Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 4 Jul 1984, p. 19

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 1984, PAGE 19 _N ~COMMERCIAL L1 £'IJ.~j1 ~"mousEsî "PROPERTYI GARDENING .~GARDENING A FRSLE SERICEFOR RIR TFRSLENTNTNDSUPPLIES ADSUPPLIES FRSL ADDITIONS, rooflng, eavestroughing, siding and aise- trlcal. Fris estimates. Caii Ron 8554001. H. WILBUR Weîdlng and Repaire, concrets breaklng, excavatîng, frucking, small orders, sand gravai, top sali, atone, brlcksand. Saturday deliveries. 725-9819. MAINTENANCE We Do: painting, mowing, wlndow washlng, digglng, etc. Reasonable rates. CaIliAndrow 655-6011. COLOUR ANALYSIS Discover the colours &shades »that com- pliment your skin tone & enhance your best features. OnIy $30 Per Consultation Cmli Sharon Taylor 666-2770 NNOUCEENTS CONGRATULATIONS JENNIFER CULLETON stralght 'A' student of R.A. Hutchison School, Grade 5. Aso to ERIN CULLETON 'Weil Done'. We're proud of you, bothi1 CONGRATULATIONS on your forthcomIng merriage. Phasse vîew aur samples of engravedi wedding Invitations at your li- sure ln aur Aax Plaza store. Dick- son PrIntîng & Off ice Supplies W83-1968. QDUCATINAL *'GRAMMAR for people who hate grammar" le the ideal pooket reference bock for business people. $3.95 per copy and avilI- ibis at Dickson PrIntIng & Office Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Dealer enquiries Invited 6813-1968. TYPEWRI1'ER rentai, manymakes and modela, by the wsskend, wesk or month. ,Discount availi' ibis. Diakion Printing & Office Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza..Cal us for business machine îsp«ire 6831968. FRE rp notEEOcko CAR CLEANING interior, ex- terior. Dons at your home, et your convenienco. C. Carlyle Esquire, 282-8760. WE DO, carpentry, piumbing, siding, cernent, masonry, patios. 576-899. JGP QARDENING & MAITENANCE Grass cutting, retaining waii, sod, patio stone work, wood fenclng, pruning and trlm, private edge and shrub. Resldentiai and Commercial. 1FREE ESTIMATES CALL 728-4017 NEED A RENTAL? Cail the Expir- tsi Wo carry houses, townhouses, duplexes, apar- tments, fiatel Al arias, sizos, prIcesi 579-4500 Homelocafors, foi. BUSESS OPPTRTITIES pensive Industrial and storage space avoulable In BowminvIiie. For Information cali 6234822. I1 SOWN BUSINESS Profitable coin laun- Idry and, drycleanlng outlt. lthexcellent £ * long term lease. Of- fered for sale ln busy LEARN TO DRIVE plaza. Location, Port Tractor Trailer or Perry. Straight Truck Contact To! ! ru1-0263-6023 Assistco Ltd. PETS ýi 1 416-364-2843mo SUPPLIES T New colore, $50. 683-7638. dIra oe COMING -1SUPPLIE I SPECIALLY DESIGNED Summor Computer Courses for acadsmnically advanced ln- dividuale. 683-2226. W. VACATION 'W:W RENTSALS *FLORIDA Cioarwater - Throe bedroom mobile homes. Hoafed pools, tennis, close fa beaches and major attractions, chlidren wslcamo. $225.00 U.S. woskly les than motel AM).683-5503 (APANTS/N O O FOR RENT TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT ln smail WhIfby Adult building. Contriiiy locatod close ta Go& lacal bue stops. Utîlîf les, hydro and parking lncludod. Caîl 668- 6372 betwesn 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday ta FrIday. ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT ln emaîl Whtby building. Adulte oniy. Includos frldge. etove, hydro and parking. Cablo TV and Iiundry facilile avallablo. Phonoe68-6372 befwoen 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. e x:C0ýM À 2 ýDà ASHBURN VILLAGE homo. Sharo houses.awn rom. ,non-emokore ples. $210 monthly. 6554035. WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for ront on profeesional floor. Wouid be sultablo for lawyor. accountant, etc. Rent Includes ail utIlIi es and le nogofiabie for an appropriato tenant. For furthor Information cal 688-8372 befween 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday fa FrIday. PROP à SKEG REPAIRS (5 day service). Expert boit repaire - do- lf-yaursiif fibrogiass supplies. Oshawa Gisse Fibre - Raypiex. 341 Durham Sf., 579-1433. 1972 GREW SS-130 Fibergis speedboat with 40 h.p. Merc and Tilt trahier. Eiectric Star?' motor, AMIFM case, Ski bar, 2 gastanke and blige pump. $2.795. Aiea 65 h.p. Evinrude Outboard motor. Elecfric start wif h ail contrais. In use until rocentiy ropiacod wifh largor unit. Good condition. Asking $800. Ciii 655-4069. ~V~NOTIVE CAR REPAIRS bodywork. fune- ups, pint job, etc. Reasonable rates. 668-7620 anytime. REBUILT TRANSMISSIONS, most modeis, $185.001 Ciii Bob 683-0811. WANTED coins, gold, saber, lewellery, china, etc. Private 579- 3946. CONVERTINO over ta gis os electrIc heating? l'Il buy your laft over ail. I psy 50 cents a galion, aiea ail tanks removed. Cali Lin 987-5497. PIANOS WANTED. Cash paid for new and used pianos, any con- dition. Aiso sales and service. Phono Teiep Piano Works, Oshawa, 433-1491. WANTED USED APPLIANCES <Working or Nol) WE BUY, SELL RECON DITION 131, eawo . ont. AUTOMOBILES 000 FORSAE 1081 REGAL 1962 K-car. 1975 'TIE Datsun PIU and 30 mare cire and C PAV ('Ud trucks ta be iuctlanod SaturdaY, ~ ~ EV JuIy 7th, 10 a.m. 94 Bruce St., IN OSKEAWA Oshawa. Terme - $100.00 deosit, balance Tueediy, 6 p.m. ef1 1976 VOLARE WAGON 318 MTR, running condition, $150 as le. Phono 655-3858. 38' HOUSE TRAILER on stconlc lakosido lot fuliy furn. with 4 pc. bath, frldge, etove, etc. Miefer bedroom end 2 bunks, 10x24' dock and gîrdon shed. Locîfed on Scugog Island. Asking $6.500. Ciii 1655-4089. MORSES boirdod, largo new box stalle, dîiiy fumouts. $lOOImon- fh. Kannington, 705-432-2642. B&L LANDSCAPING GARDEN- MAINTENANCE Residontil, Commercial. Pruning, tire removal, sldîwalke, patios, fencing, iawns seoded, sodded, fer- f iiizod, 30 yeare. Durham Aeion. 623-3299 SATELLITE TV. Why pîy for Canadian TV, when you cmn have world-wide TV? Leasing availabie for homo or business. Phone for fre estlmate. Mr. Movie, Oshawa, 433-1116. GEOTYPE pres-on Iettering now ln stock if Dlckson Prlnting & 0f- fice Supplies In the Aax Shop- ping Plaza. Large solection of stylos and sizos. Why pay more for a emaler shoot of lottorlng? 683-1968. ROYAL DOULTON CHINA. Sarîband, nino-five place place settinge, 12 fruit nappios, moat piaffer, toapof. cream and covîrod sugirbowi, vegefabie bowl. Asklng $950 or basf offor. Calil 985-9511. ~GARAGE GARi AE WE'RE BACKI MY FRIENDS & i GIGANTIC YARD SALE We had 80 much fun last year, we're doing it again. Saturday, Juiy 7th, f rom 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Just off Taunton Rd, 1/ mile east of Salem Rd or 1/ mile west of Audiey Rd. Foilow sign. Your One Stop Shopping In Yard Sales. itRLECLS FORRSA.ESALE] SARRELS - Whiakey, $25. Rum, $30. Guaranteed, free deîivery. 688-1645 or 686-0257. VITAMINS Jameison: write or ciii Mr. Alton for your special mail ordîr prico ist. Monsy back guaranfes - In Durham we deliver, 7284894, 725-5310, P.O. Box 1082 "B", Oshawa. LUJ 5Y9. FOR SALE Baycresf 30" range. gold, $175. Viking fridgo, 2-door, goid, $175. Phono 668-0009. Ai OUALITY used raiiroad ties. Fre. delivery. $7 ta $10 each. Calti 623-1269. CLEARANCE 0F DEMO SATELLITE TV SYSTEMS i..N.A.'s, Receivers Dishes, and more at 30% OFF retali. One complete 8' system with Luxor, 9533 remote control receîver and 120 degree Ma-Com LNA Sale Prîce - $1,895 CALL 655-4069 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. "HEROES of the Bibis" colouring book avallabis if Diakeon Print- ing & Office SuppIy, Ajax Plaza, 683-1968. Dealer inquiries In- vitsd. CHESTERFIELD suites, love- seats, sectionîls, lesf han % price. Large select ion. McKeen Fumiture. 524 Simca. St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181., JULY SPECIAL. Book your Lovolino Lingerie ehow now and recoivo ail the rogulîr hostose crodIts plus a fris Hotstuff sam- plor. For more information ciii Gali, 725-2062 or Lynn, 725-4819. VISIT aur used furniture ware- house by appoinfment. Big savings on desks, chairs, fiiing cabinets, etc. Caii Dlckson Print- ing & Office Supplies ta arrange an appoinfment ta view. 683- 1968. MATTRESSES and box epringseti haif price. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcae Street South, OehaWa. 725-5181. Charlie has dropped a Ioad fram bis mind by piacing an order with Dickson Printing & Office Supplies, the best by test! C LU OAY -683196 NEW IN TOWN? LET US PUT OUT THE MAT F O R O ! h OME WAe4 Pliane 6688943 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for e.-rors on the f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wil not be hiable for failure to publlsh an ad, or for typographic errors in publica- tion beyond the coât of the space occupied by the error Up te a maximum cost of the f irst Insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right te classify or reject ail advertise- ments. Ads must appear in the paper one day before they can be changed or canceîled. CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50 for 20 words;1 lit each addition- ai word If pre-pald. You may charge vour Classified Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your Visa Card ready when Calliflg. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100 words; 121t each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the f irst 50 words; 12o each additional word AUCTION SALES - 34(p per uine. (No word ads allowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an additional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press wili make every en- deavour to forward replies to box numbers, flowever, we ac- Cept no iabiiity regarding Ioss or damage alîeged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding suCh replies. We will flot be responsibie 'for box number replies flot CaIIed for within 30 days. DEADLIN ES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert or CanCel Cîassified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. - CALL 668-6111 -DURH~JAM PRODMCE& GARDEN CENTRE LFresh Produce & Flowers AlIso Se e Us For Your Garden Needs 1010 Dundas St. W.., Whltby 668-15 Acrosa from White Oak Apt. Building. Closîd on Sundays. CHECK OUR LOW EVERYDAY PRICES On new chesterfields, bedroom sets, colonial dining moins, and kitchen suites, beds, etc. ELMER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloor St,. E. (At Ritson) OShawa Tom orrow's Treasures China, Gifts and Collectables 13 Church Street South Village of PickerIr'g (416) 683-8215 ~~1

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