PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS 'R..: PR...B Emporium Ads will only be accepted subject to the following conditions. ~~FORFOR SALE FOR SALE Kenmore humidifier, $20. Antiqub floor radio, $50. Mantel radio, $10. Baseboard heaters, $20. Floor polisher, $15. New scalloped edge blind, $20. Beatty automatic antique ironer, $50. Leather sultcasé, $15. Prices negotiable. Cali 668-2800. FOR SALE rad, $120. AM/FM cassett, $100. Roof rack, $20. Bike, $15. 10 speed bike parts, $10. Alternator, $30. Master cylinder, $15. 2 Honda Civic rims, $30. Double bed spring, $10. Snowblower, $150. Couch, $25. Phone 655-8758. ONYX CHESS SETS, Aztec style, assorted colors, $55 each. Frigidaire automatic drier $100. Record collection, 500 albums, $1,200. New 8 man tent $160. Bally raceway pinball machine, needs some work, $350. Phone 985-9258. PINE CANONBALL bedroom suite. 9 months old. Moving must sell. Excellent condition. Asking $1,300. Cali 668-6125. FOR SALE Flexpring diving board, 12' length for swimming pool, $100. Approx. 220' chain link fence, 2" mesh in 11 gauge, vinyl covered, 42" . high with galvanized toprail, caps, rallend assembly, offset bands and ten- sion bars, (note no posta), $165. Also 3 gates, 42" hlgh x 33" x 43" x 43", $17 each. Pool vacuum hose, 1½"x40', $17. Also ¾" rope and 4 bouys, 20' length, $15.. 3 bicycles, 1 mens, 23" Simpson Sears, 10 speed Fire Spirit, $75, 1 boy's, 18" C.T.C. Supercycle, 3 speed, $55. 1 ladles 19½" C.T.C. Supercycle coaster, $60. All the above in good condition. Cali Len 655-4719. HUMIDIFIER, $75. Brass and flat back glass door fireplace cover, $50. 1974 Austin Marina, 1978 motor, burns no cil, excellent running condition, good body, $900. Cal 686-3323 anytime. FOR SALE Craftmatic bed, $500. Power wheel chair, $200. Stan- dard wheel chair, $290. Shelve rack, 4 shelves on casters, $50. Shelving, 4 panels and legs, $40. Office chairs, $12. 5 Shelve letter rack, $22. Dymo lable marker, $25. 40 pcs. tap and die set, $15. 40 pcs. socket set, $14. ½ H.P. Craftman bench grinder, 6" wheels, $140. Phone answering machine, $80. Humidifier (2), $75 and $115. Vice 4½", $40. Air con- ditioner, $250. Rear window viser for Van, $10. Cash box, $15. Freezer, $200. Desk, 7 drawer, $50. Wheel chair upholstery, all sizes, plain $26, embosed, $36. Phone 571-1696. 46 CEDAR 4x4's, 8ft. long, $5.50 each. Phone 655-4200. FOR SALE realistic receiverlam- plifier and speakers. As new wor- th $400, asking $175. Queen size Royal Orthopedique mattress unused, $75. Phone 686-1360 af- ter 5 p.m. DINING ROOM SET - buffett, hutch, table and 4 chairs. Ex- cellent condition, $595. Singer sewing machine in cabinet, $95. Mens 10 speed bike, $70. Cail 683-6638. PANASONIC, B & W, 6" scroen ' portable ACIDC, $90. Woodstove cylinder shaped, 'k" thick steol, with cleanablo smoke stack, very sturdy, $300. in lino hot water heater, 220 voit, new $55. Call 282-8760. REALISTiC PORTABLE Programmable Scanner. 4 mon- t ha old. AC Adaptor and batteries ncl., $360 firm. Aak for Torry, Phono 433.8658. ROOM SIZE carpeting, nearly new. Light green, llftx27ft, $340. Light blue, llft.xll½ft., $140. Tan, 10'ft.xll½ft., $130. Phone 434-5560. COMPUTER - Radio Shack TRS- 80 Mod. I., 16K. Includes keyboard, monitor cassette drive, Joystick, manual and handbooks, plus quantity of cassettes, $300. Phone 655-3854 after 5 p.m. SAUNA HEATER. 6 KW Fennon sauna heater. Stainless steel in- side, baked enamel outside, complete with control, $340. 668- 0786 after 5 p.m. ONE PAIR ladies roller skates size 8, $40. One aluminum door 34" x 80", $15. One Marson spray paint gun like new, $75. 50ft. link fencing plus gates $30. Phone 683-8145. THREE G-70 1l" snow tires. 2 on rima, 1 G-70 14" regular tire, 1 year old, $60. CCM Galaxie Coaster bike, good condition, $50. Fireplace set, includes 3 tools, firescreen and wood holder In Swedish steel, excellent con- dition, $50 or best offer. 576-0864. RADIO ARM SAW. Delta Milwaukee, 2 h.p., 12" blade, 220 volt. Asking $900. Phone 668- 0263. ONE BUNDLE cedar shlms, $5. Some plywood pieces. 1" round stone, $10 yard. Green roof shingles. Phone 655-4035. INTELLIVISION Il 12 games, in- tellivoice module, cartridgp holder, less than year old. $375 or best offer. 668-6539, ask for Paul. FOR SALE 2 - aluminum doors R.H. 34x82, $30 each or $50 for both. Set of 4 wheels, G.M., 15" 'widerims', $100 take all. ½ ton pickup cap, fiberglass, like new, $325. Slingerland drums, 6 pleces, cymbals, cases, har- dware, and extras, $1,000 or best offer. Phone 668-3495 after 4:30 p.m. TWO shopping carte, $20. Three wooden soft drink cartons, $2 each. Phone 666-3632. uJ There is no rea- son Io keep things you don't need or enjoy be- cause they're valuable. There are customers willing to pay good money for things you've tir- ed of. Contact the "Recycler of Unwants", the classified depart- ment of the Whitby Free Press. You will be pleased with the quick resuits. As fast as a phone call, re- sults happent -PLEASE READ - When the advertised Item Is sold, disposed of, or unavallable for whatever reason, the item will be deemed to have been sold and a commission will be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Illustrated below, ragardless if prIce la stated wlth "best offer". If the item Is NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad will be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $6.00 wIll apply payable in advance of publication of the first ad. Otherwise a $7.50 charge will ap- ply if billed which must be paid upon recelpt of bill. The above minimum charges will be applied to the final commission due but In any case the higher amount will be charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-pald; $7,50 billed. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail advertisements must be placed on an ex- clusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atleast one monthifi not sold. 5% of advertised price up to $400.00 RATES (If article la sold): 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertised for $120.00. Commission due $6.00 (minimum charge la $6.00). Private advertising only! Please notify the Whitby Free Press immediately when Item is sold so that we may delete it from the following issue. All ads not fitting the Emporium guidelines will be treated and charged per week as regular classified ads on a pre-paid basis such as: services, help wanted, clothing, real estate, and personal message type ads, or ads not quoting price or quantity. Private classified ads may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriate headings. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL AOS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whitby, LiN 5S1 If ln doubt cail: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whitby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. ARTICLES ARTICLES ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE FORSALE FOR SALE 11 H.P. tractor, $1,200. Admiral dual-temp refrigerator, 28 cu. ft., harvest gold, $150. ad- mirai 30" range, harvest gold, $100. Teak dinette set, table and 6 chairs, $250. Teak dining table and 4 chairs, $500. Teak buffet, $200. 2 Girls' chest-of-drawers, $70 each. Complete Teak bedroom set, $350. Girls' desk, $50. 2 wooden chest-of-drawers, $30 each. 2 wooden bunk beds, $75 each. Teak bed, for den, $120. Kenmore washer, $150. Kenmore dryer, $150. Two-plece sectional, $350. Antique radio ln cabinet, $50. Large wooded desk, $60. Drapery, '200. Bicycle, 10-speed, $70. Wheel barrow, $20. Phone 683-7132 aftter 6 p.m. BOY'SIGIRL'S convertible bike, 20" tires, $40. Boy's bike, 26" tires, $30. Electric barbecue, $15. Phone 668-8429. VIDEO MONITOR for personal computer. Zenith 12" $99. 683- 3894. HEAVY DUTY mechanics tools, 3 boxes, $1,500 set. For Infor- mation catl 433-1114. APARTMENT SIZE washer and dryer for sale. 1 year old, new condition. $400 for pair. 668-6683. BIKES ladies 10 speed, $60. Boys and girls, $40, IBM electric office typewriter, excellent condition, $100. Picnic table, $30. Oak chairs (4), $15 each. Bookcase, $18. Step-ladder, $10. Car ramps, $25 a pair. Electric stove, good for cottage, $50. Oak table, $85. Call 683-6638. FRIDGIDAIRE DRYER automatic, perfect working order, $185. Bed chesterfield, double, good con- dition, $175. Oak crib, excellent condition, no mattress, $150. Phone af ter 6 p.m., 655-4164. FOR SALE Colonial style, maple, 7 pce. dining suite, includes 47" table with 12" leaf, 4 chairs, 43" buffet and hutch, $725. Colonial style maple captains bed, 3 drawers and 4 book shelves. in- cludes posture board, $190. Cali 666-1565. KUBOTA FLAIL mower attach- ment, new, 5 foot wide. $1,800. Phone 655-3477. FOR SALE new maple dining set, 6 chairs, stilll n boxes, $1,000 new - asking $800 or best offer. Green antique satin drapes, $50. Dining room iight fixture, $30. Aluminum door, $25. Tires 14x15 inches, $5 each. G.M. rims, $10 each. Bumper Jack, $8. Must sell. Cali 571-0271 anytime. STEREO 120 watt amp. Marantz tuner, LARGE speakers, $500. Stand-up humidifier, $50. Large woodstove, brick lined, glass front, never used, $450. Filter Queen with power head, $450. Gas weed eater, never used, $150. Phone 683-6081. G.M. INFANT love seat, $33. Dorel child safety seat, $33. Jolly Jumper, $9. Stainless steel, double sink with Arborite, $45. Phone 668-6788. c TRAILERS MOBILE TRAILER, 30' Chevron (Executive Model). 1 bedroom, kitchen area, living room area. Self-defrosting refrigerator, self- cleaning oven. 3 piece bathroon - canopy. $9,500 or best offer. Can be seen on site. 723-3710. 11' TRUCK CAMPER. Sleeps six, oven, 3 burner stove, electric and 12 volt lights, tollet, $2,500. Call 655-8052. CONFUSED? Please call us any time if the Emporium guidelines confuse you. We'll be glad to an- swer any questions you have. Phone 668-6111 anytime. Meet the "Recycler 0f Unwants" The EMporIum Section of the WhItby Free Pressi I have read the Emporium guidelines and wish to have the following advertise- ment placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press. (don't forget to [i I enclose $6.00 to cover the minimum charge. LI Charge $6.00 to my Visa account. - E] Bill me $7.50 after f irst publication of my ad. Card No. Exp. Date Name (please print - f irst and last name) Street Address City Postal Code include your phone number) MAIL TO: WHITBY FREEPRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby L1N 5S1 AUTOMOBILES e AUTOMOTIVE FR SALE REPAIR/PARTS 1977 MUSTANG. 4 cylinder, standard, new engine, AM/FM radio, sunroof. Needs a little body work. Uncertified, $900 or best offer. Phone 683-9087. 1975 DODGE DART SPORT 318 V8 auto, mechanically Ai, top end rebuilt, bills to prove. Little body work necessary, good rub- ber, easily certifiable. $500 as is. 668-3692. 1975 LTD. Station wagon. V8, power steering and brakes, air conditioned, $500. Call 655-8052. 1974 VEGA $100 or best offer. Phone 655-3865. 1972 TOYOTA CELICA ST. $100 or best offer. Phone 668-7546. 1956 LINCOLN. Restored to original. Needs painting, $3,500. Call 655-8052. HOUSEHOLD GOODS BEAUMARK washer/spin dryer. Perfect condition, under warran- ty. Asking $275. Phone 686-4310. ANTIQUE Jacobean walnut aide chair, $100. Gold velvet love seat, $125. Kidney vanity and stool, $25. Stereo, receiver and speakers, $175. Oak wood wallunit for TV and VCR, com- plete with 3 drawers underneath, brand new, $375. 668-7091. HOOVER SPIN washer/dryer for sale. 10 months old. $275. Phone 683-4104. KENMORE DISHWASHER Por- table converted to a built-in. 6 years old, harvest gold with black door, $50. Phone 668-8271. FREEZER, WESTINGHOUSE, 19 cubic feet. Never been used. $300. Call after 6 p.m., 668-4870. 1975 LINCOLN. 2-door, for parts and interior parts, $100. 2 Good Year polyester tires on rime, 78x13, $10 each. 2 Good Year belted radial tires on rims, 78x13, $10 each. Phone 655-3006. 302 MOTOR and 3 speed stan- dard transmission, excellent running condition, $250. Phone 655-3006. FOR SALE 4 Firestone HPR radiail Blackwalls, size P19560R14, 40 per cent worn, $150 firm. 4 Firestone SS, RWL radiais, size FR6014, mounted on 4 Cheviot/Aunger aluminum (Hotwire) wheels, complete with locks to fit 79 and up Mustang and Capri and 80 and up T-Bird and Cougar, $450 firm. 1 brand new Edelbrock SP2P aluminum intake manifold, complete with gasket Installation kit for smal block Chev, $225. 1 new Chrysier AM/FM stereo MPX radio, $75. 1 Motorola AM/FM MPX, auto reverse, cassette, $150 firm. 1 Chrysler AM radio, $25. 1 new (Hi. power) AM/FM digital cassette, $100. 1 Holley 600 CFM 4 bbi carb., rebuilt, $50. 1 Carter AFB 4 bbi, $25. 2 Carter Chrysler Ther- mo Quad 4 bbl, $25. One 340 fac- tory AVS 4 bbi Intake manifold, $40. 1 factory 318, 4 bbl Intake manifold spread bore, $50. One 340, 4 bbl air cleaner and base, $20. One 360, 4 bbi Chrysler engins, $150. One 1968 273 engine in pleces, $75. Automatic trans for above engine, $25. Two 14"x6" Chrysler Rallye wheels 4½" boit circle complete, $50. 2 low and 2 high beam round Quar- tz Halogen headlights, brand new, $50. One new door skin for passenger side, 67 to 69 Barracuda, $45. Phone 655-3266. BMATS& SUPPLIES CABIN CRUISER 1963 Chris Craft Cavalier. 283 engine, sleeps 5, canopy top, electronics, refur- bished, dockage paid till May/85. $6,500. Phone 666-3957 after 5 p.m. - ETS & RCYLES M5WIPES&IFOR SALI FOR SALE West African grey parrot. Can talk, 12 years old. Asking $800. Phone 668-7012. çJZp cou us Now At 668-6 I1 Or Use This Form To Mail Your Ad In.. 1983 YAMAHA DT 125K. 2 stroke, liquid cooled. $1,000 or best of- fer. Call Steve at 668-4093. 1981 HONDA OR80 excellent condition. Spring tune-up Just completed. $550. Phono 655- 4271. 1977 YAMAHA RD400 must seil. $450 irm.ACail Mark 579-2312 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. SUZUKI 35 trait bike. $35 parts. Call 655-4271. (QMUSICA. INSTRUMENTS UPRIGHT PIANO; C.E. Little and Sons Tottenham. Needs tuning. $650 firm. Phone 666-3817 after 5 p.m. LADO ROCK "1" electric guitar serial No. 0004. Perfect shape, comes with case, stand and 4-10" speaker cabinet, $525. 668-6539 ask for Paul. KAY GUITAR for sale includes case and 6 watt amp., $150. Phone 655-3865. 3ABNEEDS FOR SALE baby scale, weighs In lounds, $15. Phone 723-3710. i m