WH-ITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 1984, PAGE3 Flood plai n management shouldn't be political.... Reort could mean end of CLOCA, -Drumm fears, A4 CHANGE Effective July 3rt4 1984 Aifier 22 Years as a hairsidis/N mlain/v, as ihe proprietor of* Coiffure De Lynne ai 406 Dundas Si. West, LYN MARLOW has decided toloin the nmost popular and.fastles' growing 1-ealth & Beau t' Spa in Durhani Region. .5 1vmBeena Hib e rat ing? Cash in on our draws for valu able'pruiesa. >8<là rn lots of spending tool!! Carriers needed once a week to deliver the Whitby Free Press Cail Circulation 668-6111 -iwynapt that role and jurisdic- tion of the conservation authority must be clearly defined so not to infringe upon the town's responsibilities. Short also said that there needs tjq be "a measure of flexibility" in dealing with proposed developments for flood plain and hazard lands. The director also noted that there should be process provided to both municipalities and land owners for a review and appeal of conservation authority decisions. "Conservation autho- rities must 'be made more accountable* for their decisions and policies," Short said. "1Conservation authori- ties must be encouraged to operate within their defined area of jurisdic- tion. "Above ail," he con- eluded, "munîcipalities and conservation authorities, together, must excercise the im-, plementation of flood plain' management policies with a great deal of flexbility."'