PAGE 24, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 19 84, WIIITI3Y FREE PRESS fr,,li tri.l1dete t S if vu be 1g. hbizersoill alla,. an li oa .p. 41,rnmm if fa k.J.. r ,.carwith ka,.a ba.A.,ý (NC) - Energy isn't the only thing released when the engine in your vehicle burns fuel. Burned gases and a lot of noise result. And then there's the prob- lem of whattodowiththem. That's what the exhaust system is ail about. It moves burned gases away from the car and reduces (NC) - Misaligned cal, body panels cauld be a thing of the past with thein- traduction of an ingenious new automobile construc- tio>n method. It could ab- viate the corrective manip- ulation now applied to cure hard-to-close doors and deck lids, or ta bring haads into line with adjacent sheet metal, or torestare the designed contours ta body panels distarted by an im- praperly positianed sup- porting structure. The cars built by this revalutionarýi construction methad will leave the plant as close ta their intended shape as modern manufacturing technology can make them. The new construction me- thod makes panel replace- ment a breeze, so the cost of repairing cars built by this method will be less than the cost of fixing cars of con- ventional construction. The system has been de- veloped by General Motors enginheers for a mid- engined, two-passenger soorts car, the Pontiac Fiero. Called space frame construction by its origina- tors, it consists of a steel the roar of the engine. It's made up of ai haust manifold, whicl lects the hot gases each cylinder; an-exl pipe; a muffler; andE pipe. Sonie models have a second mu mounted behind the fii called aresonator-an vehicles that require in ex- hf col- from haust a tail also iffler rst- ndfor eun- skeleton clad in moulded plastic panels. Pontiac's version of the space frame comprises 276 separate stampings welded together into a single structure. Thirty-nine mounting pads, each not much bigger than a sugar cube and can- sisting of a metal box con- taining epaxy resin, are at- tached ta the frame. Thle frame is transferred ta equipment which, warking ta close limits previously applied anly tacomponents like engines andl transmis- sions, simultane(>usly drills fastener hales in the paids and supparting metal and' machines the pads ta the exact height reqiuired for a perfect panel fit. Pan- tiac enigineers predict var- iances of no mare than 0.4 mm in the profle ofthe pan- els, not enough ta be visible ta the naked eye. The Fiero's space frame forms an envelope com- pletely enclosing the pas- senger compartment and has substantial bracing ta the front and rear, protect- ing the occupants in the event of collision. 4@*I@IunemeNcau it mell eu mee.I.IIep ;I e Your Local Chrysler.Dodge i Sales and Service Dealer 2 Parts & Service* Thursciays tili 9 p.m. 2 W e 209 Dundas St. W. 6630 TILDEE LYNX, TO PAZ 8& MARQ"U IS PHONE FOR RATES 668-589 3 leaded fuel, a catalytic converter. How it works Here's how the system tworks: The engi ne burns 1fuel in its cylinders. At- tached to each cylinder is ran exhaust valve that a]- lows the burned engine rgases to escape into the ex- haust manifold. From the manifold, these gases pass through the muffler - which, as its name implies, muffles the roar of the en- gine. The exhaust finally exits through the tail pipe. It's critical, from a safety standpoint, that the systemn works properly - because if there are any leaks, theco- lorless, odorless î, and deadly carbon monoxide gas can enter your vehicle. Even brief exposure to car- bon monoxide can cause headaches and nausea. But prolonged exposure spelîs certain death. Leaks are sometimes dif- corne suspicious, have your technician put your vehicle on the hoist and examine the exhaust system closely. Exhaust systema wear out, mainly due to corro- sion. While water, humid- ity and road saltecombine to rust the outside of mufflers and pipes, they can't com- pete with the highly corro- sive effect on their inside surfaces of water and com- bustion gases. The average life expec- tancy of the original ex- haust system is roughly three years. But it shouldn't surprise you to replace ail or part of your vehicle's system more frequently due, in part, to the type of driving you do. Exhaust systems on vehi- cles-regularly driven long distances tend to last longer. The heat generated from driving long distan- ces removes moisture from the exhaust system. Twice-a-year checkups To properly maîntain your vehicle's exhaust sys- tem, have it checked twice a year - in the spring and faîl. While it's on the hoist, have your technician check the hangers thatattach the system to the underside of your vehicle and replace any that are broken. If neg- lected, loose or broken SMALL CAR CENTRE $38.99 $48.99 $58.99 630 EUCLIO ST. WHITBY PASSENGER & LIGHT TRUCKS BRAKES TUNE-tJP SHOCKS EXHAUST 103 Dundas E. Whitby 66lS8-3356 162 King St. E. Oishawa 571-3400 cure tail pipe or muffler to damage oth er parts such as brake lines. If a hanger suddenly gives out while you're driv- mng, emergency car aid can ueJerirma JAAUwALLA meC AAVA of a coat hanger, or some other wire you may have on hand. But remember not to touch any part of the ex- haust system of a recently- You can ge7t a potentially- senious burn. John Walby trains auto- mobile technicians for Esso Petroleum Canada. CALL US TODAY FOR AL VOUR NEW AND USED CAR NEEDS. 1025 DUN DAS ST. W., WHý1'"ITBY 668-4792 4 CYL. 6 CYL. 8 CYL. Worn exhaust syst-emu deadly Ine nioscntut 1 Dodge Tru(iý5i - mmmlli L