PG 8, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 2, 1983, WHITBY'FREE PRESS Whltby's Most WideIy Read FEVCE LEA , RTCLS LPwAru T _____ _____ ____ UY/REIMT LavSPCIAL H ve our Living-Room, Dining.Room And Hailway 0f' LAny Sîze Cleaned For $4000. Bedrooms Are $1000 Extra. Ail Workls Guaranteeci. For Aooointme ntCOlil: RABBIT WANT8 WOAK doing magic for birthday parties end ail occasions. Have. my' own magicien. Calil Emrie 684932. EXPERIENCED OLEANÃING ladies for your home. Mondîy ta Friday. Refoences.- Phono 666- ~M15U or 683-9079.1 GROOMING79 PooýdiesýA Speciaity MARJORIE B 683-0255 PIANO LESSONS Boginnors prof rrod; D. Goodman, A.R.C.T. 668-3056 SERVICES "GRAMMAR for pooplo Who halo grammar" la the idoal packet referonco book, for business poople. $3,95 per copy and aval.- able at Dfiok'*on Printin g & Offtice Supplies In the Ajax Plaza. Dealer enquliles lnvitod 683-968. C NNOUCENTS CONGRATULATIONS aon your forthcomlng marriage. Please vlew aur samples of ongraved. weddlng Invitations et your loi. suro In aur Aax Plaza store. DIck. son PrintIng& Office Supplios 683-1988. FREEDrap lmb 1h. Dlckson Printîng & Office Suppîy store ln the Aax Plazaand pick up a f res copy of thoir 1983 Metric diien. der. Prînted ln two colaurs, il makes for handy reforonco. 883- 1968. ARTICES FORR RR1*ENTI TYPEWRITER rentai, manymakes and modela, .by the weekond, week or month' Dscount» avili- able. Olckeon Printing & Office Supplies in.1h. Aax Plaz& a.Oil us for business machino repaira 6U3-1968. ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE AND>MORE... PRICES Paid for Goid and 811. ver coins, oid guns, dlocks, jewelery,'dish- Pos, furniture, crocks, ON1 paintings and seai- rers. 81" 725-97831 VISIT aur used furnilure wsre- houa. by appoinîment. Big savinge an desks, chaire, filing cabinets, etc. Caii Diokeon Print- ing & Office supplies la arrange an- appoinîment ta view. 6M3- PRINTINQ PRE54 Multi 1250, single lever, wlth chain delivery and spray unit and NuArc Fllp top piatemaiker. Boat reepanbie 0f- fer. CalilMike atO668372 days. MAflRESSES and box epringa at haif'price., McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe Stroot South, Oshawa. 725-5181. ANTIQUE WOOD burning slave. Excellent condition. Four bur- nere and upper warmer,- $240. Phono 668-7904. DRY FIRE WOOD BEECH, MAPLE, WHITE BIRCH $45 face cord ROUND BLOCKS 16"'LONG $30,facecord > DCeliveir'Anywhee RODERICK MacLEAN (705)454-8260 GEOTYPE prosse-an ttorlng naw In stock at Dickeon Printlng & 0f.- f ice Supplies In the Ajax Shap- ping Plaza. Large seloctian of stylos and sîzes. Why psy more for a smiller shoetot f Il torIng? 683-1968. DDEKOKER MEAT PACKÃŽERS LTD. SIDES 0F BEEF $1.551b. CUT WRAP &FROZEN Oshawa 725-4245 or 1-705-277-2324 FOR SALE 2" double faam. Asklng $20. Phono 655-3772. 1175cm K2 712 SKIS, Look bin- dingo, Dolomite boots, size 8, Karma paies. Excellent demiail $300. 579-7354 ask for Court. QUEEN SIZE box sprIng and mal- tresa. Good condition, $150. Mens Bauer-skates, sîze 8, $50. Girls skates, sizes 12, 3,-4, 5, 6, $10 each. Ail ln good condition. Cali 855-4844. "HEROES of the Bible" calauring book availablo ai Dickson Print- lng & Office Suppiy, Ajax Plaza, 683-968. Doaler inquiries ln- vited. ivric rLD^R nard-top .itnt trailer. Needs new screon & litle repairs. $200 as le. 668-8550asic for Kari. CHESTERFIELD suites, love. seats, soclionals, less than % prIce. Large selection. McKeen Fumniluro. 524 Slmncoe St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. FORD MOTOR V8 302 cubic Inch. WiI ssoii parte cr whoie. Phono 728-9628. 38 SHEETS 0f gaivanlzed tin. 14'x2'. $10 each. Phone 668-8980. f 1980 T-BIRD 6 cylinder, AMIFM cassette, $5000 f rm. 668-3557. 1977, CORDOVA excellent con- dition. Lady driven. $2,800 cer- tWied. Calil 688-4262 eveninge and weekends. 1974 CHARGER mags, body and maoter A.1, vInyl roof. Certlfied, $1,6W0. 579-7203 or 686-2736. 1974 BUICK REGAL -body and maoter A-1, vInyl roof, AM/FM, VACATIO'N ~W RENTA S BUSINESSI FLRIDA Cioarwater - Three bsdraam BECOME FINANCIALLY in. mobile homes. Pools, tennis, dopondent In the ail cash vending close ta boaches and major business. investment $3,495 up. attractions, chiidren wol. Business 6868033 Home 655. came. $225.00 U.S. weekly 8Of5. los han matel raam). * 8 3- f.5 3 'm4 ADVERTISING SALESPERSON REIQU IRED Chailenglng, excitin'g -work and frlendly atmosphere. Experienv «e flot necessary but transportation is.,SmaIIl ocal company with good reputation. 1lnterested' parties. cail Andy at 668-6111 for further detal Is. WORD PROCESSINO & Micro Computer lntroductory courses. Three week specil, $85. Longer courses available withcertificats and lob placement. 683.7767. WANTED MATURE BABYSITTER ta cars for lwa girls, age 5 and 6 monthe, In aur hame, four days a week. Live ln or out. Otlsrcreek ares. After 6 p.m. 668k2162. DAGMAR SKI REORT la hing for the Ski Sanson. Snow Makers <we Wiii Train) Lift Operalors Cashiere, Office Holp Rentai 8& Cafeterla Heip Phono 649-2002 Or Apply In Persan BUTTERFLY Daycare Contre No. 2 Open 6 a.m. to 6] QualifIed Staff Hot Meais 309 Bosch St. -Whitby 668-8927'OR 571-0031 MOTHER 0F TWO Inlerested $in babysltting ln my home. Large fenced yard, hot lunches, ovor 2 proforred. Wooico Mail ares. Anytimo 5768394. RESPONSIBLE MOM willi do day caro ln'her chIld proof home. Gaod meais and happy surroun- dlngs. $65. 688-1647. EXPERIENCED DAY CARE ln my home. Referencea and tex receip- te availabie. Any age. Cail Joanet. te 68-5719. EXPERIENCED WOMAN willing ta corne into my home ta look af- ter 2 young chlldron. 831-3109. WILL CLEAN stables or box stalle. Phone 655-3430. SUPPLIES - ~ ACCOMMODATION IMMEDIATE ADOPTION roquired. Reluctant adoption for true brod Iish Setter <2 yoars) and Lab.Settor <3 yoars) wlsh-ta flnd good home togother. Monty and >Brîna are -affoctionate and- In- telligent. They lave, peopleo(and chiîdren) and are housetralnsd. Neodlng lots af exorcise, atten- lion - ad lave. This pair wiii idoaliy be "Man's Beet Frionde". if Interosted ln offering bath a gaod home ploase cii woekdiys aftor 8 p.m. ar weekonds 655- 4234. HîMALAYAN KITTENS blue and seai point. Reglsterod plusflrst shots. Ready Nov. 15. Cali Jacîn- das 666-3557. ASHBURN VILLAGE HOME share hause. Own raom. Non- emokors. $210 monthiy Includos utilitios. Phane 655-4035. FORRENTRENT NRED A RENTAL? Cali the Exper- tsi' We carry houss, tawnhousss, duplexes, apar. tmenta, fiatel Al armes, sizes, prIcesi 579-4500 Haoreocators,* f00. DETACHED 3 BEDROOM houe. Waikout and firepiaco. $700 plus utiuuis. Phono 1-291705. WNf S FRRENT DELIVERY à CARTAGE Specîalizing in Movîng: *Off ices *Aparmenta *Planas * Appliancea 728-7158 Antme TRANSFERRED MUST MOVE one bedroom, carpeted lhroughout, hat, hydra, applian- ces, parking included, iaundry fscility on saie floar, bslcony. Avîllîbie Immsdiately. 666-2359. M.B.M. Pubîishîng 131 Brock St. N. Whitby 668-6111 THROUGH luN NEW& UEDCAR BUYS R EAD ... SUY ... SELL JUST CALLU '86111 L LIFIED AS CONTINUEI EEEPA GE 19 &BfOYS. Thinkingof ways= to mnake extra_ -money? fl Carriers wanted once a week to deliver',the Whltby Free Press. The followlng routes are > currently available. Route No. 1078 100 papers - deiivoring on Elizabeth Cros. from Maria to PDaiton, Maria from Thickson to Elizabeth, Graymar, Daiton, Th ickson f rom Maria to Dalton. Route No. 1118 100 papers -- St. Johns from Brook to Honry, Trent (North side only) from Brook to Henry, Brook fror9Ontario to Burns (West sîde onîy). Route No, 1119 100 palpers - Trent from Henry to Brook, Plitt from Henry to Byron, Burns from Henry to Brook,, King from Ontario to Burns, Centre from Ontario to Burns. Route No. 1080 140 papers - Prince of Wales, Neartie Cr., Langsmaid Crt., Pine Hill, Reagai Briar. CALL CIRCULATIO N 668-6l11 WHITBY FREE PRESS' A' Please check your advertisoment for orrors on the, first day of publication The Whitby Free Press wili not be hiable for fallure to pubiish an ad, or for typographic errors in publica- tion beyond the cosl of -the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the flist Insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to ciassify or reject ail advertise-. monts. Ads muet appear in the paper one day before they can be changed or canceiled. CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50 for 20 words; 11is each addition. ai word If pre.-paid. You may charge your Classified Ad to ýTTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your Visa card ready when caiiing. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irsi 100 words; 12c each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, GARDS 0F TI-ANKS - $8.00 for the first 50 words; 12t eaoh addit ional word. AUCTION SALES - 34e per line. (No word ads allowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an additional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make every en- deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ao' cept no liability regarding loss or damage aileged to arise through failure or deiay in forwarding such replies. We wili flot be responsible for box number replies not called for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to Insert or' cancel Ciassified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to insert or cance[ Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111 HANK'S APPLIANCES showa 135 Bloor St. E., Oshawa "S APPL'AN]CIS oor St Eý'728-4043 !i 8»ý0 37 y fi CHILD CARE EMPLOYMENT ýSERVICES WAWED 1