Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 20 Jun 1984, p. 15

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~~VA~1WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20. 1984. PAGE 1,4 rd~f -fio 10*1 9 p î 1P *1 e4 CONTEMPORARYILIVING 4~~AP~f ~~i ~é1I M 0 A' Y-# VI~ CARING FOR -YOURSELF ~jf Consumer Corner Sun can ruin holiday- and your skin, -too (NC>- Lucky enough ti> be goingsouth this winter? Well, don't-let the extra- harsh perodsofstrongsun. light ruin your holiday. A sunburn 18 flot only uncîîm- fortable, but also*harynful to sensitive skin tissues. One of the skin's natural defences is melanin - the pigment that determines the skin's natural coloring. It is activai ed niear the sur- face, and darkened as na- ture's way o>f pr<tecting the skin and absorbing more ight rays. It-*snfot pleasant Technically. asunbuî-n is thte result ot prohînged sun exposure. The blood vessels of the skin becomeirrittted. caîusing r(-dness antd swel- ling. Body fluids onze into skin tissues caiusing pain- f'uI pressur-e on the nerves. Fl'uid rnai v tvtn 5t(e up- ward collecting in blisters on the- skiin'.s surfiace. This swelling is an aictuail injury to the skia. If' the- hum i4n't st-vere. broken tissu(- will repair it- self in a fi-w daivs. The-blis- ters -ausecl In'ai more- severe burn will be reblaced hy celîs thaîtarîeharderaînd thicker - leaving the skin tough. leathery. aînd in nued of* rupai i.. No onu- waints ti have to spend a lut of time on vacca- tioin pampé-îing their skin. The eaisivr the skia carvs- tem, th(- butter. - The Skin ('aire Svstem f'romn (tne .Bull is not only simple, its atn effective waiv of' maintaining ai hvalthy conmplexioîn hilv on vaîca- (NC) -Forthediscriminat- ing women,' a French fra- grance is the most luxur- jous and highly-prized part of a wardrobe. Perfumes produced in France are der'ived from natural ingredients - the processing of aromatic sub- stances which nature puts at the disposai of per- fumeries. For this reason, they are always light; neyer over- powerng or offensive. Different strengths Perfumes are produced in many different strengths; the three most common being Parfum, Eau de Par- fum and Eau de Toilette. Parfum is the strongest and most powerful ccncen- tration and, therefore, the most expensiý'e. It is usu- ally reserved for evening and "specialoçcasionS," and is most effec-tivtg when applied to pulse points. Eau de. Toilette is the weakest ofthethreeconcen- trations. It's 'favorite among women because it can be used liberally as an all-oversplash, and is most- frequently chosen for day- tume use. The newest, concentra- tion is the mid-point fra- grance, known either as Eau de Parfum or Parfum de Toilette. This, strength provides a unique oppor- tunity fora woman toapply ber chosen scent more gen- ertîusly over lairger areais the bod.y. One-strength newcomer A recc-nt aîdditioîn tii tI Parfum dt- Ttîilettt- rang(- Fl-urde FMeurs. ii'niuvt-l naturail- fraigranac t'roi Nina Ricci Frainct. Fleur de- Fleurs co(niîts i one streagth only: the lu- grant-e is fresh, naturail ain light. yet iL hais a lîîne lasting atura. -Fle-ur d Fleurs. unlikc- socît «t fragrances that ma.yc-hanj. during wt-aîrbas virtutll the'sanit-note- at ht- itgir ning. middle aînd t-nd. The- Fleur d- Flt-uris i Itetion includus srî- bodcl<ram, boîdy Itiîr dusting puîwdt-r. hbaîh c)i and so)ap: allI ofwhic-h atr attî-ac-tivt-ly parckagt-d ii f'eninine pink shaîdes. Questions or <omments Write to: Sýyndicatid Mar keting Bureau. Dept. 2, 2ý EarI .Street, 7Toronto,. Ont., M4 Y 1 M3 eAre you 'attractive =efcofdent eable to attract others If nmot-you iueed.. PERSONALIZED COLOUR CONSULTATION 9tiweek 469m95 INCLUDES SWATCH ES, MAKE-UP AND WARDROBE ADVICE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED la- by appoini Whltby Mall of, 'is i- '(I )1- tmenit 668-4186 1-552-737TOLLFREE ton. (iuansing wvitli Bonîne BellI's 10-0-6 1Lotion - or, l'or more sensitive skin, 100-6 11gb t - or the Io t)t6 (ieainsing Bar wilIl loosen surf acu grime îad maîkeup. and help clea> pores aînd sweep) out impurities and prohlem--ausing l),ic-terîia. This is espec ially. im'por- tant wvhen tht skia is ex- ptised to the sun. Special - attention % areas Even undeî- thtý- sun. uily skin nveds mois;turu and prote-ctiona arouad the eyes. til) oifý th(, nosu, anad the hip areai. Applicatioîn iffBonne Bel',, water-baised Mois- tureLilght helps enrich the clelicaite ficial ti.s,:ueý. D)ry skin. a bigger prob- lemn in the sun., will absorb MoisturehLight andgivethe skin ai perfe-t moisturu bal- ance withiîut being greasy or heatvy. Foir sunburn victinis. the prîd uc-t -an help re-place col.laigun fibres (Ii sîu pted and damaged hy -the sua.s ultrai-vioîlet rays. As ïaigt-nc-rail rule, tht- thing ti rt-membeî- whea spend ing extt-nded jeriiids oif tut- ia thte sun is to cleanse. aînd tht-n protî-ct. This simple rule of'thumb can help) maîke tut- aiway from homet-njiîyaiblt-in- stead if unb-airaiblt. 28 KING ST. E. 434-5822 Mon. ta Thurs. 9:30-5:30, Fri. 9:30-8, Suat. 10-4 Plannlnpi ta remodel yaur kit- Exposed surfaces* are chen? Dant tsar out your aid cavsred wlth maintenance- cablnetsi lt's messy, Incon- free Formica. Chaos. fram venlent and-time consumning over slxty styles and colours. and you'll be thrawing away Our varlous kitchen Unes hundreda of dollars of yaur range tram economy ta the original Investment. R.B.P.'s luxury look af oak panel revoiutianary system retains > doors. Enjay a besutlful the original framework. We'Il custom kitchen at an affar- change oniy the doars and dabie prIce. Cali us taday for drawer fronts and replace ail a free estimais without hardware. obligation. KITCHEN MAGIC 101 Slmcae St. N. ý ai. Oshawa, Ont. 728-5310 R5S246 DQAPEQY bOJ1U T 1IQULE Speclallzlng in Custom Draoeriles SUMMER SPECIALS d25% :eeoveein Of f End woven woodse Also carry unique framed prints& ceiling fans. 28 Church St.S,Pickering 686-300 FABICBONANZA Whi"tby Fabriocs, TH URS. N ITE-J U NE 21184 6-12 P. M. ashable DeBali Cotton Velvet '9.95 Per M. Reg. $35-$40 Per M. Imitation- Suede 150Cms3.95 Per M. Corduroy 150Cm $5.95 Per M. ton Buy One Get One Free .nds Il1.00-12.00 Per M. All Summer Stock- .PLUS Many Othe r SpeCils E., WHITBY < 668-4821 C ETERFamous W 6,10c $LA CONTESSA FINISHING TOUCH ES- is now doing porcelain 60"!-/ &acryllo nails SPECIAL lu lia OFF for a full set of najîs 6" Polycot. Make your appoîn- tment now for' your new nails or for a new _ rp r hairstyle designed rp yE especiaily for you. 20 0/ LA CONTESSA OFF HAIR SALON 25UDS 119 Green St., Whltby21DU A 119 Green St. 6896 Whltby 6896,W,-V i. 0 ST WE CARRY EVERYTHING FROM CONCEPTION TO 12 VEARS PEREGO STROLLER WITH FREE HOOD REG. $135.()0 SALE $99«95 NEW&ALMOSTNEW RENTALS AVAILABLE 216 DUN DAS ST. E. WIIITBY 666ml11331 Why French fragrances are special to women d i1 '3uoo ANED DRAPRICE CUSTOM MADE VERTICAL BLINDS (QUALITY FABRIC) SHEERS 59.'5I1YDl. Excellent Prices, Quality & Workmanship i42½/SIMCOE sT. N. 433-11641 iv-. 150cm 150cm

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