PAGE 28, WEDNESDAY, JULY 1l, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR SERVICE, E CI L TUNE-US BRAKES 01B GORD NIEUWENDYK 317 HOPKINS ST., WIB 666-2885 (rear of Van Hemmen Tire) PRO DOD Your Local Chrysler-Dodge i Sales and Service * Deaier parts & Service - Thursdays tîli 9 p.m. WHITBY 209 Dundas St. W.6663000 FATTERSLEY TIRE SERVICEI I PASSENGER,& LIGHT TRUCKS I BRAKES TUNE-UP SHOCKS EXHAUST 103 Dundas E. Whitby 668-3356 162 King St. E. Oshawa 571-340,J TILDEN C AR R ENTAS NOW AVAILABLE IN WÇHITBY FEATURING LYNX, TOPAZ & MARQUIS (NC) - Everybody's car paint will fade and chip, in time. Chipping, caused by stones hitting lower body panels, takes its toil, and if left unchecked will promote rust. (This chipping some- times occurs while a new automobile is riding'a rail- road car to the dealer, be- fore it's ever been driven). Also, the gradual and in- evitable accumulation of road dirt and pollutants which build up on a finish will cause the paint to dry out and fade. Where it's done important Thé durability of a pain t finish depends to a certain extent on where it was app- lied - at the original manu- facturer or at a body shop. The disadvantage of many body-shop paint jobs is that there can occasion- ally be irregularities in the mixing ofthethinnerorpig- ments. This can produce a paint finish that is either dry and brittie, or too soft. Another important con- sideration is the quality of products applied to protect the paint finish. Regardless of whether a car is fresh from the showroom or a re- paintjob, the finish mustbe protected. Wax is effective as a- short-term shield, butin the long run it tends to accumu- late in layers - and that dries paint, making it brit- tie and susceptible to chipping. An alternative method of protecting a car's paint fin- ish - and one which is steadily growing in popu- larity - is to have' it treated at a Perma-Shine centre. The treatment involves application of a specially- formulated paint additive which permeates the paint finish down to the prime coat. The Perma-Shine comn- pound sur-rounds and pro- tects each paint molecule with a bonded-on high- gloss shield. It lets the paint breathe The key henefit of this process is that it allows the pain t t() lreathe, and there- fore i t is lessý likely to dry out and chip. Variables in paint mix- ing and manufacturing make it difficuit to match automobile shades under even the best circumstan- ces. Protecting a paint job once it's done is the best so- lution to long pain t litè. Questions or comments? Write to: Syndicated Mar- keting Bureau, Dept. 5, 22 Earl Street, Toronto, Ont., M4 Y M3 REMEMBE MORE PROTECTV Some rustproofers l Ai etime, transferable use as little as one SO A LMT warranty' backed by quart of sealant to do a whole car, a major insurance company, So see Zebart uses at least two gallons, And your Ziebart dealer now. Ziebart has the tools and 'Because rust is ugly. training to do the job right - And nobody That whyhates ugly Protection has a Ziebart. Nobdyhaosuçglymmethan ZebarL C 1984 ZIlBARi CORPORATION APPEARANCE & PROTECTION SERVICES 1LMA-i- ~Y N - I Kingstofl 14d., P~GkerIflg Village Corner of Church St. & Hwy. 2 5 Complote Collision 324 Asti Street WHITOY, ONTARIO -NiVo( Four 1 verage Body Shop 6885 22 Alil Work Guarantoed RONALD MOQUIN Free Estimates, CAL US FOR DETAILSI GS eBROWN PICKERING -SPRING, SERVICE LTD SPRINGS FOR ALL e INSTALL " CARS e REPAIRS " TRUCKS e REARCHING " TRAILERS * SHOCKS ".4 WHEEL U BOLTS DRIVES ALL SIZES " CORVETTE *CAMPERS HENDRICKSON BUSHINGS -lH y ON TANDEM TRUCKS PICKERI(5263-0438 1 o51 BROCK RD S MIKE - BORIS TOTAL AUTO MR ;I SERVICE LTD. KEEPS IT BEAUTIFUL SFE T Y INO'SPEC'TIO uN 686-3200 PHONE FOR RATES 66 .8-5893' 440 HOPKINS ST (South of Dundas St. El CAIL TODAY FOR AN APPOINTMENJ WHITBY81 ""MAG WHEELS VISITOUR W OCTO 317 HOPKINS ST. WHITBY Executive Car Contre 'OSaleso*Service 'Paris' Leasing Repairs & Painting Frame Repairs I DEPARTMENT 0F TRANSPORTATION CERTIFICATION i82 MONARCH AVE. JNIT16 _AJAX