Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 22 Aug 1984, p. 25

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UJIrHT1 D 1V ID rD t VC U r M X rA / Y IT CT ' VLIAJ> ALLA aLJ,3, VY MIJI Lb A AJJ1 1UU US~1 22,1984IÃ"A, PAG E 2 Mm.. PR... -p. M I Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subject to the f ollowing cond(tions. 01 AOenIr ARTICLES ATCE FO AEFOR SALE UEO CHESTERFIELD. includes 44 bad end orange ieathercouch, $50. Floor polisher, $15. Eiectric bkoom, $10. Pure leather cin. namon coat, $70. Phone 688. 9029. REALISTIC PORTABLE Programmable Scanner. 4 mon. the oid. AC Adaptor and batteries Inci., $360 flrm. Ask for Terry. Phone 433-8658. ONYX CHESS SETS, Aztec style, assorted colora, $55 each. Frigidaire automatic drier $100. Record collection, 500 albums, $1,200. New 8 man lent $160. Baliy raceway plnball machine, needs some work, $350. Phone 985-9258. PINE CANONBALL bedroomn suite. 9 montha oid. Moving muet oell. Excellent condition. Asking $1,300. Cali 668.125. FOR SALE one set glass ehow:r doors wt lrr rcec Us.d $85. Amway rug sham- pooer, $15. Two-wheil grocery buggy, good for paper delivery, $10. Phione 6662935. FOR SALE 2 aluminum doors R.H. 34x82, $30 each or $50 for both. Set of 4 wheeis, G.M., 15" lwiderims', $100 take ail. Ik ton pickup cap, fIbergiase, Ilke new, $325. Siingeriand drums, 6 pieces, cymbals, cases, har- dware, and extras, $1,000 or best offer. Phone 66&.3495 after 4:30 p.m. DININO ROOM SET - buffett, hutch, table and 4 chairs. Ex- cellent condition, $595. Singer sewing machine ln cabinet, $95. Men's 10 speed bike, $70. Cail 683-M3. - FOR SALE boy's bike, 26" tires, $30. Phone 668-8429. *UNK BDES, wood, ln good con- dition, can be used as singles. $150. Cali 6684643. STEREO 120 watt amp. Marantz tuner, LARGE speakers, $500. Stand-up humidifier, $50. Large woodstovo, brick iined, glass Vnnover used, $4M. Filter Qusen with power head, $450. Gus weed sater, neyer used, $150. Phono 683«01. ROON SIZE csrpeting, nearly new. Light green, 1 lftx27f t, $340. Light blue, llft.xllihft., $140. Tan, 1Oikft.xll½'ft., $130. Phone 434-5560. COMPUTER - Radio Shack TAS- 80 Mod. I., 16K. Includes keyboard, monitor cassette drive, Joystick, manuai and handbooks, plus quantity of cassettes, $300. Phono 655-3854 after 5 p.m. SAUNA HEATER. 6 KW Fennon sauna heater. Stainiess steel ln- aide, baked onamel outaide, complote with control, $340. 668- 0786 after 5 p.m. FOR SALE 3 wheei, 3 speed ladies bike, $225. Two whoei, 3 speed girls bîke, $65. Phono 6688- 1507 between 12 and 6 p.m. or 868-0825 after 6:30 p.m. FOR SALE stainiess steel, double sink with Arborite, $35. Phonoe668"6788. BEIGE, BROWN à TAN sofa and swivei rocker. ($900 new). Two years oid. $500 or bes,t: offer. Muet oeil. 728-7744.' FOR SALE Commercial tloor poliahor, $60. Also 1976 Ford Truck ;4 ton, p.b., p.s., c.t., AMIFM radio and 8 hrack, engins good, nooda some bodywork. As la $2,000. Phono aftor 5 p.m., 728- 8794. M TANGER IN TOWN?-) You neyer have ho feel alone. Shop the sds ln the Whitby Free Press for nows of coin- munIty happenings, enter- tainment and social avants In. your areai WHITBY FREE PRESS 0 - FLL SE R AL)- When the advertIsed Item is sold, dlsposed of, or unavaliabie f ir whaiever reason, the Item wlll be deemed to have been soid and a commission wili be chargod based or, THE AOVERTISED PRICE as iiiustratod beiow, ragardiesa If prîce la stated withh besi offer". If thej Item sa MOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wiii be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $600 willi appiy payable in advance of publication of the f Irst ad. Ohherwlse a $7.50 charge wili ap- piy If bilied which must be paid upon receipt of bill. The aboya minimum charges wiiî be applled to the final commission due but in any case the hlgher amount wlll be charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-paid; $7.50 billed. Maximum commission: $10000. Ail advertisements must be placed on an ex- clusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atiesst one môiiih If not sold. 5% oh advortlsed price Up 10 5400.00 RATES (if article la sold>: 2% of balance ovor $400.00 EXAMPLE: Soid Item advanhisad for $120.00. Commission due $6.00 (minimum charge is $6.00>. Privais advertislng onlyl Please notify the Whitby Free Press lmmedlately when Item is sold so that wo may delete il from the following Issue. Alil ads not ftthing the Emporium guldelînes wiIl be treated and charged per week as regular ciasslfied ads on a pre-paid basis such as: services, hoîp wanted, ciothing, rosi estate, and personai message type ads, or ads not quoting prico or quantity. Private ciassIfied ads may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriais hoadinga. ALL AOS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whltby, Li N 5S1 If ln doubi cali: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whlhby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVlIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. ARTICL S m uI1icAt i I H Oï EO L W I FOR SALE lI EAT S J OUEEN SIZE WATERBED, soft sida, baffles fiosting system, oak frame, Scandanavian style, with night tablas, drawers wihhIn frame. Asking $800 or beat oh fer. 655-4917. G.E. 10,000 B.T.U. air con- ditioner. Vertical wIndow modal, usad 3 summers. Asking $300 f irm. 668.4639 after 4 p.m. ANTIQUE nursing rocking chair, $80. Dapression glass, (Amber Madrid) 8 place setting, $250. Bmm movia camera and projac- tor, $150. 9x12 rug, hand woven, $250. Phone 655-3127. SWîVEL ROCKER amin chair, brown tweed, $85. Two ther- mopanos, 65"x36", $25 each. Phono 668-2155. TWO LAMPS, braaa finish, $40 pair. Two ber aboise, $25 pair. Ail Items excellent condition. 427- 7069. THINK MONEY - ThInk the Whi,- by Free Press Emporium Section. One amailiadvortisemont la ail Il takes. Place your article for sala n the Whitby Free Press and gaI immodiate resuits. .*The Free Press se raod by over 70,000 potentiel buyara oach weak. Think about what wa can do for you ... than cail us. Whihby Free Press e668-6111. UPRIGHT PIANO; C.E. Littleasnd Sons Tottonhsm. Neads tuning. $650 firm. Phono 666-3817 af ter 5 p.m. ACCOUSTIC GUITAR, Fander, Modal F25, with case, $200 or best offer. 668-8545 afler 7:30 p.m. TWO shopping carts, $20. Throe wooden soft drink cartons, $2 aach. Phono 668.3632. il' TRUCK CAMPER. Sieaps six, ovan, 3 burner stovo, eiectric and 12 voitliIghhs. toilaI, $2,500. Cali 655-8052. FOR SALE 1960 VAMAHA 305 CC Colactors Item. Full range sparo parts. A-1 condition, $30. Phono 6839471. IOne ad ln the Whitby Free Press Empori- um Section wiii sali aimost anything. Calil66&.6111 ho Place your ad. ELECTAIO STOVE for sale, naariy new, green, $175. Rocking chair, $65. China cabinet, 3V2fI. ln hoîght and 5 fI. ln iength, $55. 683-6638. FREEZER, WESTINGHOUSE, 19 cubIc foat. Nover beon used. $300. Colu after 6p.m., 668.4870. ANTIQUE Jacobean wainut sida chair, $100. Goid veivat love seat, $125. Kidnoy vanity and s1001, $25. Sterso, receiver and speakers, $175. Oak wQod waiiunit for TV and VCR, com. plate with 3 drawers undarneath, brand naw, $375. 668-7091. AU5OI V EV TWO GOODO YEAR polyester tires On rima, 78x13, $10 each. Two Good Voar beihad radiai tiras on rims, 78x13, $10 each. Phono 655- 3006. 8FT fibreglasa and wood truck cap. $100 or beat offar. Phono 433-4279. FOR SALE three G-70 14" anow tiras, 2 on rima, One G-70 1411 ragular tire, one year oid, $60. CCM Galaxie Coaster bike, good condition, $50. Phone 576-0864. 7 AUOMOIVEAUTMOBILE URIEPPARTIR/PARTS izFUR ALE TWO CHEVETTE snow tires on wheeis, $60. Smith coronsa lec. trlc typewrltar with cartridge nib. bons and carrying casa, $75. Large dispiay case, $75. Victorian sofa, requiras re-uphoistary and finishing, $100 firm. 728-7744. 302 MOTOR and 3 speed stan- dard transmission, excellent running condition, $250. Phono 655-3006. FOR SALE four Fîrestone HPR radiai biackwalis, sizo P19560R14, 40 par cent worn, $150 f irm. One brand now Edoibrock 5P2P aiuminum Intake manifoid, complote with gasket Installation kit for email block Chev, $225. One new Chrysier AMIFM sterso MPX radio, $75. One Motorola AMIFM MPX auto reverse cassette, $150 f irm. One chrysier AM radio, $25. One Holley 600 CFM 4bbi carb., rabuilt, $50. One Carter AFB 4bbi., $25. Two Carter Chrysar tharmo Quad 4bbi, $25. Ono 340 factory AV5 4bbi intake manifoid, $40. One factory 318 4bbi. intake manifold spread bore, $50.. One 340 4bbi air cleanar and base, $20. One 360 4bbi. Chrysier angine, $150. One 1968 273 angine ln places, $75. Automstic trans for aboya angina, $25. Two 14"x6"~ Chrysior Rallye wheeis, 4½i" boit circlo, complote, $50. One naw door skln for passenger sida, 67 10 89 Barracuda, $45. Phono 855-3266. FOR SALE 1977 PINTO hatchback, 4 cylin- der, automatic, Raiiy whoeis, $1500. Phono 668-5909. 1976 AMO HORNET WAGON. Air conditioning, tilt wheei, reciining buckots, p.s., p.b., factor Raiiy wheeis, good body, 6 cylindar, 73,000 miles. Asking $1,600, car- 1975 CAMARO 350, auto, p.a., p.b., needs body work. As ls $850 or beat offer. Cail 668.6404a&fter 6 p.m. 1975 DODGE DART SPORT 318 V8 auto, machanicaiiy Al, top end robulit, buis to prove. Littlo body work necaseary, good rub- bar, oasiiy cortifiablo. $500 as la. 6U83692. 1975 LTD. Station wagon. V8, power steorlng and brakes, air conditioned, $500. Cail 655-8052. 1973 MAZDA RX-3 ROTARY. 4 spoed, AMIFM cassette staroo, requires ulttle body work and exhauat 10ca rtify. Asking $700 or bost of fer. 655-4533. 1973 VALIANT reilabto siant, 6 engins, easlly certified, $600. Cail 666-3068 afier 6 p.m. or week- ends. 1973 DATSUN. Good for parts, running condition, 4 cylinder, 4 speed. Asking $175 as ls. 1967 Pontiac Strato Chief, runs Ilko new. Asking $925 as le. Phono 723-3320. FOR SALE 1973 VW Beetie. Ex. cellent motor, 58,000 miles, new hoatar boxas and muffier, 4 now steel beltod radiai tires. Needs floor repaired on drivers aide and rear fonder. $500. Phone 668. 1195. 1972 PINTO. Two door, Ford motor, 4 speed standard, good running condition, needs a illte body work, $300. Phono 655-3006. 1971 BUICK LESABRE. Good mochanfically, rabuilt tran- smission, good motor, gas tank, asking $325. Ploaso cali 723-4238 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or 576-1911. aftor 5 p.m. 1964 DUICK SKYLARK 2 door, hardtop, 300 cu. In., V-8, very good condition. Asking $850. Phono 728-7744. 1956 LINCOLN. Restored to original. Noads painting, $3,500. cou 655-8052. Sick Room Equipment ioau ervicc tiotns. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear Up many of your' questions - if flot, do eall 668-6111 and we'11 be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. uon't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you fmnd the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our low advertising rates just because you have ques- If you: " are a private advertiser; " have an article to selIl; and, e have a specifled asking price for your article then yOU can advertîse under the Emporium sec- tion (see guldelines above for more details). Your ad will run each week until the article has ibeen sold (maximum three months). A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad: $6.00 If paid before the flrst Insertion of your ad; $7.50 If you are billed after your ad has appeared once. If your article does NOT seIl within three months, you pay only the minimum charge. It is unfortu- nate that no newspaper can guarantee your article willI seil, but, where else could you get three mon- ths advertlslng for only $6.00? When your article selîs, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Commission is: 5% Up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge descrlbed above. have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have the follow-7 lng advertisement placed under -this section of the Whitby Free Press. (don't forget to include your phone number) r-1 1 enclose $6.00 to cover the minimum charge. C Charge $6.00 to my Visa account. El Bill me for $7.50 after f irst publication of 1 Card No. Exp. Date Nome (please print) Address City Postal Code Total Amount Payable $ 6.00 7.50 10.00 15.00 20.00 22.00 24.00 26.00 28.00 30.00 ý32.00 30-66 32 ()0 52.00. 72.00 92.00 100.00 WUTTRYPRPPPPP.r%4Z Wrr-IXIrOT-IAV 100A 25 T% -- IAL - - - ÀL - ào 0- e Below are some examples of what vnu would be charged If your article sold within tni months. Commissions shown include the minimL m charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE Advertised Price zz- Up to $120 $ 150 $ 200 $ 300 $ 400 $ 500 $ 600 my ad. MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N Whitbv Ll N SSI $ 700 $ 800 $ 900 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 and up mil A20em:>--- C 0 dý--eN

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