PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 1, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS ~v.rgren T a ma er Farmers& - T atser VIDEO DISC RENTA LS 800 TITLES IN STOCK BAK TV &RýADIO 725-5633 By PETER BIRD Neil Taylor gave a workshop on parliamen- tary procedure, the first of many workshops to be held this year. The subject for this one was "The Main Motion". Joan Winter as chairman opened the meeting with the story of "Old Mrs. Phips"' and introduced the head table with a ",leader- ship" theme and gave some very sparkling in- troductions. "This Is Our '84" was the theme for table topics as Patricia Eyman headed the im- promptu speaking part of the meeting. The idea being to give a "ipositive" reply to a "4negative" statement. The table topics evaluator, Neil Taylor, gave each speaker a brief evaluation with encouragement to those who did' not complete the "one -minute". The table topic trophy was won by Peter Bird. Bob Porter as Toast- master gave a toast to our health,,essential this weather, and then in- troduced four speakers: Ted Rytwinski, who spoke about "Gîve And Take", giving some in- valuable tips to the assembly about Asthma elinie Does someone in your family have Asthma? If the answer is "yes", then Durham Region Lung Association may be able to help. Beginning on Tuesday, March 13, the local Christmas Seal organization will run a four session Asthma In- formation Series at the Whitby Public Library, VALUABLL-UUUPON' Coupon Worth up tosl 000 Coupon good until Feb. 29184 Yfe Days a Week Atr5p.m.-one coupon per table Buy any entree from our extensive menu at regular &enh pnice and your f riend's entree of equal or less value i5 complimentary to maximum vaiue of Si1000 WZ44 Slmncoe St. S. For roservatlons 723-4667 (at Athol) Oshawa Major Credit Cards WHITBY FREE PRESS Coupon Worth up to$l 000 GIC ~Mon. & Tues. alt1er 5 p.m. - one coupon per table ibis > Buy any entree from aur extensive menu at regular G C price and yur friend's entree af equal or less value is complimentary ta maximum value of 1110.0mrrsrai HOME 0F THE FAMOUS SUNDAY BRUNCH 571-1777 145 King St. W., Oshawa Major Credit Cards WH 118V FR EE PR ESS 405 Dundas Street,' West. This eveming series will be held on con- secutive Tuesday and Thursday nights (con- cluding March 22) from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Registration is $6, (in- dividual or family) and will include one copy 0f the lung association's "Breathe Free" book and record package (suitable for 5 to 9 year olds). For more details on this Christmas Seal ser- vice, cali the Durham Region Lung Association at 723-3151. >eport evaluations; Henry Dykstra spoke about assesment centers; Katie Cornwall Taylor gave a speech on "Big Brother"; and, Steve Reilly's speech was about "apathy". Katie Cornwall Taylor won the best speaker trophy. The general evaluator, Jim Blair, gave his comments on the general conduet of the meeting and his evaluations of the head table. He was helped by four evaluators, Ted Misiaszek, Wayne Nor- braten, Ken Smith and John Donaldson, who gave their evaluations of the four speakers. Other helpers were, Dave Chilvers as the' parliamentarian, Irene Konzlemann as the grammarian, Nick Lusito was the "Ah!" counter. Avril Burns was the timer and the "Mystery Man" was Bernice Chambers. Ted misiaszek won the evaluation trophy. There were two guests, Tim Dykstra and Barney Robbins who will be inducted as members at the next meeting. For further infor- mation, please cali president Joan Winter, at 728-3594, or ad-' ministrative vice- president Peter Bird at 668-1290. THE PRUNC E- IJ RESTAURANT AND DINING LOUNGE t! 1009 DUN DAS ST. EAST WHITBY 666-2811, 'E HAVE WE GOT A MEAL FOR TOUI S Club Steak or $7.9 Jr Fillet Mignon ...S79 jj New York Steak .. 8.99 BQQ Spare Ribs... $9«50 S Include:- Salad Bar Or Soup, Potatoes, i Vegetables, Roll & Butter Or Garlo Bread. BUY 1 SOU VLAKU O R VEAL CUTLETU ANDGETSECOND AT ½h PRICE W. 0 El 0 ALOHA El DAGMAR & CKAR SKI HAWAII PARTY Limbo, Hula Hoop & Swim Suit Contests El ~Fri. Feb. 3 -7p.m.-1 a.m. [fi SKI DAGMAR 649-2002 15 miles narth of Ajax EÈýJE_13___0 E lE0[=-MJ DINING GUIDE GOLDEN GATE 107 Brook St. S. Whltby 668-8321 This popular Chinese Restaurant is introduclng the SZECHUAN CUISINE mets who like spicy hot dishes. The Golden Gate also offers a wlde select ion of Canadian dishes fram roast beef to veal cutiets and pork chaps. The Bo-Bo platter and the deliclous chioken fingers are twa dishes worth trying!! Perfect for lunch or dinner! Open until 2 a.m. daily. Friday and Saturday until 3 a.m. Sunday il a.m. ta il p.m. Fully licensed and fast home dellvery. Report from Q ueen' s Park By The Hon. George Ashe, MPP (PC - Durhiam West) A good job On Sunday, Jan. 15, 1984, 1 was pleased to attend the fund-raising dinner for the Ajax-Pickering Hospital. This event, which was held at the Pickering Recreation Centre, was attended by about 5M0 decicated residents and business people of the Ajax-Pickering area, who demonstrated their support for the planned addition to ou r hospital.. I would like to take this public opportunity to congratulate those dedicated volu nteers on a job well done. I feel that the event was one of which al residents of the Durham area could be justly proud. There were a number of elected officiais from al four levels of government in attendance at the fund- raising dinner. Commitments of support were ex- pressed on behalf of the Regional Mumicipality of Durham, the Province of Ontario, the Government of Canada, and the Towns of Ajax and Pickering. It was evident to those in attendance at the dinner that the improvement of health care fadilities in any ares across this country is not something which can be done by any one group or government alone. Rà ther, it must take a concentrated effort by those people living in the Region, and those availing themselves of these health care services to ensure that all levels 0f Government which they elect are aware of the important role that these improved services wilI play for each and every one of us. Those people in the ares who are dedicated to the improvement of heslth care services for ail residen- ts are encouraged by this support. The bottom line is certainly that those people who benefit directly or indirectly from these improved health care services will want to contribute to this project. In this light, I wish those people who make up the fund-raising committee the best of luck in meeting their goals and objectives, and I share their en- thusiasm that the level of heslth care wiil continue to be a high priority in Durham Region. You have my support. Speaking to You By SCOTT FENNELL (PC - Ontario) Budget blues This week the Minister of Finance, Marc Lalonde, made a surprise announcement in the House of Commons that he wiil be introducing a budget on February 15. Ail parties had been waiting for this announcement, but we neyer thought that the Prime Minister and his cohorts would pull such a sneaky and basically childish trick. As you are no doubt aware, during the week of February 13 through to the 17, Opposition Leader Brian Mulroney, had planned a European tour. Because he was aware that there was a possibility that the Liberals would be introducing a budget the following month, he contacted the Prime Minister and advised him that he would be away during that week. Mr. Mulroney then request that the Gover- nment not introduce any major House business during the week that he would be out of the country. The result was the the Prime Minister agreed te Mr. Mulroney's request. 0f course, our problem was that we assumed that the Prime Minister and his 11e-long pal, Mr. Lalon- de, would live-up to this agreement and behave in a. decent manner. Instead, true to form, they attem- ptéd to use the issue to their advantage, even though they were using something as senious as the Gover- rnent budget as a vehicle to attack Mr. Mulroney. It gives one a pretty clear ides 0f how serious the Government's intentions are toward the economy of Canada when they start puiling tricks lilce this. The only think Mr. Trudeau and Mr. Lalonde have succeeded in accomplishing, is to show their true characters to ail Canadians. Mr. Mulroney had decided to cancel his tour as he feels that the in- troduction of a budget is major House business and is of serious concern, an opinion which obviously the Prime Minister does not share. ~* ~ ~ .,.~ ~ t . I ~ I 369 King St. W. Oshawa