WHTRPRPIix3PQJQ ?u/iià iiylzb, 19É4 Towntoped$ 7,000 to studv- Brooklin roads The, Town of Whitby will spend $49,000 over the next 18 months to conduet a pavement management study for Brooklin and rural area roads. According to North Ward Councillor Ross Batten, chairinan of council's operations committee, the money will be used to plan the public works depar- tment's road recon- struction and repaving sehedule for the next few years. "The primary pur- pose of the study is to determine the condition of the streets in Brooklin and the rural areas," he said. Batten pointed out that road, repair often fails into one of two categories: top dress or simple repaving, and reconstruction. He said that before spending huge amounts of tax- payers'mroney, the town wants to determine exactly what must be done to ensure that long terrn maintenance costs are kept down. "We want to do it properly right from the start, " he said. The study wiil be divided into two parts. This year, $17,000 will be spent doing a study on road s in Brooklin and the surrounding area. Next year, $32,000 wil be spent to conduet a "network study"l of roads in the rural areas not only of the north ward but of the east and west wards as weil. Batten said that $60,000 will be spent on Broooklin and area roads this year. He said REUNION Ail graduates of Denis J O'Connor High Sehool 1 are invited to a special reumion on June 2 which wii begin with a mass at 12:30 p.m. at St. John 1 the Evangelist Church. c The school is closing t its old doors at the end v of this sebool year. The v new high school will be r open in Ajax in Septem- s ber. S A reception, hosted by p the Denis O'Connor E Alumni Committee wil E be held after the mass. si no longer in the way. "Lt doesn't look like sewers are going to corne to Brooklin for a long time, " Batten said. Durham Regional that that is enough money to, repave many badly damaged roads in the hamlet but far from enough to, reconstruct thern. The councillor said he doesn't want to see roads repaved this year only to find out later that they have to be reconstructed. - When the study is completed and the town decides what work will be done,most of the cost will be borne by the On- tario Ministry of Tran- sportation and com- munications, through its road grants program. Batten said that he is particulary concerned about the conditions of roads in Brooklin and the rural areas. "Nothing bhas been done in the pa st 12 years," he said pointing out that there are still many gravel roads throughout the municipality. -"I personally think its bad economics to, have gravel roads," he said, "they need a lot of maintenance. " He pointed out that gravel roads require continual grading and other work to make them usable. Work on Brooklin roads was put off because the town did not want to, spend the money required until af- ter the hanilet had been developed. But since the scheme has now been scrapped the rnunicipality will now have to do work it has been putting off for the past 10 years. "The work was put off because we felt there was going to be development," Batten said, It's been put off for that length of time- because we thought somebody else was going to, do it. " Neitlier the Town .of Whitby nor the Region of Durham bas wanted to do the major road work be cause they vould only have to, be ripped up again to, in- stail the sanitary sewe r system, that had been planned for Brooklin. But now that sewers for Brooklin have- become iomething of a "pipe ream" that barrier is WORWONER w AIT CALI 004111 CORPORATION 1OFTHE TOWN 0F WHITBY s.iet- TOWN 0F WHITBY MUNICIPAL OFFICES C LOS E D MONDAY, MAY 219,1984 WHITBY TRANSIT The Whitby Transit WILL NOT be ln operation on Monday, May 21; 1984, because of the Vic- toria Day Holiday.1 The Transit System wiII resume operations on Tuesday, May.22, 1984. We regret any inconvenience that may be caused by this action. R.A. KUWAHARA, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. a normai e. I d I I I I I I I Council bas said repeatedly over the last few Years that it will not spend the $8.1 million necessary to bring the sewer system to PAGE 7 Brooklin unless there is substantial develop- ment in the hamlet. Batten added that he did. not want to speculate how much the whole program will cost until he knows what bas to bedone. "That's what the study is going to tell us, " he said. s I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I w Clip this Coupon and tai iftto your nearby Scotts Chioken Villa. Coupon vi until June l7th, 1984. K!fluckftiedChk~ 20 piece Barri $1 Feed 8 people' each. Just clipj take it to yourr Chicken Villa.( june l7th, 198ý ret, loaf of bread, 2 large saladS (500 for lesS than $2.10. this Coupon and nearbY Scott'S Coupon valid until l eImCIC" 4. 0Cbd The report on the needs of Brooklin and the surrounding area is expected to corne before council sometirne this summer. ge Eai size) * ~ s,» i i 5 1 - - - - -~ -~ ---.--.. -.--.-- - -~-.--..---~-. I ],(th,1984. mm 3 piece dinner for one and CokT clip this coupon and take it toi your nearbY SCott's ChiCkenfl Via. Coupon validi until june l7th, 1j984. .%9Yiec hiche"T 9 peceThrft oxwith 3. CokesM 1 m m 1 im-M