Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 16 Nov 1983, p. 18

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PAGE 18, WEDNESOAV NOVFMRER 16. 1983, WH ITRY FR EE PRESS Whitby's Most WideIy Read CLS FIFD A"DSC MVINW1 ARTICLES CI CARE 'vWANTED T ~~ ~&CARTAJ FOR SALE SERVICES OBU CD/UIfET R.D.G. BOOKKEEPING "Speclal Rates to NEW Customers" N B C Pick Up and Dellvery DELIVERY àCARTAGE 579-0996Specializing in Moving:ý RUG LEA ING RABBIT WANTS WORK doing Offices Apartments RUGCLANN agic for blrthday parties and ailt Pianoas Applances SPECIAL occasions. Have my own 72 1 58 Have Your Livlng-Room, magiclan. Cmii Ernie 668-4932. 72 n-7158 Dlning-Room And Haliway 0f ntm Any Sîze Clomnod For $40.00. RIRa.nmnAa tlnnn CEAI[. HOMEMADE Chrismma cookleal Ail Work la Gurantesd. For Appolntment Cmii: 668-1465 EXPERIENCED CLEANINO ladies for your home. Mondey ta Fridmy. References. 666-1538 or. 683-9079. Lot us bake for you. 30 yeara ex- perlence. Wo delivor. To InquIre and order caîl 831-2676. HONESTI RELIABLE PERSON wiiilng to dlean your homo. Whlt. by or viclnity. Phono mter 4 p.m. 688-8892. LU."%DUAIONAL ARTICLES SERVICES FOR SALE "GRAMMAR for people who haie FOR SALE brand new 3/ bed grammar' la the ideai pocket matîresa. Nover been used. Beat refemenco book for business offer. 668-3672. people. $395 per copy and aveu - ______________ able at Dickson Printing 4 Office VSTorue untr ae Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Dealer VIIou r used furintue are- enquiries lnvitod 683-1968.hue b poiiet l Q DUC.ENTS CONGRATULATIONS on your forthcomIng marriage. Please view- our samplea of sngrmved wsdding Invitations et your tel- sure"In our Ajax Piaza store. Dlck- son PrInting & Offics Supplies 683-1968. SAXTON - iT's A GIRL Ron and Louis. (ne. Armstrong) aro hap- py to announce the blrth of their daughter Lima Diane. Born on Tuesday, November 8 et 2:40 .m. WeighIng 71b 8ozs. A sister for John and Ryen. ThIrd grandchIld for Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Saxton of Scarborough. Many thanka to Doctors and Staff at Ajax- Pickering Genermi Hosptal. FREE: Drap Imb the Dickson Printing & Office Suppiy store In the Ajax Plaza and pick up a fres copy of their 1983 MstrIc Calen- dar. Printod In two coloura, It maltes for handy reference. 683- IYPEWMIER rentai, meny males and modela. by the waakend. savInga on deaka, chaire, fMing cabinets, etc. Cail Dickson Prini- lng & Office Supplies ta arrange an appointmont ta viow. 683- 1968. PRINTING PRESS Multi 1250, single lover, wlth chaîn deiivery and spray u nît and NuArc Flip top platemaker. Best reasonebie of- fer. Cmli Mke at 6686372 days. WRINGER WASHER. Viking. Hardiy used, $95. Old- Builers aecretary dosk, china cabinet on top. Unusual plae. Good con. ditlon, $495. 728-4849. ALTRALIONT AIRCRAFTS the ultimatealml soason recroation et roasonablo cosis. Sales, service, tralnlng and rentais. Why motie for bass. Lteflito mnc. (416) 852- 3932. Onc concession West of Leaskdale. (a F ARTICLES FOR SALE MOVING SALE freezor, $225. Twg baby cribs, $30 oach. Four seater chesterfiold and chair. Light brown, $150. Ail In good con- dition. Kayak, $35.-655-4437. 2x14" Snow tires, $25. 2x13V snow tires, $35. 2x13' summer tires, $25. Ail on rime. Very good condition. 655-4437. FIREWOOD Top Quaiity. HARDWOOD, MAPLE ÀND 13EECH Seasoned, Ready To Burn, Cut & Spli Deiivery Available 1/ cord (4'x8'x16') $60 One Cord 8 165 985-8284 or 985-8036 Port Perry CHESTERFIELD suites, love- seata, sectlonals, oesa than. 'h prico. Large selectlon. McKeen Furnituro. 524 Simcoe St. S., Oahawa. 725-5181. FOR SALE dry mixod hardwood. 15". Deiivered. 668-5735. UEOTYPE press-on lettering now ln stock at Dickson PrInting & Of- fice Suppilea ln the Ajax Shop- ping Plaza. Large soieciion of stylos and sizos. Why pay more for a amailer shoot of iettering? 683-1968. VAN HEMMEN &SLES 1 A 1 -, - , week or month. Discount* aveait- ' 00- 2 able. Dickson PrInting & Office 107A W~ARREN RD. WHITBY Supplies In the Ajax Plaza. Cmli us for buiness machine repaira THINK 0F SNOWS NOW! 883-196. BRIDGESTONE ion 15 SmEIL DUNLOP MICHELIN KELLY SAFARI S10 UNIROYAL 1 R 16 5 GARDEN CJOOD- RICH KELLY SAFARI $13900 PRODUCE FIRESTONE 33 x12 50 x i Eà ~KELLY'-SPRJNGFIEID KÇLLY SAFARI $15700 MUSHROOMS FRESH PICKED O eM WJ-EN YOUJ THINK TIRESi $750 per box of 2.27 kg. or 5 lb. TIE 2" P (AILVAN HEMMEN TIRES Darlington Mushroomn Farm. 983- MAM. ( MI<t 666-2 121 CHRISTMAS SALE crefts, docorations, knitting, baking and gila. Shop Canadian. Thornton Road North to 8th Concession. Turn toit. Firet houa.. Saturday, November 19, 9 to 6. PDEKOIER PACKERS LTD. SIDES 0F BEEF $1.551b. CUT, WRAP & FROZEN Oshawa 725-4245 or o 1-705-277-2324 1HIEROIES 0f the Biblo" calouring book availabloe at Deckaon Print- Ing & Office Suppiy, Ajax Plaza, 683-1968. Dealer inquirles ln- vited. INGLIS GAS DRYER two years old, $250.-1972 Kaplun hard-top tant tralior. Sink, three burnor stove, wired for hydro, aleopa six. $1,500. 668-4364. MAÎTRESSES and box Springa ai haif price. McKeen Furnîturo, 524 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. 725-5181. GODD USED Olivetti olectrIc typewrlter. Weil malntalnod. Asklng $200. Caîl 668-6583 bet- ween 9 and 4. BUTTERFLY Daycare Contre No. 2 Open 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Qualified Staff Hot Meals 309 Bosch St. Whltby 668-8927 OR 571-0031 MOTHER 0F THREE intereated ln babysitting In my home. Fen- ced yard, dally waik, hot lun chea. Ages ihree and up. Waverly Sohool area. Cail 725-7571. IVAT0MBILJ~ FOR SALE FOR SALE 1981 Dodg. Charger 2.2. Lîke new, 10w mileage. $4700 or best offer. For quick Sale. Cati 688-3055 atter 5 p.m. AU ACATiON ~j RENNT ALS FLRIDA Clearwater - Three bedroom mobile homes. Heated pools, tennis, close to beaches and major attractions, chiidren1) welcome. $225.00 U.S. weekly (iess than motel I WE BUY COINS Collections, accumulations, olci golci and sterling, paper money, stamps. BIEN'S COIN & STAMP SHOP McLAUGHLIN SQUARE 50 Richmond St. E., Oshawa 579,2622 Open Tues.-Sat. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. HANK'S APPLIANCES 135 Bloor St. E., Oshawa 728.ý043 y iâ jq lïnr. CIwa UbtU APPLIANCES ELP J."j~'""'~ WE RECONDITION ~ ~~ AtdED AND GUARANTEE SUPPLIES ADVERTISING SALESPERSON FREE TO GOOD HOME one year REQUURED 2061 Shepherd. Ceil 571- Challenging, excltlng work and friendly atmosphere. Experience flot necessary COMDTO but transportation Is. Smail local company t: with good reputation. Interesteci parties WANTED workng gilta, sharo cal Andy at 668-6111 for f urther detai ls. par month Inclusive. 6839532 af- 117 - J er 6 p.m. WORD PROCESSINO & Micro Computer Introductory courses. Thrae week speclal, $96. Longer courses available with certificats and job placement. 883-7767. VALM ED HEALTH SERVICES INC. Requires NURSE AIDES HEALTH CARE AIDES We offer part-time positions, varmed hours, home and in- stitutional setting. Cali for appointment Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 433-1494 Ajax, Pickering, Whitby & Oshawa area. PART-TIME WORD PROCESSOR operator requlred by saml professionai f irm on an "as noedod" basis for up to 16 hours per week. Hours flexible. Wiling ta train compotont typlst. Saiary commensurate with abiiity. Cmii 839-7163. MATURE, RESPONSIBLE woman, rsquired ta babysit four month oid In my homo commencing ln Janumry. Ottor Cresk. Caii 666- REALTOR dosiring agent. Fult or pari-urne ta work f rom hous. Cmii1683-5495. OSIWLA INSTITUTE FOR HEALTH PERSONNEL la proud ta preseni a certificats course for heeith cars aid. SmaIi classes, now fuiîy oquippod ciassrooms, Instructions ln active trsatmeni sittings. Equlp the successfui greduate 10 soek good em- ploymneni opportunîties in prîvate homos and nursing homes. Day and evsning classes. Oshawa 728-4948. FOFO R RETNT NEED A RENTAL? Cmii the Exper- tsi1 We carry hauss, iawnhauses, duplexes, aper- tmsnts, fiatai Ail mers, sizea, pricosi 579-4500 Hamolocators, fee. WANTED an acoustic Epîphone gultar, 12 or 6 string. Please cal 6684043 after 5p.m. CUeNNSORNrRET PARTIALLY FURNISHED one beroom apartment. Central Whitby 10 lot for six montha. Vory reasonabie. Caii Ruth 668-768 or 668-3338. LARGE TWO BEDROOM Whltby. Oulte trîplox, baicony, no pets.. Suit rotired couple. Firat and lmai monih. $465. 8689196. OSHAWA close to 401, apaclous, dlean, three bedroom semi. $550 monthiy plus utilities. 579-5976. WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for rent on professional f loor. Would b. suitabie for iawyer, eccountant, etc. Ront Includes ail utilities and la negotiabie for an appropriate tenant. For furthor Information cmli 668-6372 between 9:30 .m. and 5 p.m. Monday to Frlday. ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERSI Please check your advertisement for errors on the f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographlc errors in publica- tion beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error Up to a maximum cost 0f the first insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or rejeot ail advertise- ments. Ads must appear In the paper one day before they can be changeci or cancelled. CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50 for 20 words; l; each addition- ai word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your Visa card ready when cal llng. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100 words; 12e each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the f irst 50 words; 12o each additional word. AUCTION SALES -: 34c per line. (No word ads allowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an additlonal charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make every en- deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac cept no liability regarding Ioss or damage alleged to arise through failure or deiay ln forwarding such replies. We will not be responsible for box number replies not called for withln 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111 - j, - CHECK OUR LOW EVERYDAY PRICES On new chesterfields, bedroo m sets, colonial dining rooms, a nd kitchen suifes, beds, etc. ELMER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloor St. E. (At Rltson> Oshawa COMIG PICTURE FRAME CLEARANCE SALE 10O0OS' Io chose from lowes prces in Canada Our 7th Year 2 DAYS ONLY Sat. Nov. l9th to Sun. Nov. 2Oth lOa.m.-6p.m. Iroquois Park Recreation centre <Corner of Henry & Victoria) Please bringyourprints, photo's 1

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