Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 18 Apr 1984, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS Br~k1in Byiries by BETTY-JEAN BLYTH Cail 15-3179 wlth Items for thia column. There are still some of you who haven't got the deadlile Urne for the drop box straight yet. It is em- ptied every Thursday evening. Any item submitted later than that will fot make the paper for two weeks unless you eall me before noon on Friday at either 666-3255 or 666-1133. .NEW COACH Brooklin Redmen are happy to annouce the LAST 4 DAYS WIN A PATIO DOOR VERTICAL FOR EASTER NO PURCHASE NECESSARY PRIZE DRAWN 5 P.M. APRIL 21ST McMARR INTERIORS 1397 HARWOOD, AJAX 686-4500 BESIDE DX SERVICE STATION :e SEARS WAS DEMO MITSUBISHI WAS DEMO: BETAVISION. $689 * 350 HS-700i!79"$639 : é SANYO WAS DEMO FISHER WAS DEMO :VCR 3900 89~*375 FVH 515 !,5W9 499: gVCR 4500 $,529r $425 FVH530 $6491: : VCR 4300 $7 s $439 :VCR 6100. $ Yfl 8549 _______ :VCR 6310 $,D 8649______ :VCR 7300 $38r 1099 '--- VI 85481699 £ VS 528 $8 599 MTUIH WAS DEMO RECEl VER M!991,8399 * FRE MMBERHIPDA.R15 (45 Watts Per Channel) WIH LLVCSMITSUBISHI WAS DEMO SPEAKERS $6100 299 a * ATE 55KND S52F (60 Watts Each) END OFLUNE CLEARANCE"e VCRRQALL HUS.TOTUS.WAS NOWDII $ 9VCR 490 !6990 $649 SANYO ow0 - ** *.odFriayMICROWAVE WS0O g~~ý OVEN EM3520 89 54 The Video im'age Ask about Our: 76 Baldwin St., Highway 12 payMent Plan: Brookln 655m4229 and up. acquisition of Neal Armstrong to coach the team this season. Many of you will remember Neal as the coach of the Oshawa Greeh Gaels oras coach of the Garrard Rd. Minor Lacrosse League and a Redmen player hiniself. We would ail like to extend a warm welcome-baek to, Neal. TRAINING CAMP The first training camp for the Redmen will be held at Iroquois Park on April 24 front 8:30 to, 10 p.m. Those interested in joining the team are in- vited to show up for this session. COMING GAMES There wiil, be an exhibition tournament to celebrate the opening of the Redmens Lacrosse season in Orillia on May 28. Try to, get up. there and welcome the boys back for the start of another great season. The first regular gante is scheduled for May 9 in Searborough. The first home game wilI be played on May 12 at 8:30 in Luther Vipond Memorial Mrena. This gante will be against Peterborough, soI, know ail you fans will want to be there. FOLK ART Burns Kirk Guild is presenting Lorraine Coombs, folk artist and tole painter at its regular meeting on May 1 in the ehurch hall in Ashburn. Many of, you may remember Lorraine from her, teaehlng days in, Meadowcrest. Sînce 'her retirement she has become quite an ac 'complished artiat and authority on this partieular fort 0of art. Along with ber display, she wil discuss some of the methoda used. and explamn a littie about the ethnie origins. Be sure flot to misa what promises to be a very fascinatmng and fun evening. Over the refreshments you will have a chance to, ask ber any questions you might have about this popular art form. Remember the date: Tuesday, May 1 at 8p.m. YARD SALE« The Legion Ladies Auxiiliary wil be holding a giant yard sale on Saturday, June 9. Those who would like to rent tables for this can cail Wendy Soriehetti at 655-26. Cail early for best seleetion. GOSPEL MUSIC NIGHT Burns Preshyterian Church in Ashburn are holding their Annual Commemorative Service on Sunday, May 6. At the evenlng service the well- known "Torchmen"' wiil provide a concert of gospel music beginnlng at 7:30 p.m. Followlng thils service will be a social hour with refreshments in the chur- ch hall. Everyone is invlted to attend this in- spirational evening. HORTICULTURE MEETING The Brooklln Horticultural Society is holding its general meeting and daffodil show on April 25 at 8 p.m. in Brooklin United Church Hall. Flowering bulbs, forced branches and indoor plants will be displayed as well as flower arrangements. There will also be another of the popular "Fun with Flora" qwizzes. Ail you budding gardeners should plan to attend. SOFTBALL DANCE Be sure to get your tickets soon for the season opener dance of the Legion Softball Teant. It is being held in the Communlty Centre on April 28. Get your tickets at the Legion or cail Wendy Sorichetti 655-4265. With Holy Week coming Up I'd like to pass on something once said by Henry Ward Beecher - "'God asks no tan whether he will aceept life. That is not the choice. One must take it* The only choice is, how. " See you next week. Have a Happy Easter 1 Pageant entriïes wanted This Miss Brooklin Sprmng Fair pageant will be held again this year, on May 31. The winner 0f the pageant wiil win $250 and advance to the Sweetheart of the Fairs contest at the Canadian National Exhibition (C.N.E.) in August, 1985. the second place win- ner will receive-$125. The competition is open to aIl young ladies between the ages of 17 and 23 (by August, 1984). The winner will also. represent the Brooklin Spring Fair at other local fairs and ac- tivities, as well as the animal .Ontario Agrieultural Convention in Toronto in February of next year. The pageant will be held on May 31 at the Vipond Memorial Miena in Brooklin at 7:30 p.m. A reception for con- testants, *. parents, 1984 MUNICIPAL', TAX NOTICE The second installment of taxes for 1984 is due and payable April 19, 1984.1I payment Is flot recelved by the due date, penalty will be added on the flrst day of default and the f Irst day of each calen- dar month so long as non-payment con- tinues, at the rate of 11/4% per month o part thereof. Taxes may be paid at any Whitby ban wlthout bank collection charges or a the Municipal Office, 575 Rosslan Road East, Whltby, Ontario. Corinne Wendt, A.M.C.T.(A), Tax Col lector, TOWN 0F WH ITBY. THE CORPORATION 0F THETOWN OFWHITBY PLANNING DEPARTM ENT NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Monday, April 30,1984,8:00 p.m. Meeting Hall, Whitby Municipal Building, Whitby, Ontario. A Public Meeting wiii be held by the Ad- ministrative Committee of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby to consider a proposed by-law to regulate signs and other advertising devices. This s the second ln a series of Public Meetings dealing with the proposed sIgn by-law. The purpose of this meeting is to present the draft sign by-law, as proposed by the Planning Depar. tment, to the Administrative Committee. Further Information regarding the proposed sign by-law is available for public inspection In the Planning Department, Level 7, 575 Rossland Road East, between the hurs of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, or by teiephoning (416> 6U8 5803, during the same hours. ROBERT S. SHORT Director of Planning Corporation of the Town of Whitby judges anci Brooklin Agricultural Society members will preeeed the pageant. Entry forms must be~ submitted no later than May 20 and can be ob- tained front Fashion in Whitby, Shortt's Phar- macy, in Brooklin or, Quiek Bite, also in Brooklin. ]Road co ntract The third phase of- reconstruction on Coronation Rd. should begin in about a month, Diek Kuwahara,, direc,: tor of public works, said last week.' The low tender of. $85,308 from Elirpa Construction & Materials Ltd. was ac- cepted by Whitby Town Council at their- meeting lastweek. The projeet includes earth excavation, provision 0f granular roadbase materials. and hot laid asphaît, and. the removal and plaeing of drainage culverts and boulevard restoration. A total of seven firms bidon the construction projeet. Cold c are tips If you have someone down with a eold'or the flu, St. John Ambulance has some health care tips for you. In fact, they apply anytime anyone in the family is siek 1 -make sure the patient follows the doctor's ad- vice; don't let hint do too much tee soon; -be sure medications are taken asdirected; -both the patient and the person looklng after him should follow good hygiene rules so infec- tion doesn't spread; -the sick room should be fresh and well aired; -food should not only be nourishing, it should 100k appetizing; and, -the care giver should get lots of rest and stay healthy. St. John Ambulance teaches home health care as well as firet aid. $r< ~rY~ THE CORPORATION 0F' *THE TOWN OF WH ITBY i i Baby show The second annual baby show, a part of the Brooklin Spring Fair, will be held on June 2. The show is open to al babies front newborn up to 24 months old. Registration will be held on May 26 and May 28 at the Breeklin Cont- munity Centre on Cassels Rd. front 2 p.m. to 5p.m. and on May 30 at the Vipond Mentorial Arena front 7 p.m. to 9 P.nt. The registration fee for each baby is $4 and this includes a free four- day pasa for one adult. To pre-register or get more information, con-, tact S. McCormack at, 579-6965.

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