Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 12 Sep 1984, p. 24

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PfAGE 24, WEDNESDAy, S EPTEMBER, 12, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS SRIESEVCSBUSINESS USIi~NES -,ARTICLES ARTICLES EGAL ________P0 R1IJ NITIES R COPPORTUNTISI j FOR SALE FOR SALENOIE BACK PAIN? POOR POSTURE? Ccail i 668-1251 for H ELP SMAINTENANCE- IN DOOR ANID OUTDOOR Painting and Decorating Work Guaranteed Cali 576-0507 day or night, except. Tues. & Thurs. VACATION TIME or juat a weekend away. Leave your home and pets ln my care. Cal Elsa 866-3395. DOG TRAINING CLASSES star. tIrtg September l3th, Oshawa. Cali Barb Scott 576-5635. > CLOA NALYSIS Discover the colours [&shades that com- [pliment your skin t'one & enhance your best features. Ony $30 Per Consultation Cail Sharon Taylor 666-2770 MATURE RELIABLE LADY wiii do genaral house work, axperience over 15 years, own transpor- tation. Cati Barbara at 725-9154. SCOTT'S HOME TREATMENT $35 Par vîsil forS5 rooma, (dishes, Int. windows and linen change lncluded). Additional charges for laundry, exterior windows, waiis ând iawns. 9-5 p.m. 571-3160. NiOiSEHOLD FORREN ~ GOODS j STORE FOR RENT, downtown C>lWhtth-euAýfl .,, leva.,,l,.hIM mediatly. Phone 666-1228. FREE: Drop into the Dickson OM Prinling & Office Suppty store in the Ajax Piaza and pick up a f ree 'T FOR RENT copy of their 1984 Metric Caten - dar. Printed In two cotours. Il makes for handy refarance, 683- MATURE RESPECTABLE il 968. Chritannrq. t an n C OFICE SPCE SPECIALLY DESIGNED Summer FRR ý Computer Courses for acsdemicaliy advanced In- dîviduals. 683-2226. U AN701NCEN-1S OPEN HOUSE. The family of Roy and Rita Deiong of Brooklin invite friands, naighbours and relatives 10 an Open House in honour of their Sth Wedding Anniversary on Sat., Sept. 22 from 2 10 5 p.m. at the OdIdfellows Hall on Bagot St., Brooklin. Bast wishes only. CONGRATULATIONS on your forthcoming marriage Pleasa vew our sanipias w engraved wedding invitations ai our lat sure In our Ajax Plaza store, Dick son Printing & Office Supplies 683-1968. TTPEWRITER rentai, manymakes and modals, by the waekenci, weak or month. Discounts avail- able. Dickson Prlntlng & Office Supplias in the Ajax Plaza. Cait us for business machina repairs WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for ranI on professionat floor. Woutd ba suitabia for lawyer, accountant, etc. Rent includes ail utilities and s negotiabia for an appropriata tenant. For f urhar information cail 668-6372 batwean 9:30 a.m 'md 5 p.m. Monday f0 Frlday. (ZAR7ENS71 I CONDOS FRN FOR RENT HUGE 3 BEDROOM apartment for rani in Whitby. Close to ail transportation, private parking. available Oct. 1184. $S00lmonth and utiities. Please caîl 1-416 757-1671 or 668-3898, MI ke ONE BEDROOM basement apar trment. Living roomn with fireplace. kitchen, parking and cable in- cludad. $350 monthly Available Oct. 1. 683-2154ý ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT in smail Whitby building. Aduits only. Includes fridge, stove. hydro and parking. Cable TV and laundry facllitias availabla. Phone 668-6372 belwaen 9:30 ar..anod 5p.m. 683-1968. LRD -- WU VACATION EDUCATIONAI. VWENAsL SERVICES FO IA' .GRAMMAR for people who hata Clearwater Threa bedroom grammar s the ideal pockat mobile homes. Haated pools, refarence book for business Itennis, close to beachs andl people. $3.95 par copy and avad major attractions, children able at Dickson Printing & Office welcoma. $22500 U tiS1 Supplias in the Aax Plaza. Dealer waakiy ftess than motet enquiries lnvited 683-1968 oM). 683-5503 SWE'VE BEEN HERE 7 YEARS! CHESTERFIELD suites, love- 0 CN RAIL seats, sectionais, Iess than 1/½CERA CEO price. Large selection, McKeen DM SAELTE PUBLIC NOTICE Furniture. 524 Simcoe St. S., TV SYSTEMS propsesdi en atocal e ils a * Oshawa. 725-5181. prposs t rocte ts ja VITAMINS Jameison: write or oail Mr. Altoni for your speciai mail order prIce Ilst. Money back guarantee - In Durham we deliver, 728-4694, 725-5310, P.O. Box 1082 "B", Oshawa. L1J 5Y9. GEOTYPE press-on letterIng now in stock at Dlckson Printing & 0f- lice Supplies ln the Ajax Shop. plng Plaza. Large saiection of styles and sizes. Why psy more for a smaller sheet of tettaring? 683-1968. wiih utitîties in respectable home. Excellent locaiity in Whit- by. Reasonable rani. Cail 668- 1737 or 579.-8427. _____________________an appointment to view 683- _OR SAIFARMI ui1968, FRSLE ' WANTEDTO BUY/RENT P ~~I~ 194 ACRES FARM in Mars Towný ship Good buildings, excellent soit On Hwy 169. iwo miles nor th ofBrachin By owner 1705) 426 9375 LOTS FOR SALE LOT FOR SALE. 1 acres til Haliburtcn area Askinq pricp $6.900 Cali 6553978 oA A.1E, GARAGE SALE 8 to 10 tamîtres Goodfellow St., Whitby Sun Sept. 169a.im to4p m YARD SALE various items Sait Sept 15.9 a m Pain orshîne YARD SALE Sat. Sept 15,9 a ni to 4 p m 17 Harper CrI Whîtby Flain or shîna Frîrnîlore baby needs. tcys books COMBINED GARAGE SALE. Sait Sept 15 89 Frost Dr 011ef Creek Pinbalý machine mode, rairoad. typawrîtar Irikes ioys etc 668-3816 FURNACE OtL wanted q E I/ reasonabie prîces paid for buik1 amnount. tanks removed tuai <ii REBUILT TRANSMISSIONS, ralocated For niormaionr , aý, mosl modeis, $185.00! Cai Bob f23-3973 683-0811 ASSORTMENT 0F ENGINES POEMS, SONGS, STORIES waîi quaranteed foi sale. aiso in led for publication No obligation stllaled Ford truck parts, tran- Rush seit-addressed envalope sission, aiternator starter and- and 25' fo G Penman, Depi L3 rires Cali 576-0653 37l8urcher Road. Ajax. LIS 21P9 WANTED USED APPLIANCES (Working or Not) WE BUVI SELL RECON DITION PHOTOCOPYING - Hiqh quality photocopyirg while you wait. WHITBY FREE PRESS 131 Brock Street North, Whitby Please Cherk yoîir advertisemnent for e -ors )n ttie firsf day of publicatio-n The Whifby Frpe Pres~s vwii 'îîîf tii:. table fi>; failure to p'ublîsrr an ad, or ity'pograpt-ie er rpiîblisa tion beyonrt the cost Offthe space Occupîed bY the error Up to a maxirrti -r, ,sf of tu'e firstiînsertrn Th, , :ritby Free Press rese!*,'es thle rtght 10 ciassîtv or rpiec d dvertiSCi ments. Ads must appear in f lienapet m;e >îav eflt rri:v can be changed or cancelled. CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50 for 20 words. 1 lc each addition- ai word if pre-paid. You may charge vour Ciassifîed Ad to TTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEI youlf C(harqe: il i pii'Please have voir Visa ra-' readv whOeri ;, -iifiiit BIRTP'1 D)E A fHS $/îîî i rie 'irs hi' .(.rd!Aq'a, aoqii f . rii oruj IN MEMORIAMS. CARDS 0F THANKS $8.00 for tf 'firçi 50 v .îds 129;ecdiaddîlîionaî wurd- AUCTION SALES 34«:perline.(No word ads alioweoj BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are avaîlable aI: art addiîonal charge of $2.00. The Whîtby Free Press wîil make every en- DEADLIN'IES. Monday noon prior to Publication 10 insert or cancel C.lIassified Ads Frtdav riorii prtr:r fi ;Publication to INTERESTED UN STARTING YOUR OWN BUSINESS? Eldorado Cheese Lîmlted Is offerîng for sale ts Cheese Retaîl Business at 128 Dundas St. W., Whltby, Ont. Equîpmnent Inoldes a walk-in Cooler and necessary equlpment requlred to operate a retail cheese store. Cheese and other dairy produots could be sup- pled by Eldorado Cheese to the new proprietor if 50 desired, but such an arrangement Is flot man- datory. This offer expires on Sept. 22, 1984. For more* Information please contact: Eldorado Cheese Limlted Eldorado, Ontario KOK 1 VO or caîl 613-473-2973 ask for Linda Wilîîamson Af ter 5 p.m. or weekends cal1613-473-2065 and ask for Don McKlnnon., E

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