Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 6 Jun 1984, p. 34

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PA,&GE, 18, WEDNESDAY, J UNE 6,19Ë4, WHITBY FREE PRESS APARTMENTS/ TAIERS IAGDNlNWlGARDENINO CLO ÇJCARI RfflOES (J 1 LIIIFR W 1T I Z :01FR EN Inl)O AE NSPLE N PIz SEVICE FO SLEANmSPPIE NDSUPLESSEVIE DOG HOUSES Cuatomn or stan- dard, Indoor or outdoor. Al sizes. North Pickerng, 649-2069. FOR FINISHED BASEMENTS, recreation mrne, bathrooms, shlnglIng, etc. A llcensed carpen. ter et yaur service. Cal Dan's Renovations et 576"296. CAR CLEANINO Interiar, ex- terior. Done et your home, et your convenience. C. Carlyle Esquire, 282-8780. ALUMINUM AND VINYL SIDING, electrical contracting, heating, air conditloning. 655-8941. J.G.P. GARDENINO and main- tenance, iandscmping, patio In- terlocks, grass cut, free estimates. Cali 728.4017. ABRAXAS DESIGN BUILD Renovation, residentiai, commercial, Indoor or out- door, reasonabiy priced quaiity. Free Estimates. ED WALLIS 725-7107 PSYCHIC MEDIUM la available for private readinga and aiea numerology charte. For infor- mation and appoiniment oeil 579- 6523. QUANSIT CONST. Remove, repair or replace anything. Aiso perfect ciemnups. 579-3938. PROP à SKEG REPAIRS (5 day service). Expert boat repaire - do- t-yourseif fibreglas supplies. Oshawa Glass Fibre- Rayplex. 341 Durham St., 579-1433. *RENOVATING * Flrstln Quallty * Craftmanshlp. Phone 579-1945 NNNCEMEN1J THACHUK- Larry and Eleanor (ne. Smith) wlsh ta announce, wlth pleasurs, the safe arrivai of thelr daughter, Tracy Lynin, on MaY 22nd - 6 Ibs. 151h oz. - et Port Perry Hospital. Proud gran. dparents are Alan and Agnes Smith, Whltby, Ted and Alce Thachuki Brookiln. Great- grandparents are Mary Thachuk, Whitby, Raid and Rae Cook, Wiiitby. Spaciai thanks ta Dr. Miller and Port Perry matemlity staff. CLEAN LARGE 2 bedraam. Thlcksan and Dundee. Weil kept low de, dishwashsr, swlmming pool, tennis court, broadioomed, convenient shopping and tran- sportation. Sublet. 433-4765 (after 6 p.m.> ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT In amail Whitby bulding. Adulte oniy. Includes fridge, siove, hydro and parking. Omble TV and iaundry facilîties avalimble. Phone 668-6372 between 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. LARGE LUXURY 1 bedroom apar- tmant. Firapiaca, adulte, no pets, $500. Whiltby, 668-1506. SPENCER COMMUNITY Centre fammiy yard sale. Saturday, June 9, 10 to 4 at Spencer OommunIty Centre, Brooklin. Corner of Coun- try Lana and Columbus Rda. Rein or shine. GARAGE SALE June 9 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 36-41 Carter Ores., Whltbv. AFFRDASIE FAMILY FUN CAMPING TRAILERS Seo the beautiful No. 1 seliing Coleman Camping Traliers wilh the quallty end name you trust. Easy towing, llghtweighl deelgn, sets up fauter end has more iuxury living spaco. LOW PRICES AND FREE REFRIGERATOR DEAL NOW ONI rulEquIppe I __ 1§50Owk u J SUn way Sales sU"pusa fun n our life~ 2089 SIMCOE ST. N. Acros from Durhiam Collage OSHAWA PORT PERRY 571-2210 986-2910 38' HOUSE TRAILER on scenlo lakeside lot fuily furn. with 4 pc. bath, fridgs, stove, etc. Master bedroom and 2 bunke, 10x24' deck and garden shed. Located on Scugog Island. Asking $6,500. Oeil 655-4069. MN DURHAMM RODUCE GARDEN CENTRE Fresh Produce & Flowers Also See Us For Your Garden Needs 1010 Dundas 6t. W., Whitby 668-15 Acrose from White Oak Apt. Bulidinge. Closed on Sundays. 1 qrî 0 BUSINESS WANTEO-TO OPPORTUMITIES BUVRENT LANTO DRIVE TratorTraleror IStralght Trukl 1-6623-800 COMPUTER CAMP Variety of computera. Morning, aflernoan or evenlng. For ail ages. 10-20 haura for $85-$149. Oeil 683-7767. PES ORLE] S"ALE] Q ýUPIS ONE ELECTROLUX uprIght AIfAimv.a, nI,,4*. BLACK MALE LAS PUPS. 10 weeke old, $35. Phone 655-4778. FLORIDA 1 W. ACATION I 5- OATS&. E ~I RENTSALS GRADUATE - Doug Van Staveren, son of Neil and Ann Van Staveren of Whtiby, graduatsd from Queen's Unlvsrsity with a Bachelor of Commerce with Honours degra.. Doug la a graduate of Henry Street Hlgh Sohool In Whtby and ha has ac- ceptad e position with Golgate. Paimoilve ln Toronto. JNSALE- 9 tn 12 nv FORIDA Ciearweter - Thres bedroom mobile homes. Hested pools, tennis, close to beaches end major attractions, chIldren welcome, 8225.00 Ui. weekly (Iessu than motel 0om>. 683-5503 j NEED A RENTAL? Oeil the Expar- tsi Wo carry houses, townhousas, duplexes, epar- tmsnts, flats Alil aras, sizas, picesi 579-500 Homelocators, tee. *Saturdaymorning* *26Albert StrtI _________ 723-36261SARD -- MDAIO COUNGRATULATIONS an your forthoomlng marriege. Please vlew Our iampies of engraved wsddlng invitations et yaur fel- sure ln Our Ajax Plaza store. 010k- son Printing & Office Supplies 683-1968. ASHBURN VILLAGE - Share house. Close to skiing and golf, non amokers pissaso, $210 mon- tly, Includes utilities. 655-4035. _OFES CE C f"~EDCATIOALI ~FORRENTI "&GRAMMAR for people who hate grammar" le the Ideai pooket reference book for business people. $3.95 per oopy and aveit- able et Diokeon Prlntlng & Office Supplies In the Ajax Plaza. Dealer enquiries Invted 683-1968. WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for rent on professionai floor. Wouid be suiteble for lewyer, mcounitant, etc. Rent includesalal utilities end la negotiable for an appropriate tenant. For further info rmation oeil 668-6372 between 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday to Frlday. SAILSOAT 23ft. fibre glass, Swing Keel motor and treller, 3 salis, head, other equipmant, $9,000. Also portable Marine VHF radio telephons, new $395. 725- 3300. 1972 GREW 88-130 Fibargiase speedboat with 40 h.p. Marc and TIlt tralier. Elsctrlc Start mator, AMIFM casa, Ski bar, 2 gastenke and blige pump. $2,795. Aiso 65 h.p. Evinrude Outboard motor. Eiectric stant with ail controis. In use untîl rscsntiy repiacad with lerger unit. Good condition. Asking $800. Oeil 655-4069. MOTOCYCLES FOR SALE 1978 VAMAHA 175 cc Enduro. Asking $400. Oeil 723-3744. tVUMTîVE U~EARPASIRPARTS1 REBUILT TRANSMISSIONS, most modale, $185.001 Oeil Bob 683-0811. 1968 PONTIAC PARISIENNA, 2& 2, convertible, 327 cub. inch., good tires, good roof, gaod run- ning condition. As la $600 or beet offer. 985-8967. vacuum. Just 11ke new. WiliIsell for $175. Pleese cali 686-4749, af- ter 6 p.m. FERGUSON'S CONTRACTORS. Steel buildings, ferme, Industriel or 2 car garages. Wesosli and In- stail. For mors Information celi 1- 705-743-2844. VISIT our used furniture ware- houes by appolntment. Big savîngs on desks, chairs, fillng cabinets, etc. Oeil Diokeon Print- lng & Office Supplies to arrange an appointment to view. 683. 1968. BARRELS - Whiskey, $25. Rum, $30. Guarantsad, free delivsry. 688-1645 or 686-0257. 40 H.P. MERCURY OUTBOARD, elsctric start, good condition, brase ski propeller, $400. 1974 Ski-Doa Elan SS, $400. Good silders, 399 c.c. Rotax. 985-6967. "HEROES af the Bible" cotounlng book availabie et Dlckson Print- Ing & Office Supply, Ajax Plaza, 683-1968. Dealer Inquirles ln- vlted. FOR SALE Kenmore appiiences, 5 years old, Harvest goid colour, excellent condition. Refrigerator - 17.1 ou. ft. and etove - Mark Il. Each $350. Phone 6684437. OLD FINE boards and shelving. Fllng cabinets and chaire. 109 Brook St. S., Whitby. Free deiivery. $10 eech. Oeil 623- 1269. CHESTERFIELD suites, love- seate, sectionals, less than ½i price. Large selection. McKean Furniturs. 524 Simcoo St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181.- MATTRESSES mnd box sprIngs et haif price. McKean Fumniture, 524 SlMcoe Street South, Oshalv. 725-5181. GEOTYPE press-on lettering now ln stock et Dickson Prlnting & 0f- fice Supplies ln the Ajax Shop- ping Plaza. Large saiection of styles and sizas. Why pay mors for a smaiier shoot of lsttaring? 683-1968. DANKRUPTCY SHOE 'SALE. Formeriy Style.Lite Shoos Mt. $1, $2, $3 a pair. 109 Brock St. S., Whitby. CLEARANCE 0F DEMO SATELLITE TV SYSTEMS L.NA.'s, Receivers Dishes, and more at 30% OFF retail. One complete 8' systemn with Luxor 9533 remote control .recelver andl120 degree Ma-Com LNA Sale Price - 11,895 CALL 655-4069 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. PIANOS WANTED. Cash pald for new and used pianos, any con- dition. Aiea sales and service. Phone Teiep Piano Works, Oshawa, 433.1491. WANTED coins, gold, silver, jewelsery, china, etc. Private 579-, 394«. WANTED USED APPLIANCES (Worklng or Not) WE BUYSELL RECON DITION FREE: Drop Into the Dickson PrInting & Office Supply store ln the Ajax Plaza and pick up a f ree DAY CARE Exparisnced and mature nanny Mili provide ioving cars In my home from 7 &.m. to ô p.m. Prefar babies. Whitby ares. Reasonable rates. 576-4322. OTTER CREEK PHASE Il. Ex- periencad day -cars available ln my home. Quiet court with park, oupsrvleed play and ectivities. Fuli-time or pert-time, prefer age 2 or older. Oeli666-3917. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR Home Day Cars? Durham Professional Home Day Cars has supervised homes ready t a te children from 6 weeks ta achool ae. Why not give usea oeil, we have a home suitable for your child. 286-1207 or 433-2515. DAY CARE AVAILABLE In my home. i have a course and diploma. Fuli-time or part-time wslcoms. Cmii Chantais 868-1209. NEW MOM SOMETIMES need help. Expariencsd chiid cars provider cen take reservations foi cass from Juiy îSth to Auguat 3lst. References. Retta Hartiey 725-7751. WISHING W'ELL MONTESSORI SCHOOL, McCowan - Ellesmere Ages 21h - 12,years, Fuli Montessori program - French 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Registrations now belng exCepted. -431-7644, 9 . -1p.. Or Phone 499-9761 copy of tneir 1984 Metric Oelen- dar. PrIntad In two colours. It l g makes for handy reference. M3a- We need 1968. a tew good AARTICLboys and R FOR REIETgrs TYPEWRITER rentaI, menymaes and modela, by the wekend, week or month. , Discounts aveit- able. Dickson Printing &,Office Becomne a Carriet*today. Lear n Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Oeil to b.ea business person wlth. us for business machine repaira responsibility -whie eerning 683-1968. money. Becorne the outstend-, become a wlnnerilk to or HELP FIGNT KIDNEY DISEASE Cali 668-6111 Tordayl WHITBY FREEPRESS RAISED PRI NTING ATTENTION DISPLAY& CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement tor e.-rors on thue f irst day 0f publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be liable for failure to pubiish an ad, or for typographio errors in publica- tion beyond the cost of the space ocoupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the f irst Insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the rloht to classify-or reiect ail adv<ertk<e- ments. Ads must appear in the oaper ofle can be changed or cancelled. CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50 for 20 words; 1i eday before they Ile eaoh addition- ,Classified Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your Visa card ready when caliing. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100 words; 12o each additlonal word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the f irst 50 words; 12o each additional word. AUCTION SALES - 34e per Une. (No word ads allowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an additional -harge 0f $2.00. The Whitby Free Press wlll make every en- deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac- cept no liabiiity regardlng loss or damage alleged to arise through tailure or delay in forwarding such replies. We will not be responsible 'for box number replies flot called for within 30 days. DEADL1NdES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111 4- CHECK OUR LOW EVERYDAY PRICES On new chesterfielda, bedroom sets, colonial dining moins, and kilchen.suites, beds, etc. EL.MER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloor St,~ E. (At Riteon> Oshawa 1 1

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