Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 23 May 1984, p. 6

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PAGE 6. WEDNESDAY. MAY 23, 1984, WHIITBY FREE PRESS VON needs more volunteers By NANCY HOPGOOD The Victorian Order of Nurses is a well- known and beloved nur- sing service in the Durham Region. Caring for the ilI, the staff en- deavours to make each patient independentand knowledgeable about his or her condition. A newer volunteer service of the V.O.N. is the Friendiy Visitor/Family Support Program. Begun in 1981 as a trial project in Oshawa, it has now grown and encompasses the Region. The V.O.N. *Friendly Visitor Volunteers visit their shut-in and ilI clients through ice, snow, muddy country roads and now, into spring's glorious sky- blue weather. Their new friends await them with pleasure, knowing that College gr A Whitby woman was among 163 university graduates honored at Trinlty Western in Langley, B.C. April 22. Cynthia June Swain earned her Associate of Arts diploma in General Studies. She was a member of ?FORMS A COMPLE1E PRINTING SERVICE 218 Harwood Ave. S.. Ajax Shopping Plaza, Ajaxc Telephone 416-683-1968 and 416-683-1970 ELAINE MCKENNA, D.D.Sm DENTAL SURGEON WISHES TO ANNOUNCE THE OPENING 0F HER OFFICE FOR THE PRACTICE 0F DENTUSTRY at 53 BALDWIN ST., BROOKLIN ONTARIO LOB 100 By appointment phone BROOKLIN SPRING FAIR THURS., MAY 3184t FRI., JUNE 1 st, SAT., JUNE 2nd, SUN., JUNE 3rd. Thursday Evening, May 31, 1984 12:00 noon Canada North Museumobile 4:00 p.rm. Pony show for Children 5:00 p. m. Midway. Beer Tent 7:30 p. m. Miss Breoklin Fair Pageant, (To enter caîl Loir, McCermack 728-3470) Officiai Opening of Fair by Hon. Geo. Ashe, M.P.P. <Variety Show by Bert Heaver<lIncluded in grounds admission) Frlday, June 1 st 10:00 arn. Carlsberg Show Wagon & Horses 10:00 arnm. 12:00 noon. Exhibits te be placed in Arena 12:00 noon Canada North Museurnobile 4:00 p. m. Mdway Open 4:00 p.rn. 10:00 p.m. Arena open for public te view Exhibits 5:00 p. m. Beer lent Open 7:00 p. m. Fifth Annual Tracter Pull Modified Tracters, 2 Wheel Drive Modified Trucks, Highway Tracters 7:30 p. m. Dog Obedience Show, Mutt & Pet Show Saturday, June 2nd 9:00arn. 10:00 p. m. Arena open te visîters 10:00 arnm. Carlsberg Show Wagons & Herses 10:00 arnm. Appaloosa Horse Show 10:00 arnm. Miniature Hrses 10:3Oarm. Parade (Te enter cait 655-3196 er 655-4353) Judging ef Halter Classes (Light& Heavy Herses) 11:00 arn. Presentation of Parade Prizes (Fr Grounds) 11:00 arn. Canada North Museurnebîle 12.00 noon Beer Tent Open 1:00 p.rm, Cattle Judging -Dairy Cattie 1:00 p.rn. Sea Cadet Corps - Band & Drill Routine 1:30 p. m. Herse Draw 3.00 P. m. Sea Cadet Corps - Band & Drill Routine 6:30 p. m. Helîs Drivers f Trans - Canada) Sunday, June 8:00 arný 8:3 3arm 9:00Oar. 1000a m 10:00 a.rm, 110 1Oar. 11:00 arn 11:00 ar. 11 :45 arn. 1200 noon 12:00 noon S230p.rn. 1:30 p.rn. 2:00 p.rm. 8:00 p.rn. e 3rd 11:30 a.r. Brooklîn Boy Scouts Pancake Breakfast Open Ail Breed Herse Show 600 p.rn. Arena open te public Carlsberg Show Wagon & Herses Miniature Herses Canada North Museurnebîle Goal Daîry Show to05:00 p.rn. Bed Race - Tel. Wayne Disney 655-3160 Horseshow Teurnarnent Rabbit Show 10 5:00 p .n Midway Open Sheep Show - Judging and Dernonstration of Shearing (2:00 P.rn. & 3:00 p.rm.) Beef Cattle Judging Harness Herse Races - Pari Mutuel Betting Privileges Log Sawing - Naîl Driving - Don Mitchell 655-4991 Country Music Show by Bill Johnson and Sweet Country Band featuring June Eikhard and ether Special Guests. (Included in grounds admission) 0-cy Troas. Mgr . 8... 55-4525 Falrground Phone....655-M02 they will spend a happy- time together - perhaps for a car-ride, chat, or visit over a cup oftea. Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer with the V.O.N. is asked to caîl their office at 571- 3151. aduate the largest grad uating class in the history of Trinity Western, with 91 people receiving B.A. degrees, seven B.Sc. degrees, and 65 Associate 0f Arts diplomas. Avallable ln Beta &VHS at 76 Baldwin St. Brooklln Call for reservations 655-4229 Bn®oklin B ie by BETTY-JEAN BLYTHt By now, most 0f you should have recovered from the effects 0f the long weekend. Many of you stayed in the area to attend the events planned for the Pete Rice Memorial. I hope you enjoyed yourselves and wii plan to attend next year, too. The organizers and the Heart Fund would like to thank ail those who contributed to make it a success. I don't have the results of the bail tournament at this time but- I wiil publish them next week. While I'm speaking of bail, here's a little smile to brighten your day. Last week at a junior softbail game, a coach cailed one 0f the. players over and reminded him that there was to be no bad-mouthing 0f unipires, no swearing and no tantrums. The kid said "Yes, sir, we know". "Then," replied the coach, "wiil you please tell the parents in the stands?" SPRING FAIR PARADE The theme'of the parade this year is "Ontario, Yours to Discover - 200 Years. " Following are the categories in the fancy dress section - 1. De corated Horse or Pony and Rider with two age groups. 2. Fancy Dress in three age groups from 3 to 14 years. 3. Decorated Manual Transport in three age groupa. 4. Decora ted Person^ with Manual Transport three age groupa. 5. Decorated Bike - three age groupa. 6. Decorated Bike and Rider - three age groupa. 7. Aduits who wish to enter any of the, above categories wiil be judged separately and prizes wil be awarded. The marshalling point wii be St. Leo's school and participants are requested to be there by 9:45 a.m. and vehicles bringing them removed elsewhere to avoid congestion. Judging will begin at 10 a.m. sharp!1 Prizes wiil be announced and awarded at the fairgrounds îmmediately after the parade. The parade itself wiil begin at 10: 30 a.m. sharp!1 Our parade is one of the best in the region, one of which we are justly proud. To continue to uphold this tradition, we need the fuil support of everyone in the community. Group 74 do a marvellous job 0of organizing it every year but unless you get busy and make up an entry, aIl their liard. work wiil be useless. Entry forms can be obtained from any of the teachers at either Meadowcrest or St. Leo's and for those not in school, at the library. Pick them up today! Entries must be returned by May 25 to either the teachers or to Marie Ferguson by cailing 655-4157. Inquiries can be addressed to M. Andrews at 655- 3196 or J. Hurtibese at 655-4353. Remember, even though that bright idea for a costume has not yet hit, get your entry form in 50 that when it does you'il be ready. BONNET AND BOUQUET TEA This Saturday, (May 26), is the date for this unusual event. There wiil be an array 0f hats on REUNION Palmerston Avenue Public School will celebrate its 25th an- - niversary on May 26 from 1 to 4p.m. Mi 1 Ail former students 1 1 and teachers are more ~ ~fff~j~ than welcome to attend. For more information PATIO DECKS ' 3uild yeur deck wîth qualîty pressure treated r cedar tumber for lastîng enjoyrnent. ollow our easy step by step plans. tailîngs and steps are extra. PRESSURE TREATED CEDAR INSTOCK * !itsII r m V.O.N. ANNIVERSARY The Durham Region Branch of the Victorian Order of Nurses wil celebrate their 7th an- niversary on June 9 at the General Sikorski Polish Veterans' Association Centre, Stevenson Rd. N., Oshawa. The evening wiil start with the annual general meeting at 4 p.m. foilowed by a cocktail hour at 5:30 p.m., dinner at 6:30 p.m. and a dance at 8:30 p.m. to the sound of the- "Bobby Kinsmen Band. Tickets are $20 per person and available by caling the V.O.N. at parade both historical and hysterical s0 don't miss it. In keeping with the season, Joan Brak will be of- fering ideas on flower arranglng as well. You can pick up your ticket $3.50, at Ashburn General Store, Warm Woolies and Whatnots In Brooklin or The Country Mouse in Whitby. Space is limited 50 get your ticket now. BABY CONTEST REGISTRATION The first registration date for the baby contest is on May 26 at the Communicy Centre froin 2 to 5. Forms may be picked up at the Childrens Market- place iWhitby. SUNDAY -SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY The Sunday School of Brooklin United Church is holding its anniversary this Sunday,(May 27), ýat il arn. The service will be lead by the children. Don Smith from Niagara Falls. is to be the speaker. He will be accompanied by, his wife Barbara and will talk on work done by the Christian Blind Mission In- ternational. This is an organizationi that works with blind and handicapped people especially in under-developed countries. The children of the Sunday Sehool have been making contributions «all year to this worthy cause and wil present their gift to him. There will be special music as well. Ail parents, grandparents and other interested persons are invited to corne to church and join in the service and the light lunch which is to foiloW. This wil be the last day of Sunday School classes until September. LIBRARY NEWS The welcome mat is out for everyone in the com- munity to drop in during Open House week begin- ning next Monday (May 28). There wil be a special book draw for both the aduit and children's depar- tments. A book sale will offer bargain reading materials for summer days, and there will be balloons, coffe and goodies for everyone. Get out and join i this annual open house to celebrate our fair. MYRTLE NEWS A special MothersDay Tribute service was held in the church. The -choir sang "God Bless You Mother Dear" while Ann Budd gave' a rendition of "One Day at a Time". A sentimental setting was arranged by Mary, Housego to add to the fond memories of days gone by and of homeý, The Myrtle UCW Yard Sale is to be held on June 8 from 12 to 6 p.m. and on June 9 from 9 a.m. toi p.m. Homemade pies will be sold.-Anyone with articles to donate who needs a pick-up -should cali 65&-3123 'or 655-400. The annual church picnic wiil be held at John and Laurel Hamers on June 25 at il a.m. There will be an informai outdoor worship followed by gamnes and a potluck lunch. This is the closing service until the fail. BROOKLIN WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The institute won third prize this year i the Bicentennial Quilt Block C ompetition. The patter was a trillium wîth an iron kettle and a pressure cooker (1784-1984). Missl Hawn designed the block and Mrs. Elsie Gilroy did the needlework. Agriculture and Canadian industries topics were given by Mrs. Laurel Hamer comparing the prices of farm equipment before the Second World War and today. Mrs. Hamer stated that it would require a minimum of $74,000 worth of farm machinery to start up today. Mrs. Garrie Arksey ini current events told how th eat a low fat high fibre diet to help prevent cancer, mentioned the first woman Rabbi, the snow in Hamilton and London on May 12, immigration problems and the shortage of beds available in THANK-YOU The members 0f St. Leo's would like to thank al those who attended or worked so hard for the May 12 fund-raising dance. A special word of appreciation is extended to the merchants who donated gifts and prizes which greatly enhanced the evening. Valles Fruit Market, Ashburn General Store, Brookiin Village Shoppe, Cashway Building Centre, Cuilen Gardens, Shorts IDA, Brooklin IGA, Jac's Milk? Joe's Pizzeria and Rennues Flower Shoppe. Please remember them when you're shopping. YARD SALE The Legion Auxiliary is holding a yard sale on June 9 and tables are available to rent. This is a great way to make a few dollars out of those seldom-used items you come across when you're doing your spring cleaning. Cal now to reserve a table before they're ail t4!LR l.ýç&edýocetýt65M MITCHELL BROTHERS Cassels & Church St. BROOKLIN -jà , 7jý

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