Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 14 Mar 1984, p. 8

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E. :,. - PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14,1984, WHITBY FRET PRESS 15,245 looking fo r wor The number of clients unemployed and registered for work at the. Canada Em- A Everg reen Farmers&A Flea Market SATU RDAYS & SU NDAYS, 9 a.m..5 p.. Hwy. No. 2 at Harwood Ave., Aax -'m»ThIs Woekend's Spoclals 3 for 991, 39'lib. -Limit 2per cuitomer. WE ARE NOW KEA TED SMOP IN COMFORT VEN DORS WANTED. 686-4431 683-5122 '/Flop y Disks',byNeiafu' 5'/. D ISK ETTES- N97803 -P edotnale i f or AES Plus & Alpli, Plus 5.65 ea N955-for Apple Il & Radio Shack TRS80 Lesels 1 & 3 4.70 ea. N97875 -fo: Wangsvrisfi 6.50 ea. 8"DSETTES N97525- for IBM System 32 4.85 ea.j N97523 -for Wanq SystemK 25 &30 585ea / N97593 -foi Xeox 850&860595 ea. N97840- for AES 90O&100 6.95 ea. N97838 -for AES C20 Multi Plus 6.95 ea. SOLO ONLY IN PKGS. 0F 10 DISKETTES FOR OTHER SYSTEMS AVAl LABLE ON REOUEST THE1 THE' ABILITY FUND WORKING WITH PHYSICALLY DISABLED ADIJLTS CORPORATION 0F TOWN OF WH ITBY NOTICE 0F INTENTION NOTICE Is hereby given that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whltby lntends to pass a by-law to change the names of certain streets in the Town of Whltby to Crawforth Street.' The changes In the street names, as shown below, shail apply to ail that portion of, (a) Mary Street, between Pringle Drive and Anderson Street; (b> Elizabeth Crescent, between Crawforth Street and Thlckson Road; and, (c) Mary Street, east of Thickson Road. The changes In street names will provide conslstency and continuity of street names In the munlclpalty. oe~ j h ~- f I f I_ L~tL. -~* ---IF- fl-i. I. LEGEND PRPSDNAME CHANGE *TO CRAWFORTH STREET AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Operations Committee of Council wiIl, at the hour of 7:30 p.m., on the l9th day of March, 1984, ln Committee Room One of the Whltby Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whltby, Ontario, hear in person or by his counsel, solicitor, or agent, any person who dlaims his land will be adversely affected by the by-law and who applies to the Clerk to be heard. DATED at Whltby, Ontario, this 22nd day of February, A.D., 1984. Donald G. McKay Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Whltby 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario Li N W8 Phone: (416)668-5803 Corrido r Capers. ek ployment Centres in Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa for the month of February totalled 15,245. Placements in 'the three offices totalled 401 for the month, which compares to a total. of 455 placements duning January. The majority of clients wene registered in matenial- handiing and related; construction trades; product fabr icating, assembling and. repairing; sales; ser-, vice; clenical -and related. Duning February, the greatest employment opportunities existed in manufacturing of tran- sportation equipment; special trades; retail trade; health and welfare services; ac- commodation and food services. In Februanry, 33 new trainees started in In- dustnial Training Programs; 10 on the job training and*23 appren '- tices, at a, cost of $63,846. These people will benefit from both tnaining and em- ployment in the Region of Durham. At the end of February, thene were 261 students in the skill courses sponsoned by the Canada Em- ployment Centre and 60 people receiving academic upgnading at Durham College. Fresh sllced brend Whlte or Browni Chef master Parchment wrapped marg. 328 Ritson Rd. N. Oshawa 'Wl 725-4744 SPECI Mondays Perms ½/ Price (These of fers applyt By MARY MCEACHERN Cali 725-8967 wlth Items for this column. WHITBY WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The regular monthly meeting' of the Whitby Women's Institute was held on Feb. 22 at'the home of Mrs. Bessie Acton. In spite of the cold weather, there-was a goodly number of members and visitors attended. The meeting ýwasopened by the prsdn in the usual form. The roll cail 'WhyI Buy Canadian Made Goods' brought interesting and'varied an- swers. The program was ably taken care of by the first vice president, Mrs. Grace Carr, who spoke on the subject of "Membership in Women's. Institute" and what it means to each member, stressing on the values each receive when they are members of the largest women's of organization in the world. The many friends one makes and the confidence ob- tained by being involved in the women's institute. A social hour followed and a delicious lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Actonand Mrs. Mac- Carl. The topic for the nex t meeting will be 'Agriculture and Canadian Industries". The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. MacCarl on Mar. 28 at 1:30. p.m. Convenor will be Mrs. Greta Caverley. Visitors:mostwelcome. WHITBY TIGERS RUNNING CLUB The Whitby Tigers Running Club will hold, a fun- draising dance at Whitney.Hall, Iroquois Park on Friday, Mar. 30 from 8:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. D.J. will be AI Newton, who always keeps a party going. Tickets are $15'acouple and may be purchased by calling Tony Jones at 668-2298 or Ian Barron at 668-1511. There will be special dances, spot and door prizes and a cash bar. Money raised by this dance will help finance members attending the Plymouth Marathon held in England in June. Many ex-Dunlop and Firestone employees will be in attendance, so join, the crowd and help our Marathon Runners finance their trip to England. HEART MONTHI The February Heart Fund drive is completed. I wish to thank ail the canvassers in this area and especially the captains: Helen Brash, Mary Shepher, Helen Joynt, Darla Hunt, Mrs. Flemming and Tony Jones, who so graciously accepted the responsibility of obtaining canvassers for their respective areas. A job well done! PEACOCK LUMBE'R LTD. IN-STOCK Over 1,000,000 feet . of kiln dried Hardwoods Softwoods. Dry KiIns Dressing Facilities WHOLESALE - RETAIL IALS Wednesdays Cuis ½/ Price to Susan only.) working. people. They are upper crust establishment types who will ensure their survival by continuing the practice of pan- dering to the rich and powerful, taking care of their friends in the large corporations and moving Canada dloser to becoming the Slst State. Locally we may be treated to a miniature version of the national scene. Scott Fenneil, although an avowed supporter of red Tory, Joe Clark1 in the last election,, will feel very comfortable with right wing Bnian Mulroney. if, as rumour-has it, Gary Herrema, the Chairman of Durham Region, should represent the Liberals in Ontario' Riding, then we have another night wing politician after the night wing vote. For those who are not yet ready to join the rush to the right the only place to be in the next election will be at home not voting, or taklng more positive actioli and registerng a vote for New Democrats, It may well be tlit many voters will soon realize that It is New Democrats who roolly push for the bwit inz terests of giVtrâqý Canadians. Geoff Rîson Whitby EDITOR'S NOtlg> Mr. Rison Is the aIriý nomninated, Canddatcet the. Ontario Rdn FROM PG. 5 Turner is closely associated with Seagrams- and both have had a career base as corporate lawyers. Both are recognized as favouring right wing policies and in the case of the Tories, some policies are beginning to lerk out to the public. Indeed, Mn. Crosbie recently stated that if the policies that he favours were made public the Tories would -neyer get eleicted 1 From this statement, we can only surmise that we shail not discover the truth about Tory policy unless'they get elected as the government, then watch -out!- Neither Mulroney or Turner represent the type of politicians sym- pathetic to the needs of Cail now for your appolntment 668-9262 LA CONTESSA HAIR SALO N 119 Green St., Whltby LYNDE REALITY A subdivision to be located south of Highway 2, just west of the West Lynde hi-rise apartments. Lots in this subdivision of single family homes do not have all 50-foot frontages. However, the 40-foot fron- tage lots are pie shaped and the minimum size is 7.600 square foot. Our council is to be commended for addressing this subdivision as square footage as opposed to the required frontage of 5-feet. When you think of a home and grounds, you tend to think of indoor and outdoor space, not the actual frontage. This is a step in the right direction, keep up the good work. DURHAM REGION LADIES HOSTEL The ladies hostel for the Region of Durham has just opened.. They are in direct need of furniture, appliancesand other household items. If you have spare furniture or household goods you would like to donate for this projeet, cail Ruth at 728-7313. Al items would be greatly appreciated. PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTEST The Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 112, Whitby held their public, speaking contest for Whitby students from grades 4 to A~3 Two students, in the Corridor area captured the honors for -their respective categories. Jennifer Adair, of Broadview Avenue, a student of Dr. Robert Thonnton Public School won the Grade 7 and 8 category while Paul Visser of Stewart Street, a student at Anderson Collegiate. came first in the grade 9 and 10 category. Both these outstanding students will go on to compete in the zone finals on Mar., 25 at the Whitby. Legion. Our congratulations to both Jennifer and' Paul 'and we wish you ahl the best on the 25th. CONGRATULATIONS RAY' Ray Hatter, the Corridor flying ace, won a trophy for obtaining the highest mark in both written and practical examinations at the Oshawa Flying Club. THANKS TO MARION I wish, to thank Marion Buchan an for wrlting the column while we were away. Marion experienced a family with colds and flu, but managed to write the column anyway at least once. Hope ever yone is over their bouts now Marion, thanks. We thoroughly en- joyed our vacation in Puerto Rico, with a side'trip to St. Thomas, but its good to be back home, if only it would quit snowing. See you next week. No differenc.e between leaders Ris on says

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