Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 30 Nov 1983, p. 6

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PAGE 6. WEDNESDAY NflVEMBER 30, 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS, Br~k1 in Bylines by BETTY-JEAN BLYTH Cali *5.379 wltb Items fer tbis columa. Everyône, bas been so good. about getting, their news items to me that I arn hesitant to upset the status quo, but I must ask that you try to get your bulletins to me by the preceding Thursday. In arder to make deadlines, the column must be submitted by Friday and with my limnited typing abiity, that takes some doingi1 Thank you for your co-operation sa far, 1 hope this doesn't incon'vemience anyone too much'. FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERY LTD. -FOR SALE- PINE DRY SINKS * PINE WASH STANDS VICTORIAN SIDECHAIRS*CEDAR CHEST PINEAPPLE BED* ROUND OAK TABLE S413 Dundas St. E., Whltby 668-5481 MYRTLE DOINOS A Meet Your Neiglibour niglit was held Nov. 25 at Myrtie United Church. Everyone enjoyed a great evening of fellowship which ineluded a pot-luck supper and entertainment provided by the Jubllee Choir of Whitby. Another pot-luck supper is scheduled for Dec. 16 with a Christmas concert ta, follow. On Dec. 18, the congregation is invited ta jain Albert St. United Church in Oshawa for the morning service. There will be specail anthems presented by the chairs of bath churches. A special Christmas Eve service will be held Dec. 24 ini Myrtie Church as there will be no service on Christmas Day. Every Wednesday might fram 8 ta 10 p.m. the church hall ecboes with calîs of "Swing your par- tner" and anyone who likes square dancing and would like ta came out and join in is welcome. There are three squares at present but there is plenty of roam for mare. CHRISTMAS DANCE Brooklin and District Kinsmen are holding a dan- ce on Dec. 10 at the Cammunity Centre. Their dan- ces are always lively affairs sa this one should be na exception. Tickets are anly $5.each and you can get yours at Braoklin Essa or by calling Dan (Sully) Vipond at 655-4953. 4-H CLUBS Bath the Myrtle and Braoklln clubs are laoking for youngsters ta swell their ranks. Any child wba will be 12 by Jan. 1 is eligible ta join, but they provide funi, fellawsbip and learming experiences for yaiung people up ta the age of 21 alsa. The new session of 7 weeks duration will begin sametime in Jan. More on times and. dates later. The new sessions will be an' fitness and include cooking lessans based on praducing tasty and healthful dishes. In the past, 4-H here in Ontario, was divided inta the Agricutural and Home-Making divisions which deterred a lot of young males from joining in many of the, activities other than those of a farming nature. Naw the two sections are ta, be joined wbich means that bath sexes will be able ta learn mare about each otber's traditional roles. The Myrtle group meets, at the Myrtle United Churcli wbile the Brooklin graup meets at Broaklin United Cburch on Wednesday nights. Anyone in- terested in getting involved witb this organization should cail Barb Parrinder 655-4500 for Myrtle or Maàrie Lawson 655-4168 for Brooklin.' Where It Ail Began Betty-Jean Blyth Tbere's been a great deal being printed lately about sexual barrassment. It exist alright, and not only in the' outside '"Iworking world". It's been prevalent for a long time in an area that few people ever mention, a working- area for haîf the population knai - the home. Ask any 'ha housewife. Who gel blame when Dad find the hammer h lying wbere he last it? Who gets the b when junior can"t that overdue li book? Who, can put eighteen hour REGISTER, CONTUNUOLJ CARBONIZED S& MUSC. COMPLETE PRINTING SERVI' 218 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax Shopping Plaza. Ajax Telephone 416-683-1968 and 416-683-1970 7' s e s - E - >wn as makig meals, doing laundry, taking kids ta arried appaintments, pickting ta the Up groceries <ta say can't nothing of picking Up af- he left ter the family), get up at, ýt used niglit with the baby and blame still get blamed for a t find missing > button? ibrary Mother, tbat's whal1, tin an When the neighbour day complains . about the dog, whein the school complais about young Johnny, ,wben' the- tradesman 'cails about an overdue account, wben the in-laWs com-' plain about' being neglected, who bas ta ,face the music? Mother,, Even the very jS machines that are sup- 1, posed 'ta liberate the " little" waman" 'are Sreally - diabolical 'in- strumnents designed tao humiliate. ber. Wby else >wauld' the washing machine àlways CE manage ,ta lose one sock, out of every pair? Wby dues the dryer.,always quît during the ýrainy seasan? 'Wbat makes the vacuum e'.ýxplode when guests are expec- >ted, the fuses blaw while >hubby's away, the, car battery die, twenty miles fram nowhere ding a9< beat wave with' fifty dollars worth of frozen food in the trunk?' It sacsof.sanie huge male conspiracy. 'Men it cames ta sexual harrassment, wbo ta the leading authority? Mother, that's who!1 ___ - CELEBRAIG OU R Membsr's Can Reserve Movies! I ",We Lease VCRPlayers from $32.50 A Month &.up." l 11112 Months Trial Momnberships $2O0O_____00__ It 1e1 sIncludes .1 Free Movie Per Month65542 93 Wlnchester Rd..ý roki !~I~JI - - - - - - -BETA &VHS WO VIEIRNTALS - -~1 - - - - - - - - - - -- - me THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WHITBY TO THE RESIDENTS OF THETOWNOF WHIT.BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIIL of the TOWN 0F WHITBY Cordially Invite you and your family to attend' an OLD TYME CHRISTMAS PARTY-to be held on Sunday, December ll1th, 1983, at the Whitby Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Rd. E., Whitby, f rom 2:00 p. m. to 4:00 p.m'. There wiII be ýEntertainment, Santa for the, Chlldren and a Sing-a-Long for everyone. Light lunch and refreshments' will be served. Children must beaccompa.nlea by an adult. R.A. Attersley, MAYO R THA ' PAR DENTURETHERAPI CLINIC 214 Dundas St. E,, .194 King St. VV VVhilby Oshawýi 668-77,97 579-8752 Open Weekdays 1 Including SUNDAI (by appointment oniy)ý FIBERGLAS CANADA KINETTE COOKIE SALE Brooklin, and District Kinettes have Christmas cakes and coakies for sale. The cakes, 2 in. each decarative box, are priced at $7.25 and would make timely gifts or be great ta have on hand for enter- taining. The cookies came in Currier and Ives decarated tins which can became usefuil reminders of the deliciaus cantents long after they are gonie. They seil for $7 a tin. To get yaur arder in while they. last, caîl Leslie MeCàbe 655-3693 or contact any Kinette. The proceeds go ta their many cammunity endeavours. SKATE-A-THON SPONSORS The Kinsmen would like ta thank, ail those wha supported the young people wha taak part in this year's skate-a-thon. As in the' past, the children are competing for valuable prizes such-as 1-speed bikes and cash prizes. These prizes are awarded on the basis of paid sponsorsbips as af Dec. 1. It 18 therefore requested that any sponsor wbo bas neglected ta send in bis or ber cheque will do so as soon as passible. The cbildren are depending an you.. Mail' pledges ta Brooklin and District Kinsmen Club, Box 428, Brooklin, Ont. LoB iCO or drap them off at Braoklin Ess*o. MINISTER VISITS SCHOOL The Hanourable George Ashe, Minister of Gaver- nment Services visited the students at Meadowcrest School on Nov. 25. Mr. Ashe spoke ta the students about bis raIe in gavernment and answered per- tinent questions ta give the children a better idea of haw aur govermnental systemn works. DURHAM WOMEN'S NEWSLETTER The firat editian of Ourstary, a newsletter of the Durhami Inter- national Women's Dayý Committee, lias recen- tly been distributed ta localw omens organizations and ta in- dividual supporters of the cammittee. Ourstory features the history of International Women's Day, as well as information- about resources for women in Durham Region, women's publications, and projects in aother areas of Canada. The newsletter is funded tbraugh donations. Women who would like ta receive a' capy and/or contribute funds or items for, future editions may do so by writing ta the Durham International Women's Day Committee, c/a 510 Bradiley Drive, Whitby, LiN 6»9.

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