Between You and Me By RUTH COLES No one lo uselesln this world who lightens the burden of another. Charles Dickens (1812-1870) Another week, anothier- month witb Christmas almoot upon us. Time waits for no man, but runs on at a great pace, sometimes leaving us far bebind. Are you one of those people who by the first of December has ail thefr shopping finished and ail you have to do is sit back and contemplate the world around you? We have- notblng but admiration for these well organized, folks, but have to admit we are just tbe opposite and always wait for the excitement to build up before we begin. For tbe last few years we have been going in'for artificial Christmas trees, smal unes and a larger one. Gene are ail those pineneedies wbich were in evidence somewhere, some how around the bouse. Our bidren are grown now and we feel those beautiful natural trees are flot as necessary as they once were. Last year we put large plastic bags over the trees as tbey stood and stored them in the basement. Wait until the time of the unveilingi1 A few ornaments fell to the ground, gone forever and of course often your most prized one youhave trcasured over the years. Neyer again I tel myself. This time, we will spend a few bours painstakingly removing cverytbing, one by one, wrapping them in tissue and storing them in a box until next year. Elcticplenum heater wÇishes tc> meet oifuce. Obect: fuel .oil savings. Kissing that old flame goodbye isn't the only way to reduce your ail cansumption. If that oil furnace is still in good shape, yau can take advantage of con- vkeing ta a dual energy heating system. Instead of replacing your furnace, introduce it ta an electric plenum heater, heat pump or base- board heaters. These dual cnergy systems let oil and electricity work in harniony ta heat your home more efflciently and more economically. The "plenum" is the warm air chamber at the top of your forced air oil furriace. That's exactly where a plenum heater is installed . On a Il but the coldest days, the fan circulates more economical, electrically generared heat. If the temperature drops belaw a certain level, the furnace automnatically takes over. FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 7, 1983, PAGE 5 This summer when the temperature soarcd Into tbe nineties, we were in a sbop watching the owner set up ber Christmas decorations as wc browsed around. We saw the most beautiful pink, almost a sbocklîg pink tree, in the centre of the store. Pink is one of my favourite colours, even for a Christmas trec. Once ýwe bad a large flocked tree, ah pînk, somethink 1 neyer sec these days, because flocking seems to be a thing of the past. I lookcd at the price 0f thie trec and was appallcd. Neyer In tbe world would 1Ipay that price, but Io and bchold there was a sale tag on it reducing it con- siderably. Why, because it was July, or did it take up too much space? Witbln moments it became ours and now stands in a pink bedroom in ail it's glory. To my surprise I found a bag of pink ornaments stored away because wc no longer had a large enough trec to take thcmn ail. Also a box of pink fluffy, feathery -birds, bought at the same time but long forgotten, will be on the tree or flying above It. So now we are back to stage one. When thc season is over, do we wrap or not? Wrapping seems to be Uic order of Uic day. Even if the odd bauble fails and breaks, it is the most simple way to go. You can buy large Christmas wrap-around papers, much like a tablcloth and these can be stapled around the tree. Another alternative is to pull extra large trash bags down and around. We bave come to the conclusion of storing the tree, aftcr decorating new trees and rcalizing how time consuming it can be. A time for joy and célébration for many. A time of sadness for others. For those who have lot loved one, Christmas can be a time of'agony, hidden from the world at large, but always tbere tobe bor- ne patiently and quietly. I have rcceivcd letters this week from fricnds who have lot their husbands recently and from a man who lot bis grownup son. In ail these cases, the men bad enjoyed Christmas with a passion. The family get togethers, decorating their homes and gardens were an important part of their lives. However, strength will be given to ail the sad one and they wil make it tbrougb the festive season while helping their families celebrate. WHITBY COIN SALES PAY OFF WHITBY -- A recent promotion offering free admission to Cullen Gardens witb a Whitby Marigold Festival coin bas made a significant contribution toward paying off the 1983 festival's debts. From Oct. il ta Nov. il, the duration of tbe free admission, the Marigold Festival Committec sold in ex- ces of $1,200 wortb of coins. Coins are still available at local banks and otber outiets for use as stocking stuffers for Cbristmas. Work has already begun on arrangements for the 1984 Whitby Marigold' Festival. A number of new faces were seen at a general meeting of the festival committec on Nov. 24 and there was much en- tbusisam among those attending. The next general meeting of the' co-mmittee wiil be on Jan. 12,1984. An appeal- to local busi-nesses for funds for the 1984 festival bas already generatcd an eneouraging response, says Festival Chairman Howard Smith'. A num- ber of cheques have already been reccived. TO THE RESIDENTS OF THE TOWN 0F WHITBY THE MAYOR AND COU NCIL of the TOWN 0F WHITBY Cardially invite yau and yôur family to attend an OLD TYME CHRISTMAS1 PARTY ta be heid an Sunday, Decem ber llth, 1983, at the Whitby Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Rd. E., Whitby, t rom 2:00 p.m. ta 4:00 p.m. There wiiI be Entertainment, Santa far the Children and a Sing-a-Long far everyane. Light lunch and refreshments wil be served. Chi Idren, aduit. mutbe accampanied by an R.A. Attersley, MAYOR I - ________________________________ I Speaking to You f >MM By SCOTT FENNELI., M.P. (PC - Ontario) The Liberal Governmcnt has finaily decided to prorogue Parliament and thereby end tbe longest session of Parliament in Canadian history. This session wiil be remembered not only for being the longcst, but also the most turbulent and the most expensive. The Canadian, public bas paid dearly for this session, even thougb the Government has repeatedly stated that tbey would bring Gover- iment spencling under control. 1 Since they have been in power, tbcy have turned a budget surplus of $493 million into a record deficit of $31.3 billion dollars. Recause of their bungling and inefficiency, tbe imterest on the national debt alone wiil cost the taxpayers $17.6 billion dollars.- The Governme nt bas done just about everything, possible to destroy the country, discourage tbe in- vestment sector and remove the incentive that will get this country moving. It is time for the Gover- niment to stop the Canadairs and review the Devcos, as the Canadian taxpayers cannot afford any more of these ridiculous handouts. The people of Canada want action instead of words and promises. Tbcy want the Government to show some responsibility and require the recipients of these handouts to at, least be beld accountable. But the Liberal Gover- niment has demonstrated over and over again that tbey are not interested in the wishes of the general public. One are ini which the Governiment exceils is preaching restraint. Yet at tie same time, the Govcrrnent had no qualms at spcnding $15.7 million on food and cntertairnent in 1982 - 1983. With this kind of restraint policy, the prediction which the Prime Minister made in 1969, that Canada would be onthe road to financial disaster if notlung was donc to control Government - will definitely become a reality. RAISED PRI NTING B BUSINESS CARDS a LETTERH!ýADS 3 ENVELOPES I1 M Cali Whitby Hydro 128 Brock St.., S., Whitby 668-587P8 Customers of Ontario Hydmo should contact their Local Area Office m Introduction servce *0I * o..... '.0 A,~. 4 o: o.: f e.. THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WH ITBY 1 In the average home, the electric plenum heater can cut ail consumption by 75%. And reduce the total cast of heating your home enough ta pay for the installation ini about three years. Instail a plenum heater and you may be eligible for a COSP (Canada Qil Substitution Prograra) grant. It pays for half of the installed cost of your plenum heater or $800, whichever is less, if you reduce your ail cansumptian by 50% or more. Telephane today and ask for a visit from aur energy adviser. We'll tell you about the advantages of dual energy heating systems and special assistance that could lead ta even greater savings. Go Electric <> a ý