Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 6 Jun 1984, p. 14

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY JUNE 6, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS AUTO GUIDE Early maintenance extends car's lf ONE WAY TO CUT COUS on major auto repairs is to use reman- ufactured engine components. Hére, at a remfanufacturing center operated by ACF's Carter Automotive Division, armaturesfor au- tomobile starters gel their final exam tram Maria Salinas. Ail re- manufactured parts must meet industry s tandards for perfor- mance, t, Il you'Ve put off buying a new car f'or the pas! scv- eral years, you*ve chosen the sarne road as a lot of' other Arnericans. Today, automobiles in the United States have an average age of seven years or more. N6t since World War Il. when automobile production was sharply curtailed because of mate- rial shortages, have Ameni- cbans kept their cars for so long. This change in buying habits bas resulted in high- er per auto costs for main- tenance and repaîr. In 1982, Americans spent a. total of $86.4 billion or an average of 8.7 cents a 1984 JEEP CH EROKEE I IFHEEA VOUR ONLY AMC JEEP RENAULT DEALER IN DURHAM REGION. GRANT MENZIES mile..flot including gaso- line, to keep their cars in working condition. In 1981, the average was 7.3 cents per mile. Advice tb Consumers If you plan to keep your car for several years, ex- perts7 at ACF's Carter Au- tomo <tive Division urge you 10 start taking care of it early. Have it serviced reg- ularly and pay attention to your owner's manual for guidelines on oil changes, tune-ups and 'seasonal check-ups. > Proper maintenance will extend your car's useful life; Even so, a car eventu- ally ýwill require major re- pairs. Such repairs should be done promptly, since a delay can hasten the car's deterioration and make' it dangerous to operate. Plan ahead. Locate a reputable mechanic or re- pair shop before you need one. The best mechanics take pride in their work and build business on the basis ot satisfied customners. The bnight orànge and white emblem o)f the National In- stitute for Automotive Ser- vice Excellence (NIASE) signifies that the mechanic bas been certil'ied by the NIASE tcsting programi and h as the proven skills nceded to maintain today's comiplex automobiles. Save Money on Major Repairs When yofl bring your car to be serviced, give the mechanic c<)mplete details as to whaî's wrong with the car and make sure he puis the information in writing. Obtain a f'ull. written description of'the vehicle's problems and the correc- tive work required along with cost estimates. Ask 10 be consulted before any additîonal work is per- formed. Replacing major corn- ponients, such as carbure- tors. water pumps. gener- ators,alt ernators, distribu- tors and starters can be ex- pesv.However, because such components are mod- ular and can be installed 'quickly, the saving in labor can offset the higher, cost for parts and even save you money on the entire repair job. One way of reducing costs for such repairs îs to use renianuf'actured engine components. Auto parts are one of the f'ew seg- ments of American busi- ness in which recycling has, succeeded on a major scale. Rernanut'acîured components marketed by reputable companies such as Carter are thoroughly tested during the precision electrical eneri vour car, the i) produces hydnoge highly explosive. gy -10 hat te ny ren gas: remanufacturing process and meet auto makers* per- formance standards. Carter remanufacturing co)mponents have a f'ull warranty in addition to a significantly lower prîce tag. Ask your mcchanic about guarantees of' parts and workmanship. It. he's reputable. he'll stand bc- hind his work. ', Muffler count-down: scoring hazzards Ma .... how much long- er tlii we gel îhere'V' 'Gosh, Dad . . .'m hungry again." You've probably heard these'and other com- ments from your children on a trip. The trick: Keep.the kids busy and their minds off the tedium of the trip. Gel themi interested in the old count-down game. In s<)me' areas they might count cows. f'or ex- ample. But people are trav- eling country roads less of'- ten these days, and the sight of animais on the sides of super-highways is a rarity. There's a new game. îbough, that can keep youngsters <ccupied: it's called Muffler Watch. Mufflers fali off' cars and lilter the road. For exam- pie, the Car Care Councîl obs erved up to 19 mufflers on one 20-mile stretch of Interstate 94 in the Detroit area. While, counting mufflers can bc l'un l'or kids ol'any age. it can be costly l'or car owners. Often. perfecily. good exhaust parts fll hy the wayside beca 'use brackets and clamnps be- coie loose. traf'lic hazards. of' course. They also creale exhaust pr<iblems. Carbon monox- ide fumes can leak mbt your car ilf your exhaust system is' in poor condi- lion. Such fumes are odor- less. colorless- and they can be lethal. The Council suggesls: Before you take a trip, check those brackets and clamps. Thé loss.of a per- fectly good muffier is like money thrown away. A- Clean Start CORROSION ON BATTERY TERMINAIS can cause starting trouble and eventually can destroy the cable through faulty insulatiori. Cleaning with a wire brush specially designed for cables and terminais wiil restore the proper electrical connection. Battery Hoo'k-pp An Explosive Issue frorn Car Cure Council: *No smoking near a batle ry'. 0 Keep your fac'e away from' the battery. Wear safety goggles. *Avoid sparks. %*hen von'necti ng booster cables cover both batte'ries' with a cloth. Be sure the final grouind (negative) con- ne'tion is made to the, frame of the stalled car, as far as possible from the lattery. *Be careful w it h tools. A wrenvl-ior picrs that contacts' a '"hotî" terminal or wire and aà grounded part of the car <an vreate'a spark strong enoughto burn metal. @ When earrying 'a battery, use' a good carrying device. Spîlled batîery acid can eut into your clothing, and your skin, very quiekly. If you do get some a'id on you, flush il off-.at onc.e wiîh water. Plugs > - -1 - 0 - M U iUI~ 1976 LTDe anad oit 200 DUN DAS ST. W., WH ITBYAca l 666a-3332 pemcntmdavrbe WH ERE EVERY TRANSACTION MEANS SATISFACTION 1100 DgallonSTofE.garoline WE PROVIDE SERVICE FOR ALL MAKES 0F CARS. Sese*fOIgtinpntad spark plu@a SIMCOE NORTH- TURBO SERVICE CENTRE- BRITISH & DOM ESTIC CAR REPAIRS -MG-TRIUMPH-JAGUAR-AUSTIN- 728-0901- 1901ISIMCOE ST. N. 7I~ OSHAWA Anong the most important and - Iast understood parts of to(lays modern auto- m0bile is the bat terv. lcchnically. a stonage batten is an electro- eh emicai dev ive. ln the proress of releasing Tlhis is why motonists are tirged 10 heed 1these I)a t tery salfet y t ips - 7-- 71- a mmmq TR. UCKS DO IT ... IN A NISSAN TRUCK- BUY- NOW & SAVE! DURING. OUR CLEARANCE

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