Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 12 Sep 1984, p. 23

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vy L - ln lE Vz lAJi L.,JJ.JtA YO~ II~VD.X IY', Ft5'JJ2 J 'E.. PR... Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subject to the f ollowing conditions. ARTCLES RTICLES Q LFR SALELFO(R) S ALE DED CHESTERFIELD. includes ;4 bed and orange leather couch, $50. Floor polisher, $15. Eiectric broomn, $10. 'Pure leathar cin- namon coat, $70. Phone 688- 9029. TWO LAMPS, brasa finish, $40 pair. Two bar stools, $25 pair. A Il items excellent condition. 427. 7069. ONYX CHESS SETS, Aztec style, assorted colora, $55 each. Frigidaire automnatia drier $100. Record collection, 500 albums, $1,200. New 8 man tant $160. Bally raceway pinbaii machine, needa somne work, $350. Phone 985-9258. FOR SALE modium size fridge, white Mof fat, $175. Two tool sheds 72"x55", $55 each. Rugs 11x03 fi., yeiiowlbeige and 1 Wx3 ft., goid fieck, $95 both. 668-5083. FOR SALE one set glass'shower doors with mirror, track, etc. Used $85.' Amway rug sham- pooer, $15. Two-wheei grocery b uggy, good for papar deiivery, $10. Phono 666-2935. FOR SALE 2 aIuminum doors R.H. 34x82, $30 each or $50 for both. Set of 4 wheeis, G.M., 15" widerims', $100 take ail. ½ ton pickup cap, fibergiasa,Ilike new, $325. Singeriand 'drums, 6 places, cymbale, cases, har- dware, and extras, $1,000 or best offer. Phone 688-3495 atter 4:30 p.m. ANTIQUE nursing rocking chair, $80. Depression glass, (Amber Madrid) 8 place setting, $250. 8mm movie camnera and projec. tor, $150. 9x12 rug, hand woven, $250. Phone 655-3127. FOR SALE boys bike, 28" tires, $30. Phone 668-8429. FOR SALE two bar stools, $25 pair. ln excellent condition. 427. 7089. STEREO 120 watt amp. Marantz tuner, LARGE speakers, $500. Stand-up humidifier, $50. Large woodstovo, brick ined, glass front, nover used, $450. Filter Queen wiih power flead, $450. Gas weed eater, nover used, $150. Phone 683-6081. SWIVEL ROCKER arm brown tweed, $85. Two mopanes, 65"x36"', $25 Phono 868-2155. chair, ther- each. SAUNA HEATER. 6 KW Fennon sauna hoater. Staintees steel In- sida, bakad enamai outeido, complota with control, $340. 668- 0786 after 5 p.m. FOR SALE 3 wheî, 3 spoed ladies bika, $225. Two wheel, 3 speed girls bike, $65. Phono 688- 1507 batwaen 12 and 6 p.m. or 688-0825 after 6:30 p.m. BEIGE, BROWN à TAN sofa and ewivei rocker. ($900 naw). Two years old. $500 or besi offer. Muet sali. 728-7744. SLIDING GLASS 6.0' patio doors and acreen and frame (aumInum), $65. Womans bicycle, $15. ChIlda tri-cycle, $5. AIluminum 4 stop ladder for above ground pool, 1 yr. oid, $75. Phono 683-1094. FOR SALE Commercial floor polishor, $600. Also 1976 Ford Truck 3/ ton, p.b., ps., c.t., AMIFM radio and 8 track, angine good, neode somo bodywork. As le $2000. Phono afler 5 p.m., 728- 8794. FOR SALE ontertalnment waiiunit, white doors wlth black sides, 87'x79"x18". Excellent condition, $275. Phono 668-8554. FOUR WOODEN CHAIRS for sala, need some work, $15 each. Oak table, $95. 8 galion crock, $40. Cali 683-6638 atter 5 p.m. QFIN:TRUMENTSI UPRIQHT PIANO; CE. Little and Sons Tottanham. Noade tuning. $650 f irm. Phono 666-3817 aflter 5 p.m.- TWO shopping carte, $20. Three wooden sof t drink cartons, $2 aach. Phono 666-3632. ANTIQUE PUMP ORGAN. Vox Humana Tremoco - Pal. 1865. Cabinet, fret. work and fabric, ail n good condition, $500 or fair ot- for. 668-8618 Whiiby. -PLEASE READ - When the advertised Item la aoid, disposed of, or unavailabla fw~ whaiever reason, the Item wIii be deamed to have been soid and a commission wiii be chargod based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as ilustrated beiow, ragardiese If pice Is siatod with "bosi offer". If the Item sa NOT SOLD, or diaposed of, the ad wiii bo run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $6.00 wiii appiy payable in advance of publication of the irai ad. Otherwise a $7.50 charge wIii ap- piy If biiied which muai ba paid upon receipi of bill. The aboya minimum charges wiil be appiied to the final commission due but In any case the higher amoui wiii be chargod. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-paid; $7.50 billed. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail advertisements muai be piaced on an ex- clusive basia with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run aileasi one morith If nol soid. RATES (If article le sold): 5% of advortIsed prIce up 10 $40000 2% of balance ovar $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertisod for $120.00. Commission duo 56.00 (minimum charge le $6.00). Privale advertiaing onlyl Please notify the Whiiby Free Presimmediateiy when Item ia aoid 50 thai we may delete il from the foiiowing Issue. Ail ada nol fiiting the Emporium guidelines MIi be ireatod and charged per week as regular ciaaaIfied ada on a pre-paid basia auch as: services, heip wanted, ciothing, rosi estate, and personai message type ada, or ada not quoiing price or quantily. Privale ciaaaified ada may appear in the Emporium section under appropriato headinga. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whitby, Li N 5S1 If in doubi cali: 668-6111 OR DELI VER TO: 131 Brocir St. N. Whiiby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIQOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. U~SEHOLD NWoOIE L.IWGOODSI1 ALSNOMOLSî ELECTRIC STOVE for sale, neariy new, green, $125. Rocking chair, $45. China cabinet, 31/ ft. ln* heighi and 5 fI. ln ength, $45. 683-6638. ANTIQUE Jacobean walnut aida chair, $100. Gold valvai love seai, $125. Kidney vaniiy and stoc1, $25. Storeo, receivor and speakers, $175. Oak wood waiiunii for TV and VCR, com- ploie wlth 3 drawers underneath, brand new, $375.668-7091. COLDSPOT frosi-i ree refridgeraior, 17.1 cu. ft. and Kenmore deluxe seif-cieaning oven. 9 years oid. Ai condition. green colour. $700 pair or besi of. fer. 683-4835. QUEEN SIZE WATERBED, soft aide, baffles fioating system. oak frame, Scandanavian style, with nighi tables, drawers wilhin frame. Aaking $800 or besi 0f fer. 655-4917. APARTMENT SIZE eiectnic siove n good working conditron, $60 or beat offer. 668-5095ý 1982 BLIZZARD MX 5500 eki-doo and cover. Ownor out West. 120 km., used one winter, coat $4.000, sou 5$2,500. Trailor, $200. New condition. Phono 683-0615 anytimne. THINK MONEY - Think the Whi,- by Free Prose Emporium Section. One smail advertisemnent la ail Il lakes. Place your artile for sale n the Whiiby Free Prose and get Immediate rosulis. Thle Free Prose la read by over 70,000 potential buyera each week. Think about what we can do for you ... then cali us. Whiby Free Press 668-6111., - ( OOTIE- TRAIES1 Il' TRUCK CAMPER. Slaope six, ovan, 3 burner elove, eieclnIc and 12 voltlights, tolaI, $2.500. Cali 655-8052. BOX TRAILER FOR SALE, heavy duly wiih tli, $450. 1970 Charger SE, $450. Cail 655-3497 alter 4 p.m klOne ad in the Whitby Free Press Empori- Help your Heart.. um Section wiii souHep ou almoat anythîng. epyu cail 668-6111 to Heart Fund place your ad. DOMESTIC & FOREIGN anti- away barsa ¾'* 1979 Mustang Cobra roar, $45. Pinto front and rear set, $60. 3/" Monza, Vega rear, $45. 1 118" Vega front, $50. 1 118" Dataun truckr front, $50. 1 118" Mazda, Courier truck front, $50. 1 118" Mustang Il front, $40. Four 14"x5V/2" white spoke wheeis for Mazda and Courier truck. $60. Cail Chuck 282-8760. TWO GOOD YEAR polyester lires on rima, 78x13, $10 each. Two Good Year beited radiailtires on rimas, 78x13, $10 oach. Phono 655- 3006. 8FT fIbreglase and wood truck cap. $100 or beat 0f fer. Phona 433-4279. FOR SALE three G-70 14' snow lires, 2 on rime, One G-70 14" regular lire, one year old, $60. CCM Galaxie Coasior bike, good condition, $50. Phone 576-0864. IAUTOMOBILEILS IRPI/PRSR/PARTS 1FRSALE1 TWO CHEVETTE snow tires on wheels, $80. Smith Corona eise- trIc typewriter with cartridge nib- bons and carrying case, $75. Large dispiay case, $75. Victorien sofa, requires re-upholstery and finishing, $100 firm. 728-7744. 302 MOTOR and 3 speed stan- dard transmission, excellent running condition, $250. Phone 655-3006. FOR SALE four Firestone HPR radiai biackwaiis, aize P19560R14, 40 par cent worn, $150 f Irm. One brand new Edeibrock SP2P aiuminum Intake manifold, complote with gaskai Installation kit for email block Chev, $225. One new Chrysier AM/FMV sterso MPX radio, $75. One Molorola AMIFM MPX auto reverse cassette, $150 f irm. One Chrysier AM radio, $25. One Holley 600 CPM 4bbi carb., rebuilt, $50. One Carter AFB 4bbi., $25. Two Carter Chrysier thormo Quad 4bbi, $25. One 340 factory AVS 4bblIintake manifold, $40. Onie factory 318 4bbi. Intake manifold spread bore, $50. One 340 4bbi air dlaner and base, $20. One 360 4bbi. Chrysier angine, $150. One 1988 273 engins in places, $75. Automatic trans for aboya angine, $25. Two 14"x86" Chrysior Rallye wheis, 4½ '" boit cIrcie, complote, $50. One now door skIn for passongar sida, 67 to 69 Barracuda, $45. Phono 655-3266. 1972 PINTO. 4 spoed tran- smission, good 4 cylindor Ford motor, good tires, for parts. Complete $300. Phone 655-3006. FOR SALE 1977 PINTO hatchback, 4 cylin- dor, automatic, Raiiy whaeis, $1500. Phono 668-5909. 1976 AMC HORNET WAGON. Air condltionlng, tilt wheei, reciining buckots, p.s., p.b., factor Raily wheis, good body, 6 cylinder, 73,000 miles. Asking $1,600, cor- ilfiod. 668-3581. 1976 GRAND MARQUIS. 2 door, fuliy equipped, interior spoliesa, mechanicaily excellent. does not burn oil, very 11h10e body work needed. $1,500 f irm. 655-3006. 1976 COMET. As le, $200 or besi of fer. Phono 668-5387. 1975 CAMARO 350, auto, p.s., p.b., needo body work. As le $850 or best offer. Cail 668-8404 affer 8 p.m. 1975 LTD. Station wagon. V8, power staaring and brakes, air conditionod, $500. Cail 655-8052. 1973 MAZDA RX-3 ROTARY. 4 spoed, AMIFM cassette stereo requires litie body work and axhaust to certlfy. Asking $700 or boat of fer. 655-4533. 1973 VALIANT roliabie siant, 6 angine, aasiiy cartifled, $800. Cail 668-3068 sItar 6 p.m. or woek- ends. 1973 DATSUN. Good for parts, running condition, 4 cylinder, 4 spood. Asking $175 as le. 1967 Pontiac Stralo Chief, runs lika naw. Aaking $925 as sa. Phono 723-3320. FOR SALE 1973 VW Beetie. Ex- cellent molor, 58,000 mles, new heater boxes and muffior, 4 new steel beited radial tires. Neods floor repaired on drivers sideanmd roar fonder. $50. Phono 686- 1195. 1971 BUICK LESABRE. Good mochanicaliy, robulit tran- smision, good motor, gas tank, asking $325. Pleaso cail 723-4238 from 9 a.m. 10 5 p.m. or 576-1911 aflter 5 p.m. 1989 CADILLAC ELDORADO. Power steerlng, power brakes, cruise conirol, power windows and seais, tilt sioering wheel, oic. Mechanicaiiy sound. Aaking $1.500. Phono 668-2655 after 5 p.m. 1956 LINCOLN. Restored to original. Neede painting, $3,500. Cal i 655-8052. STREET LEGAL Dune Buggy. Requires le work to cortlfy. Must soul. $800 or besi offor. Phono 668-5282. CONFUSED? Please cali us any lime if the Emporium guldoflnes' confuse you. We'll be glad to an- swer any questions you have. Phono 668.6111 anytîme. CON F.USED? uon- t put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our 10w advertising rates just because you have ques- I.. tioiis. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear up many of your questions - if not, do cail 668-6111 and we'11 be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. If you: " are a private advertiser; " have an article f0 seil; and, " have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details). Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months). A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad: $6.00 if paid before the f irst insertion of your ad; $7.50 If you are billed after your ad has appeared once. If your article does NOT sell within three months, you pay only the minimum t;harge. It is unfortu- nate that no newspaper can guarantee your articie- will sell, but, where else could you get three mon, ths advertising for only $6.00? When your article selîs, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Commission is: 5% ut) to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge clescribed above. have read the Emporium guidelines aboVe and wish to have the follow- îng adVertisement placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press. (don't forget 10 include your phono numnberi i enclose ,'$6.00 to cover the minimum charge Charge $6.00 t0 my Visa accouni. BiHl me for $7 50 af ter f irst publication ut my ad. Card No. Exp. Date Name (please print) Addres City vvilitu L- 100.00%>I MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 BroCk St. N. Beiow are ï.omne eXamples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three months. Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the-TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE. Advertised Price Up to $120 $ 150 $ 200 .b300 $ '00 1 800 $ 900 $1.000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5.000 and up Total Amount Payable $ 6.00 7.50 10.00 15.00 20.00 22.00 24.0 26.00 28.00 30.00 32.00 52.00 72.00 92.00 fi - - - - - -- - - -- - - --- - mýý - - -- .- 'OMIL- --- -. m m WHITRYPREFPRFq.q WUnMrýZn,&V ZlýPTiý-MPPP 1,) los2A PAr.P,),l i 1 Posta 1 Code ORUPMB m a ---,L -op 1

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