PAGE 6, WEDNESDA' Broo'kli weapons charge A Brooklin man was pointed a gun at hlm. taken into custody after According to the a motorist complained Durham Regional to police that someone Police Force, the man e- -- 'jR DENTUÉ~~e T R was driving in, the Hopkins St. - Dundas St. area when the occupant of another vehicle poin- ted a gun at him in the early hours 0f last Thur- sday eveming. After investigating the complaint, police seized a starters' pistol and a can of blanks. David John Duivesteyn, 21, of Brawley Rd., Brooklin has been charged with possession of a dangerous weapon. He was released on a promise to appear in Whitby Provincial Court this Friday. TYPE SETTING t lISES PNOTO\ I- : * ANVOEM3520 Microwave Oven Ob Advanced features at a great pice. 411 Explorlng the cuines af the world'is easy e wlth this Sanyo microwave aven wlth Ils ln- fntly variable pawer selectar, extra large cavity, advanced electranic contrais and temn- perature prabe. *Extra large 1.5 cublc foot cavity with con- e ceaied fan stirrreg minute, 99 second Ilc tronlic Tmer*Diglai Membrane Control Panei.infiniteiy Variable Power Selection (700 e Watts)*Temperature Probe Control In 5 F Increments (115, F.185,0 F)*Automatic Hoid Nteat Warm.Digitai Ciock*Whoie Ment as ilustrated, Cooking*Recipe Guide*Simuiated Wainut Cabinet * * ANVOEM3520 > REGULAR!G99. eMANUFACTrURER'S eEND*OF-LINE *CLEARANCE %4 ý e NDOPENUNG WEEK e -qSPECIALS e 10% OQf f Maxeli Audio & Videa Tapes e1-week Video Recorder rentai reguIar 299~ e $19W99 Sal ensMarch 17 at closing e BONUS CARD MOVIES e Featuring Dan Aykroyd & Eddie Murphy * March 14 to 28: Trading Places, 48 Hrs., e Blues Brothers, Doctor Detroit, Neigh- e bours, Twilight Zone. Stili orieweek left C fr Chevy Chase/Rodney Dangerfield p promotion. e NEWADDRESS e 76Baldwin St., M :3 Brooklin e 655u4229 e e e e o e e e i e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e s s s s s I .Y, MARCH 14, 1984, WHITI3Y FREE PRESS in man to face by BETTY-JEAN BLYTH - CaU «55-»79 wlth Items for tis colUnin. As I promised a few weeks ago, I have arranged for a new drop box location where news for this colurnn can be put if I can't be reached by phone or the article is too long to dictate. From now on there will be a box just inside the door of the IGA store. Be sure that items are left in the box no later than Thursday of the previous week. Last minute items must be called in by Friday morning either at my home or at 666-3255. If y9u're in Whitby, you can also drop things off at the Country Mouse, 217 Dun- das St. E. opposite the post office. I hope this will make it easier to get your news to me on time. Have you ever noticed that no matter how bad things get there is always someone else in worse straits? Well, you mothers who are about to climb the walls now that we've reached the midpoint in the Spring Break might consider the poor sehool teacher who bas children of her own - now that is a real busman's holiday!1 Speaking of kids, have you ever noticed the strange effect that cold weather bas on children' HAIRKSTATIONTE (UNISX STLING BESTIE IN AIROT 655-42014 POLYSEXSTER STFFIN SPICE CARDS - POT POURRI 655-873l' Bn®oklin B 1ie o e s - I - --- - -ý M 'ON THE PREN COMPUTERUZED& j -------- - ---- It's always too cold to go to school, take out the gar- bage or run an errand but when there's no danger from any of these, they can spend hours rolllng in the snow, skiing, skating etc. In fact, Jet a friend in- vite them anywhere and like the proverbial post- man "neither sleet, nor snow, nor blizzard ... can keep them indoors."1 GAMES NIGHT Brooklin Browmies, Guides and Pathfinders are holding a games night on Mar. 20 in the Community Centre beginning at 7 p.m. There will be progressive euchre or you can bring your own games to share with others. Tickets are-$2 for adults and can be obtained from auxillary mothers, at Cosgroves Variety Store and by calling Diane Aston 655-3266 or Barb Evans 655-4965. Children 12 and un- der can get tickets at the door for $1. This is a major fundraising activity for the girls so take the kids'out for a fun evening and at the same time support the Guides. BAKING WANTED Brooklin Guides, Brownies and Pathfinders will be manning a bake table at Brooklin Spring Fair again this year. Other years they.have run out of goods in a few hours, s0 tlxey are requesting that mothers and other interestedj women start now tc, save a portion of their baking each week and freeze it. Then when the fair rolîs'around there will. be plenty of goodies to donate to help the girls. SEASON OPENER DANCE Brooklin Legion Softball Club is holding, a dance on April 28 to celebrate the opening of the season. Tickets are $6 per person and include refreshments. I will have more information on this at a later date. To pick up tickets caîl Wendy Sorichetti or get them from the Legion or any of the players. S MONTE CARLO DAY Saturday, Mar. 31 is the date of this year's Kin-' smen Monte Carlo Day which starts at 1 p.m. and runs through toi1 a.m. This will be held in the Com- munity Centre as usual with games of chance down- stairs and dancing to a live band upstairs. The $5 tickets automaticalîy enter the holder in the elimination draw with a $500 jackpot. Proceeds go to Cystic Fîbrosis. Get your ticket fromn any Kmn- smen, Brooklin Esso or Wagg's Garage. DRAW WINNER Oshawa/Whitby Exhibition Association hbeld a draw at thé Oshawa Shopping Centre on Saturday, Mar. 3. The lucky winner 0f a basket 0f groceries was Mrs. Janice Carter of Oshawa. CORRECTION Owing to some erroneous information and a typographical error, the notice on the Brooklin and' District Progressive Conservation Night of Cards got completely fouled up. Please accept my ap- pologies. Here is the right information. The event will be held on Wed., Mar. 21 in the Oddfellows Hall beginning at 8 p.m. Tickets are $3 each and will in- clude some nifty prizes and the usual superb lunch. Tickets may be obtained by calling Bruce Bagg at 655-4211 or at Brooklin Bakery. SAVE',QUALITY PICTURE I FRAMESi s s *Custam frsmlng I M ~ e*Over 500 popular styles oNeedlepolnt & stretchlng. @ Matba ard & glass * For prompt friendly, »rvlçe cmli todeyl I WITH THIS COUPON ~ O r1 --- -oe-pr --to-er 663-4,521-I.