PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 19, 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS Br~k1in Byines S By I{OXA\NE RkýIJFcELE (ail W55-1951 wflh Items for (hi%, volumn. hi there; You know what fishermen and hypochondriacs have in common? They don't really have to catch anything to be happy. LIBRARY NEWS Congratulations to Philip Sauer, winner of the "Smurf Show Your Uibrary Card" contest. Hope you enjoy the Smürf sprinkler 1 Saturday. Storyhour, October 22, from 10: 30 to 11: 30, is planning to get ail the children prepared for Halloween. Don't miss this chance to create a wicked witch mask. Hear about "Arthur's Halloween'" and the "Witch Bazooza". Remember, try to think of a suitable name for the crazy witch in the juvenile department. She keeps KAISERS 11.79 doz ONION BUNS $1.99 doz DNNER ROLLS$ .89 doz Soo Our Many In Store Speclals screaming, "Iname me, name me". Please corne to her rescue and give the wltch a name. Tuesday October 25, from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m., the preschool program will be ln progress, while the aduit group wil be viewlng the controversial film "If yu love this planet". A discussion will follow. The library cares, the library shares. Please return those overdue books for others to enjoy. SeS you at your library. CUTTIN' UP AND COOKIN' IT "Getting the most out of your meat dollar". A Burns Kirk Guild event at Thunderbird Golf and Country Club in Ashburn on November 1 starting at 7:45 p.m. Featured-is meat cutting by Ron Deeth of Win- dcrest Farms and cooklng tips by a master chef. Ail meats dlscussed will be given as door prîzes. There wlll be refreshments, free recipes and samples ser- ved. The cost is $3 and tickets are available from Warm Woolies and Whatnots in Brooklin and the Ashburn General Store or cail 655-4652 or 655-3974. TUPPERWARE PARTY The Local Association supporting Brooklin Path-. finders, Girl Guides and Brownies is havizlg their Third Annual Fund Raising Tupperware Party at the Brooklin Communiîty Center, Cassels Road, on November 1, starting at 8 p.m. There will be gifts for those bringing a guest, for the person bringing the most guests and for the per- son bringing in the most sales. There will also be. door prizes, ref reshments and more. There will also be Mary Kay Cosmetics and Regal Products for those interested. Don't forget to come and bring a friend. The Brooklin girls need your community support. Any inquiries may -go to Mrs. Aston 655-3266 or Mrs-. Barnard 6554980. BROOKLIN BADMINTON CLUB Although the. Brooklin Badminton Club has already st.arted its new season in the Mleadowcrest Gym Thursday nights, from 8:15 to 10: 15 p.m., there is still roomn for additional members. ,AUl adults, age 16 and over are welcome to juin in the fun evenings of exercise and friendship. For any information please cail Judy Underwood at 655-480. PRE-REMINDER The scouts -in your area are holding their paper drives again this year on the second Saturday of each month. Save those newspapers for them won't you. Watch this column and I will remind you in ad- vance of the, pick Up date. The next will be Novem- ber 12 so be prepared. NOW WHY DIDN'T I THINK 0F THAT? Trying to find your car in a large, crowded parking lot is neyer an easy task. A while ago, at the ever-so-large Yorkdale lot in Toronto I watched an elderly woman solve the problem rather ingeniously, As she drove In and parked, her car looked like hte average sedan - until she reached in, took out a "1plumber's helper", its handie taped in a gaudy red, white and blue, and affixed it to the roof of her car. Satisfied, she then strolled away confidently to do her shopping. See you next week.... Roxanne Reveler Brooklin Bakery drop-off Friday, before noon please .6554951 Oshawa native heads concert Christopher Kowal, a 25 year old Oshawa native currently doing post graduate studies in piano in Banff, will be of the Oshawa Symphony's October 25 concert. SHe'll play 'George Gershwin "Rhapsody in Blue", a- symphonic work written in the jazz idiom of the '20's. Kowal, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kowal of 180 Glenwood Cres., had -been awar- ded many scholarships CANADJANS BREATHNG SEE HOW PAY TV BRINGS« THE GOOD LIFE, 1H10 V1E%& C URL UP WITH A GOOD MOVI On those cold, rainy autumn evenings, curi up with a good movie. A great way to end the day or make a wonderful weekend last a 1ittie longer! Pay TV movies like Reds and Tempest corne to you in cinema-style - unedited, uninterrupted, 24 hours a day - foras littie as $15 95* a month. Choose from varied time siots on different days, so you can enjoy the rest of your good life an Pay TM too. T HERES A PLACE UN YOUR LIFE FOR PAY TV. With Pay TV you get more out of your viewing time, and great value, too. J ust $15.95* a mbonth bri ngs you movies, specials, sports, concerts and more - 24 hou rs a day, completely unedited and commercial-free. You're paying for quality flot quantity So, even if you watch once or twice a week, you get your money'!§worth. S PEIA FFRUNTIL OCTOBER3lst! For a limited time, save $1500 off your Pay TV con nection fee. See coupon. Make Pay TV a part of yourgood life. Cati Rogers and get con nected today! *Plus connection fee and applicable taxes. at the University of Western Ontario in ad- dition to the current award enabling him to study in Banff. He studied under Miss Helen Willard of Oshawa and Miss Greta Kraus of Toronto. Advance ticket sales are at Saywell's, 14 Simcoe St., S.; Alto Music, 445 Simcoe St. S., both in Oshawa, Mid- dleton's Stationery, 113. Dundas St. W., in Whit- by; and at Rickaby's Stationery, King Street, Bowmanville. For a descriptive brochure about the Symphony's six concer- ts or for any information about the association's activities, cail 579-6711. TYPESETiNG T ON THE PREN COMPUTERIZED &1 à PAYBTV*50ON ICE 10COME HOME TO. r --------------------------I USE THIS COUPON T GETsu5FF YOUR PAYTVCONNEC11ON FEE. I OR The standard connection tee for: - Duplicating Pay TV service on an additional setI Order -Rogers Addressable Converter - Hook up to Cable FM StereoI I re befute October 31, 1983, and save. Present this coupon atour Cable Centre or to your Rogers Installer and save up tp $15.00. Offer lmited to one per household. Not redeemable for cash, not applicable 10 service charges, I Ior for amounts exceeding regular connection tee, B1efooe taxes. jOffer expires October 31, 1983. Save this coupon and present when you order or gel connected I IAlso gpoj for $1500 off instalation of e extra cable outiet e any rentoi converter GRU Rogers Cable TV- Pine Ridge I 301 Marwood Drive, Oshawai 579-2232 I ~~(Mon. To F 9.-OOcL .-50.. 57 lISES ~ PHoTo'\ I HALLOWEEN AT SPENCER There wii be a Halloween party at the Spencer Community, Centre Saturday, Oct. 22, from lto 4p. m. The costume party will feature prizes, games and pizzas. The charge is $2 per child or $5 per famlly. For more information cail 655-3952. Manage business with profit WHITBY - Managing your business profitably will be the topic of a specia program offered byte Whitby Chamber of Commerce during Small Business Week. Oct. 23 to 30. Lorne D. MacInmis, chief co-ordinator for the Federal Business Development Bank in Durham Region* will discuss this topic at a luncheon meeting at the Marigold Dinner Playhouse, 419 Brock Street North on Oct. 26. Having served in executive -capacities, with such well known companies as- Sim- pson's, ,Frigidaire, Philco and Motorola, MacImia is 'well acquainted with general business management. He is a past chairman of the National Finan- cial, and Credit Executive Forum, which operates under the* Canadian Credit, In- stitute, of which he is an Associate. MacInnis is presently co-ordinator of ail coun- selling activites of the FBDB in 'Northum- berland, Peterborough, Victoria, -Haliburton, Prince Edward and Hastings Counties as well as Durham Region. The program starts with a social haif hour at noon, followed by lun- cheon at 12:30 p.m. The price is $7.25 per person. SAnyone wishing to at- tend this informative meeting, is asked, to confirni their attendan- ce by calling the Cham- ber office at 6684506 before Oct. 24. CALL, TODA Y, OFFER EXPIRES ýýOCTOBER 31ST/83,1 AJAX PLAZA 218 Harwood S. Office Supplies Tel. 683-1968