PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, -OCTOBER 10,ý1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS B3r(ok1lin Byiries By BETTY-JEAN BLYTH Cail 655-3679 with Items for this column Mayor toasts openmng of Rufflea A glass of eider, Mr. Mayor? Mayor Bob Attersley is seen here accepting a glass of fresh, hot apple cider from Ruth McHale, one partner in Whitby's latest fine fûrniture and interior decorating shops, Ruffles on Coîborne St. W. Holding the pot is Reg. Coun. Gerry Emm and looking on is Ruffle's other partner, Cathy Bevis. Ruffles specializes in the sale of fine Canadian pine and'oak furniture, custom made drapes, gifts with that "old country flavor", antiques, original Canadian art work and interior decorating advise. Ruffles la located in a completely renovated downtown home that was originally built 134 years ago. Snowplowing match'to be held Nov. 3 The Durham Region Public Works Association will ho holding their first an- nual Snowplow Com- IAs unr petition on Nov. 3 at the Regional Oshawa/Whit- by Depot located on Confins Rd. The purpose of this event is two-fold: to have a friendly corn- petition between aIl the municipalities within the region, to determine the best snowplow operation teamn; and to try and make the public aware of the professionalism in- volved in public works activities. Winter maintenance is an operation unique to municipalities and can- not be measured by any yardstick. Perhaps this event will help increa$e understanding difficulty of drivers' job. 0f the these The event will include a written test on the rules of the road, a cir- cIe check on a vehicle (to find defects), and then a driving test. Trophies will be awar- ded to the winners. This event will ho starting at 9 a.m. For futher information or a copy of the registration manual, caîl Brian Tat- choîl at 683-1471. NO 1DOGS ALLOWED You'Il have nothing to growl about with our printing jobs.. STUDIO 601 Printing & Designg 601 Euclid St., Whitby, Ont. LiN 5B9 Phone: (4 16) 686-4555 HIGSBHWAI2 BROOKPINE 655-422 No wonder that we Canadians are known ail over the world as a hardy breed; we refuse to hibernate for the two thirds of the year when our breezes are something leas than balmy. No sooner does the froat hit the pumpkin than one haif of the population gets busy planning activities to lure the other half out of their cozy nests. Here is a sampling of some of. the things they've corne Up with s0 far this season. NOVEMBER DANCE The Group Committee for the lst Ashburn Cuba and Scouts will be.holding its second annual dance on Saturday, Nov. 17 at Thunder bird Golf and Coun- try Club ini Ashburn. Please set aside this date and plan to attend. PUl have more details for you at a later date. NEW MOTHER'S GROUP St. Thomas' Anglican Church in Brooklin has started a Mom's Morning Group which ruas from 9:15 to 11: 15 a.m. every Wednesday morning. This is a chance for young mothers to get out of the house to be with other moms, go on tours, listen to informative -speakers and just relax and enjoy herself for a morning.' It begins Oct. 17 at a nominal cost of $20 for ten weeks. Babysitting is provided at $1 per child for the two hours. This is a great program even for those without chfidren who are looking for a break in their dally routine. If you'd like more information cail 683-5217. TRIM AND SLIM A new program to help you shape up la planned for Tuesday evenings ini the gym at Meadowcrest School from 8 to 9 p.m. An 8 week course costs $3 per class. To enroil cail Anne at 655-3903. BADMINTON The badminton club meets Thursday nights in the gym at Meadowcrest'and ail those 18 years of age and over are welcomne to, corne out and join in the fun. It runs from 8:15 to 10: 15 p.m. FALL FILM FESTIVAL Every Friday after school, the kids are being treated to an hour of movies by the library. It runs until the end of October s0 if you haven't got in on The pre-school story hour and accompanying adult program runs every Tuesday from 12:30 to 1: 30 p.m. at the library. The junior portion has craf- ta, songs and.atonies for the little ones while the adults are treated to a variety of speakers and demonstrations. You don't need to have a little one to attend, anyone who is looking for good compâny and informative talks it welcome: ANNIVERSARY SERVICE The annual anniversary service to Myrtie United Church wiil be held on Sunday, Oct. 14 at 3 p.m. The guest speaker will be a former minister, Rev. Art Rodgers of Greenbank. Gueat soloist wil be A.M. McNaught of Markham. The Jubilee Choir from Whitby wiil also provide special music for this ser- vice. Everyone is welcome to remain for the refreshments which will be served in the basement following the service. TURKEY SUPPER Plan to attend the Turkey Supper put on by the Myrtle United Church Women on Nov. 3. Be sure to get your tickets early from one of the members because this popular affair is always a seIl-out. Cal Anne Franklin for more information. SCOUT PAPER DRIVE This Saturday is Paper drive day again in Brookin and Ashburn. As usual, be sure to get your bundies out to the curb before 9 a.m. to becertain they'll be coilected. Ashburn residernts- must leave their bundles at the Community Centreon Friday night. ROAST BEEF DINNER The men and women of Brooklin United Churèh wil be offering a roast beef dinner with ail the trimmings on Oct. 17. There are two serving times available to fit your schedule - the firat la 4:30 to 6 p.m. and the second wil be from 6:30 to 8 Prices are reasonable s0 plan to give mom a night out and take the whole family. Adults are admîtte<j for 17, children under 12 get the same great meal. for $2.50 while pre-schoolers are free. To get your tickets, please cal 655-m28 or 655- 4411. St. John's Anglican Church (erected 1846) - Brock St. S. & ictoria St. October 4-Harvest Thanksgiving 9:00 a. m. Holy Communion 10:30 a. m. Harvest Festival-Morning Prayer (Nursery & Sunday School) 7:00 p. m. Evening Worship October 21 -FamiIy Worship 9:00Oa. m. Holy Communion 10:30 a. m. Family Celebration-Holy Communion (Nursery) 7:00 P. M. Evening Worship You will be made welcome as we gather to praise the Lord. 1 f zmpm uu -M