Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 8 Aug 1984, p. 15

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s0eý ARTICLES ARTICLES FOR SALEFO SALE FOR SALE Ksnmore humidifier, ROOM SIZE carpetlng, noariy $2. Antique fioor radio, ýW now. Light green, 1lf tx27ft, $340. Mantel radio, $10. Baseboard Light blue, llft.xll½hft., $140. heaters, $20. Floor poliahor, $15. Tan, 10'ft.xllft., $130. Phono New scaliopod edgo blind, $20. 434-'5560. Raàt . it mmeu nil ... 1-[ -eF $50. Leather aultoaso, $15. Prices negotiable. Cali 888-280. REALISTIC PORTABLE Programmable Scanner, 4 mon- tha old. AC Adaptor and batteries Incl., $380 flrm. Ask for Terry. Phone 433-8858. ONYX CHESS SETS, Aztec style, aasorted Colore, $55 each. Frigidaire automatlc drier $100. Record collection, 500 albums, $1,200. New 8 man lent $180. Bally radeway plnball machine, needs some work, $350. Phone 985-9258. PINE CANONDALL bedroomn suite. 9 monthe old. Movlng muet seii. Excellent condition. Asklng $1,300. Cali 668"125. FOR SALE Fiexprlng dlving board, 12' length for swimming pool, $100. Approx. 220' chain iink fence, 2" meshin il gauge, vInyl covered, 42"' high wlth gaivanlzed topraîl,,caps, railend asaembly, offset banda and ten- siaon bars, <note no posta), $168. Aiso 3 gales,,42" hlgh x 33" x 43" x 43", $17 each. Pool vacuum houe, 1%½"x40', $17. Also ;4" rope and 4 bouys, 20' lenglh, $15. 3 bicycles, 1 mena, 23" Simpson Sears, 10 speed Fire Spirit, $75, 1 boy's, 18" C.T.C. Supercycle, 3 apeed, $55. 1 ladies 19½"kI C.T.C. Supercycle coaster, $80. AIl the aboya ln good condition, Cali Lon 655-4719. HUMIDIFIER, $75. Brasa and fiat back glaus door fireplace cover, $50. 1974 Austin Marina, 1978 motor, buma no o11, excellent running condition, good body, $900. Cali 88-3323 anytime. FOR SALE boy'&-bike, 28" tires, $30. Phono 88-8429. FOR SALE Dorel chiid safety seat, $33. Stainlesa steel double sink wlth Arborite, $45. Phone B88-788. STEREO 120 watt amp. Marantz tuner, LARGE speakers, $500. Stand-up humidifier, $50. Largo woodatove, brick lined, gias front, neyer used, $450. Fiter Quoen wlth power head, $4W0. Gao weod ester, neyer used, $150. Phone 683-6081. COMPUTER - Radio Shack TR5- 80 Mod. I., 16K. Includes keyboard, monitor cassette drive, Joystick, manuel and handbooka, plus quantity 0f caasettes, $300. Phone 855-3854 afler 5 p.m. SAUNA HEATER. 6 KW Fennon sauna heater. Staînloas steel ln- aide, baked enamel outaide, complote wilh control, $340. 668- 0786 afler 5 p.m. ONE PAIR laies rouler skates aize 8, $40. One aiumlnumn door 34- x 80"1, $15. One Narson spray paint gun like new, $75. 50ft. link fenclng plus gaes $30. Phono 883"145. 48 CEDAR 4x4'9, Oft. long, 35.50 each. Phono 855-4200. DINiNG ROOM SET - buffett, hutch, table and 4 chairs, Ex. collent condition, $595. Singer aewIng machine ln cabinet, $95. Mnsa 10 speed bike, $70. Cal 883-6638. 30 GALLON FISH TANK hood wlth light, fltor, hoater, gravel, $50. Pihone 683-9471. BIKES ladies 10 apeod, $60. Boys and girls, $40. IBM electric office typewriter, excellent condition, $100. Plcnic' table', -$30. 'Oak chairs (4), $15 each. Bookcase, $18. Stop-ladder, $10. Car rampa, $25 a pulr. Electric alove, good for cottage, $50. Oak table, $85. Cail 683-883. FOR SALE 2 aluminum doors R.H. 34x82, $30 each or $50 for both. Set of 4,wheîs, G.M., 15" 'wldorlms', $100 tako ail. 'h ton pickup cap, fiborgiasa, lîko new, $325. Slingerland drums, 8 pleces, cymbala, cases, har- dware, and oxtrsa, $1000 or boat offer. Phone 868-3495 after 4:30 p.m. GE. 10,000 5,T.U. air con- ditioner. Vertical window modol, used 3 aummora. Aaklng $30 firm. 68-439 atter 4 p.m. FOR SALE Reel Type Lawn- mower, powerod by Brlggs and, Straton 3.5 H.P. engine, soif Propelied, $75. Phono 655-3870, When the advertised Item la sold, dIsposed of, or unavailablo fr whatever reason, the item wllil be deemed 10 hava been sold and a comm 'ission wili be charged based on' THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Illustrated below, ragardiess If prico la etated with "best offer". If tht, Item la NOT SOLD, or dIsposed of, the ad' will be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $8.00 wiil apply payable In advance of publication of the f irst ad. Olherwise a $7.50 charge will ap- ply If billed whlch muet be paid upon recelpt of bihl. The aboya minimum charges wiil be applied to the final commission due but In any case the higheramount wili be chargad. Minimum charge: $8.00 pre-pald; $7'.50-bllled. Maximum commission: $100.00. AIl advertlsements muet be placed on an ex- clusive basîs with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atleast one moh hIf not sold. 5% of advertised price Up 103400.00 RATES (if article la sold): EXAMPLE: SoId item advertised f or $120.00. Commission due $6.00 <minimum charge ls 38.00). Privaie advertislng onlyl Ploase notlfy the Whitby Free Press Immediateiy when item la sold so Ihat we may dolote il from the foiiowing Issue. AIl ada not fitting the Emporium guldelines wili bo treated. and charged per wook as rogular classlfiod ada on a pre-pald basis auch as: services, heip wantod, clolhing, rosI esîste, and personal message type ada, or ada not quoling prîce or quantity P rivats- claasIied ada may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriato headinga. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO:- FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whitby, LiN S1i If ln doubt calu: 668-6111 OR DELI VER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whilby, Ont. THEIDA LN FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THEi FRDYPREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. *ARTICLES dlTJ' At'1HUSEHOLD1 a FO0 R S A LE INSTMENTS IOD FOR SALE Teak dînette eset, 1 table and 6 chairs, $250. Girl'a desk, $50. Two woodon chest of drawera, $30 each. Two wooden bunk beda, $75 each. Teak bod, for don, $120. Antique radio ln cabinet, $50. Large woodod desk, $80. Drapery, $200. 10-apeed bicycle, $70. Wheei barrow, $20. Phono 683-7132 after 86.m FOR SALE Commercial f loor poilaher, $800. Aiao 1978 Ford Truck ;4 ton, p.b., p.s.,' c.t., AMIFM radio and 8 track, enginsé good,,needa somo bodywork. As is'32,000. Phono aflor 5 p.m., 728- 8794. ANTIQUE nurslng rocklng chair, $80. Depresalon glass, (Ambor Madrid) 8 place aelting, $250. 8mm mrovie camera and proJec- tor, $150. 9x12 rug, hand woven, $250. Phono 855-3127. SWIVEL ROCKER armn chair, brown tweed, $85. Two ther- mopanos, 85"x36", -$25 oach. Phonoe68-2155, TWO LAMPS, brasa finish, $40 pair. Two bar msto, $25 pair. Al Items excellent condition. 427- 7069. VIDEO MONITOR for personal computer. Zenith 12" $99. 683- 3894. UPRIGHT PiANO-ý C.E. Littlo 'and Sona Tottsnham. Nseda'tuning. $650firm. Phonoe68-3817 aftor 5 p.m. KAY GUITAR for sale Includos case and 8 watt amp., $150. Phono 855-3885. ACCOUSTIC GUITAR, Fonder, Model F25. with case, $200 or bout offor. 668-545 afler 7:30 P.m. - TWO shoppiing carts, $20. Three wooden soft drink cartons, $2 oach. Phono 886-3632. ELECTRîC STOVE for sale, noarly new, green, $175. Rocking chair, 485. China cabinet, 31,h fI. ln height and 5 f1. ln iength, $85. 883-6638. FREEZER, WESTINGHOUSE, 19 cublc foet. Nover beon uaod. $300. Cal 1 afler 6 p.m., 868-4870. ANTIQUE Jacobsen walnul aide chair, $100. Goid volvot love seat, $125. Kldney vanity and atool, $25. Stereo, receivor and speakers, $175. Oak wood wallunlt for TV and VCR, com- plie wlh 3 drawors underuîoath, brand new, $375. 688-7091. FOR SRAI.ELE Il' TRUCK CAMPER. Sîsepa six, oven, 3 burnor atove, eiectric and 12 voit lghta, tbibI, 32,500. Cail 855-8052. THINK MONEY - ThInk the Whiv- by Free Press Emporium Section. One amall advertlsemoentja sail il takea. Place your article for sale n the Whitby Free Press and gel Immediate resuits. Thé, Free Press la read by ovor 70,000 potentiai buyers each week. Thlnk about what wo can do for you ... then cal us. Whitby Free Pres868-6111.ý 1983 YAMAHA DT 125K. 2 stroke, Ilquid cooled. 31,000 or boat of- 1966 YAMAHA 305 CC Coliectors Item. Full range spore parts. A-i1 __ condition, $300. Phonoe883-9471. 1One ad ln the Whltby Free Press Empori- um Section wiil 8011 almosl anything. C a li 6 8 -6 1 1 1 letT I I a ( , n placeyourad. ~~fl RAUTOMOJBIE S 1975 LINCOLN. 2-door, for parts and inlerlor parts, $100. 2 Good Vear polyester tires on- rima, 78x13, $10 oach. 2 Good Ysear belted radiail ires on rima, 78x13, $10 each. Phone 855-3008. 1975 DART for parts. Fibreglasa front fondera. Aaklng '$150. Phone 855-3245. 8FT fibreglasa and wood truck cap. $100 or bout offor. Phono 433-4279. 302 MOTOR and 3 spoed stan- dard transmission, excellent running condition, $250. Phono 855-300. FOR SALE four, Firestone HPR radial blackwalia, size P19580R14, '40 per cent worn, $150 firm. One brand .new Edelbrocic SP2P aiuminum Intake manifold, complets wilh gaàket Installation kit'for amali block Chsv, $225. Ono new Chrysier AMIFM stsrso MPX radio, $75. One Motorois AMIFM MPX auto reverse cuaesste, $150 f lrm. One Chrysier AM radio, $25.' *One, Holsey S800 CFM 4bbl carb., rebuiit, $50. Ons Carter AFB 4bbi., $25. Two Carter Chryaier thermno 0usd 4bbl, $25. On. 340 factory AVS 4bbi intake manifold, $40. One factory 318 4bbl. Intake manifold spread bore, $50. One 340 4bbi air cleaner and basa, $20. Ono 380 4bbl. Chrysier engins, $150. One 1968 273 *engine ln places, $75. Aulomnatic trans for aboya engine, $25. Two 14"x6" Chrysar Rallye wheeia, 4½o" boit zIrcle, complets, $50. One new door skmn for passenger aide, 87 tb 89 Barracuda, $45. Phono 855-3288.> FOR SALE lhroe G-70 14" anow tires, 2 on rima, One G-70 14" regular tire, one year old, $80. CCM Galaxie Coastor bike, good condition, $50. Phone 578-0864. 1077 MUSTANG. 4 cylinder, standard, new engins, AMIFM radio, Sunroof. Neoda a llt11e body work. UncsrlIfled, $900 or beat offer. Phione 883-9087 1977 PLYMOUTH Cordoba, Run- ning order, couid b. cerlifled, $200. Phone 858-3008. 1977 PINTO halchback, 4 cylin- der, automalic,. Rally, whee, $1500. Phone 888.599. 1976 AMC HORNET WAGON. Air condilloning, tilt wheel, reciinlng bucketa, PS., p.b., factor Raily wheeis, good body, 8 cylinder, 73,000 miles. Asking $1,800, cer- tif led.68883581. 1975 DODGE DART SPORT 318 v8 auto, mechanlcaiiy Ai, top end rebulîl, buis 10o prove. Ltih body work necesaay, good rub- ber, easiiy corlifiablo. $500 as la. 668-m892. 1975 LTD. Station wagon. V8, power ateering and brakos, air condilonod, $50, Cali 855-8052. 1974 VEGA $100 or beat offer. Phono 855-3885. 1973 VALIANT reilabie aient, 6 engins, easiiy certified, $800.Cali 886-3088 afler 8 p.m. or week- ends. 1973 DATSUN, Good for Parts, running condition, 4 cylinder, 4 speed. Asking $115 au -la. 1967 Pontiac Strato Chief, runs like new. Aaking $925 as ls. Phone 723-3320. FOR SALE 1973 VW stie, Ex. celient motor, 58000 miles, nsw hoaler boxes and muffier, 4 new asel bsitsd radiai tiras. Needa floor rspalred on drivera aide end rear fonder. $500. Plhons 66& 1195. 1972 TOYOTA CELICA ST. $100 or best of fer. Phonoe68U7548. 1971 DUICK LESADRE. Good mechanlcally, robulit tran- smission, good motor, gas tank, asking $325. Please cali 723-4238 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or 578-1911 afler 5 p.m. 1958 LIN*COLN. Roatored to original. Neods painting, $3,500. Caîl 655-8052. * 'I C O N Flqaor ý MU flMlkIýW Don't Put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- tions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear up many of your ply because you find the. advertising guidelines confusing. Don't questions - if flot, do eall 668-6111 and we'11 be pleased to explain- the miss out on our low advertising rates just because you have ques- Emporium Section to you personally. C w - E If you: " are a private advertiser; " have an article to seil; and, e have a specified asking price for your article then you Can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guldellnes above for more details>. Your ad wiil run each week until the article has been soid (maximum three months>. A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad: $6.00 If paid before the f irst Insertion of your ad; $7.50 If you are billed after your ad has appeared once, If yomjr article does NOT sell withln three months, you pay only the minimum charge. It is unfortu- nate that no newspaper can guarantee your article wiIi seli, but, where else couid y ou get three mon- ths advertising for onily $6.00? When your article souls, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Commission Is: 5% Up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge descrlbed above. TF i have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have the foilow- ing adVertisement placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press. Below are'some examples of what you wouid be charged if your article sold within three months, Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE. Advertised Prîce --_- don't forget to include your phono number) CI I enclose '$6,00 to cove r the minimum charge. CI Charge $6.00 f0 my Visa account. E.] Bill me for $7.50 after f irst publication of my ad. Card No. Exp. Date Namne please print) Address cy -7Pna MAIL TO: d WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. p . *-------- VVIIULLJJLIII ZJQ fUp to $120 $ 150 $ 200 $ 300 $ 400 ~0$ 500 $ 600 $ 700 I$ 800 $ 900 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 Total Amount Payable $ 6.00 7.50 10.00 15.00 20.00. 22.00 24.00 26.00 28.00 30.00 32.00 52.00 72.00 92.*00- 1 1 2% of balance over $400.00 1

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