Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 19 Oct 1983, p. 17

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I WHITBY FREE PRESS, WED)NESDAY OCTOBER 19, 1983,_PAGE 17 Whltb'y's Most WideIy Read CLASSFIEF ALS _ FLEA ARTICLES HELP ELW1 WATED T q ESMARKET FOR SALE WANTEO WANTEO TO BUY BUT/RENT HIGHEST PRICES Pald for Goid and S11- ver coIns, old guns, clocks, Jewelery, dlsh- es, furniture, cracks, ohl palntings and seal. ers. 725-9783 ARTCLS jr.àECATIONAL FORIEAL qlâg SERICE VISIT our usod fumituro waro- "GORAMMAR for peoplo who hate, gramnmar" lu the ideal pockot roference book for business people. $395 per copy and avait- uble ut Diokuon PrInting & Office Supplies In the Ajax Plata. Deaier onquirios lnvtod6834.198 NONCEMENTS CONGRATULATIONS on, your forthcoming marriage. Ploaso viow our samplos of engruvod woddlng Invitations at your tli sure ln our Ajax Pluza store. Dick. son PrIntlng & Office Supplieu WORRIED, DISTRESSIED, In need of h.lp, Join uu for an hour of relaxation ut 7 p.m. each Sunday ut .O.O.F. Hall, Brock St. S., noxt to Pire Hall). Evryons woicomo, admission free. For furthor In- formation ceil 6684311 or ô688 3073. PALMISTRY à CARD readinge. For appointment oeil 6835575. FREE.' Drop Into the DlIckson PrInting & Office Supply store ln the Ajax Plaza and pIck Up a free copy Of thoîr 1983 MetrIc Calon. dar. PrInted In two colours, it makes for handy referonco. 683. TYPEWRITER rentai, manymakes and models, by thé woekend, week or month. Dscounts avai- able. Dickson Printing & Office Supple& In the Ajax Plaza Cali us for business machine repairs house by appointmont. Big. savings on desks, chairs, fiing cabinets, etc. Cali Dickson Print. Ing & Office Supplies to arrange an appointment to view. 683. 1968. PRINTîNO PRESS Mufti 1250, singie lever, wth chain dilivery end spray unit and NuAro Fiip top piatemnaker. Bout roasnabie of. fer. Cmii Mikeaet 6"4372 daya. MATTRESSES and box apringu at haif prico. McKen Fumiture, 524 Simcoo Street South, Osawa. 725-5181. ANTIQUE WOOD buming stovo. Excsllent condition. Four bur- nom and uppor warmor, $240. Ptione668.7904. WASHER à DAYER working or- der, $20. Reeco tralior hitch, $110. Phonoe68l919. SACRIFICE SALE 24ft. Neptune Salîboat. Uko now. Many extras. Any resonabîe offer accspted. Phione 5764019 aler 6 p.m. "1HEROES of the Bibi." coiouring book avallablo at Dickson Print. ing & Office Suppiy, Ajax Plaza, 683-1968. Deator Inquirios ln- vited. ANTIQUE WASH STAND marbie top, 40"1 long, 28" high, $175. Also homse colaer wlth mirrow ln It, $50. Nice for roc room. Phone 668-9316. SEWINQ MACHINE with cabinet excellent condition, $125. Un- dorwood typewrlter, manuel, goo<1 condition, $60. Phono 683- ef38. 4x8 POOL TAULE with ac- cessories, $165. Office dosks, $45 each. Professionul vînyl ropuir kit, $165. SCMV photocopier, $150. Phono 661k 4104. GEOTYPE press.n Ietterlng now In stock ut Dickson Prlnting & 0f. fice Supplies ln th. Ajax Shop- ping Plaza. Large selection of styles and aizes. Why pay more for a umaller shoot of lttoring? 883.1968 CONTENTS 0F HOUSE for sale. Sectional sofa suite, 14" colour TV, glass coffes and end tables, grummaphone, etc. Phono 666- 2071. CONTENTS SALE of 6 room houai on Brock Rd. N., Pckering. Includes 4 appliencos, 5 place ýwuinut antique bedroom suite, bunk bedu, ,mctional chester- field, tables, carpete, lampe, gimee-top dîner, dishos, giaewaro, odds and ends and much more. Muet Sale. 686-0407. ~DEKOKER PACKERS LTD. SIDES 0F BEEF $1 .551b. CUT, WRAP & FROZEN Oshawa 725-4245 or 1-705-277-2324 CHESTERFIELD suites, love- aseats, sectionais, bass than % price. Large selection. McKsen Fumiture. 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. *AUERS SIJPREME 96 skates. Size 6. Used one season. Cmii 666-3438. SET 0F TWIN MATTRESSES One year olci. Seliing for $75. Apur. tment sizo Hoover washsr. Asking"$20. ln fuir condition. 688& 907. atmosphere. Experi.nce flot necessary EMPLOTMENT 7WNTID help WORD PROCESOINO & Micro - your computer lntroductory courses. I-eart Three week spociai, $85. Longer M a course available with certif cate 1'und WANTED TO BUY Wooden fur. niture, antique & oi<1 douae. phone 6554526. -WE BUY anid SEL-L- USED APPLIANCES WE RECONDITION AND GUARANTEE '~CGLDCARfl 411h USICL I B7INGOSERSVICES INSTRUMENTS _ FOR SALE used Wright piano. Good condition. Asking $65. Phono 6554383 after 6 p.m. 198113 CAVALIER customn 4-door, fuily equlpped. $7,950. 13,000 km. 623-5585 private. 1981 RELIANT SE K CAR 4-door automatlic, power uteering, power brakes, air conditioning, vinyl roof. Cali Pro Dodge 666&3000. 1981 PLYMOUTH TC3 Sport Coupe. Automatic, radial tires, cloth seats. Cali Pro Dodge 666- 3000. 1978 CUTLASS SUPREME for sale. $3495. Phone 655-4870. SUPER BUY 1978 Disun 510. Automatlc, 58,000 miles, ex. collent condition. Cortiflod $2,900. Phono 683-9021. 1974 DODGE DART Sports Coop. Vory good condition. $950. Phono 576-2366. NOW 5 DAYS A WEEK MOMDAY ELECTRONIC KINSMEN Lic. No. W6745 TUEK1A Jaycees & Pickering G WEDNISDAY$30 0 THUId.e__ _ __ _ __ _ FRIDAY' .IAYCEES Lic. No. 366743 $110 ~JACPi LIGHTNING ROUND 7:00 P.M. REGULAR GAMES 7:30 P.M. - PAY $90111 ea. TRY OUR NEW MINI BINGO MACHINES PLAY SUARTS AT 6:00 P.M. a 40 HW. ~ SILVER DOLLAR BING0 cc n 1735 Bayiy (et Brock Rd.) u BAYLY OIVRDLLR PICKERING BiNQOHALL831 -2421 FO~RDA NUE WUVACATION IE~O SS Y W REN1ALSFO Ef 1972 DODQE DART DEMON Good condition, serso tapa, If lIfA * NEED A RENTAL? Cali 1h. Expar. radio, unow tires. $500 uncer- FI.R1IDA ~tsi We carry housos, tiled. Calii849-5167 botween 7-9 CloarWator - Throe bedroom townhouses, duplexes,' apar- a..,6- pm.mobile homes. Pools, tennis, tmoents, flutsl AIl aroe, sizea, _____________________ close to beachos and major prIcosi 579-500 Homeocatore, -attractions, chiidren wel- fos. £~~A ToM0 ivEI come. $225.00 US. woekly UTOMREP IR/AAS (Isuthan motel room). TRUCK CAP fits Wz ton truck. FOR SALE $150. Phono 65&4870. SAE : 9 ~-~~CCOMM0DATIONi BANCROFT AREA Lakosido year ~PETS &AC mm round 6 room home. Ail con- SUPLES YOUNG MAN has two bedroom veniences, garage. emey accees. SUPPIpa nthouse apartmont 10 eharo $44,500 nogotiablo. Cmli 655-4416. LOST Tabby cut, white pawe, white flou coler wlth goid bell. Kînsmon Park Area, WhItby, Oct. 7. Phono 668-0688. FREE TO 0000 HOME Cross brood Collie. On. year oid. Spade, ail Mots. For animai lover. 66e.2710. with working female. S2M. Phono WHITOY - eharo townhouse. 225 monthly. Seo 943 Bumns W., Unit 13. CALL 668-8111 10 place y',ur ar. ticlo for salo. A PRIVATE SALE immaculate ý3 bedroom semi ln Oshawa on quiet crescent. Newiy re- decoratod, broadloom, L-ahupa Iling/dining room, wulk out 10 fuily fenced yard. Close to echoole and shopping. $49,900 Phono 655-3526. BUTTERFLY Dayc.re Centre No. 2 Open a a.m. ta 6 p.m. QualIfied Staff Hot Meais 309 Bosch St. Whitby 668-6927 OR 571-0031 ONE *EDROOM apartment ln umail Port Whitby buildIng. Adults only. $350per month ln- cludos frldgo, stovo, hydro and parking. Cable TV and Iaundry facilities avaliabie. Phone 668& 6372 between 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. NEAR HARWOOD on No. 2. Apar. timent for quiet family or single porson. 244-3471. ONE BEDROOM apartment in emali Whitby buIlding. Adulte oniy. $350 por month Includos frldge, stovo, hydro and parlking. Cable TV and Iauntry faciltles availablo. Phone 668472 bot- woen 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. ~S I.SALES RUMMAGIE SALE The Suivation Army, 122 Kent St., Frlday, Oct. 21, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturday, Oct. 22, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. GARAGE SALE 12 & 13 Bolton Ct., Whltby 668-3693. Fumiture, toys, TV, skutes, baked goods, Sut. Oct. 22. Raîn or shine. YARD SALE Sturduy & Sunday, Oct. 22 & 23. Locatod ut the rour of 301 Brock St. N. Houuehold appliancos and accossorlos, records, tapas and clothing. nt RED WING ORCHARDS Open Friday through Monday. 10 a.m. ta 5 p.m. (weather permit. tlng>. Please remem-. ber aur new entranàe off Durham Rd. 23, 1.3 kilometres forth of stop lght at Hwy. No. 2, haif way between Whltby and Ajax. MacIntosh, Cortland &'Red Deliciaus while they last. Russetts, Spy & Rame Beauty. --V bushel bag, $6.00. Containersprovided. Due ta an uncertainty af weather and suppiy please cail us before you came ta aur Farm ta enbâure we have the varleiy yau want. 10 a.m. to6 p.m. S Daily ALSO PICK *é APPLES- Doudeous& wSpy, $5.50 ½h bushei. SFriday, Saturday,1 Sunday. 10 a.m. ta 5 ô p.m. aniy. HALLOWEEN SPE- GCIAL Macintosh &i SDelîclaus. $5.O a Sbushel. Bags supa. pliied, fil 1 your own. 'eCOUNTRY IAN E ORCHARD STAUNTON ROAD 4~ONE MILE WEST eOFHWY. 12 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors.on the f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wilI flot be hiable for fallure to publlsh an ad, or for typographic errors in publica- tion beyond the cast of the space occupied by the error up ta a maximum cost of the f irst insertion.ý The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to ciassify or reject ail advertise- ments. Ads must appear-in the paper one day before they can be changed or cancelled. CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50 for 20 words; liec each addition- ai word if ore-pald. You rnay charge your Ciassifled Ad ta your Onargex or Visa account. Please have your Visa card ready when caiiing. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100 words; 12s each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the first 50 wards; 121t each additianai word. AUCTION SALES - 34c per Une. (No word ads allawed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are availabie at an additional chajeof $2.00. The Whitby Free Press wiii make every en- deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac- cept no liability regarding loss or damage alieged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding such replies. We will flot be responsible for box number replies flot called for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Manday noon prior to publication ta insert or cancel Ciassified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL, 668-6111 RUG CLEANINO SPECIAL Have Vour Living-Room, Dining-Room And Haiiway Of Any Size Cieansd For $4000. Bedroom8 Are $10.00 Extra. Ail Work se Guaranteed. For Appointment Cmii: 668-1465 W PIANO LESSONS Beginners proferrod. 0. Goodman, A.R.C.T. 668-3056. I 1! %06

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