Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 2 Nov 1983, p. 16

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PAGE,16, WEONESDAY NOVEMBER 2, 1983. WH-ITS R PO D-rC m WMIN ER Blclkng size wlth drosser, 9 drmwers, brown, $250. Phone 655.3M3. MUST SALE a beautîful bar. At- tractîvo style. Sturdy built with luxurles materlal. Wal Worth ovor $800wlll sale, for $395. Fro. deilvory. Phone anytime 668- 6207. HARDWICK OAS C00K top unît, almond colour, 4 burners. Nover ~,used, $200. Gus range, good worklng condition. Brown, $100. Remington Gun 870, 20 Gage, Polly.choke, $250. Phoneo8668 3813. DRESSER, antique style, wÎlrror, $10. Phone 282-8760. TV ANTENNA Good condition. Wo wiII delîvor. $85. Westerm gultar Enperador) Good con- dItIon. $70. Phone 571-3916. INTELLIVISION inciuding four gemes and joy sticks, $225. Phono 668.8098. 54" FOUR'POST double pins b.d ln good condition, with mattres and roll awmy castors, $95. Wood stove, one yoar old, with bi- foldlng -doors and damper assembiy. Vory good condition. MII dolîver, $150. Installation avalimble for extra cosi., Phono 571.3916'. ROTO-TILLER 3 H.P. Very good condition. $195. Phono 655-4110 ovenlngs. EXCELLENT CONDITION 3011 mattrose and box spring on legs, $125. Hide-a-bed, $150. Phone 728-885. COLONIEL three seater sofa, - Skier, $150. Wainui antique chine cabinet, $175. Daked elumînumn whie storm door, $75. Firepace Insert, 36 Inch oponîng, $150; Phonoe683-3238. SINGER SEWING MACHINE wlth cabinet. Doih ln excellent con- dition. Aoking $150. Phone Oshawa 433-1577. MANS FULL LENGTH long haired beavor coat, sizo 40. $80. Ladies muskrat &- raccoon & leaiher furcoat, size 14. $400. Phono 579O.909 CUSTOM-MADE bodspred and hoadboard, King sizo, with mat- ching drapes 100x45, $200. Aiso, drapes 144x94 lned, rust-brown, $40., Drapes 260x94 goid tex- tured, $60. Drapes 160x94 red/black, $4. Ail Itoms ln vory good condition. Ashburn Rd., Brooklin, 655.8764. OSCILLOSCOPE duel trace Heaih Kt. Model 10-4550. $800 value aking $250. Pleese cmii 668-8178 after 6p.m. PIONEER SX-750 roceiver and tumiahie. 50 watts. mach I speakers, $55. Honda Il bass guliar and amp., $225. 668-0067 ask for Rick. FOR SALE Dunk beds, usod -ln cabin, $10. Wood couch wiih cushlons, gold colour, $35. Two card stands for store with drawers, $25 och. Leef shrodder, Semis make, $25. Dathroom sînk (wih tape), $8. Phono 668-5060. INTELLEVISION lncîuding 9 games. Asklng $30. Phono 579- mm9. TOYS Ideai for Chrlstmas nover used. TCR total control raclng ,eti, $35.auer Huggor skates, size 7, $2. Two eloctronic amnes, $15 emch. Game of Risk end Whos H, $8 omct. Tlescope, 130. AIse pine mates bed, $70. %on 88-eM2. IThere 18 no rea- son to keep things you don't need or enjoy be- cause they're val uable. There are customers willlng to pay good money for things you've tir- ed of. Contact the "Recycler of Unwants", the classified depart- ment of the Whitby Free Press. You wili be pleased with the qulck results. As fast as a phone caîl, re-. suits happen! Mm.. rp r Ilco 11 ý ý ammmm,ý I ~"TRA LE1 ~ OUSEHOLD, TRIES WOOJ ONYX CHESS SETS, Aztsc style, assorted colors, $55 o ach. Frîgîdaîrs automatîc drior $100. Record collection, 500 albums, $1,200. New 8 man tant $160. Bally raceway pinbalî machins, needa somo work, $350. Phone 985-9258. VIKING WRINGER WASHER ln very good condition, $8. Cmli 666&3735 after 6 p.m. FOR SALE pins chine cabinet, refînîshsd, $125. 4 oak chairs, needa some work, $20 oach. Roc- tangler oak table, needo work, $175. 2 brass lampe, $351paîr. End tables, $10 oach and stop Iaddor, $15. Phono 683463. 7 PIECE VICTORIAN pari'or soi. Approximateîy 120 years old. One love seat, one plaiform rocker, one armchalr, four occassionai chairs. $1,800 or besi 0f fer. 668- 5095. NIKON'. FIT LENSENS lOOmm., $70. Vivitar 24mm., $80. Unitax 85-210mm., Macro zoom, $100. Viviter tels converter, $20. Phone 668.000. MUNROE LITTON CALCULATOR Computer model 1860, 64 K cepaclty, $100. Phone 668-0009. FOR SALE Royal Albert China lavendar'rosep'attern-- complets tes service and varlous other places. WIII flot ssiI sepsraiely. Sell as set. A-i condition. Neyer been used. Asklng $750 fi rm. To view apply et t82 Verdun Road, Oshawa. LOT à TRAILER on Pigeon Lake. 35ft. traller wlth double tipouts, fully fumished, plus 3lft. dock. Asking $23,500. CaîllBill or Aprîl afier 6 p.m. et 666-2581 or wseksnds 985-2706. HOMEMADE BOX traller. Hsavy duty. Asklng $1,200 or beat offer. Phone Bill or Aprîl aftsr 6 p.m. et 666&2581 or weekends 965.2706. 8MM. MOVIE PROJECTOR and camera. Hardly sver used, $190. Green toilet, plus slnk, plus counter to match. Excellent con- dition, $100 or beat offer. White tub enclosure. Drand ,nsw from Sears, $20. OeIl anytîmo 571. 3916. -PLEASE READ - Whent the advertised item la soid, dlsposed of,1 or unaveilabie for whetever reason, the item wiii be desme0 to have beon sold and a commissilon wii be cherged besed on THE ADVERTISED PRICEeas Iîlu sireted b.iow, regerdisas If prîce le seted with "besi offer". If the Item la NOT SOLD, or dlsposed of, the ad wiil b. run for 3 MONTHS and e MINIMUM CHARGE 0f $8.00 wiil appIy payable ln edvance of publIiction of the tirtai d. Oiherwiss a $7.50 charge wilii p- piy if billed whIch muai b. peid upon receipi of bihl. Tho-ebove minimum charges will be epplied to the final commission due but ln any case the hlghor emount wiii b. chargad. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-peid; $7.50 bilied. Maximum commission: $100.00. All edvertisements muai be pîeced on an ex- clusive besîs with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run etîesas n onth If not sold. 5% of advertlesd prico up te $400.00RAE(Oarillasd) EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertiu.d for $12000. Commission due $600 (minimum charge la $6.00). PrIvats advertîsing onlyl PMase notify the Whitby Free PresImmediateiy whsn Item la soid 50 that we may deete it from the foilowIng issue. Ail ada not fittlng the Emporium guidolines wiii be treated and chargsd per week as regular ciassifisd ada on e pre.paid basis such as: services, heip wanted,. ciothlng, reai sasae, and personai message type ada, or ada not quot(ng price or quentity. Privais ciassifiled ade may appeer ln the Emporium section under appropriais headinga. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADSTO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whitby, LiN 5S1 If ln doubi cali: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whitby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. BABY E'Eb AUTMOBIES FOR SALEFOR SALE SEWING MACHINE with cabinet excellent Condition, $125. Un- derwood typswritor, manuel, g00d Condition, $80. Phone 683- 6638. CHILD'S ELLAN. skies, polos and Nordice boots. ize 9, $180. Boys Micron skates. Suze 8, $30. An- tique oak buffet, $100 Dird cage on stand, $15. Phono 728-8850. CONTENTS 0F HOUSE MOVINO - one lovesoat, blue background border print, $250. One buffet, $200. One dozen fan. cy cups and saucera, $7.50 each. One tee wagon, French Provin- cial styling, $200. Other Items, odds and ends. Phone 655-4416. FOR SALE Elne sswing machine, $180. Humidifier, $80. Sterso 8 irmck dock, $30. Shopping cari (10" wheels>, $10. Rocking chair, $120. Kenmore carpet sweeper, $10. 2 ladies winter coats, size 18, excellent condition, $45 and $50. Ladies crochet sweater, aize 18, $15. Velour housecoat, sîzs 18, $15. Ladies akirt, sizo 18, $20. 3 plastic stacklng tables, $9. Phono 668-7838. CALL 668111 to place your ar- ticle for sae. ONE GENDRON INFANT love seat, $25 and one Gendron chIld love seat, $50. Doth ln excellent condition. Cmii weekends or afier 5 p.m. 855-3575. 1965 CHEV IMPALA power sieering and brekes, 47,000 original mileage. $600 or besi of- fer. Phone bofore 6 p.m. 655-8021 ask for Dud. AUTOMOBILES AUOOTIVE WFOR SALE.111 PAT 1979 CHEV BLAZER 4 wheei drive, angle piow. Asking $8,500. 1250 Dundas St. 668-1366. FOR SALE 1978 Chrysier New Yorker. Under 18,000 miles, town drIven, black, 2-door, fuily option. Asking $5,000 or besi 0f fer. Cel 668-2598. 1973 SUBARDAN Not In running condition. Good tires. $300 or besi of fer, as la. Phono 576-1058. 1973 VEGA 15,000 on rebuli engins, four speed, new clutch and fiywheel. rakes jusi dons wiih new front calipers and master cylinder. Good tires. Needa body work..Seii as ls $40)0. Phono 668-2187. 1989 MONTEGO MX 4 dr., 351 nsw brakes, master cyiindsr, exhausi wiros. Needa tires for certification. Good wlnter car. $500. Cmii Ruese 655-4416. 1977 PLYMOUTH FURY. 2-door, mechanics buy, cen b. fixed to drivs. $300. Phone 655-3006. 1973 VW BEETLE PARTS Doors, $50 each. Engins lid, $25. Four speed wlcompleie swing axie, $100. Gas tank, $15 and varlous amail parts. Phone 282-8760. TWO GOOD YEAR radiai tires, one on rim. 75R14. $75. Two 14" Bears tires with rima, $30. Two Canadien Tire snows with rime, $30. Oelil 668-1063 mornings. FOR SALE Vega transmission. $100 or besi offer. Caeil Dan 728- 2578. CONFUSED? Please caîl us any lime if the Emporium guldelines confuse you. We'ii b. giad to an- swar any questions 'yoù have. Phono 668-6111 enytime. 22FT HOUSE TRAILER sîtuated on Rico Lake. Water front lot. Askîng $3000 or boat offer. Phono M"'TORCYCLES FOR SALE FOR SALE 1983 Vamaha 1751T. Excellent condition.' Incîuding heimet and ail loathers. Asking $1500 or best offer. Phones'668. 3495 ask for Steve. 1982 YAMAHA MXOOJ Excellent condition. $50. Cali 668.3934. FOR SALE 1981 Vamaha 400 Speclal. MInt condition, $1400 or bost offer. Phone 655-3203. 1981 HONDA CIVIC fNe speed, AMIFM cassette, tInted glass. Asking $5,000. Phone BiII or April after 6 p.m. ai 666-2581 or woekends 985-2706. 1981 MONDA SILVERWING GL500, water cooisd, shaft drive, piexiglass faîring, rear carrier, low mlsage, excellent condition. Asking $2000. Phons 668-0265. 1980 VAMAHA RD 400 Excellent condition. $1100 firm. Phono 655- 4224. YAMAHA YZ 80 Excellent con- dition. $450 orbest offer. Phone 555-4882.- N M SOWILES JtLS/RENTALS SNOWMODILE, 400CC Alousttil olectric start. $200 or beat offer. Phone 686-4884 mter 6 p.m. cOc TB. QUARTER HORSE MARE Chestnut 10h. 8 years Reg. Cdln. t Hunter, gentie novices, $2,500. TB Golding by Tamarack, 16,3h. Dey 7 years, 4 white socks, provon Hunier, $4,000. Huntor F approved Foal i % ysars. Day, by S Tamarack, $3,000. Phone 655. là EZ me Me!the, "Recycler o! Unwanls" 'J' The EmeOPIUM Soclon eIbto WhIIbv YFris PrOul I FOR SALE Apartmont slzs washsr-dryer with stand. Ex- coloent condiion. $45OIpair. Phono 66&1495. FOR SALE In good condition. Two pairs of twln mattrossos. Complet. wlth box sprIngs, $100. Double mattross wth box sprlng, $50. Phone 666-1532 ovenings. FOR' SALE Hoover spin washerldrysr. Rogular $430. Asking $385. Oniy 4 monthsolod. Used twics. PhoneoW341104. FOR SALE eiectric stove, harvosi gold, soif cdean, fat broul and rotisor featuros. $350. Phono 688o.006 ADMIRAL PORTABLE dish. washsr with wooden butcher block top and 8 cycles including enorgy savers. $200. Phono 666& 3403. 4IINSRUMETS ELECTRIC GUITAR Nashvllse, Les Paul Copy, $150. Cmii 668. 5567 afier 6:00 p.m. Sm 1 have read the Emporium guidelines and wish ta have the fallowing advertise- ment placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press.1 (don't forget ta inClude your phone number) r] i enclose $6.00 to Caver the minimum charge.' Eli Charge $6.00 ta my Visa account. El Bill me $7.50 afler f irst publication of my ad. Card No. Exp. Date Namne (please print - f irst and Iast name) Street Address City Postal Code MN -AI L TO0: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whltby Li N 5S1 Coli Us Now At 668-6111 -Or Use This For,, To Mail Tour Ad ln* I __ _ '--v Irn ARTICLES ATCE FOR SALE ARRTSALES 'Mpme porium Ads wiIl only be accepted subject to the followin*g conditions. 1 1 '77 1;ý j ýre,< '4w PEU.. 'mi- 2% of balancle over $M.00

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