe expec- ts that the shift will fot be that great and will stiil leave the party in the political centre. "The spectrum is fairly wide," be says, "If you consider us to be slightly left of centre, as we have been, then we easily. The Tories have beld onto government, Ashe contends, because they have'not only been suc- cessful in finding the political centre but haven't been dogmatic either. He notes that many of the,, programs in- troduced in the last five years wouldn't have been thougbt of 30 years ago. III think the party bas been 'fairly reflective of the people of Ontario," Ashe said, "'They have representative of the people that put them in office." The miniÉter has also said that he will oppose the recruiting of "in- stant Tories" in the delegate selection process and will fight to prevent some of the un- savory incidents that A big plus for the town of Whitby Make town responsible for clearing sidewalks: Attersley Mayor Bob Atterlsey has suggested that the Town of Wbitby- assume responsibiity for clearing ail sidewaiks in the municipality of Sflow during the winter mon- ths. Attersley made, the suggestion at last week's meeting of coun- cil's operations commit- tee in response, to a report prepared by public works director Dick Kuwabara. -Under the present system, every homeowner of the town is required to clear the sidewalk inî front of his home of snow within 24 hours of a fali. If that is notý done, then the town will give the homeowner a further 24 hours to do s0 and if it is stili not done, then the town wil do it. HoWever, the- town will-, charge the bomeowner 80-cents per -foot cleared.. For, a bouse'ý witb a 50-foot frontage the charge, would be $40, which if, unpaid wilI be added to the property tax bill. It is Attersiey's con- tention that the town could rid itself of a public, relations beadache and create some employment if tbe town undertook the task. "Plow every sidewaik in the Town of Whitby," be said, "Then we don't have a problemn."'> In order for the town to do the job, Kuwahara says bis -department would need two -more bombardiers. In b is 1 reportý, ;hé ciaimed that the,- department's two bombardiers take nine to 12 hours to clear ap- proximateiy 40 kilometi-es of sidewalks. The town currently clears sidewalks in the downtown -core and, ohr predominently commercial areas.- Each of these machines' cost' a'p- proximately -,$38000, to buy and have a life span of five years. The town depreciates al of its' equipment and puts the money aside to replace it. The bombardiers would be handied in the same manner. Attersley believes that the cost 0f operating the machines migbt be funded from a federal employment program. "This could ho a big plus for Whitby," the mayor said. The, committee in-, structed Kuwahara to* bring forward a reportý outlining the means and costs 0f implementing Attersley's suggestion. Corridor residents opp osed to, GO Transit'proposai The Corridor Area' Ratepayers' 'Associa- tion wants to formally object to a GO Transit proposai to deveiop a maintenance facility on Thickson Rd. S. for GO- ALRT trains. In a letter to Ontario. Enviroument bMinister,, Andrew Brandt, C.A.R.A. -president- Colin Duddridge' asked for a *bearing -on the project before the En- vironmentai Assess- ment Board. Duddridge said that many. local residents fear that the fadiity could have a detrimen- tai impact. The, project. couid produce unaccep- table- noise levels, have a visible change in their environment, may ad- *versely affect local wildife, bave a negative impact» on property values, and pose safety problemï; especiaily to *children, There could also be' bealtb b azards «posed from added' pollution. and' psychologica,. damage' doue *by the. above factors., - "These *co >ncerns .à âre pertinent both t'o-'the construction phseand, tbe eventual oýperaà tion, ý> of the fadility,"' he said. -While be added that C.A.R.A. believes such -a fadility is needed; ,it' appears as thougb they may be taking a "not, in our backyard" attitude. "While we agree with the necessity 0f such a fadility we are requesting that con- sideration -hob. given to other-' sites more removed fromn residen- tial areas due to the magnitude of both the facllity and the, various impacts on 'the lm- mediate - nelgh-' bo»urhood," Duddridge Bridge Iresuits The foilowing are the resuits of hast week's play at the Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club as reported by Dr.- Richard Ketcheil.»' North and South,:, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cunliffe,' 51½h; Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey Winter, 47½; Mrs. P.N. Spratt and Mrs. Donald Wilson, 47; and. Mrs. Harold Baker and Mrs.ý Jack Frost, 46. Mrs. Jack Frost, 46. East and West: Mrs. Bruce MeCoil*and Mrs. DýIouglas" Mauxdreil, 63%; Clara Cooper -and Betty Evans, 53%; Burt VanNoord and ýHenk Heilendoorn, aà tie with, Robert : Pugh and Florence Pugh, 46%. r 1' .4 1 S UPPLIER 1 SALES REP 1 CAL CELIVERY WI$EN YOU WANT IT/OUGIATMOS WN EN VOU NEEO TIIEM/PROMPT ATTENJTIO i . * ETTERHEAO SNAP SETS <SINVENTORV CAROS CHEOUES& 0 BUSINESS FORMS a BUSINESS FORMS 0 LABELS le BROCHURES " INVOICES * ANNOUNCEMENTS * NEWSLETTERS >e0RAISEC PRINTINI "CATAOGUES 0 TICKETS 0 NCR FORMS * INSTANT PRINTING "CAL ENOARS 0 BINDERlS 0 SCRATCHI PADSS 9 GOLO STAMPING , "BOOKBINOlNG a COLOR WORK * CRE.ATIVE OESIGN e*P1ITOGRAPà Y' COMPLETE PRINTINfi SERVICE FOR THE PURCHASINO AGENT OR MUER FAST EFFfCIENT'SERViC£ F4CK-UP DELIVERY -'COP'ý-ÃDESJGM PREPAà ^TM» PHONE 683-19È8 éIâý ic4S on ?9rin tipi Cr 218 HARWOOD AVE., S AJAX SHOPPI LAZA AJAX, ONIARIO & Offic-e Supplies L WE WISH '-ý..Y0U: A _,ýCHRISTMAS '.,PORTRAIT-... ,ý wý