I EL P',WANTEO COMMUNITY CO*ORDINATOR A seif-motivated person required for community deveiopment and administration In a newiy deveioped co-op ln North Oshawa. Previaus ex- perience ln housing or community actIvities an asset. Organizational and communication skiiis essentiai. 40 hours", inciuding evenings and oc- casionai weekends, to commence ln mid March. Saiary to be determined. Forward resume and references' to ORMOND WOODS CO-OPERATIVE HOMES INO., 188 Main Strft, Toronto, Ont. M4E-2W1 prior to January 20, 1984. WORD PROCESSINO &'Micro Computer Intreductory courses. Three week epeclal. 8M. Longer Courses available wlth certifIicats and job placement. 683-7767. RELIABLE MATURE babysitter for?7 month eld baby boy te comne Into my home. Bradley Dr., WhIt. by. Rferences required. Cati 66&. 2358 after 5p.m. OISHWASHÉR for day time. Five days à week.. Phone Explorer Restaurant, 668416. FULL-TIME POSITION avaliable werking primaily on the telephone nt celd cailing). Suc- ceseful applicant muet b. en- thusiastic, persenable and esoor. Hours are 12 p.m. te 9:30 p.m. Monday te Thuraday.. Four day werk weelc. 84 per heur, plus. AUSTIN TOPPER 'CHIMNEY SWEEPS. CALL 8884.02 MATURE BSYSITTERneeded ln Anldrew Antenne ares. , Two chiidren. Age 3 and 4. Shift work. 66&.1044. ATTENTION STUDENTS En- thuslastic, personable ln- dividueasrsqulred te work eveninga 5:30 p.m. te 9:30 p.m. Menday te Thursday. Offi ce teisphone werlc net coid caliingi. Pleasnt working condition. Generous wages fer hard werkers. 08884M2. LOOKING FOR A CAREER UN ADVERTISING? Downtown business requiros that person Who: ePossess good com- munication skiis; *Has ambition and self conf idence; e*1s eager to Iearn; *ls capable of earning. an above average ln- come; *And Is not afraid to worc for It. If you, possess these qualities drop ln and see us. Experience not necessary. Start Immediateiy. Corne in to our office anytime Monday 'through Friday, 9 arn. to 5 p.m. 131 Brock St. N., Whitby. CIRCULATION MANAGER NEEDED Mature, reliabie person with good drivung record. Must be bondabie and able to work weii with c-hiidren. Variety cf duties, Saiary to commen- surate with experience. Part-t'me. Appiy in person 131 Brock St. N. Whitby, Ont. REGISTER, CONTINUJOUS, CARBONUZED & MUSC. A COMPLE1'E PRINTING SERVICE 218 Harwood Ave. S.. Ajax Shopping Plaza. Ajax ,Telephone 416-683-1968 and 416-683-1970 TENDERS INVITATION TO TENDER SEALED TENDERS for the projeots or services iisted beiow, addressed to thie Chief, Contract Administration, Ontario Region, Public Works Canada, 4900 Yonge Street, (lOth Floor), Wiiiowdale, Ontario M2N 6A6, wiIi be received un- tii 1500 hours on the, specified ciosing date. Ten- der Documents can be seen, or obtained on payment of the applicable deposit, through the of- filce of the Director Generai, Publilc Works Canada, Ontario Region, Tendering Office, lOth Floor, 4900 Vonge Street, Wiiiowdaie, Ontario. PROJECI No..641936- for CANADA POST CORPORATION Whitby, Ontario, 202 Dundas St. East Cieaning CLOSING DATE: Thursday, February 2,1984 DEPOSIT FOR TENDER DOCUMENTS: NIL ENQUIRES: 416-224-4240 Classified Ads Are People Movers .they- move people homes and apartments in neighbourhoods. Into new If you're thinking of buying, sel.ling or renting, advertise in "Whitby's Most WideIy Read" Classified section. WHITBY FREE PRESS 1-800-268-632 Bmti Mc mioe Weg cardwsIzedatauoner and unique gift ideas ... al of thes awat yeu in aur free celour brochure fraturing thé nw t:NICEF collection. For a FRE BR0C*HUR!catiV»bd toia nunm aM ad ak for CIPasafr 508. iTOMOtI;.For hb'u ,ud iMW infonrutonCal 04115". Saod a UNICEF carti oday a" halp a eflo. bettwfut ure 668-6111 You nover have te ol alono. Shop the ada in the Whitby Fre Prose for nows of-com- munlty happenings, enter. tainmont and social events In your aroal WHITBY FREE PRESS Whltby's Most .Widely- Read CA S SIfIED A DS WHITBY FREE PRESS, W EfNESIJAYJANUARY 11, 1984, PAGE 19 Don't negleet car maintenance soda- water to fi giasses. (Serves&6) Cafe au lait Shake 15 MI instant coffe 5 misugan 500 ml cold milk 3 mi vanilia 6 ice cubes COMBINE coffee, sugar, miik, vanilla and ice cubes in glass of blender. Biend until well mixed and ice is very finely broken up. Pour into 2 tal I glasses (Ser- ves 2.) By PATRICIA BURNI Syndicated Columnisi Frequent attention your car is the key avoiding unnecessaril high repair bis. Ho many times for ii stance, when. you'N found yourself strai ded somewhere haN Jyou blamed your ba tery and mumbe "they just don't mak cars the way they use to..." \Well, according t Gilbert Gagnon, a diak nostic technician, whoi, we interviewed rn cently, most 0f us trea our cars, lilce eterne flames which somehom manage to grind on witi littie more than a squir of oil once in a while. Keep the Battery Clean Car batteries, he says are an exampie of -ne glect. One, of the maji reasons for battery fail ure before 30,000 milei is that they simply neec cleaning - a build-up o corrosion appeanr around the clamps and gradually chokes th< battery to death. You can overcom< this build-up by cleaning the exterior of your bat- tery from time to tim< with a solution of baking soda and water which us sprayed on and then rin- sed off with clear water, You should, at tune-up time, have the mechanie give the bat- tery a thorough cleaning removing clamps to really get at the corro- sion. That way your bat- tery will last a lot longer. Batteries are often biamed for poor or non- starts in winter. Again, they're just flot to biame. Poor habits of. start-up are, says Gag- non., In the oid days, it was believed that warming Recipes for non -alc oholie bey erages Tomato Pick-Me-Up COMBINE 250 mi tomato juice, 30 mi lemon juice, 3 mi Wor- chestershire sauce, 2 ml sugar, dash Tabasco, dash ceiery sait, dash sait and a grating of fresh pepper and stin to 1- e n d. P u r o v r c up a car for at ieast ten minutes in sub-zero temperatures was a Must for preservlng engine par4 17Giving parts a chance to warmn up is stili a must. How- ever, revving the engine- at top RPM in the drive- way is as bad for the car in the long run as roarlng out on a high- way at top speed before it's had time to warm up. Today's technology in car manufacturing has meant that lubrication is built into each separ- ate part and the recommnended method for cold weather start- ups is to keep the initial speed down to 20 mph. for the fit-st five to ten miles. This prevents parts from heating up too quickly, which could re- duce lubricants and lead to later breakdown. Radials are recommended... Tires are another area where we ail hate to pay high replacement Store and handie carefully Gasoline more explosive than dynamite Gasoline price wars create a strong tempta- tion for many Cana- dians to stock up when prices are low. But being penny wise, caxn lead to being pound fool- ish if unsafely. stored gasoline biows up causingseriotis proper- ty damage, injury or death. Fire Prevention Canada Association, .a national fire safety organization supported by Insurance Bureau of Canada, wanrs that un- der normai conditions gasoline is even more explosive than dyna- mite. High heat won't necessarily cause dyna- mite to ignite, but even reasonably high tem- pet-attres can, cause- gasoline to seif-ignite. Gasoline vaporizes easily and,' being heavier than air can creep alon glow con- tours to be ignited by basement heaters or furnaces, an eiectric motor or an automobile engine. Gasoline handling re- gulations may vany from i province ,to province, but Fiprecan- advises that an approv- ed storage container is essential whereven you. may live. These contain- ers should bear the labels of a national recognized certification agency such as the Canadian Standards Association (CSA); Un- derwriters' Labonaton- ies (ULO). Board of Transport Commission- et-s (BTC) approval is aiso recognized in some jurisdictions. Despite the tempta- tions of gasoline bar- gains, homeowners should store only small, arnounts on their'pt-e- mises - enough for im- mediate needs. Some communities may nestrict the amount of gasoline that may be legally stoned and a check with city hall or the local fine depant- ment should determine what those limits are. Storage containers should be stot-ed in an s ares that 18 well venti- lated, preferabiy a detached garage or shed i isolated from the living tares. Containers should i flot be carried in the *trunk of a car as, espe- 1 cialiy on a 'hot day, ex- cessive heat buildup could iead to spontan- eous ignition. A t-et-- >end collision is also a idanger as -it could lesd to an explosive puncture of a container. 1 Although most jut-is- dictions prohibit smoking in the viiity of a gasoline filling operation, it beans em- phasizing that the home user should not smoke while filling orfuelling from storage contain- ers. Ail gasoline engines should beý fuelled out doors and when restar- ted the unit should be placed at least 10 feet away from the fuellage container. Ail spillage should be, wiped Up im- mediately nather than being flushed away. When boats are being refuelled aIl passengers should leave the vessel, companionways and hatches should be closed, and portable tanks should be taken off the boat. Ail engines, fans and hesting de- vices including cooking stoves should be tunned off. Bilge blowers should be t-un for at ieast five minutes before the engine is t-e- started. Both home users and boaters could take the precaution of having a Type "B" fine extin- guisher' at, haxid when ne-fuelling. But if a fire is not rapidly exting- uished aIl persons in the vicinity should evacuate the threatened ares quickly and the fit-e department cailed. Neyer attempt to extin- guish a gasoline blaze with water. Just as water and gasoline don't mix, nei- ther- do chiidnen and gasoline. Every possible step should be talcen to prevent children from having access to gaso- line. r costs. Mr. Gagnon ad- vises buying radial tires at the outset. They last longer and wear better. And, 0f course, you must aiways be sure that if you have radial tires for sumnmer driving, you buy radial winter tires. Otherwise you nisk ruining aiign- ment. It's commonly thought that summer tires should be rotated in a circular fashion to balance wear over the long haul. Not so. Radial tires should only be transferred from right front to right back and from lef t front to ieft back.- Otherwise you risk havlng tires wear uneveniy dut-mg the process of rotation. None of this is parti- cuiarly cornplicated. But it sure sounds as If an ounce of prevention is worth hundreds of dol- lars of cure. EDITOR'S NOTE: Pat- ridla But-ns lu Manager, Consumer' Education, 1 66 8-6111 l