PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, -AUGUST 15, 1984, WHITBY -FREE PRESS w mp THE PRINCE RESTAURANT AND DINING LOUNGE 'SOU VLAKI @GREEK SALAD *BUSINESS LUNCH EON 'SPECIALS *SEAFOOD @RED BRAND STEAKS ,@STEAKS & RIBS 'SALAD BAR 'MOUSAKA Li CENSED UNDER LLBO DINING LOUNGE SPECIALIZING IN GREEK CUISINE 1009 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY ( EAST 0F BROC K> 4 E'nglsh S'tyle Restaurant p LIc. under L.L.B.O. Prosents: Sunday,.Aug. 19/8 SundayBrAunCh18 112 2S. . 66.303 12CoibomeStE. 063,34 k SWhltby MONTH OF F AUGUST SPECIAL SALADS! SALADS! SALADS! MON. TO FRI. 12 NOON - 3 P.M. COKEE JOES HUMONGOUS SALAD BAR AIL YOU CAN EAT FOR ONLY $2u95 OVER 35 ITEMS INCLUDING SHRIMP, HERRING, MARINATEO MUSHROOMS, CHEESE. BACON BITS, POTATO SALAD, !j AND MANY MANY MORE1 Cedrick's m a truly great. place to eat By MICHAEL KNELL Free Press Staff Whitby is just full of great places to eat, I've ciscovered in the past few weeks and this week I'd like to tell you about another one - Cedrick's on Brock St. N. 1 had lunch here last Thursday and I must say that it was one of the finest restaurant meals V've had in a long time. Firat of ail, the ser- vice was excellent. The lady who waited on my companion and myself was warm and friendly, but 1 forgot tg ask her naine. Cedrick's menu was chock-full of tempting items and presented as a computer printout. But as a lover of steak, I had the six ounce filet mignon, which is most reasonable at $6.95. It was served exactly as ordered.- medium rare - and felI apart as the knife touched it. The french fries that ac- companied it for lunch were a delight, crispy without being greasy. As a side dish, I bad 207 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY 668-2:337 Joec OUSE THEME NIGHT COKEE JOE GOES WESTERN EVERY TUESDAY IN AUGUST JOIN US FOR THE BIG SHOOT OUT LISTEN TO VOUR FAVOURITE WESTERN ARTIST ALL NIGHT LONG WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22ND ALOHA-HAWAIIN BEACH PARTY EVERVONE GETS A LEI CONTEST MUSCLE BOUND (MALES ONLY> HAIRY CHEST AWARD > L ROPE A DOPE <FEMALES ONLY) COME IN YOUR BEACH ATTIRE! WEDNESDAY SEPTEM BER 5TH BACK TO SOHOOL BASH! CONTEST - THE GREAT BOOK RACE their garlic bread with cheese -and let me tel you, it left you asking for more. The only thing about Cedricks I should like to warn new customers about is that the restaurant 15 located upstairs, over owner Ed Przyblski's ,banquet room. For first time patrons that could be confusing but once found,* Cedricks is a dining treat. Their menu is exten- sive ranging froin ap- petizers that include not only three kinds of garlie bread but escargot, shrimp cocktail and mushroom caps as well. The menu also in- cludes a selection of finger foods for after- noon snacking or as a tidbit during the evening. Offered' are chicken wings and fingers, clam stripe and breaded shrimp. These should be eaten while listening to the enter- tainment that takes to the stage Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Type-vwriter RENTALSI also SALES & SERVICE HALIBUT AT ITS BEST! 0F FISH WITH EACH ORDER. Mon.-Sat. 6 a.m.-9 p.m. Sun. 8 a.m.-9 p.m. 102 Lupin Dr., Blair Park Plaza Whltby 86688672 For dinner, hungry patrons have a solld choice that not only in- cludes filet mignon but steak, rlbs, chlcken and seafood as well. One of the most i- .teresting things about Cedrick's is thà t it i8 host to one of Durham Region's largest dart leagues. Dart shooters from the region show their stuff Monday nlght and anyone wlth an in- terest in the game can joing. Cedrlck's also hosts a major local darts' tour- nament and in fact, several of the teains that play here are local, champions as well. 1 would heartily recommend Cedrick's for anyone looklng for a good night out. SUMMER CINEMA The Whitby Arts Station Gallery will con- tinue its "Summer Cinema '84" a series of films for adults and children tomorrow at 3 and 7p.m. In the afternoon, children can see WaIt Disney's animated classic "The Jungle Book" Gene Kelly will dance his way. through "An American in Paris" ini the evening show for adults. Admission to both shows is free. The gallery là located at the corner of Henry and Victoria Sts. CONCERT The Durham Classical Guitar Society wil give a concert at- the .McLaughlln Bandshell, Centre St. S., Oshawa on Aug. 28 at 7:30 ptm. Admission is free. For more information about this and other concerts cail 725-7351, DINING GUIDE GOLDEN GATE 107 Brock St. S. Whltby 668-8321 This popular Chinese Restaurant Is Introduclng the SZECHUAN CUISINE for ail of you gour- mets Who like spîcy hot dishes. ... . YOUR DINTNG PLEASURE Try Our Fabulous SUNDAY 'BUNCH O'Tooles Bunch bas ail the tasty, crowd-pleaslng Items you would expect PLUS these deliclous dishes " Fresh Poached B.C. Salmon "Hot Roast Beef " Chicken Cacclatore " Swedish Meatballs We bave a total of127 mouth-watering Items that you'll love again and again AIl yours for only... 795 fi IAdufts 3chIm -Lutaid %WeiL.L.S.. - 12yrt. à under 33 Taunton Rd. W. (at Simncoe) OSHAWA DININO LOUNO!E SUN DAY SPECIAL FILET MIGNON FOR TWO Includes: salad, potato & vegetable $ 9a5 0 TUESDAY NIGHTS 2 IWINGS 173 BROOK ST. N., WHITBY "Get the Friendlies!" 668-8822