Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 12 Oct 1983, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 12, 1983. WHITBY FREE PRESS i...m -p.i PR... gi Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subject to the following conditions. FOR SALE Underwood manual typewriter,' $55. Good workIng Cofdition. Phione 668&509. MUST SALE a beautiful bar. At. tractive style. Sturdy bulît with luxuries materlal. WeiliWorth over S800wIli sais for $395. Fres deiivery. Phono anytime 668& 6207. HARDWICK OAS COOK top unit, atmand calour, 4 burners. -Nover used, $200. Gas range, good <workIng condition. Brown, $100. Remington Gun 870, 20 Gage, Poliy-choke, $250. Phone 668- 3813. DRESSER, antique style, w/mIrror, $150. Prions 282-8760. TV ANTENNA Good condition. Wo wlll deliver. $85. Western guitar <Enporador) Good con- dition. $70. Phono 571-3916. INTELLIVISION Including four games and joy sticks, $225. Phone 668-809. 54" FOUR:POST double pins b.d In good condition, with mattres and rail away cases, $95., Wood stove, one yoar aid, with bi- foldlng. doore and damper aseembiy..Very good condition. WIli deliver, $150. Installation avaliabie for extra coat. Phone 571-3916, ROTO-TILLER 3 H.P. Very good condition. $195. Phone 655-4110 evenings. EXCELLENT CONDITION' 3Ã"11 mattresesand box spring on loge, $125. Hide-a-bed, $150. CarrIago and stroIis r, $75. Change table, $35. Higrichair, 820.'Prions 728- 8850. COLONIEL thrro seater sofa, Siar, $150. Wainut antique china cabinet, $175. Baked alumInum white etorm door, $75. Firepiace Iiert, 36 Inch opening, 8150. Phone 683-3236. INTELEVISION, lncIudIng 9 gamos. Asking $400. Phono 579:- 9029. FîREPLACE FOR SALE -' clearance. Can be used anywhere. Used oniy ½ soasan. Virtuaily brand new. Cost $675. Pick-up for onIy $225. Excellont value. Calil668-1760. CUSTOM-MADE bedspread and headboard, King size, with mat- chlng drapes 100x45, $200. Aiso, drapes 144x94 ilned, rust-brown, 840. Drapes 260x94 gold tex- turod, $60. Drapes 160x94 recilback, $40. Ail Items ln very goad condition. Aehburn Rd., Brooklin, 655-8764. OSCILLOSCOPE dual trace Heath Kit. Modsi 10-4550. 8800 value aeking $2W. Please cail 668-178 after86p.m. FRENCH PROVINCIAL SET 8300 or boat offer. Chain saw, 1e" Mc- Cuiiock 500. Brand new, $250. Phono 655-447. PIONEER SX-750 receivor and tumntable. 50 watts. Mach i speakere, $55. Honda Il base guitar. and amp., $22. 668-0067 sait for Rick. FOR SALE basement tubs with stand, M2. Bunk bede, used In cabin, $10. Wood coucri with cushione, goId colour, 835.2 card stands for store wlth drawere, 8M5 ech. Leaf shredder, Sears mako, $M5. Bathroom sink <with tabs), 88. Phono 668-5060. FRANKLIN WOOD STOVE for sale. Very good condition. Asking 8100. Phone 655-3539. ONYX CHESS SETS, Aztec style, sssorted colore, $55 each. Frigidaire automatic drier $100. Record collection, 500 albums, $1,200. New 8 man tent $160. Baiiy raceway plnbaiî machine, neede somo work, $350. Phone 985-9258. FOR SALE 9.9 h.p. outboerd motor. Good condition. Asking $450. Phono 668-4782. FOR SALE pins china cabinet* refinished, $125. 4 oak chaire, neede some work, $20 sacri. Roc- tangier oak table, neede work, $175.2 brase lampe, 835/pair. End tables, $10 escri and stop Iadder, $15. Phono 683-8838. KITCHEN CABINETS complote modorn,$250. Mof fat stovo top and waii oven, $175. Front door perfect 34x82, $50. White aiuminum storm door R.H. rings 34x84, $20. Swinging cea doore 38"*, $15. SS kitchen sink, $10. White bathroom basin, $5. Spaco Baver bathtub, RH drain, $50. Phono 668-7404. VIKING WRINGER WASHER In very good condition, $80. Cali 66&3735 affer86 p.m. FOR SALE Royal Albert China - lavondar rose pattern - complote toa -service and varlous other places. WIi not ssii seperatsiy. Ssii as set. A-1 condition. Nover boon used. Asking $750 f irm. To viow spply at 182 Verdun Road, Oshawa. WHEEL DISCS $95. Oak Dining ,room set, 6. chaire. Good con- dition, 8395; Beige 9x12 carpot, $25. Man's 10*speed biko. Good condition, $65. Phons 6834M3. FOR' SALE McCullogh Mini Mac 30, chain saw, $85. Two vertical aluminium etorm windows to fit 37%'x45Vk" windows. Colour:. dark brown, .860/pair., Two wooden echool deeke, $10 eacri. Typewritor matai dssk with two drawers. Colour: beige, $15. G.E.C. spacoheater, $20. Kawasaki motorcycie. Seat coloui- black, $40. Calilater 6:30 p.m. 68-6710. NIKON FIT LENSENS Nikon series E 35mm., $80. loomm., $80. Vivtar 24mmn.,$95. unitax 85. 21Omm., Macro zoom, $120. Vivtar tels converter, $20. Phono 668-0009. - MLr-^OE flEMLtA - When the adverised Item le soid, disposed of, or unavaliabie for whatever reason, the Item wiii be deemed ta have been soid and a commission wiii be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as iiiustrated beiow, rogardesas If prIce le stated with "best of fer". If the Item le NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wiii b. run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $8.00 wili appiy payable ln advance of publication of the firat ad. Otherwise a $7.50 charge wiii Sp. piy If biiied which muet be paid upon receipi 0f bit . The above minimum charges wiiI be applied to the final commission due but ln any case thie higrier amount wiii be charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-paid; $7.50 biiied. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail advertIsements muet be piaced on an ex- clusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atieast one moui!h If not sold. 5% o aderilud rIc up o $ .00RATES (if article la sold>: 2% ai balance over 8400.00 EXAMPLE: Soid Item advertlsed for $120.00. Commission due $6.00 <minimum charge le 86.00). Private advertIslng onlyl Please notlfy the Whitby Free Press immediateiy when Item le sold s0 that we may delete It from the foiiowlng Issue. Ail ads not fitting thie Emporium guidelines wili be treated and charged per week as regular ciassifled ads on a pre-paid basis sucri as: services, help wanted, clothlng, rosi estate, and personal message type ads, or ads not quoting price or quantity. Private classIfied ads may appear ln thie Emporium section under appropriate headings. ALL AD5 WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whitby, Li N 5S1 If ln doubi cali: 668-6111 OR DELI VER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whltby, Ont. FHEIDA L FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THEI FIDYPREVIOUS TO PU BLICATION AT NOON. Si ARTICLES ARLES AUTMBLES "FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE ANTIQUE parlor table plain), $20. Portable sterso record player, $20. Smith-Corona office typewritor, $35. Reel-to-reol Toiefunkon tape' recorder, 875. Record rack, 87.50. Pushmower, $10. Judo-suit, nearly now, sizo M, $20. Phono 668-7404. CONTENTS 0F HOUSE - MOVING - one lovossat, blue background border print, $250. On. buffet, $200. One ciozen fan- cy cups and saucers, 87.50 each. On. tea wagon, Frenchi Provin- cial, styiing, $200. Othor items, odds and onde. Phone 655-4416. SMM. MOVIE PROJECTOR and caerar. Hardly ovor used, $190. Green tollet, plus elnk, plus countor to match. Excellent con- dition, $100 or beet offer. White tub enclosure. Brand new from Soars, $20. Cail anytime 571- 3916. FOR SALE Eina sewing machine, M10. Humidifier, $80. Sterso 8 track dock, $30. Shopping cart (10" wheis), $10. Rocking chair, $120. Kenmore carpet swoeper, $10. 2 ladies wlnter coats, size 18, excellent condition, $45 and $50. Ladies crochet sweater, sizo 18, $15. Velour housecoat, size 18, $15. Ladies skirt, size 18, $20. 3 plastic stacking tables, $9. Phono 668-7838. FOR SALE Konmore etove $125. Largo Caivinator rofridgsrator $200. Phono 723-4771. MUNROE LITTON CALCULATOR Computer modol 1860, 64 K capacity, $200. Phono 668-0009. 1979 CHEV BLAER 4 wheei drive, angle pIow. AskIng $7,500. 1250 Dundas St., 668-1366. 1977 GRANADA, standard steer- Ing and power brakes, 2 door, 200 engins, 27 miles to the gallon, 7/8 trailer.hitch on It, 81,000 firm. 1971 Mercury Marquis, Colony Park, 4 door, station wagon, 430 engins, automatic, 7/8 trailer hit. ch on It, $900 or beet offer. Moving, muet 8011 by Auguet 30. For more Information cali 655- 4407 or eveninge 284-4139. FOR SALE 1974 Ford Van, $300. Cali Andrew 723-5945. 1973 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS Good running condition. Cor- tifiabie. $6W0 or best of fer. Phono 1-416-49-2626, 1973 VEGA 15,000 on rebuilt engins, four spoed, new ciutch and fiywhool. Brakes just dons wlth new front calipsrs and master cylindor. Good tires. Neede body work. Ssii as lea40 Prione 668-2187. 1973 SUBARBAN Not ln runnIng condition. Good tires. $M0 or beet offor, as le. Phono 576-1058. 1959 MONTEGO MX 4 dr., 351 now brakes, master, cylindor,.- exhaust wiree. Neede tires for cortification. Good wIntor car. $500. Cail Ruese 655-4416. 19055 0EV IMPALA power eteorlng and brakos, 47,000 original mileage. $860 or beet of- fer. Prions beforo 6 p.m. 655-8021 ask for Bud. NOMOBILES SESRENTALS SNOWMO8ILE, 40OCC Alouetti electric start., $200 or bout offor. Phono 686-4684 after 6 p.m. M.B.M. Pubîishing 131 Brock St. N. Whltby 668-6111 Mes! the "Recycler ef Unwants", The EMPOrIum Section GI the Whltbyv Fr88 PreSSI There 18 flo rea- son to keep things you don't need or enjoy be- cause -they're valuable. There are Customers willing to pay good money for things you've tir- ed of. Contact the "Recycler of Unwants", the classified depart- ment of the Whitby Free Press'. You will be pleased with the quick resuits.- As fast as a phone cail, re- suits happen! I have read the Emporium guidelines and wish to have the following advertise- ment placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press. (don't forget to include your phone number) 1:1 1 enclose $6.00 to cover the minimum charge. EC Charge $6.00 to my Visa account. E:1 Bill me $7.50 after f irst publication of my ad. Card No. Exp. Date Name (p lease pri nt - f irst and last name) Street Address City Postal Code MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whîtby LI N 5S1 Aul-MOT j'OORCYC a V;mz.,.PARS j M FORSALE1 1977 PLYMOUTH FURY 2-door, mschanics buy, can b. f ixed to drive. $300. Phono 655-3006. 1973 VW BEETLE PARTS Doors, 850 oach. Engins Iid, $25. Four seed w/complote swing axie, $100. Gas tank, $15 and varlous email parts. Phono 282-8760. 1970 NOVA four doors, complots front end and 2 Nova Raily wheeis. Alil parte good. Complote $150. 1973 TORINO 302 engine and transmission. Complote $200. 1973 VEGA OT for parts wlth good tires and Rally rime. Complot 8100. 1973 DUSTER 225- 6 engins and transmission. Ex- cellent condition, four radiai tires. Complote 8250. Phono 655- 3006. TWO GOOD YEAR radial tires, one on rlm. 75R14. $75. Two 14" Sears tires -with rime, $30. Two Canadian Tire snowe wlth rIms, $30. Cali 668&1063 mornlngs. FOR SALE Vsga transmission. $100 or beat offer. Cali Dan 728- 2578. IHOUSIOLD1 FOR SALE Apartmsnt size washer-dryer with stand. Ex- cellent condtion. 8450/pair. Phono 666-1495. FOR SALE In gooct condition. Two pairs of twIn mattresses. Complote with box eprînge, 8100. Double mattrese with box epring, $50. Phono 666-1532 evenings. FOR SALE 1983 Vamaha 1751T. Excellent condition. inciuding helmot and ail leathere. AskIng $1500 or beat offor. Phono 668- -3495 ask for Steve. 1952 YAMAHA MX80J Excellent condition. 850. Oeil 668e3934. FOR SALE 1981 Vamnaha 400 Spociai. Mint condition, $1400 or boat offer. Phono 655-3203. 1981 VAMAHA, 1100 speciai, greet shape, low mileago, ex. cessorios, Asking $3,300. Cail 579-1787. 1981 HONDA SILVERWING GL500, water cooled, shaf t drive, piexigiase fairing, rear carrier, l0w mileage, excellent condition. Asking $2000. Phono 668-0265. 1980 YAMAHA RD 400 Excellsnt condition. $1100 firm. Phono 655. 4224. YAMAHA YZ 80 Excellent con- dition. $450 or boat offer. Phono 6554882. 1978 HONDA 550K, four cylindor, Am radio, excellent condition, 7000 kiiomoeters, $1200 firmn or wiil trade for a car or a van of oqual value. Oeil 655.3006. ONE GENDRON INFANT love seat, $25 and one Gendron chiid love seat, $50. Both In excellent condition. Cail weekende or after 22FT HOUSE TRAIL E R situatod ISTUMNT on Rics Lake. Water front lot. Aeklng 83000 or beet offer. Phono 668-0384. 1966 TRILLIUM, model 333, new canvase, soft top, new tires, largo box for storing extras, sisepe 4 or 6, 7/8 traloer hitch on it, wolghs approximatoIy 500 ibe., $800 or beet offer. Moving, muet soul by Auguet 30. For moro Information cali 655-4407 or eveninge 284- 4139. wýul Coli Us Now At' 668-6111 Or Use This Form To Mail Tour Ad ln, L i FOR SALE Kimbail organ. Swinger 100. $800 or boat offer. Phono 668-4780. ELECTRIC GUITAR Nashville, Les Paul Copy, $150. Calil 668 5567 after 6:00 p.m. FOR SALE Harmond Organ 100. Asking $1200. Phono 576-4227. CLASSîCAL GUITAR for sale. Hirade modol sevon. Handcrafted ln 1981. Good for intermediate player. $560, without case. Phono Ray 668-3418 ovoninge. RICKENBACKER MODEL 4001 Base Guitar, 4 ysars aid. White, wlth case. immaculate condition. Aiso GBX Base amp. 80 watts. WiiI soul seperato. $900 or beet offer. Phono 668-2187. ONE KIMBALL Superstar il organ. OnIy il monthe aid, juet as now. Hall the original prIce, aeking prIce $1,200. Phone befors 6 p.m. 655-8021 ask for Bud. CONFUSED? Please cali us any lime if the Emporium guIdeline confuse You. We'Ii b. giad ta an- swor any questions you have. Phono 668.111 anyt ime. SMcybe it's time you jumped into something more demandlng thon a car pool. J sei.~ ARTICLES ~*.V ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE m m < M91

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