WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESOAY DECEMBER 7, 1983, PAGE 3 Pringle Creek Rec'eives Funding 1The Pringle Creek housing co-operative in Whitby, who will build the 80-unit family housing projeet, will receive help from the federal government, announced the Honourable David Smith, Minister of State for small businesses and tourismn, on behaif of Federal Housing Minister Romeo Leblanc. The fuil capital cost of the project, about $5.5' million, is being met with a 35-year loan from the Co-operative Trust Company of Canada. The loan is guaranteed under the National Housing Act by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), the Federal Housing Agency. Assistance from, the government of Canada will be in the form of a maxmum annual sub- sidy of -approximately $518,000 to reduce the mortgage interest rate to as low as two percent. The total federal con- tribution to this projeet under the present con- tract terms could amîount to over $18 million. The purpose of'the subsidy Is to keep oc- cupany charges as low as possible for the members of the co- operative. In addition to the an- nual subsidy, CMHC, under 'its co-operative housing program, ap- proved ýabout $63,000 in start-lup funds, whîichî were used by the co- operative group to orgamize, incorporate and make formai ap- plication to CMHC for funding. "lIt gives the Federal Government special pleasure to provide assistance to a housing co-operative because there is more involved than. providing affor- dable accommodation", said Mr. Smith. "Assistance to a co-op goes to people who are working together to solve their housing problems". The development will contain 12, two bedroom; 60, three bedroom and 8 four bedroom units. Measure for Rroadloom Today.. Have il lInstalled la, Time For CHRJSTM Introducing.. ."Holly Baby" for 1983. Vanessa, 15 months., daughter of Donna and Stephen Worden of Whitby, will help publicize Durham Region Lung Association's annual Holly L)ay fund-raiser on Dec. 10. Holly Day for Region The Christmas Seal Campaign talces on a seasonal look this Saturday, as local Lung Association volunteers turn out in force for their annual "Holly Day" fund-raiser. On Dec. 10, fresh B.C. holly will be distributed' at shopping mails in Whit- by, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Ajax, Pickering. Port Perry volunteers will be situated at local banks, trust com- pamies and grocery stores. The holly is available i bags for $2, or as loose sprigs distributed in return for contributions to the Christmas Seal Campaign. Durham Holly Day Chairman, Betty DesRochers, is confident that funds raised this year will top the 1982 total. "This is only the third year that we have participated in Holly Day" she says "and each year public demand for our holly increases". Al funds raised on Holly Day will support local Lung Association programs, which assist victims of asthma, emphysema and lung cancer. Advance orders can be taken be calling 723-3151. OPP. Cracek Down TORONTO -- The On- tario Provincial Police wil be embarking on an ail-out attack on drinking drivers over the Christmas and New Year's holidays OPP Commissioner -,Archie Ferguson announced today. OPP officers in every corner of the province will be watching for *people who take their holiday celebrations too far. Using roadside breath screening devices, the police of- ficers will be able to test drivers. they believe have been drinking. The test devices show one of three results after a driver takes the test. If the 'pass'1 light shows, the driver can go. A 'warn' light means the driver may receive a 12- hour suspension; in that case, his driver's licen- ce is seized, and he must make other arrangements for con- tinuing his journey. If the person taking the test sees the 'fail' light, it means the start of a procedure to obtain a« test with a normal breathalyzer. "Last year, out of 538 drivers killed in fatal accidents in Ontario, 301 had been drinking," said Comm. Ferguson. "Everyone in the com- munity has a respon- sibility to try to reduce this terrible statistic. " The OPP has a major part to play in any work to reduce drinking and driving said Comm. Ferguson. But he also stressed the fact that everyone can try to prevent the drinker reachîng his car when his driving wlll be im- paired. Friends and family can use their in- fluence to stop a loved one from taking totally unnecessary risks -- both, the risk of having an accident and the risk of being caught by the police. "Moderation is the keyword," said Comm. IC.F MESHER JEWELLER Seniors & Students .15% .Of f I wlth this coupon 668-2872 I 109 Dundas St. W. Whltby __ Ferguson. "Hospitality means more than just making sure someone 's glass is always full. It also means making sure that guests can get home safely. " " RE ARIN ARPETWAREHUS .,ROSI ONI *INSALAIONj1'9 I G S .W " PED 1A IEA ou s " UTMBNIG M -Fr e 9- *..O H W Duu't 11mw t Awy MousThel.Wood Doctor *Repaire to broken or damaged antique or oid wood furniture." Quallty ref lrishing. Don EIIIoft Brook Rd. N. PlckedIng mcâ CRULEY 683»21 75 Open 7 Days A Woek Furnlturch & RppUocnceo,' GENERAL EtLEC T RIC MICROWAVE OVENS *DUAL WAVE MICROWAVE SYSTEM *COOKING CONTROLS WAVE *TEMPERATURE PROBE ghe TIME COOKING *TEMPERATURE COOKING :DEFROST j -w i MICROWAVE GUIDEeCOOKBOOK .gFOICE$47 900 OTo $799300 mo. CAULEY 1618 Dundas St. E., Whltby 725-1133 Open Daily lo a.m. -9 p.m. sat. lo a.m -5 p.m f.rniture & RppUiâion o i . & OUR AIM ISTcOSATISFY" + n'e via Dundee St. or Frëes olivery In Durham Reglon Mary S. ff Tiko FREE DRAW Every week untîl Christmas at each of Our three stores WIN. FIFTY CONSTITUTION SILVER DOLLARS *Come into one of Our stores 'i *Compare Our Iow prices *fiII in a Iucky draw forte *No purchase neccossary BUY ONE GET ONE SFREE SLE CONTINUES THE WALLPAPER CENTRE, Oshawa Ajax Scarboro 140 Sirmcoe St. South 1313 Houw@dNorth 553 Markham e<d. (Jub! Sou!h of John) (JO NGoh of 14y401 & PenuyiTOh (Just South of Lawrence) 579-1655 686-0719 431-4458