Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 25 Apr 1984, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1984, WHITBY FREEYPRESS V.-Ir I M ,M - - 1 Whltby's Most'WIdeIy Rsad CLASSIFIFD ADS ~0~E Nî~1HOUECLENIN ~ EN N G ARDENING JARTICLES SEERVICEIES~SEVIE AND SUPPLIES -A OSPLE REPAIRS, RENOVATIONS, pain. tlng, dlean-upu, eavsstroughs cieaned, ormiii jobs, etc. Free estimaies.. W. Prtchard, 6M3-2981 afieop.m.ý INCOME TAX RETVJRNS dons at your home. Persona end osmait business. Lowsst prlces In are&. For appointment plesciii: G. Teixiora. 839-859. <Cirifisd by H&R Bock). OSHAWA REFINISMINO Antique and modem wood. fumIturs. Mand strlppsd and prôfossionaily finished. Fros estimaies, free pick-up and dsivory. 585 Wsn- tworth St. E., No. 34. Open 9-5. 723-7479 or 7286071. LIOHT MOVING JOBS cisan back yards, celirs, etc. For boat ser- vios caii Jos anytime, 723-2368. PSYCHIC MEDIUM le availabie for privais readinge and mîso numneralogy charte. For infor-* mation and appointmont ciii 579- 6523. EXPERT TREE REMOVAL tres cors, landscaping and hsdges, sprlng cisan.up, tres surgsry and hrub cars, fully lnsured. 571- 1445. FURNITURE MOVINO roisanabie rates. availablo any tino. 576- 5m6. I DUSTY DOLLI ES QualityCleaninu WIth A Difference i I Cali 686-3888. WUVACATION uFE RENTALWMARKET* fFLORIDA Clsarwmter - Three bedroom *mobie h ms etdpae major attatoe hlrsn moieomes. H8225.pools, corn). 63 e50 or Sale'J mrattractinLAKEhSHornt lone rrm 25k.n0a0Bnco.S 800m)dawn3-$100 3 oth 2 sipeitro pen tg. en Mîtlhews 725-7740. NEUNEEMENTSI PETrS & ~ ~ ~ RUMAQE BALE The Silvation Army, 122 Kent St., Whitby. Frlday, AprIl 27,7 to 9 p.m. Situr- day, April 28, 10 to 12 p.m. Al wlcome. THREE YEAR CLOU neutored maie Shopherd-Collio-Huekie. Wall behived and triined. Com- plots with dog houe. and diehes. Muet have foncod yard and iovlng people. $30. Cl 68-2912. WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for ront on professional f loor. Would b. sultîbie for liwyer, accountant, etc. Ront Includes ail utilities and le neoabie for an ippropriate tenant. For further information ciii 668-8372 between 9:30 m.m., MARKET Lindsay beside auc- tion barn. Open-every Sa.9 to 5. Farm produCe, new and used Items, deli Mneats, buns, good food. Free draw, per- manent inside or out- side vendors wanted. SpeClal monthly rates Information 324-2783 SEE YOU SAT AT THE MARKET GARDENER - CLEARINO OUT some extra troos and plants ai vory reasonable prIcos. CoiJars, Spruco, Mapie, Oak, Pins, Liiac, Forsythea, Asparogus, Rhubarb, Horsoradlsh, Strewberrios, Raspberries, Iris, Poonîs. More Information 655-4525. DAS LAWN MAINTENANCE Lawn cutting and trlmmlng, for- tiiizing, aoratIng, sodding, mIsceilaneous gardoning. 3 yoars oxporionco. Cmii 688-0832 or 668- 5365 aftor 6 p.m. AUTOMOTIVE IR EP A IR/PA RTS REBUILT TRANSMISSIONS, most modela, $165.001 Ciii Bob 683-0811. CAR REPAIRS bodywark, tune- ups, paint Job, etc. Roasonablo rites. 668-7620 anytime. and Sp.mn Manday ta Friday. JUNK SALE jCR 9 to12 every BOUSES I UI Saturday mornIng F~O R RNT EMNG 28Abrt Street I AR YOU LOOKING. FOR Home 723326 1 NEED A RENTAL? Ciii the Expar. DaY Cire? Durhamnrfssoa CONGRATULATIOS on your* forthcomlng nmarrige. Piess viow'oursamples af sngravsd wsdding Invitations 'at your loi- sure In aur Aax Piius stars. DIck- son Prlntlng & Off iciý Supplies 683-1968. GARDEN PLOT ivaliabie. Free of charge. 40'x60'. Phone 655-4536. FREL- Drop Into the Dlckmon Prlntlng & Office Supply'stars In the Ajax Plaza and pick up i ires copy of their 1904 Mstrlc Caisn- dar. Prlnted In two colours. It malces for hmndy refermes. 683- 1968. tel Wo carry house, townhouses, duplexes, .apar- tments, fnatal Ail ameas, sizos, pricesi 579-4500 Homelocatore, f50. COUTEIIR CAMP Vmrlety af computers. Marning, mfternaon or evening. For ail ages. 10-20 hours for 885-149.,Ciii 683-7767 - w ,S ýHOUSES'j SUPPLIES' ~OR SALE MUST BE SOLDI, Ranch bungalow an 15 acres. Jumt pmst Riglan on Simcos St. Bemutiful property for many uses. 965-7872. Open Houses1 ta 6 p.m., Saturday and Sunday. SECLUDED CORNER, $40,500. 3 bedmoom tawnhame, nicely decoratsd,- b.b. heatIng, large' flnlshed roc room. Southwost Oshawa. Pleasmnt setting In weil carsd for compiex. Clame ta 401 sxlst. Msndyk Montde Realty 576- 9700. EDATIOINLESJ FOORE 11ENT UGRAMMAR for people who hate gramnmar" le the Ideai pocket reference book for businesa people. $3.95 par copy and aval- abie mt Dickson Prnting & Office Supplies In the Ajax Plaza. Dslsr enquiries lnvitsd 683-1968. TYPEWRITER rentai, many makes and modela, by,*the wsekond, wsek or month,. Dlàcaunth avili- ibis. Dickmon Printlng & Office Supplisln the Ajax Plaza. Ciii, us for business machine repAlrs W83-1968. WAIT ABS WOAKS WAIT-AISCALLSOS4 Il 1980 28FT. FREEDOM CIB Cet Rlgged Ketch. 15 h.p., wter caaled, Vînmar diesel, 434 sq. ftL sai area, carbaon fibre mise with aiuminum wiohbone booms. Vossel well equlppsd and ready ta sail mway. Pedeetai, wheol stoering, .compose, VHF, etc. Ownor aeking $51.900 wiii nogotîste. Vossol lacated In Oshawa, Ont. 'Toiephono 433- 2337, days or 579.8840, evoninge. 19821 CHEV CAVALIER 4 cylinder, 2-door, bucket eils, mutamatlc. Quick ais. 88,895 fuliy certIf led. 688-3441. 1981 BUICK REGAL 6 cylinder, autamnatic, blue wlth beige In- toriar, p.m., p.b., a.c. bench moite, AMIFM cassette. QuIck saie. $6895 fuiiy certif led. 666-3441. LADY DRIVEN 1979 Manza Spider. Sinail V8, îutamatlc, radia, bucket meate, biby blue with blue Intoriar, shirp iaaklng car. Muet be seen ta be ap- prsciated. 66&-3441. Homo Day Cars hie supervieed homes remdy to a te children from 6 weeks ta eachool mgo. Why not give us m Caii, wo have a homo suitabie for your chiid. 286-1207 or 433-2515. CONSCIENTIOUS MOTHER of ans year aid will give attentive child cars ln own home. Flexible houre or ehift work echodule. North Cintre St. 68-6970. YOUNG WOMAN WILL BABYSIT any mgo for summer break or star- ting anytime. On Roseaile Dr. Referonces availabie. Cmli Cindy 668-124. MOTHER OF TWO (3 and 5 yoars aId) wanting ans or two chiidren, 3 ta 6 ysmre. Fuili/part-tlme. Mon- day thru Fridmy. 666-1823. IBUTTERFLY Daycaro Contre No. 2 IOpen 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. QualIf led Staff Hot Meals Age From '6 Weeks 1To 6 Years OId 309 Bosch St. * Whltby 668-8927 OR 571-0031' 3ANAK uANAL "or camfar- table happy foot". Excellent for boiting and camping. 5 year warrmnty. Christine 725-8292. Ask about our shoe partiesil 18x4 NEW ABOVE QROUND pool kit with sand flItor, ekImmer. Complote $1,275. Cmii 723-0345, eveningo 576-2287. MATTRESSES and box springs at haif price. McKeen Furniture, 524 Sincos Street South, Oshawa. 725-5161. FREEZER BEEF Front quarter 81.30/lb. HInd quarter 82.001lb. Side or whoie $1.601lb. 855-4536. MISTER TRIM LAWN à GARDEN SERVICE. Free iawn fortillizatlon with sprlngcloani-up. Free wesd control with weskly grass cut. 579-6671.- ARTICLES FOR SALE FREEZER 26 cublc foot chost. 7î yeare old, good condition. $150. Cali 655-8940. VISIT our used furniture -wiro- hauso by appointinont. Bi* g savinga on dosks, chairs, f ilinq cabinets, etc. Cmli Dlckson Print- lng & Office Supplies to arrange an appaîntinent bo view. 683- 1968. FOR SALE Moffat gis stovo, 20"x24". Worklng condition. Cmii 668-2656. BOYS' 3 speed bîko, 20"', $45. Boys' rouler Mkates, size 3, $18. Bath In good condition. 68-4495. GEOTYPE prose-on lesttering now In stock atDlckson Printing & Of- fice Supplies In the Aax Shop- ping Plazi. Large selection of styles and sizos. Why pay mors for a emalior. shoot cf lettering? CHECK OUR L0W EVERYDAY PRICES On new chesterfields, bedroom sets, colonial dining moins, and kitchen suites, beds, etc. nELMER'S FURNUTURE 253 Bloor St..E. (At RItoon) Oshawa JACK R. CAYN E, M.B.A. *ACOOUNTING *BOOKKEEPING eINCOME TAX 91Mysrs Lane North York, Ontario, M2H 1 P7 49975 or 655-4859 A' Please cheBck your advertisement for e.-rors on the f irst day 0f publication. The Whitby Free Press wiiî flot be lhable for fallure to publish an ad, or for typographiC errors ln publ iCa- tion beyond the COSt of the space occupied by the error Up to a maximum COSt of the f Irst insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to Ciassify or rejeCt ail advertise- ments. Ads mnust appear in the naper one day before they can be changed or canfl8Ied. CLASSIFIED RATES: $350 for 20 words; 1 1t eaCh addition- ai word If pre-paîd. You may charge your Classlfled 'Ad to TTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS your Chargex or Visa aCCount. Please have your Visa Card ready when Caling. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irsi 100 words; 12o eaCh additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the f irst 50 words; 12s each additionaî word. l AUCTION SALES - 34ç per Une. (No word ads allowed.) BOX NUMBÇRS: Box numbers are available at an additional charge of $2.00. The Whîtby Free Press wiil make every en- deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac- cept no iability regarding loss or damage alîeged to arIse thro ugh failure or delay in forwarding such replies. We wili not be responsible for box number replies flot-caîîed for within 30 days. DEADLIP4ES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert or CanCel Cîassified Ads. Fridaynoon prlor to publication to Insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111. M 4 -~ MI Acros frorm gWhts Oak Apt. Buildings..Ciosod on Sundmys. FIREWOOD 'Haxwood l1t$ longthe, cut anO eplit, $125/cord. Deiiverod - minimum 4 cord order. Phone 98&7M8. 11NEROEB of the Bibis" colourlng book avaliabie et DIckson PrInt- ing & Office Supply, Aax Plaza, 683-1968. Dernier Inquiries ln- yitod. 14x20 INGROUND pool kit. New lner and wîiis, tend filtur. Com- plote $2,100. Cali 723-0345, evenings 576-2287. 350 ROCKET MOTOR for sais. Aiso 1974 B otecco. Asking $20. Phono 576-5110.' CHESTERFIELD suites, love- soats, soctionais, lis than '% prIce. Large selection. McKsen Fumiturs. 524 Simcos St. 'S., Oshawa. 725-5181. FEROUSON'S CONTRACTORS muet ssii large soection of steel or wood, trussed buildings. Example: srsctsd_ 50x200 ftl, 83W,525. 40x60 ft., 89,850. Both buildings comploe with largo siiding doors. 1-705-743-2844. ORDER A MOVIE, videao movies for sais VHS and BETA. Caii us f irai for the best prlces. Speciais svsry month. Cali 576-800, ail movles guarantssd. AFFONMSLE FAMMNY N CAMPING, TRAILERS Ses- ths beautîful No.1 seiiing Coleman, Camping TralsOrs wlth the quallty and nains you trust. Easy'towing, ilghtwsight dssign, soe up fîster and han. more, luxury living spios. LOW 'PRICES AND FREE REFRiIERATOR, DEM. NOWONI, Sunway Sales Acre. h<n Dwlîam celeg ýOSHAWA PORT PERRY 571-220MO-ai BANKRUPTCY SALE STYLE-LITE FOOTWEAR 109 BROOK ST. S., WHITBY Men's and women'sshoes, boots, hand bags & aCcessorles. UpTo75%OFF Everythlng Must Gol Hours 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. F. Alan Lawson, C.A. Truste@ & Bankruptcy 221 King St. E., Oshawa BARN SWALLOW P OTIERS' OPEN HOUSE SAT., MAY 5 9 A.M. TO 6 A.M. SUN., MAY 6- 11 A.M. TO 5 P.M. FunCtionil & decorative handmade pottery 1by Deanna Jones. Top of the hîli ln Greenwood (Westney Rd.'& Hwy. 7) 686-3965 - P-,% r- i

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