Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 11 Apr 1984, p. 14

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PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 11, 1984, WHITBY FREE-PRESS Corrido r Capers By MARY MCEACHERN -lie Calil 725-8967 wlth Items for this column. WHITBY WOMEN'S INSTITUTE An interestlng and instructive meeting of the Whitby Women's Institute took place at 1: 30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Laura MacCarl, Reedaire Court. The meeting was opened by the president; Mrs. Kay ,Hepburn in the usual form, assisted by secretary Whitby Fabrics * Complete range of tabrice & notions *customn made drapes& sheers 'AtIerations on drapes &ciothing @Dresmaklng Broadcloth $2n59 i 215 Dundee St. E., Whitby 6842 Mon.Wed. "-, Thurs. 9-9, Fr5. 9-, Bat. 9g-&68~42 x~THE CORPORATION 0F cb-: THETOWNOFWHITBY NOTICE 0F INTENTION NOTICE le hereby given that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby Intends to ps a by-iaw to change the name of a portion of Way Street, In the Hamiet of Brookiin, to Kinsmen Court. The change In street name will appiy to that por- tion of Way Street, as shown beiow, belng com- poeed of part of Way Street according to Plan H- 50052 and Part of Lot 24, Concession 6, Town of Whitby, being more particulariy desIgnated as Part i on Plan of Survey 40R-8053. The change ln street name wiil provIde a clearer basis for dIstlnguishlng between those properties fronting onto Way Street, between Baldwin Street and Columbus Road, and those properties fron- ting onto Way Street, west of Price Street. 4- AND FRTHERTAKE OTICEtha8dteCOeton fedbytebylw ad Lwh Do a .ly StoeCrko Commi t t f Ontariio, tthe 11hur of 30p.m., on thD 7hdaf a 194,98C4.te Ro One0fTheCWprtbynoftMuonicipa Builing.57 ~~55Rossland Road East ty naiha n DATEDatWhtby, Ontario hsit a fArl Dhonald G.16»6&58y 1Membership fee: Individuai Organization of maiied ap- $2.00 Mrs. Josephine Smith. The subject for the day Was 'agriculture and Canadian Industries%. The roll cal was give a Canadian crop and some of its uses, 12 miembers answered and three visitors were also present. After the disposaI of the business portion of the meeting, it was turned over'to the convenor, Mrs. Greta Caverley, who had arranged for a guest speaker for the day. Mrs. Elspeth Hilts, a member of the Oshawa Whitby Fair Board, spoke on the importance of sup- portlng our upcoming fair ln -July and keepig it alive, as it is our heritage. Mrs. Bessie Acton thanked the speaker for ber in- formative talk. A contest was enjoyed by ail and ended in a tie. A dainty lunch and social hour followed, concluding a most enjoyable meeting. The next meeting of the Whitby Women's Institute will be the annual meeting and will be held et the home of Mrs. Josephine Smith at 909 Bayview Avenue in Whitby. Visitors moet welcome. WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH Community Mission - Items are requested for Community Mission work in the form of good wearables, which will then be donated to the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital, the Men's Hostel in Oshawa and the Salvation Army headquarters. Household articles wlll also be gratefully received for the Outreach Committee of the church for their work wlth the Region Rehabilitated. Items are to be left ln the church on Saturday, April 14 from 9:30 to il a.m. Supply chairman je Dot Coedy at 571-0939. Sunday, April 15 - Communion and Reception of new members. Good Friday, April 20 - Special service at il a.m. Easter Sunday, April 22 - 10 arn. Easter Break- fast ý- everyone welcome. il a.m. - Easter Worship. DURHAM WEST P.C. ASSOCIATION The Durham West P.C. Association wlll hold their annual dance at the Ajax Community Centre on Saturday, April 14 from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Dancing to the big band sound of Billy Williamson, dine on cullnary delights by 'Mainly Cheese', Ajax. Tickets are $10 a person, including a chance for a weekend for two at the Harbour Castle ini Toronto. Cail Bill Mauch at 579-9614 to reserve your ticket. CAPERS BALL The spring Capers Baîl wlll be held at the Masonic Hall on Saturday, April 28 from 8: 30 p.m. toi1 a.m. Tickets are available from any member of the executive, or cali 725-8967 to reserve. Music wil be supplied by our own executive member, David Bunn. There wiIl be door prizes, spot dances and a cash bar, as well as a donation given to the Whitby Tigers Running Club to help finance their trip to England for the Plymouth Marathon in June of this year. Reserve your ticket now and help our Whitby athietes. EXECUTIVE MEETING The Corridor Area Ratepayers will hold their next executive meeting at the Whitby Municipal Building on Thursday, April 12 at 7:30 p.m. Ail executive members are asked to be present. WHI TBY ORDER0F THE EASTERN STAR The Whitby chapter, O.E.S. will hold their 'Night of Cards' at the Masonic Hall, Cochrane Street in Whitby on Wednesday, April il at 8 p.m. Everyone welcomle. ANNUAL SPECIAL 1 Dozen Doughnuts Assorted I 9 * WINDMILL DUNDAS * DONUT STORE * 1013 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY * OPEN 24 HOURS* RA&ISED- f - Speclal rates for chlldren under 8. m9'-0 ilaor 6624 Whtb the Dioctor Joseph O. Ruddy General Hospital SALE 0F MEMBERSHIPS The Annuai Meeting of the Corporation of The Doctor Joseph O. Ruddy Generai Hospital wiii be heid on Wednesday, June 27, 1984 at 8:00 p.m. in the hospitai cafeteria. Section 1 (2) (11) of the Hospital By-Laws states: "A member who pays his or Its fees annualiy shall not be entitied to vote nor to participate at any meeting of the Corporation uniess hie or its mem* bership was, paid ln full at least thirty days prior to the date of the meeting." Fees may be paid at the AdmInistrator's Office of the hospitai Monday through Friday, during nor- mai business hours or may be remitted to: The Secretary Board of Governors The Doctor Joseph O. Ruddy Generai Hospital Gordon Street Whitby, Ontario Li N 5T2 Cheques marked "Membership 'Fee" shouid be made payable to the hospitai. WITBY DISTRICT BOY SCOUTS PAPER DRIVE N EXT SATU RDAY, A PRI1L 14TH PLEASE HAVE YOUR PAPERS> OUI' BY 9:00 A.M., Paper drve wMI be held the 2ND SATURDAY 0F EVERY MONTH Reader says we showed guts Dear Sir: I neyer imagined that I would ever find an oc- casion to write you a congratulatory letter, but I must. You deserve commendation for your editorial on the Durham Board of Education budget (Mar. 28). That took guts and leader- ship. . Now, cen you sharpen your pendi and give us more information, somne criteria* with i*ch to judge this budget. If this budget stands up what will the cost per student in our area be? How does it compare with costs in other municipalities? What is the breakdown of the 112 new staff? 110w many teachers, secretaries, and how many ad- ministrative staff?' And while I'm writing, thank- heaven someone scotched that hair brained idea of pensions for elected municipal politicians. I think we have too many i"empire builders" in the area. It's awfully easy to, be big shots and builders, if' it's doue with other people's (taxpayers') money. And grants from federal or provincial sources aren't fre dollars. They all corne out -of the taxpayers' p6cket. John Willoughby Whitby $1950 theft Thieves got away with over $1,400 in property and $120 in loose change after a Blair St. apar- tment was broken into last'Thursday night. According to the Durham Regional Police Force,- entry was gained by prying open 1 Postmark determines eliglbility plicatlons.

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