Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 16 Nov 1983, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY NO VEMBER 16, 1983, WH ITBY FR EE PRESS -7 M'E.. oem PE... I Emporium Ads wiIl only be accepted subject to the following conditions. Soto,, ALE Sto' ARTICLES ARTICALES FOR SALE WATER BED king size with dresser, 9 drawe, brown, $250. Phone 65&35316. MOVINO SALE awivel rocker, $85' rayai blus vInyi, 10w bock, no skirt. Very good condition. Sklar awivel rocker, $175 - bronze gold acryllo velvet, high bock. Liko new. Phono 579-8841. HARDWICK GAS COOK top unit, aimond colour, 4 burners. Nover used, $200. Gos rangs, gaad warking condition. Brown, $100. Remington Gun '870, 20 Gags, Poliy-choke, $250. Phono 868- 3813. ANTIQUE gIngorbread dlock ln Ai condition. Original parts. Aakîng $200. Cati 655.4917. TV ANTENNA Goad condition. W. wili deliver. $85. Western guitar (Enpsradar> Goad con- dition. $70. Phono 571-3916. INTELLIVISION Including four gamos and loy sticks, $225. Phono 668-898. 5.41 FOUR POST double pins bed un good condition, wit h mattresa and rail away castors, $95. Wood atove, ans year aid, with bu- foîding doora and dampor asmbîy. Vory goad condition. Wii deliver, $150. Installation availabie for extra coat. Phono 571-3916. ROTO-TILLER 3 H.P. Vsry good condition. $195. Phono 655-4110 ovenings. EXCELLENT CONDITION 30" mattreas and box spring on legs, $125. Hido-a-bed, $150. Phono 728-885. COLONIEL fhroe seater sofa, Skier, $150. Wainut antique china cabinet, $175. Baked alumlnum white atorm door, $75. Firepaco Insert, 38 Inch apening, $150. Phono 683-3236. SINGER S EWING MACHINE with cabinet. Bth un excellent con- dition. Asklng $150. Phono Oshawa 433-1577. MANS FULL LENGTH long haired beaver coat,.size 40. $80. Ladies muskrat & raccoon, & loathor fur coat, aize 14. $400. Phono 579-9029. ANTIQUE -STYLE drosser with thrss drawers. Approximateiy 30" wido x 36" high with large wood framed mIrror. Needa rfinIshing. $125. Phone 282-8760. FOR SALE bar for roc room, $35. Ski rock, $15. Outalde door, 32x80, $15. Phono 8668-829. PIONEER SX-750 receiver and f umtable.. W watts. Mach i speakers, $550. Honda Il basa guitar and amp., $225. 668-0067 ask for Rick. FOR SALE Bunk boda, used n cabIn, $1 0. Wood couch wth cushions, gold colour, $35. Twa card stands for store with drawors, $25 each. Leaf shrsdder, CUSTOWMADE boeprsad and heedbaad, KIng size, with mat- ching drupes l00x45, $20. Al items un vevy good condition. Ashbum Rèd., Brooklin 655-8764. ONYX CHESS SETS, Aztec style, asaorted colore, $55 each. Frigidaire automnatia drier $100. Record collection, 500 albums, $1,200. New 8 man tent $160. Baily raceway pinboil machine, needs some work, $350. Phone 985-9258. VIKING WRINGER WASHER ln very good condition, $80. Cail 688-3735 affer 6 p.m. 7 PIECE VICTORIAN parior set. Approximateiy,120 years old. Ons love seat, ans piatform rocker, one armchair, four occassianal chairs. $1,800 o'r beat offer. 668- 5095. NIKON FIT LENSENS l00mm., $70. Vivtar 24mm., $80. Unîtax 85-2lOmm., Macro Zoom, $100. Vivîtar tele converter, $20. Phone -868-0009. MUNROE LTTON CALCULATOR Computer modol 1880, 64 K capacity, $100. Phono 668-0009. FOR SALE Royal Albert China lavendar rose pattern - complets tea service and varlous other pleces. WiII not ssii seperatoly. Seii as set. A-1 condition. Nover been used. Asking $750 flrm. To vlsw apply at 182 Verdun Raad, Oshawa. LOT I TRAILER on Pigeon Lake. 35ft. trouler with double tipouts, fuliy furnlahod, plus 3lft. dock. Aaklng $23500. Caîl Bill or Aprîl atter 6 p.m. at 8662581 or wsekends 985-2708. HOMEMADE BOX traiter. Hoavy duty. Asklng $1,200 or boat affer. Phono Bill or Aprîl altor 6 p.m. at 886-2581 or weekenda 985-2706. 8MM. MOVIE PROJECTOR and caerar. Hardlyevor used, $190. Green taliet, plus slnk,, plus counter to match. Excellent con- dition, $100 or beat.offer. Whte tub enclosure. Brand new fram Sears, $20. Cali anytimo 571- 3916. TOYS Idoal for Chrstmas nover ussd. TCR total cantrol racing set, $35. Bauer Hugger skates,_ sizo 7, $25. TwaolsIctranlcý, games, $15 sach. Gome of Risk and Who's it, $8 oach. Toiescope. $30. Aiea pins mates bed, $70. Phono 688&5220., .- PLEASE READ - Whon the advertised Item le soid, disposed ai, or unavailabis for whatover roason, tho Item wIii be deemed ta have beon soid and a commission wili be chorged basod on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Iiiustrotsd beiow, rogardiess If prico la stoted wlth "boat offer"'. If the Item le NOT SOLD; or disposed of, the ad wIi bo run for 3 MONTHS and o MINIMUM CHARGE of $6.00 wiii appty payable ln odvance of publication of the firsi ad. OtherwIss a $7.50 charge wiii op- piy If biiisd which muet bie paid upon receipi of bull. The obove minimum charges wIii be appliid ta the final commission duo but ln any case the higher amount wuIi be charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-poid; $7.50 biled. Maximum commission: $100.00. Allodvertieements must beplaced on anex- clusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atieast ans month if not soid. 5% of adv.rfissd price Up fa $40.00 RATES (if article la sald): 2 % of balanice over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Soid Item advertised for $120.00. Commission due $6.00 (minimum charge la $6.00). PrIvats advortislng onlyl Pisase notlfy the Whitby Free Prose Immediately whon Item le soid so that wo may delete It from the foiiowlng Issus. Ail ode not fttIng the Emporium guidolines wlii be treated and chorgod per week as roguior cioseifiled ode on o pre-paid basis such'os: services, heip wantod, clothing, reol setste, and p.ersonai message type ads, or ode not quot(ng price or quontIty. Privais ciossified ode moy appear in the Emporium section under oppropriote heodinge. <ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAiL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM ,P.O. Box 206 Whitby, Li N 5S1 If. un doubt coul: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whltby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. ~iCE~? ~~ïCi~ARTICLES FOR ALEFOR ALE FOR SALE CHILD'S ELLAN skies, polos and NardIca boots. Sizo 9, $180. Boys Micron skates. Sizo 8, $30. An- tique oak buffet, $100 Bird cage on stand, $15. Phono 728-8850. CONTENTS 0F HOUSE - MOVING - ans lovosoat, blus background barder print, $250. One buffet, $200. One dozen fan- cy cupe ond saucera, $7.50 oach. One tes wagon, French Provin- cial styiing, $200. Othor Items, odds and ends. Phono 655-4416. FOR SALE Eina sowIng machins, $180. Humidifier, $80. Storso 8 track dock, $30. Shopping cart (10", wheels), $10. Rocking choir, $120. Kenmoro carpet sweepor, $10. 2 ladies winter coats, sizo 18, excellent condition,,$45 and $50. Ladies crochet sweater, size 18,' $15. Velaur hausecoat, size 18, $15. Ladies skIrt, sizo 18, $20. 3 plastic stocking tables, $9. Phono 66&7838. FOR SALE 2 single bods, $85 for bath. Ladies wInter coot, fur Iinod, size 12, $50. Mans jockst, blus, sizo 48, $15. Girls ciathIng, sizo 516, $10. Al Items like nsw condition. Ashburn Rd. BraokI.In 655-8764. FOR SALE Toshiba microwavo aven. 1.8 cubic Interior. Three montha aild. Excellent condition. $450. Phono 66W.8762. TWO TWIN BUNK bodepreada and curtains (blue & green), $15. Ladies sizo 5 ski boots, skis, bin- dings and polos, $45. Mens ski boots and polos, $30. Qusen size, bedspread and drapes, $40. Round kitchen table (drap sides) and 2 chairs, $50 Console stereo, $50. 668.1258. SWAY BARS an'd mirrars for trouler, $95. Portable flush toloet, new condition, $45. Two nsw Kir- sch drapory trocks, extende from 80" ta 150"~, $10 oach. Mint green 39" bedsproad' and drapes. Almost now, $15. Phone 655- 8000. SEWING MACHINE with cabinet. Excellent condition, $85. Undor-' waod typowritor, manuel, good condition, $45. Phono 683-6638. FOUR SEATER sofa *and choir sest. Orange floral print. Suitablo for famiiy or roc roam, $75. Affer 5 p.m. 668-0786. DOUBLE lED mattrsss and box epring, $50. Five place table sot, $250. Cati 668-8528. SKIS, POLES, BOOTS for sale. Ski iongth, 170cm. Boot sizo 8 or 10. Price $75. Coli 663-6638. DRESSER, antique stylo, wlmirror, $150. Phono 282-8760. FOR SALE 32 gallon aquarium complets with hood, light, filter, hoator, gravai and a new air pump. lnciuding a good soiection of fish. Ail this on o mahogany stand for oniy $130. Coui688.4110 affter 6 p.m. TB QUARTER HORSE MARE Chestnut 16h. 8 yoars Reg. Cdn. Hunter, gonfle novices, $2,500. TB Geiding by Tamarack, 18'3h. Bay 7 years, 4 white socks, proven Hunter, $4,000. Hunter approved Foa1 11/ years. Boy by Tamarack, $3,000. Phono 855- 3538. 22FT HOUSE TRAILER situated on Rico Lake. Water front lot. Asking $3000 or beat offer. Phono 668-0384. »MBILE1 SALES/RENTALS SNOWMOBILE, 40OCC Aloustti olsctric start. $200 or best offer. Phono 688-4884 affer 6 p.m. BA7 EEDS AUVOOTIVE 1 0 EWIRPAj ONE GENDRON INFANT love seat, $25 and ans Gendran child lave seat, $50. Bath In excellent condition. Cati weekends or aftor 5 p.m. 655-3575. AUTOMBELE 1979 CHEV BLAZER 4 whsel drive, angle ptow. Asklng $8500. 1250 Dundas St. 668-1366. FOR SALE 1978 Chrysier New Yorker. Under 18,000 miles, tawn driven, black, 2-doar, fuiiy option. Asking $5,000 or beat offer. Coui 668-2598. 1973 SUBARBAN Nat ln running condition. Good tires. $300 or boat offer, as le. Phono 576-1058. 1973 VEGA 15,000 on robuilt engins, four epesd, nsw. ciutch and fiywhei. Brakos juaf dons with nsw front couipera and mastor cytinder. Good tires. Nooda body work. Ssii as la $400. Phono 668.2187. 1909 MONTEGO MX 4 dr., 351 nsw brakes, master cylinder, oxhaust wirss. Neoda tires for certification. Good wintor car. $500. Colu Rues 655-4416. 1965 CHEV IMPALA power stosring and brakes, 47,000 original mloeago. $600 or beat af- for. Phono beforo 6 p.m. 655.8021 ask for Bud. AOOTIVE COBRA, MUSTANG, CAPRI 79& up. 3/" H.D. rear anti.away bar with hardware and instructions, $55. 4xl75x14 Vredestein radial snows. Very good condition, $175 set of four. 282-8760. 1977 PLYMOUTH FURY 2-door, mochanlcs buy, con b. fixed ta drive. $300. Phono 655-3006. 1973 VW BEETLE PARTS Doors, $50 oach. Engins iid, $25. Four sposd wlcompioto swing axis, $100. Gos tank, $15 and variaus smail parts. Phono 282-8780. E2~Meet the "Recycler GI Unwanls"-i7 The'Emeorluin Section o, Ihe WhIIbY FrosPeS:I There is no rea- son to keep things you don't need or enjoy be- cause they're valuable. There are Customers wligto pay good money for things you've tir- ed of. Contact the "Recycler of Unwants", the classified depart- ment of the Whitby Free Press. You will be pleased with 'l have read the Emporium guidelines and wish to have the following advertise- ment placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press. <don't forget to include your phone number> E:1 1 enclose $6.00 to cover the minimum charge. ED Charge $6.00 to my Visa account. C ll1 me $7.50 after f irst publication of my ad.- Card No. EXp. Date Namne (I3ase orint - f irst and list namai the qulck resuîts. ocs As fast as a Street Address phone caîl, re- suîIts happen!1 City Po stal Code MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby LI N 551 Colii Us- Now At 668m6111Y Or Use This Form To Mail Your Ad ln, TWO GOOD YEAR radial tires, ans on rim. 75R14. $75. Two 14"' Seara tires wlth rimai, $30. Two Canadian Tire anowa wlth rima, $30. Calil668.1063 mominga. FOR SALE yoga transmission. $100 or boat offer. Cali Dan 728. 2578. MOTORCYCLS ~~ FORME AL FOR SALE 1983 Vamaha 1751T. Excellent condition. including helmet and al loathers. Asking $1500 or.bsst offor. Phono 668. 3495 ask for Steve. 1982 YAMAHA MX8OJ Excellent condition. $500. Cali 668.3934. FOR SALE 1981 Vamaha 400 Spocial. MInt condition, $1400 or boat offer. Phono 655-3203. 1901 HONDACIVIC'fivo spsed, AMIFM cassette, tinted glass. AskIng $5,000. Phono Bill or April aftsr 6 p.m. at 666-2581 or woekonds 985-2706. 1981' HONDA SILVERWING GL500, wator coaied, ahaft drive, pioxigiass fairing, rear carrier, low mlseage, excellent condition. Asking $2000. Phono 68.0265. 198 YAMAHA RD 400 Excellent condition. $1100 firm. Phono 655. 4224. VAMAHA YZ 80 Excellent con- dition. $450 or boataf for.. Phono 655-4882. N:NSEHDLD FOR SALE Apartment size washor-drysr with stand. Ex- cellent condtion. $450/pair. Phono 8681495. FOR SALE ln gaad condition. Two paisof twln mattroasea. Complets with box eprings, $100. Double mattrosa with box spring, FOR SALE Hoover spin washsrldryer. Rogular $430. Asklng $385. Oniy 4 montha aid. Ussd twice. Phonoe63-4104. FOR SALE olectric stove, harvesf gold, soif dean, fast brou 'and ratisser foatures. $35. Phono 668-006. êjjjuMjjTSI ELECTRIC GUITAR Nashviile, Les Paul Copy, $150. Coli 668. 5567 affer 6:00p.m. FOR SALE Harmond Organ 100. Asking $1200. Phono 576-227. RICKENBACKER MODEL 4001 Basa Guitar, 4 Years aid. Whte, wif h case. Immaculats condition. Aisa GBX Basa amp. 80 watts. Wili ssii soporate. $90 or beat offer. Phono 6682187. ONE KIMBALL Suporstar Il organ. Only l months aid, juat as new. Hoif the original prico, asking prico $1,200. Phono before 6 p.m. 655-8021 ask for Bud. CONFUSED? Please coil us any fume if the Emporium guideuînes confuse you. We'i be giad ta an- swor any questions you have. Phoane 668-111 anytimo. 1 il 1 m m

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