Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 4 Jul 1984, p. 20

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ZPAIGE 20, WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 1984, WHITBY FREES PRESS Whitby's Most Widely Read ICi AssIFF Whitbv soceer s corelbo ard BANTAM Chris Brown...............i1 Sue Brown ................ 2 I, HIELP WANTEDI THE WHITBY FREE PRESS REQUIRES A REPRT:IPHTRA PHE REPO NERHTA HE This is an entry level position that is suitabie for a recent graduate of a community college or university graduate ln Journalism. Candidates who have their own car and camera wili be given preference. THIS POSIT ION IS CREATED PARTLY BY THE ONTARIO YOUTH EMPLOYM ENT PROGRAM. ALL. CANDIDATES MUST BE ABLE TO MEET O.Y.E.P. STANDARDS AND WORK UNDER ITS CONDITIONS. lnterested applicants are requested to submnit resumne and clippings, in person, to: The Editor Whitby Free Press 131 Brook St. N, Whitby For more Information cali 668-6111 WANTED rellable heip for Tueeday evening, 7 ta il p.m. ln Pickering area. Muet be able ta lift fumiture. Phane 985.8161 or 2941890. WORD PROCESSINO & Micro Computer lntraductary courses. Three week special, $95. Langer courses avalable wth certificats and lob placement. 683-7767. OPPORTUNITY - ebmltiaous mari/waman. Avalable far lm- mediate oppartunlty. Earnlngs potentiel, $300 par week ta etert. Large National company. Cail 723-3412. AMBITIOU5 AND ENEROETIC sales people wented ta ssii word end data pracesslng supplies ta lndusty ln generel.- Experlence an esset but nat essentiel. Muet *have own car. Top commissions paid. 2928178. 1110H EARNINGS. I nsed 3 mature, energetia, upward mavlng Individuals ta help me expand business. Sales ex. partence heipful. Oeil 723-3412 for Interview. Up to $25000 plus (appliences). LIONT MOVING Jobs, (truck provlded). Clean back yards, cellara, etc. For bout service cal Dan anytîme 723-238. MAKE MORE MONEY WORKING OVERSEAS IN COUNTRIES LIKE U.S.A., KIJWAIT, S»AMOI ARABIA, ETC. ALSO ALASK4<AND N.W.T. PERMANENT 1I__JEMPORARY. RESPONSIBLE caring Nanny saught for 2 children, 2½o years and 7 mantha. Sterting Septem- ber, Monday ta Frlday, il a.m. ta 5 p.m. Manning and Brock area. Non-smoker, referencea. 668- 3M9. DAY CARE SUPERVISOR to set up and aperate an In-achool work place Day Cars Centre, In eariy feul, 1984. EarIy Childhaod education diplama with minimum 2 years supervisory experlence requIred. AppIy In writlng only by July 18/84, ta Mr. A. Jeffery, 78 Miibank Rd., Pckering, Ont. Liv 3L5. Thie facillity la ta aperate on a cast recavery basis under the Auspices of the Durham Board of Educatian. BABYSITTER WANTED. Mature,. rellable and exp.rlenced babysit- ter wanted. Otter Creek &ra. References. 66&.3496. Become a Carrlet* today. Learn ta be s business persan with responslbility -*hile earning maney. Became the autstand-' ing carrier of the month and* bec'ome a winneri Talk ta our Circulation Manager. Cali 668-6111 Today 1 WHITBY FREE PRESS STANBYINSLDEER T Provide Standby Diesel Generator, Fire Pump and Engine Maintenance for a two . year perlod at Varlous Locations ln the Southern Orillia District (Inciuding Aurora, Maple, Whitby, Lindsay, Brad- ford and Newmarket> Tender No. ORI-84-065 FIRE ALARM MAINTENANCE CONTRACTORS Provide Fire Alarm System Planned Testing and Maintenance for a one year perIod at the Psychiatric Hospital In WHITBY, Ont. Tender No. ORI-84-066' Seaîed Tenders wili be received until 2:00 p.m. local time on - FRIDAY, JULY 20,1984. Combined Tenders wili flot be accepted. Tender Documents may be obtained from the On- tario Ministry of Government Services, Orillia District Office, 24 James St. E., Box 790, Orillia, Ont. Note: For further Information regarding the ten- ders, please cail the Tenders Office at the above address, Telephone (705) 325-7403. The Iowest or any ted. ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE AND MORE... WORKERS NEEDED ARlE TRADESPEOPLE. LABOURERS, PROFESSIONALS, 1ETC. FOR i rHOTOCOPYIN G FULL INFO, SEND YOUR NAME High quality photocopying while you wait. AND ADDRESS TO: BOX 727, HTYFE PRS STATION "F", TORONTO, ON- HTYFE RS TARIO, M4Y 2N6. 131 Brock Street North, Whltby EVNT e fEENS VENT, $3.OOOFF Admission to the 5th annual PALMER RAPIDS BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL JULY 279,28, 29, 1984 This coupon entities the holder to $3.00 OFF the weekend aduit admission to the festival, subject ý the foilowing terms and conditions: 9OnIy one coupon per àdult (17 to 64 years old) wiII be honoured. e@Coupon-must be presented at gate on the f irst day 0f festival (Friday). *Coupon may not be redeemed for cash and Is not valid for purchase 0f ad- vance tickets or for Saturday or Sunday admissions. eName and address of coupon holder must be fully f illed in (Please print). NAME ................ i......... ADDRESS........................ ......... ........ ......... ........ ........ Postal Code Tender not necessarily accep- Ministry of Government Services AUCTION BONANZA AT 94 BRUCE ST. S. of Athol, off Ritson, Oshawa iTHURS., JULY 5 6:30 P.M. Warehouse cdean-up. A mixture of new' merchandise. 2. SAT., JULY 7 10:00 A.M. Over 30 cars and trucks. Don't buy un- ii you've checked out the only Car Auction In Town. Open to the public. 3. SUN.,JULY8 1:00 P.M. Dining room, bedroom, living room, furniture. Box spring and mattresses, Ghetto Blasters, knive sets, Walk- man's radios, cutîery, dishes and 100's 0f misc. Items. 4. TUES., JULY 10 6:30 P.M. Liquidation Auction - ends of lunes from furniture to tools. Something for everyone. 5. THURS., JULY 12 6:30 P.M. Consignments 0f store clearouts. 100's of misc. Items. 6. SAT., JU LY14 - 1:00 P.M. Vehicle Auction. Vour chance to buy on a whoie sale level. Go check out the prices. Then corne to our auction and buy. 7. SUN., JULY 15 1:00 P.M. Dînette sets, chester- fileld suites, box spring and mattress, cutiery, dishes, cof- fee tables, bedroomn suites, plus 100s of mîso. Items. 8. TUES., JULY 17 6:30 P.M. Cabbage Patch Doils, Iamps, tools, fur- nIture and househoid effects. Misc. Ries too numerous' to mention. 9THURS., JULY 19 6:30 P.M. Warehouse Clearout. Tools, ends 0f lunes, one of a kind Items, ladies panty hose and knee hlghs wiII be sold by auction. Don't miss out! Be there and Bave! THE AUCTION COMPANY 433-8032 MOSQUITO Whitby Gus Brown . ... 9 Pickering Vile......i1 Catherine Campbelli......... 7 Heather Fleming ............ 2 F>EEWEE Sub-Way Moble Homes 1 Ajax Burns & Morton. .0 Leurs Bird SQUIRT Pickering Cornets..2 Whitby A..........i1 Nicole Howey Whitby Legion.... Tara Keogan Renee Auotte Fireplace Plus. .. Ange Crockford ATOM J.M.T. Sports....... 6 Pickering Pride ... Heather Bird .............. 3 Laura Jones Linda Beil................i Lina Watson...............i Angela MlIes-Berry.........i Bowmanville....... 3 Brooklin Kinsmen.O. WHITBY IROQUOIS SOCCER CLUB HOUSE RESULTS SQUIRTS GAMES PLAYED JUNE 259,1984 Studio of W.A. Burgesso0 Century 21......... 2 Scott Van Veghel Benjamin Blanche Whitby Firfighter... 0 Hlutchison .......... 9 Jonathan Diamond ......... 4 JasonMlUzÉ ............... 4 Chad Somnerville Shoppers Drug Mart .. 2 Brian McRobert Whtby Optinist Club .5 Paul Brooks.............. 2 Wayne PrUneau Hutchion .......... 6 Geoff adan............... 3 Kevin Greer Brian den Paul Beckman Brooklin............2 Jeremy MacKlnnon Paul Siclano Whitby Aluminum o. . Sargeants Gulf... .7 Dean Leesul............ .3 Jarle Lyon ............... 2 Jlmmiy Comber ............ 2 Garden Street.......i1 Roger GonWaves Perkins Paints.. .9 Alex heelans............. 3 Jason Miliken............. 3 Brian Martland Jason Jones Bradfley Clarke Dairy Queen........i1 BWf Robinson County Bowl........ 5 Adam Johnson............. 3 Garazd Titan.............. 2 Aiies Street........i1 Randy Vandenberg Brooklin Kijismen..6 ChadHekmer.............. 5 Bob Simpeo Willow Park I.......O0 Swiss Chalet........i1 Brlan Lodge Hair Care Centre . O. Whitby Optimist Club . 2 Mike BrIlnger ............ 2 Whitby Family Rest ... 1 Steve Ruiz Jeffrey Street....... 3 Scott Burgess Scott Pton Michael Reily Highland Trophies .. Dylan Shaw Willow Park I...3 Mlark Vanderboom ......... 2 Billy Van Vehgel Whitby Optiist Club .3 Doug Oliver ............... 3 Brooklin Concrete.i Jeff unter Canadian Scottish club o LascoSteel ...........i Steve Vanderheyden .........i1 PEEWEE GAMES PLAYED JUNE 28* 1984 Otter Creek ........ 6 Oshawa Meat Packerso Mlichael Kusurko ........... 2 Shane Lee StevenThornton Mike Blanger Richard Bacchlochi Whtb t imist Club.5 Kari Elot ................ 2 Mark Peters Canadian Tire.... Chris Venters ichael Darmanie .BANTAM GAMES PLAYED JUNE 25, 1984 J.M. & E. Inc....... 2 WIntby Optimist Club 5s Glenn Missen Joemuicahy ..............4 mark Relgel Cameron Brown Jeffrey...... T&E...............2 David Noble ,Brad et ,x.. I M ATOM GAMES PLAYED JUNE 269,1984 MOSQUITO GAMES PLAYED JUNE 279,1984 PMUNICIPAUITY @5D0F DURHAM TENDER FOR TREMCO ROOF APPLICATION AT FAIRVIEW LODGE SOC 42-84 SEALED TENDERS ciearly marked as to contents wiil be received by the Regional Clerk until 2:00 p.m., TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1984. Ail bIdders must have f Ive (5)- years minimum experience as an authorized Tremco RoofIng Con. tractor. Prospective bidders to contact Mr. T.R. Appleby at 416- 571-3311 for further details on prequalification pro. cedure. Specifications and tender forms may be secured f rom the PurchasIng Section, Supply and Services Division at 416-571- 311. Lowest or any tender ot necessarlly ac- epted. GARY HERREMA, REGIONAL HAIRMAN. .S. LORNE, .E.T.,M.B.A., Manager of Suppiy &Services, 60Bond St. W., 0Oshawa, Ontario. LiN H8B6

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