Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 26 Sep 1984, p. 29

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER.26, 1984, PAGE 29 Whltby's Most WideIy Read __CLASSIFD_ S FORIE TVAANARLSC EARCLESG R G O :~ENT VAIO FOR SALE FOR A SALES COLOIJR ANALYSIS Discover the colours & shades that com- pliment your skin tone & enhance your best features. Only $30 Per Consultation Cail Sharon Taylor 866-2770 THE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Specializing In asphaît celling and repair, concrete repair, landscaping, tawn mowing, and generai dlean- upe. No job f0 amail wedo If ail. Free Estimais. Cati 579- 4540, anytime. FREE: Drop into the DIokeon Printlng & Office Supply store In the Ajax Plaza and pick Up af ree copy of thoir 1984 Metric Calen- dar. Prlnted ln two coloura. If makes for handy reference. MI3 19Wa. CONGRATULATIONS on your forthcaming marriage. <Pisae vlew. aur simples af engraveci weddlng Invitations ai yaur loi- sure ln aur Ajax Plaza store. Dick- son PrInting & Office Supplies 883-19M8. SCOTT'S HOME TREATMENT $35 par visit for 5 roomns, (dishes, nt. windows and linen change inciuded). Additional charges for laundry, exterior windows, walis and lawns. 9-5 p.m. 571-3160. PALMISTRY - Card Reading - Tee Cupe. Privats and party readilnge. Spacial ratas on groupe of fiva or more. Appointments only. 668- 7169. D.A.G. COMPANY Interior design General Renovatons ln home repaîrs. Speclallzlng ln Older Homes. Free Estimates Days 571-0296 Nlghts 576-6844 QOS LOT FOR SALE. 1.5 acres ln Haliburton area. Asking price $6,900. Cmli 655-3978. TWO 10-ACRE LOTS Leskard, rallIng picturesque, pormifs availabie, $39,9W. Vendor will hold financlng. Cli Kathleen Brown 686-1035, W. Frank R.E. Ltdc. OM-GJCflN FLORAL DESIGN classes ster- ling Septemiber. For Information cmli 433-8789. SPECIALLY DESIGNED Summer Computer Courses for cademicelly eadvancedi ln- divîduais. 8W3-2226. FORRE.I1*ENTI TYPEWRITER rental, manymakes andi modela, by the weekenc, woek or month. Discounts aveul- able.- Dickson Printing & Office Supplies In the Ajax Plaza. Cail us for business machine repaire 683-1988. Whitby. 620 sq. ft. A.-FLORIDA.! medletely. Phone 6612.R D ______________________ Clearwater - Three bedroom mobie hmes Hetedpools, ROOMStennis, close f0 beaches and major attractions, childran J FORRINT I welcome. $225.00 U.S. weekly (lesa than motel LARGE ROOMS for rani PFur. oom). 683-5503 nishad or unfurnlshed, ktchen facilities. Cail altar 6 p.m. 668. 8422. F 0 C SSINGER AND BASS wanted to ~JFOR RENT form fun-time country band. Prefar ovar 30 with other WHIT13Y OFFICE SPACE for rani obligations. Bert 666.1296. or, professionai floor. Would be sulabie for lawyer, accountant, etc. Rent Includas ail utîlities and la nagotiable for an appropriata tenant. For further Information Cali 668-6372 batwoan 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday to FrIday. FOR SALE/RENT FOR RENT Country homo in Ciaramnont ares, Cati 649-2474 af- ter6p.m. EXECUTIVE HOME North End Bowmanvllle. 3 bodroom aide- eplIt, custom home on ravine lot, concrote In-ground pool,, femily room, 3 bathe, double garage. AskIng $142,900, Kathleen Brown 686-1035, W. Frank R.E. Ltd. HOUS EFOR RENT 3 bodroom, brick, bungalow wlth garage ituated at 915 Susen Drive, Pickering. Procead eouth on 10 McKay Road and foliow f0 Intersec- tion of McKay and Mon- tgomery Park Road. Turn right at this Intersection to Susan Driveaend proceed south ta the "Open House'" slgn.' ViewIng Time - 4:00 f0 7:00 p.m., Thursday, September 27,1984. Applications will be accep- lied ln Toronto until 3:00 p.m., Frlday, Octobor 5,1984. For applications and furthor Information cali Martha Me- Burnia Tel. (416) 965-2040. T.O. 125 File No.: M767-38 Ministry of ®Govemmfent Services Ontario HOUSE FOR RENT 3 bedroom, brick house on a .4 hectare (1 acre) lot sîtuafeci in the Town of Whitby and localed on the norih aide of the Brawioy Sideroad, 1 112 imiles east of Durham Rd. No. 23. Open House - 4:00 10 7:00 p.m., Thursday, October 4, 1984. 'Applications wiii ba accop- ted In Toronto untili 3:00 p.m., Frlday, October 12,1984. For applications and furhar Information cmli Martha Mc- Burnie Tel. (416)>965-2040. TO. 124 Fila No.: M807-4A SGôv:mrnt Sevff Ontario ~~ED TO FURNACE 011 wanted, reasonable prices paid for bulk amnount, tanks remnoved, fuel oit relocated. For information cati 723-3973. WANTED USED APPLIANCES (Worklng or Not) &$30. Guaranteed, wet, f rea perience. Oelil668-7169. R E C O N D I el lv e rY . 6 6 -1 6 4 5 o r 8 -0 2 5 7 . B eV IT A M IN S , V IT A M IN S W L A Y I o d y f r d y V Jamieson vitamine by mail. 131HawodN, house by appointment. Big For epecial prîce liaiCal or old. 668-0860. 68-379 Ajx sevings on deeke. chairs, f iling. write Mr.1 Alfon, 250 Steven- lng VOffi eSupplies toarrange 283-9, 2-31.Feewn REPIRPATS 1968. Money back guarantees CAR REPAIRS* bodywork, tune- ,, UTOMOBILES GARNI N ING.I.e.b. u p , p int ob, e tc. R e aso nab leF O S A EW ' E B N -HERE ASSORTMENT 0F ENGINES 1979 GMC CAMPER VAN. p.e., B&L LANDSCAPING- 7 VEARSI, guaranteed for sale, also ln. p.b., and V8. Sleeps four, stove, si stalied Ford truck parts, iran- furnace. frldge, etc. Excellent GARDEN WHERE tmîeelon, alternator, starter and condition. $8,600. Phone 6M.- MAINTENANCE HAVE YOU 13EE? ires. Oelil 576-0653. 9559. ReitamnfII ial FORI SALE countar tops, varlous sizas. Haavy duty Rockwell bail sandar. 728-7439. CHESTERFIELD suites, lova- seats, sectionale, leas than t4 price. Large salection. McKaen Furnitura. 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. THREE MODERN CHAIRS. Ona upholstered rocker, 2 hardwood frame chairs wiih beige corduroy cushions. $40 each. 668-8972. GEOTYPE press-on latterlng now n stock at Dickson Printlng & Of. fice Supplias ln the Ajax Shop- ping Plaza. Large salection of styles and aizes. Why psy more for a amaller sheai of letterlng? 683-1968. CLEARANCE 0F DEMO SATELLITE TV SYSTEMS L.N.A.'s, Recelvers Dishes, and more at 30% OFF retaîl. One complete 8' system wlth Luxor 9533 remnote control receiver and 120 degree Ma-Com LNA Sale Prlce - 1,895 CALL 655-4069 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. MATTRESSES and box sprnge et half prîce. McKaan Furnitura, 524 Slmcoe Street South, Oshawa., CHECK OUR LOW EVERYDAY PRICES CIDCR (on vcievit.-,/I'%-r î. .bedroont sels, <coonil SERVICESI E LIE' U NTR BABYSITTING IN MY HOME LMER' FURNTURETeresa Drive. Large fenced yard, 253 Bloor St. E. plenty of toys, 2year old and up.' (At Ritson> al66-35 Oshawa Cl 6-35 Z28 zaEXPERIENCED DAY CARE ln my- TEN FAMILY Garage Sale. for Cyetic FIbroale. Fumiture, ap. pliances, toye and Items too numerous to mention. 25 NordIc Crf., Whltby. Sel., Sept. 29, 9 a.m. to 4p.m. GIANT GARAGE SALE Sept. 29. Ramn date, Sept. 30.' Boats, motors,, box and tant treilere, campng ccesorle, 9 a.m. to 9 pm. Terme cash or certif ld chaque. For more information cail 725-8898. 6 Thornton Rd. N., Oshawa. WANTED FOR CONSIGNMENT Sales. Snowmoblles, mut be In running ordar. Singie and double enowmobllo trallars, enowblowers and garden tractors with blades. 725-8898. 6 Thornton "HEROES of the Bible" colouring book availabie et Dickson Print- Ing & Office Suppiy, Ajax Plaze, 683-1968. Dealer inquiries in. vited. QUEEN SIZE BED box mattree, motel frame, with haadboard, $50. Phono 655-8726. FOR SALE Cedar trees for n Yard, hot lunches, references valabi. Brock St. and Mannng Rd. 66-2752. DAY CARE Provided ln My Whit- REBUILT TRANSM-ISSIONS, Most modale, $185-001 Cali Bob 683-0811. rRAIERS FOR SALE 12x52 Fr. MOBILE HOME. Two badroome, full bath, new car- pet ing ihroughout. 728-7439. 38' HOUSE TRAILER on scenic lakaside loi fuily furn. wih 4 Pc. bath, Iridge, atova, etc. Master badroom and :2 bunks, 10x24' dock and gardon shed, Located on Scugog Island. Asking 36,500. Cali 655-4069. EDUCATIONAi SERVICES "GRAMMAR for people who hate grammar' la the ideai pockot roferenco book for business people. $3.95 par cop-y and aveul- able et Dickson Prlnting & Office Supplieosln the Ajax Plaza. Dealer anquiries lnviied 683-1968. MUST SELL 1978 VW Rabbltt, 2 door, 4 seod, excellent con- dition. Certified, $3,250. Phono 668-9788. 1978 CHEVY WINDOW VAN :Ï3,000 original miles, sunroof andi vent, runnlng boards, two reclining seats, fuliy lnsuieied BOAT & UW SUPES SSUPPLIES FOR SALE KITTENS Lighf orange and whlte, black and whit e, andi PROP & SKEG REPAIRS (5 day tOrtoiseseil. 7 weeka oli. 6M6- Pruning, fr00 removal, sidewaiks, patios, fancIng, lawns seedod, socideci, fer- tilizeci, 30 yeare. Durham Region. L 623-3299 MISTER TRIM Lewn andi Garden Service. Grass cuiiing, pruning, fertiiizing, weed spraylng, Ian- dscaping, top dresslng, lal dlean-up. Free estimetes. 579- seYOrvie. Exper boafrepiraed- 125 iO-yaursel sFibrease splias. 341 Durham St., 579-1433. 1972 GREW SS&130 Fibergiase spoociboaf with 40) h.p. Marc and Tilt traiter. Elocfrlc Star? motor, AMIFM case, Ski bar, 2 gasianke and blige pumnp. $2,795. Also 65 h.p. Evinrude Outboerd motor. Eiectric start with ail controîs. ln use unfil rocantiy replacod with largar unit. Good condition. Aeklng $800. Caîl 655-4069. now. 728-0079. CAIRN TERRIER PUPPIES. C.K.C. reg., shots. ready f0 go. $125. Phono 683-0639. CANARIES FOR SALE $25. Varieiy 0f colore. Phono 655- 3748, evanînga. AMERICAN COCKER SPANIELS Champion blood linos, shots, do- wormod and identlfied, avaliable Charlie i jgfr- o ic hie is jumpingbor tosesince ho fionDut b outffsrice Supplies in the Ajax Plaza. Please check your advertisement for e-ïors on the first day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wili not be lhable for fallure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publica- tion beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the rlght to classify or reject ail advertise- ments. Ads must appear in the Daper one day before they can be changed or cancel led. CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50 for 20 words; 11ic each addition- aI word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified Ad to ITENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEI your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your Vîsa card ready when calling. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irsi 100 words; 12(r each addîîional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F 1HANKS - $8.00 for the first 50 words; 12e each additional v:ord. AUCTION SALES - 34c per line. (No Word ads allowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an additional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make every en- deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac- cept no -Iîabiity regarding loss or damage alleged to arise throughý faîlure oi delay in forwarding such replies. We wil not be responsîbie for box number replies not called for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Ciassified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. - ý' CALL-11 688-RiIi GIFTED EUROPEAN CARD AN D PALM READER We'il ask you no questions, yet read you lîke a book. Many have sought her ad- vice on ail probîems of Ilfe. One reading wîII convince you of her great knowîedge. Readlngs are private and conf idential. Seven days a week. For appointment, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 741-6019 PICTURE FRAME CLEARANCE SALE 1000'3 ta chose from Iowest prices in Canada Our Sth'Year 2 DAYS ONLY Wsd. Sept. 26th & Thurs. Sept. 27th 10Oa.m. - 9pa. Iroquois Park Recreatîon Centre (Corner of Henry & Victoria) PIoo.se bring your prints, photo's needlework etc. 1 ýu c Mu a

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