WI-ITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY .25, 1984, PAGE 15 Whitby ]Rotary Club set to aid West African ehildren By ROY COOPER Children suffering from polio in four West African countries have called 3H was established to assist in the betterment of Help, Hunger, and Humanity children' who had already contracted polio caused hlm such grave concern the projecIt of An additlonal amount of $20,000 raised by District 707 was mat- ched again to bring the total value of the ship- ment to $340,000. When Irwin and Southwell arrive' in Africe with the first shipment ,of *braces, their responsibilities wil be to deliver the proper no charge in- voices to the recipient clubs and complete customs and import documents, ensure the distribution of the materials to the various brace-making facilities, and report on the on- going polio îm- munization program. In prepafing the equipment for ship- ment, John Kunetsky, chairman of West Africa Braces Program for District 707, spent many hours developing orders, placing them with. suppliers, and ad- ministering their delivery. He also assumed the role of a master mathematician in dividing the total budget among the four- countries and the various brace requirements so the cost of the shipment would match the final budget figures. When ail the rnaterials had been collected, Irwin, South- well, and Kunetsky spent an entire weekend packing them into il cartons at a warehouse at Macmillan Orchards. pà d§h ýi ISCMNÎ John Kunetsky, Bill Irwin and Joe Southwell of the Whitby Rotary Club are seen here pa&à ing and sawing their share of 2,400 leg braces that the club will soon be shipping to Morocco, Senegal, Gambia and Sierre Leone. inspired an ambitious Rotary Club project. The West Africa -Development Brace Program developed by Rotary Clubs in District 707 (an area encom- passing clubs from Belleville to Port Credit and north to Alliston) are sending 2,400 leg braces to Morocco, Senegal, Gambia, .and iell rwn, past president 0f the Whitby Rotary, and Joe South- well, also a past president of the club, left Jan. 24 on a com- mercial flight to Rabat, Morocco, where they will help'distribute the braces. Rotarians in the Trenton club have arranged for. the ship- ment to be flown separately and free-of- charge on a Canadian Forces airplane from CFB Trenton to the Moroccon capital as part of a regular training fllght for forces personnel. The aluminum leg braces, body trusses, leather, plastic and other miscelianeous items were donated by Camp International Ltd., a Trenton firm, from their sub-standard stock (according to Canadian standards). The shipment of equip- ment will allow the brace makers ini the West African countries to assemble the braces to the individual needs. of the cildren. Thçre are many skilled brace makers i the four Third World countries, but they do not have the raw materials necessary for the manufacture or assembly of braces and often use scrap materials. It takes about two weeks to make a trace but with the more sophisticated material being supplied by Rotary, it will take one day to complete a set of braces for a child. Service work has been the backbone of Rotary since 1905 when the first club was chartered i Chicago, Illinois. Ini 1980, .i -honor of Rotary's 75th anvr sary, a special prograrn throughout the world. During the same year, Dr. Ken Hobbs of the Whitby Rotary club carried out a voluntary tour and assessment of the polio problem in Morocco, Senegal, Gambia, and Sierre Leone. As a resuit of his report, Rotary Inter- national,- under the auspices of the 3H program developed a polio immunization program in the, four countries. Hlowever, when Hobbs returned from Africa, the suffering of the District 707 was initiated. The original budget for the program was based on the raising 0f $30,000 -by Rotary Clubs in the local district and by obtaining a matching grant for the same amount from the Rotary Foundation ad- ministered by Rotary International. The total of $60,000 was then mat- ched on a three-to-one basis by the- Canadian International Develop- ment Agency giving District 707 a budget of $240,000.* USED AND REBUILT PARTS' FOR ALL MAKES OPEN SATURDA«S UNTIL 3:00 P.M. 686u3775, 686-3776 Free Press Staff Photo DINING. GUIDE GOLDEN GATE 107 Brock St. S. Whltby 668-8321 This popular Chinese Restaurant Is introduclng the SZECHUAN CUISINE for al 0f y0u gour- mets who like splcy hot dishes. 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