Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 2 Nov 1983, p. 9

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The Church Speaks Sponsored by the WIIITBY MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION by KEITH A. ELFORD Dr. Luke, la bis account of the 111e and ministry of Jesus Christ, writes that the boy Jesus grew In wlsdom and s tature, and la favour with God and men (Luke 2:52). Is it really surprising that tbe sanie Jesus wbo was-presented by bis parents in the temple la bis infancy would have tbe followlag comment wrltten about bim as an aduit? "On, tbe Sabbath day lie went into tbe synagogue, as was bis custom. " (Luke 4:16) If as Christians, we believe that Jesus Christ was fully human as well as divine (and we do!) then cer- tainly, like otber children la devout homes of Mis day, Jesus would have'been taugbt reverence for the Scriptures. He' also would have been lacor- porated lato tbe discipline of regular attendance at the place of worship. Who was responsible for this young village boy growing up with golag- to worsbip bolag 4"bis custom"? None other tban Mis eartbiy parents, Mary and JuspIa, the young GTaliean couple eh- LIFE PIRONMPG. 8 plag stone that helIpe us Make the transition from a dependent cbild to an- independent per- son. ,With the way things are golag in the world, the competition for jobs is . tougb and only the beat succeed. Anderson is trYing to teach us how to teach ourselves, but it la up to us to decide if we want, to follow and decide where we want to -go. The Grade 13's 'have less choice than the Grade 12's, but they have had one more year to decide. They can fur- ther their educationi at universities or coileges and bide bohind thoseý walls. Or they can at- ,tempt to swim in the river. Once again, few choose the latter. I M I trusted wlth his physical care and spiritual nurture. Jesus' cholce to bea4t the place of worshlp, must cor- tainly reflect to some degree, the tenor of the home lite Ho had wlth Marýy and Josehp in the littie village of Nazareth. Recently 1 have' had the privilege, like other pastors, of meeting young parents at the altar of the cburch to present their llttle one to the Lord. Some traditions of the Christian falth baptize babies. Others dedicate them, -But ail traditions in these events make a sacred convenant with God. Parents make promise to God with respect to their cbildren. Tbey make promises to the Cburch - the fellowshlp of God's people and the congregation makes reciprocal promises to the family. This being true, how is It going la your family? Was that act of presentation only a nice and respec- table thing to do? (Every baby needs a certificate.) Then reaily It was a farce, wasn't it? Or are you as parents keeping that convenant with God, holding up your obligations promised to Hlm la that moment of sacred meanmng? What are your children learning now about God,'IMis- Word, the Christian 111e from the example set before them la the home? To ho certain, your life will definitely in- fluence their lives. And, how is it going in the congregation? What do the youngest worshippers -sense about God and Mlis people as their diapers are being changed in the nursery? What does a stare or a glare say to Jobnny (and bis parents for that mat ter)' when the energy of the youngster can. no longer be contained or restrained? How long bas it been sice you squatted down and looked a six year old rigbtin the eye and heard wbat be had to say about the state of affair in bis world? How often do the names 0f the young people occupy "prime' time" la i your prayers? What we do today in our homes and congregations wll shape the face of tolmorrow's church and com- munity. WHiTBY FRE E PRESS, WEIJNESDAY NOVEMBER 2, 1983, PAGE 9 HIGHLIGHTSPG;.s tournament and placed fourth ln the Junior boys' division. They qualfied and ran ln: C.O.S.S.A. on Oct. 27. They were not as suc- cesaful la this race but they certalaly gave it their best effort. There la 'always next year, guys. The mldget ladies basketball team played Henry on Oct. 25 and came out the wlnners with à final score of 17-4. Great show, ladies. The junior DO'C Chargers also played the Henry teani and won 36-24. Keep up the good work, teams 1 The -D0'C Parent Auxiliary beld its Parents' Information Night on Oct. 26.' The plans for the new school were fuily unveiled and the architect was present for a full ex- planation and discussion. Needless to say there was an undercurrent of anticipation and ex- citement. The new school, as you probably' already know, will be located in the presently vacant field just south of Hlghway 2 off Marwood in Ajax. Sketches of tbe school and Its, floor, plans can ho seen'on 8Hop FOR APPTS. 683-9442 6340 AJAX COLLISION we make Oid cars look like new CARS AVAI.LABLE IF NEEDED we arrange f in ncing If needed Lease cars as low as $4.74day &insurance .. Good used cars for sale as low &&$146.00 per month Car rentaIs availabie by day, week, or month 767 MçKay Road, Unit No. 3, Pickering I Evenings: Mr. Chilpman 883-5634 1IN BY 10 *OUT BY 4 almoat every classroom at DO'C. .Thereila indeed a good deal to be thankful for and a lot mor e to look us lt's aiways been a good idea. Now it'the law. On Nov. 1, 1983 toddlers corne under the Iaw which requires everyone frorn newborns to senior citizens to be properly restrained when travelling in a car For children this means: * Infants, up to 9 kilograms (20 pounds) must be properly secured in a rear-facing car Seat; 0 Toddlers, 9- 18 kilograrns (20 to *40 pou nds), must be in a front-facirig car seat in their parents' or guardian'scar; otherwvise they must be secured by a Iap beit;' * Preschoolers, 18-23 kilograms (40 to 50 pounds), must be securêd by a lap beit. * Older children must use the fuflSeat bell assembly. Bucle Ihomnn Ministry of Transportation and Communfications '( Ontario 1James Snow, Minister 1 William Davs, Premier - TH ECORPORATION OF cet THE TOWN OFWH ITBy NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING I A Public Workshop of the Whitby Planning Depar- tment wiii be held at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, INovember 9, 1983, in the Meeting Hall of the Whit- Iby Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontarlo. This la the third mheeting to dlscuss the Officiai Plan Amendment application submltted by Mark- borough Properties Llmited for SpecalSuyAe 7. liSuyAe 'l '1 > J Tountm A oid STUDY ReLrd AREA_ _ PMTnIIjm The Purpose of the meeting la to present for public comment the second secondary plan report for the proposed Off iciai Plan Amendment for Study Area 7. This report has been prspared by the PlannI' ng Department baaed upon' previous modifications endorsed by- the Administrative Commtt.e and on f urther staff revlew. Commenta wlll be Invlted at thîs meeting and written sub- missions recelved 'untîl November 30, 1983. Cpies of the report wilIlbe availabi e at the meting and further Information, If required, may be obtalned by contactlng'Mr. Larry Cavanagh of. the Planning Department, Whltby Municipal Buldine, 575 Rosiand Road East, Whitby. (416) ROBERT B. SHORT Dîrector of Planning Corporation of the Town ofVWhitbY" - - - - - - --m MM M 9- lý m m 0 j -1

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