Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 4 Apr 1984, p. 17

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1984, PAGE 17 Whltby's Most WIdeIly Reaid CLASSIFIEL ALS SERVI~3jCESJEq3 CES SEVCES ADNG F SERVICES 7-""'PLIEAND SUPPLIES V *ncome Taxes *Accountîng Services *Reasonable Rates* Caîl Anytîme Bi11 SheaI 668-2497 7 ANTIQUES. We pouaeh boliers, kettias, cil iamps, etc. Minor repaira, brsas lacquering, also Most makes of cookware repaired and refinished. Cali 683- 1180. FRASER ALUMINUM windows, doors, patio doors, storm doors end store fronts. 688-1804. IN-HOME CARPET CLEANINO Spring cIeaning special. Free deodorizer. Living room, dining room, hall, $41.95. Bedrooma, $10. Satisfaction guarantaed. Anytime 5764350. PSYCHIC MEDIUM la avaliable for private readings and aiso numneroiogy charts. For Infor- mation and appointment cali 579- 6523. FACTORY PRICES Vanties and mnarbie tops, any size or colour, installed at low prîces. Free estîmates. Goodman Plumblng ~NNOUCENTS ~T N HONOR 0F OUR PARENTS MOh Wadding Annivarsar, the famliy of Howard and Grace Car- nochan Invite the frienda and neighbours tc an open hous on April 28th, '.rom 2-4 p.m. To be heid In the church Baaement of Myrtia United Ohurch, Myrtie, Ont. Boat Wlshes Onlyl CON~ AJX LUXURY 2 bedroom con- do, utîlities lncluded, air con- dltionlng, underground parking, pool, sauna, iaundry facilties. For May 1. 683-3950 or 775-8878 or 66&-4863. ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT ln mail Port Whitby building.ý Aduits oniy. $371 per month ln- cludes fridge, steve, hydro and parking. Cable TV and Iaundry JACK R. CAYNE, M.B.A. *ACCOUNTING *BOOKKEEPING 9INCOME TAX 9 Myers Lane North York, Ontario, M2H 1 P7 493-1975 or 655-4859 OSHAWA REFINISHINO Antique DELLARIE'S LANDSCAPING and modem wood furniture. AND GENERAL CONTRACTINO Hand stripped and professienaiiy Man with truck wiliing to do odd finished. Free estimates' free jos adcpnftlzng pick-up and deiivery. 585 Wen- gjob, indscapi f alzngd tworth St. E., No. 34. Open 19-5. garbalg remo-7i79 n 723-7479 or 728-6071. sopeig 3-99 HUSECLEANG SERVICES C E ARE YOU LOOKING FOR Home Day Care? Durham Professionai Home Day Care has supervised homes ready to take chIidren from 6 weeks to achool ege. Why flot give us a cail, we have a home suitabie for your chiid. 288-1207 or 433-2515. -BAY CARE AVAILABLE ln my home. Any age weicoma. i have a dipioma for day care. I can iearn French. For Information oeill 66- 1209 Whitby. BUTTERFLY Daycare Centre No. 2 Open 6 a.m. tà 6 p.m. Quallfied Staff Hot Meals Age From 6 Weeks To 6 Years Otd IDUSTY DOLLIES 309 Boech St. IQuality Clie Wth A Difference Whltby a CaII686-3888 668.8927 OR 571-0031 - ilte veilabie. Phone 668- o nl home demonstration wIthout obligation JUNK SALE 6372 between 9:30 a.m. and 5 Fra n Pes al7346 9 to 12 every p.m. Pes CI 2346 Saturday mornlngI 26 Albert Street 723-3626 OSSGRE R RINT SALES ~ A OMBLS MGATULATIONS on your ..1........J w........ FRSL forthceming marriage. Please view our simples of engraved wedding Invitations et your lai. sure In our Aax Plaza store. Dick- son Printlng & Office Supplias 683-1968. NEED A RENTAI? Oeil the Exper- tsi Wa carry housas, townhouses, duplexas, apar- Imants, flatal Al irais, sizes, pricasi 579-4500 Homelocatora, fee. GARAGE SALE Saturdey, April 7, f rom 9 a.m. te 4 p.m. 171 Pringle Dr., Whitby. Toys, heuseheld Items and much more. - I OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT R SALE FREE. Drop Into the Dickson Printîng & Offica Suppiy store ln the Ajix Plaza and pick up i free copy 0f their 1984 Metric Calan- dar. PrIntad ln twe coleurs. It mîkas for handy reference. 683- 1968. THREE DEDROOM, 2 full bathe, conde. Ovaloeking the lake, nawiy decorated, ail new ap- pliencas. In Ajax. 6839573 jovenings. WITIIY OFIC SPACE for rant on profassienal floor. Wouid be suiteble for Iawyer, accountant, etc. Rent Includes eil utIlIties and la negotiebie fer an apprepriete tenant. For further Information cali 668-8372 between 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Mendey to Frlday. -v AIOALVACATION ~y~EOUATIONA~ 1W~RENSTALS SERVICE S 1 1 AR I 'GRAMMAR for people Who nets FLO0 RIDA * ~ O R .I*N gremmar" ls the ideai pookat Cleamwater- Three bedroom TYPEWRITER rentai, manymakes rafarence bock for business mobile homes. Haated pools, and modeis, by the weekend, Peopie. $3.95 per copy and avail- tennis, close to beaches and week or menth. Discounts avail- able at Dlckson Printing & Offilce major attractions, children able. Dickson Printing & office Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Dealer wsicome. $22500 U.S. Supplies In the Ajax Plaza. Cali enquiries invited 683-1968. weekiy (lasa than motel us for business machine repaire [oomn).683-582J4 616 hele yourSIMPLE!N Heart The simple solution to cîeaning storage problemrs VI > in the attic and garage is a Classified Ad. Fund ~WHITBY FREE PRESS ............... 668-6111 1981 DODGE ARIES 4-door, stan- dard stick shift, speciai addition, excellent shape, 10w mileage, bucket seita. 88,350..831-2955 if- ter 5p.m. FOR SALE 1974 Gremiin X. Neada soeawerk. $50 or best oflfer. 66-3291. AUVOOTIVE CAR REPAIRS bodywork, lune- upa, peint job, etc. Reesonebie rates. 668-7620 enytime. PARTS FOR SALE ondes, GM trucks, matera, transmissions, tires. 576-9644. REBUILT TRANSMISSIONS, meat medeis, $185.001 Oeil Bob 683-0811. 1980 TT250 YAMAHA, $900. Phone 683-9697. SJPISPPLIES AMERICAN COCKER SPANIEL blonde, maie, pure bred. Very reesonable. Oeil 668-4714. N'~OMBES ALREVRNALS FOR SALE 1978 440 Kawasaki In- truder snowmebiie. Goed con- dition, $1,300. Phone 868-7025. *,ARTICLES FOR SALE_ FOR SALE 4 seeter chesterfieId in brewn 811k, good condition. Beat offer. Oell efter 5 p.m., 655- 4228. 14x20 INGROUND pool kit. New liner and welis, send filtar. Oom- plate 82,100. Oeil 723-0345, eveninga 576-2287. CHESTERFIELD suites, love- seats, sectioneis, leas than 1k price. Large seiection. McKeen Furniture. 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. MUST MOVE Admirai range, Mof- fat froat-frea refridgeretor, 7.2 cubic freezer, 2 yeera old. InglIss wrlnger/washer, dryer. Oeil 571- 1036 after 8 p.m. SIEL hb 720 ORGAN 2 years aid. Dining roomn suite - 4 chairs, table and cabinet. Console aterec. Cali 571-1036 after 6 p.m. VISIT our used furniture were- house by appointrment. Big savinga on desks, chairs, f iiing cabinets, etc. Cail Dickson Print- lng & Office Supplies te arrange an appeinîment to view. 683- 1968. MISTER TRIM LAWN à GARDEN SERVICE. Free iawn fertilizetion with spring clean-up. Free waed control with waekiy grass cut. 579-6671. ARTICLES FOR SALE APARTMENT SIZE washer and dryar. Harveat gold. Asking $400 pair. Phone 686&4306. MATTRESSES and box aprInga at haif price. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe Street South, Oshaiva. 725-5181. FOR SALE two chesterfielda and chairs. New refridgerator, new stove, new carnet. Phone 579- 4769. "HEROES of the Bible" coleuring bock availabie et Dickson Print- ing & Office Supply, Ajax 'Plaza, 883-1968. Dealer Inquiries In- vited. FOR SALE Homeateader'air tight steve. 2 yeara oid, In geod workIng condition. Asking $200. Phone 666-2292. ., ARTICLES FORRSISAELE DININO ROOM SUITE 9 places, solid pecan weod, mocha colour. Beat offer. After 6 p.m., 291-1024. 'GEOTYPE press-on Iettering now n stock at Dickson Printing & Of- fice Supplies ln the Ajax Shop- ping Plaza. Large selection of styles and aizes. Why pay more for a amaller sheet of ietterlng? 683-1968. FOR SALE 30"~ Admirai cieanamatic range and 91oz cubic ft. upright Viking freezer. Beat of- fer. 686-2966. 350 ROOKET MOTOR for sale. Aie 1974 Boltacco. Asking $200. Phone 576-5710. 15x4 NEW ABOVE GROUND pool kit with sand filter, askimmer. Complete $1,275. Oeil 723-0345, eveninga 576-2287. CALL M-86111 te place your ar- ticle for sale. TO BUY BU/EN HNKAPLJNE NEED TO BUY IMMEDIATELy. Cow, Sheep or Goat mIIk in five WE BUY end SELL galions quantity. WilI also buy USED APPLIANCES wheei barrow. 668-5931. WE RECONDITI0N ANDOGUARANTE CASH FOR jeweiiery. furniture, ceins, antiques, oe item or a housaful, or aven the house. 728- 4455. WANTED ON CONSIGNMENT Bicycles ln geod condition and golf equipment. All ethar sports equlpment accapted. 58 Baldwin, Broeklin, 655-8079. ATTENTION DUSPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERSi Please check your advertisemnent for e.-ors on thle f irst day 0f publication. The Whitby Free Press wili not be hiable for failure to pubiish an ad, or for typographic errors in publica- tion beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error Up to a maximum cost of the f irst insertion. The Whitby Free Press- reserves the rlght to ciassify or rejeot al advertise- met.Ads must appear in the naper one day before the- can be changed or cancelled. CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50 for 20 words; 11 c each addition- ai word If pre-paid. You may charge your Classified Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Piease have your Visa card ready when calling. BîRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100 words; 12e each additional %word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the tirst 50 words; 121D each additional word. AUCTION SALES - 34 per Une. (No word ads allowed.> BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an additional charge 0f $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make every en- deavour to forward repiies to box iiumDers, Ilowever, we au.- cept no iabiiity regarding ioss or damage aileged t0 arise through faiiure or delay in forwarding such replies. We will not be responsibie for box number replies not called for within 30 days. DEADLINES Monday noon prior to publication f0 insert or cancel Clabtz-fied Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to insert or can,,ç. ý1porium Ads.' CALL 668-6111 ATTENTION ELECTROLUXOWN ERS Get a qulck start wlth your Spring Cleaning. FREE performance check in your home 0f your vacuum, polisher, rug shampooer, etc. or FR EE estimates at our store 365 Wilson Rd. S., Oshawa with FREE pick Up and delivery of machines and supplies. Inquire about our re-conditioned vacuums and shampooers. CHECK Ã"U R LOW EVERYDAY PRICES On new chesterfieLds, bedroom sets, colonial dining moins, and kitchen suites, beds, etc. ELMER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloor Sta. E. (At RItson) Oshawa VIDEO DISC RENTAIS *800TITLES IN STOCK ' BAK TV & RADIO 369 King St. W. 725-5633 Oshawa 1

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