Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 25 Jul 1984, p. 5

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 1984. PAGE 5 w mp LTTERS TO THEDITOR Former YMC3A board member angry at Metro merger Dear Sir: Wby, wben Whitby bas a good tbing going, would anyone (least of ail a board of directors of a community agency) jeopardize it by joining witb Metro? Why' would the Y.M.C.A. board of directors consider that Metro Toronto. YMCA would be an asset to the Durham community? Over the years, the residents of Whitby (then more -recently Durbam) bave benefit- ted from baving their own 'Y'. Now it would seem welil become just another branch office of Metro. Wbere wiil our identity be? Wbat about our unique needs? Why is it tbat once we bave a financiaily sound agency providing a wide variety of excellent programs would we band it over to Metro on a silver platter for the price of possible future financial security and one representative to explain Witby's needs? How could this decision bave been made, one effecting tbe community of Durbam, witb so little publicity? Is someone afraid tbat Report.from Queen ' s Park By THE HON. GEORGE ASilE, MPP (PC - Durham West) Minister of Government Services Ontario Summer is now weil underway, and Iwould like to take this opportunity to highligbt a major provincial attraction wbicb, has been of great interest to large numbers of Durham area residents over the years - Ontario Place. Ontario Place was designed to appeal to ail ages. The concept was first announced in the summer of 1968, and the site was officiaily opened in May, 1971. It incorporates a wide variety of interesting attrac- tions, and was the focal point of the sail past of the Tail Ships durmng their recent visit to Toronto. If you bave not yet bad the opportunity to visit this fasclnating place, or have not vlsited it for some time, then you might want to consider a tour of what bas become one 0f Ontario's most popuiar summer playgrounds in this year of celebrating together, our bicentennial year. Be tween You and Me f ml. i ww By RUTH COLES Our task now Io flot to fix the blame for the past, but Wo fix the course for the future. 1John F. Kennedy Many years ago, I suggested that church beils should peal in our fair town at certain bours of the day. The idea was shot down very quickly and I was asked wbat this would do to sbift workers . It would be an impossibility and very disturbing to a certain segment of the population. Are there not sbift workers in Europe and the States? This winter wben driving soutb and staying overigbt in New York state tbe belis toiled several tiines a day. Wbat a deligbtful sound it is and, often very, comforting. Apart from the melodious sound It migbt encourage people to drop into the cburch of their choice and spend a few quiet moments. Noon and 6 p.m. migbt be a starter and a beginning. This ail came Wo mind as I listened to the steel company siren last nigbt. Wby not try beils? Com- forting and soothing rather than irritating I would think. The sound of beils might penetrate the building so tbat safety would be assured. What odd weatber we are baving, such cool nights. Often itbe low 50'9 or even bigb 40's early i tbe mornlng and to boot, fog. Beautiful to see; the trees and follage are lovely wben seen tbrougb mlst, a different picture altogether. A man I know who the residents just migbt object? Wbat do mem- bers of Whitby Council and tbe mayor bave to say, or were tbey even made aware of tbe plans of the board? Do the companies wbo pay memberships agree that this is a productive move? I appreciate the effor- ts of volunteers wbo formn a board of direc- tors for any agency, tbe timne and effort tbey ex- pend witb seemingly apathetic response from those who only benefit from tbeir work. But as a former member 0f the Whitby YMCA board I also can appreciate the sense of pleasure when innovative programs were welcomed by the commumity as a whole, when kids obviously benefitted from decisions made at those long, tiring meetings. - Perbaps tbis board bas decided that Durham. is too com- placent and apathetic; that its toc difficuit to get people interested to sit on the board, so tbey'il hand it ail - yes, ail the years of bard work and community THE FORUM: The amphitbeatre sbowcases per- formers that wil appeal to ail tastes, sucb as Lou Rawls, Cbuck Mangione, Roberta Flack, and Gladys Knlght and the Plps, tbrougb The National Ballet of Canada, The Toronto Symphony, Wo the Nylons, Bruce Cockburn, Doug and tbe Slugs, and The Spitflre Band. There is covered seatig for 2,500, wltb rocmn for 7,500 more on the surrounding billsides. The rotatig centre stage section affords a clear view for ail. CINESPHERE: Tbis giant wbite spbere, surrounded by water, bas become a dazzling Toron- to waterfront landmark. The 800-seat theatre shows the breathtaking IMAX film "Journey of Discovery", in whicb viewers are taken on a panoramic excursion through Ontario's past, present, and future, in a tribute to the province 's Bicentennial. There are continuous sbowings every 30 minutes from 10:30 a.m., witb the last show at 9:30 p.m. Admission is free. CHILDREN'S VILLAGE: Reserved for Ontario Place guests under 12 years 0f age, and/or under 145 cm. (57") taîl, tbis two-acre supervised playground pioneered miàny 0f the concepts of child play wbich are now recognized warld-wide. Kids can bounce, climb, crawl, jump, and go bead over heels, and then squirt and splash to their hearts' content. The village is open daily until 9 pan., and is free with admission. Future Pod, Ontaio North Now, Glant Water- slde, Bumper boats, these are just some of the many other attractions featured at Ontario Place this, summer. worked close to tbe lake for years told me yesterday tbat he bad kept a record of temperatures near the lake and the temperature in Whitby. Many times in the summer a difference of 15 degrees. In the winter it is reversed and we bave bigher temperatures near tbe water. It is very difficuit to explain this to some people because they don't realize that the water neyer goes below 32 degrees, that is Lake On- tario. Tbis bas a warming effect on the land. 0f course, many small lakes freeze over and tbis creates extreme cold wben the wind blows and sweeps across the water. Sometime ago we read an article about the Ber- muda something or other which would give us the same kind of scorcher we* had last summer. What bas bappened to it? Many people must enjoy cool summers so for tbem we must be tbankful and relisb any bit 0f beat we may have. Not much time lately for sunning but we are stili trying and doing it our way. We, as I said before, enjoy tanning together but we do it differently andmucb to our satisfaction. I take off as mucb as is allowable, My busband puts on, always a cap and shirt. Mucb to my dismay be often tans faster than I do. A youngster told me yesterday that she had sun- stroke a while back and bas to be very careful to always wear a cap. Once you bave this problem it seems to stay forever and tbe sickness is most un- pleasant. It is not worth it for anyone to let this bap- pen 50 take care. On July 25 tbe Liberals willhave their nomination meeting at 8 p.m. at the Pickering Higb Scbool. Do try to be there. If you don't care or you are not in- terested then forever hold your peace. We sbould al be intent on learning the truth first band because in the long baul we are the governmnent. Many people are very rigid in their thinking wben it cornes to cbanging course. They wii vote for any dud as long as be is of their persuasion. We must bave a good person to serve us in this area. Our bets are on Gwen Mowbray and I will write about ber at a later date. She is clever and not self serving. We realize that the Great Debate will be on that evening but wbo knows there maybe a chance to see it and also to partake I the meeting. We hope there bo a solution so, no one wlllhave to miss elther. pride - over to Metro so that the Durham 'Y' will become the rose in Metro's butten-hole! Maybe, we deserve this decision, but wby weren't we ahl, by media notices large enougb to see, made aware of tbis possibility so we could give imput individually or collectively? Why do we only hear of it as a fait accompli? Did al the board members agree, if not why didn't the dissidents let it be made known? Obviously, I have a lot of questions, but bopefuily I am not tbe only one in Wbitby or Durbam. Obviously I amn upset, but bopefully I am not the only citizen who is, SALE plus tax (tank flot mi Reg. $169.OO WhiIe quantities IastC Jacuzzi Barbecuing is fast, easy and deliclous with this propane famiiy- size barbeque. Say goodbye to charcoal fuss, mess, clean-ups. Built to perform and last with al the most-wanted features: *Rust-free, cast aiuminum 'Jet Black' grilihead " Large 402 sq. in. cooking surface " Dual heat controls mean you can conserve fuel - use haîf the cooking surface for small meals e 32,000 BTU stainless steel 'lnfinity Burner' distributes heat quickly, evenly about yet another hand over to another com- munity for direction of our affairs. Yours truly, Carol Beamish, Frederick St. Whitby. e Rust-resistant porcelain cooking grids for easy cleaning; adjust for 2 positions e Temperature indicator for 'just right' cooking every time e Redwood front sheif; wooden handies ,@ Warming rack; sturdy 6" wheeis - Shop early while quantities Iast. Save up to 10% oon other barbeque models. VI&4 Visit Our showroom now: Mon.-Wed. Thurs. & Fni. Saturday 8:00 &.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. PROPANE 505 VICTORIA ST. E. WHITBY 668-3328 THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY Î7D71)0F DURHAM DUJRHAM NOTICE 0F THE RATEPAYERS 0F THE CORPORATION 0F THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM The Audited Financial Statements of the Cor- poration of the Regional Municipality of Durham for the year ended December 31, 1983 are available from the Regional Finance Department. Anyone, l nterested ln obtaining a copy of these statements shouid write to the Regional Municipality of Durham Finance Department, 60 Bond Street West, P.O. Box 818, Oshawa, Ontarlo L1 H 8B6. MDSUMMER BARBECUE CLEAR-OUT.

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