Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 28 Sep 1983, p. 20

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PýAGE 20, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMB ER 28, 1883, WHITBY FREE PRESS I __________________ ___________________ Mm.. PREU.. Emporlum Ads wili only be accepted subject to the following conditions. .' ARTICLES , ARTICLES SF OR S.E LE ~FORSALEj BUSH Hoa, 5 foot, I11k. now. ONYX CHESS SETS, Atec style, Asking $490. 'Phone evenîngoessre oos 5 ah 655-3142. oor, 5508h FOR SALE Underwood manuel typewriter, $55. Gaod worklng condition. Phono 668-509. MUST SALE a beautiful ber. At- tractive stylo. Sturdy bulit wth luxuriesumaterlai. Wall worth over S800willl sala for $395. Free dolivery., Phone enytimne 66&- 6207. CAMPER CAP, suid. in unit, -fita full aize P.U., sink, atove & Ica box, excellant« condition, $750 or neareut offar. 5 h.p. oulboerd motor, now, nover used, wan-anty, $650. 2 h.p. outhoard motor, new, nover uued, warranty, $395. Oelil 985-3486. HARDWICK GAS COOK top unit, aîmond colour, 4 burnars. Nover usuad, $200. Gem range, good warklnq condition. Brown, $100. Remington Gun 870, 20 Gage, Poliy-choka, $250. Phono 668- 3813. FOR SALE vintage radio, '$125 and greme phono, $250. Phono 688-2438 avenlIngs. TV ANTENNA Good condition. Wo wIli deliver. $85. Westemn gultar Enperador) Good con- dition. $70. Phono 571-3916. ONE 12 foot catamaran. One wood stovo,$100. One Tyco Nito Glb complota withIota ai extra treck $25. Two lourascent lighta $25 .ach,- 4x4. Four twin wi'n- dows, Insulated, 4x6, $50 «ch. 1980 Mercury Oepri , 6 cylindor, automatll, llght blue, excellent condition, 47,000 km., $4500 or bout aller. Complote set ai unow tires'. Phono 655-453. MOVING - MUST SELL: Ton place tan sectionel couch, $1100. Bedroom esot; tripla dresser with two mIrroru, two nlghlstandu & king sizo heedboard, $425. Phono 683-0669. COLONIEL lhrao seeter sofa, Skier, $150. Walnut antique chine cabinet, $175. Baed eluminum white utorm door, $75. Firapiaco Insert, 36 Inch opening, $150. Phonoe683-3236. INTELEVISION, ,including 9 gamnes. As.kng $400. Phone 579- 9029. FIREPLACE FOR SALE '0' clearance. Cen ba used anywhbre. Used only ½h seeson. Virtualîy brand new. Cost $675. Pick-up for only $225. Excellant value.COeil 668-1760. FOR 'SALE basemant tubu with stand, $20. Bunk beda, used ln cebin, $10. Wood cauch wlth cushions, gaid colour, $35. 2 card stands for store with draworu, $25 each. Leave shredder, Somr make, $250. Toloet and tank, $10. PhoneOf668506. FOR SALE bathtub, toilet & sif standing slnk ln good condition. Some hardware Included. $150 or bout offer. Aaarn 686o-4953. FOR SALE Mantal cdock <made ln Germany), $120. 11 " - 14-- RCA portable Colaur TV, $180. Eina sewing machine, $180. Huidfie,$8.Sto 8rack_ FRANKLIN WOOD STOVE for mal. Vety gaod condition. Asklng i100. Phone 855-3539. rirgidaire automatic driar $100. Record collection, 500 albums, $1,200. New 8 man tant $160. Baliy raceway plnball machine, neods some work, $350. Phono 985-9258. FOR SALE 9.9 h.p. outboard motor. Good condition. Auklng $450. Phonoe6684782. FOR SALE pine china cabinet, raflnished, $125. 4 oek chairs, neoda some work, $20 oach. Roc- tangior oak table, noode work, $175. 2 brasa lampe, $3SIpalr. End tables, $10 each and stop ladder, $15. Phono 683-8638. KITCHEN CABINETS complote modam,$250. Moffat stove top and wali oven, $175., Front door perfect 34x82, $50. White elumlnum storm door R.H. hinge 34x84, $20. SwInging cafo doors 36". $15. SS kitchen sink, $10. White bathroom basin, $5. Spaco saver bathtub, RH drain, $50. Phone 668-7404. VIKING WRINGER WASHEA ln' vary good condition, $80. Cali 668-3735 ehter 6 p.m. FOR SALE Royal Abert China - laendar rose pattern - completa tea service and varlous ather places. Wiii not sali seperetely. Sell as set. A-1 condition. Nover beon used. Aaking $750 firm. To view appiy at 182 Verdun Road, Oshawa. WHEEL DISCS $95. Oak Dining' room sot, 6 chairs. Good con- dition, $395. Beige 9x12 carpet, $25. Mans 10 upeod biko'. Good condition, $65. Phono 683-6638. FOR SALE McCulogh Mini Mac 30, chain sew, $85. Two vertical aluminium stormwindows. to lit 37½h"x45' windows. Colour: dark -brown, $eOIpalr. Two wooden achool desks, $10 eech. Typowriter motel dosk with two drewers. Colour: beige, $15. G.E.C.. specehoater, $20. Kawaseki mýotorcycla. Seat colour black, $40. Cali alter 6:30 p.m. 668-6710. NIKON FIT LENSENS Nikon sertes E 35mm., $8. 0. Omm., $80. Vivter 24mm.,$95. Untex 85- 2lOmm., Macro zoom, $120. Vivter tole convartar, $20. Phone 668-0009. There is no rea- son to keep thlngs you don't need or enjoy be- cause they're val uable. There are Customers wilIIng to pay good money for thinge you've tir- ed' of. Contact the "Recycler 0f Unwants", the classlfled depart- ment of the Whltby Free Press. You wlli be pleased wlth the qulck results. As fast as a' phone cail, re- sults happen! m - - PLEASE READ - When the advertIsad Item la sald, disposad oai or unevaleable for whaiever reason, the Item will ba doomod ta, have been sold and a commission wIll be chargod beued an THE ADVERTISED PRICE au Iilustraed bolow, regardiass If price la sluted wlth "best offer. If the Item la NOT SOLD, or dlspo!sod af, the ad wlll b. mun for 3 MONTHS and e MINIMUM CHARGE ai $6.00 wiii apply payable ln advence af publication ai the lirai ad. Othorwlsoea $7.50 Charge wlll ap- piy If billed whlch muet be peid upon racelpt ai bill. The aboya minimum charges will b.e pplled ta the final commission duo but ln any case the hlgheramount wilI be churged. Minimumcharge: $8.00 pre-pald; ý$7.50biiled. Maximum cammiaulan: $100.00. Alil advertisaments muet be pluced on an ex- clusive besîs wlth the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run utieast ana month If nat sald. 5% of advertls.d price Up ta $40.00 RATES (if article la aaid>: 2% oi balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE.- Sold Item advertlaed for $12000. Commission due $800 <Minimum charge la $8.00). PrIvate advertising onlyl Pieuse notify the Whltby Free Press lmmedlateiy when Item la soid Bo that w. may dolaI. it from the foilowing Issue. Ail ada not flItting the Emporium guidolînes wili bo treated and chargod par week as regular classif led ada on a pro-pald basis such as: services, help wanted, clothlng, reel asiate, and personal message type ada, or ads not quoting price or quantity. Private classif ied ada may appear ln the Emporium section undor appropriate heaedngs. ALL ADS WILL GO IN OLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAlIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whitby, Li N 5S1 If ln daubt oeil: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brook St. N. WhIlby, Ont. THE DEAOLINE FOR EMPORI UM ADS IS THE I FR1 DAY.PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. AUTOMOBILES- UTMBIE ~FOR SALE FOR SALE SL ANTIQUE parler table plain>, $20. 1977 GRANADA, standard stoor- 17 ODCUIRPCU Portable steroo record player, ing and power brakes, 2 door, 200 1973 FtorDiecapRIERiCKUties $20. Smith-Corona office engins, 27 miles to the galion, 718 rebuit angie, a an d ial s.Mtie, typewriter, $35. 'Reel-to-reel tralier hltch *on il, $1,000 I irm. god. br5ak e.adPhocks." Muet Telefunken tape recorder, $75. 1971 Mercury Marquis, Coiony sl.$2 sl.Pin 8-54 Record rack, $7.50. Puahmower, Parkç, 4 door, station wagon, 430 $10. Judo-suit, nearîy new, sîze engine, automatlc, 718 tralior hit- 1972 NOVA, 6 cylinder, auto- M, $20. Phone 66e7404. ch on It, $900 or bost offer. matlc, AM radio, new carburetor, Movlng, muet oeil by Auguat 30. radiator, exheust. $600 or bout of- For more Information oeil 655- fer. As la. Phono 668-.038 FOR SALE Konmore apartmont 4407 or evenings 284-4139. ____________ swze wasuur, aji ..,,,,&m uyu,. $375 or boat offer. Phono 576- 5902. CONTENTS 0F HOUSE. MOVINO- ano love-seat, blue background border print, $250. One buffet, $200. One dozan lfan- cy cupu and saucera, $7.50 eech. On. tau wagon, French Provin- cial slyling, $200. Four Doulton flgurineu, $80 oach. Other Items, odds and ends. Phono 655-4416. FOR SALE Kenmore stove $125. Large Cal vînator refridgeretor $200. Phono 723-4771. MUNROE LITTON CALCULATOR Computer modal 1860, 64 K capaclty, $200. Phone 668-0009. 8MM. MOVIE PROJECTOR and camnera. Hardly ever usod, $190. Green toliet, plus slnk, plus countor to match. Excellent con- dition, $100,or beat offer. White tub enclosure. Brand naw f rom Sears, $20. Ceil enytima 571- 3916. 1975 DODGE DABT, 6 cyl. 3 spd. Standard, needs repaira, perts included, $650. Phone 6b5-339. 1975 DELTA U8 OLDS, 4 doar, herdtop, 454 CID. Alil power op-. tions. Good condition. $1,650. Phono 655-400. 1974 PONTIAC ASTRA Running condition. $150. Oeil 668-9474. FOR SALE 1974 Ford Van, $30. Oeil Andrew 723-5945. 1973 VEGA 15,000 on rebulit angine, four spaed, new clutch and fiywheol. Brakea just done with new front celipers and master cylinder. 'Good tires. Noeds body work. Bell as la $400. Phona 668-2187. 1973 SUBARBAN Not In running condition. Good tires. $300 or bost of fer, as le. Phono 578-1058. 1969 MONTEGO MX 4 dr., 351 new brakas, master cylinder, exhaust wlros. Neods tires for certification. Good winter car. $500.COeil Ruesa655-4416. 1970 NOVA- four doors, complote front end and 2 Nova Raliy wheels. Ail parts good. Complote $150. 1973 TORINO 302 angine and transmission. Complet. $200. 1973 VEGA GT for parte with good tiras and Raliy rime. Complot $100 1973 DUSTER 225- 6 angine and transmission. Ex. collent condition, four 'radiai tires. Complote $250. Phono 655- 3006. FOR SALE Voga transmission. $100 or beat offar. Oelil Dan 728- 2578. -I CRCYCLU S NSOWMOBILES F OR SALE SALES/RENTALS FOR SALE 1983 Vemeaha 1751T. Excellent condition. lncluding helmet end ehl leathors. Aaking $1500 or bost offor. Phono 668- 3495 ask for Steve. 1932 VAMAHA MXOOJ Excellent condition. $50. Oel6683934. FOR SALE 1981 Vamehe 400 Spociai. Mint condition, $1400 or bout offer. Phono 655-3203. 1981 YAMAHA, 1100 special, groat shape, low mileae, ex. cessories,, Asklng $3,300. cel 579-1787., 1981 HONDA SILVERWING GL500, watar cooied, sheft driva, piexiglas falring, reer carrier, low mileage, excellent condition. Asking $2000. Ph ono 668-0265. 19M0 YAMAHA RD 400 Excellant condition. $1100 lirm. Phono 655. 4224. YAMAHA _YZ 80 Excellent con- dition. $450 or bost offer. Phono 655-4882. 1978 HONDA $50K, four cylindor, Am radio, excellent condition, 7000 kilometers, $1200 firm or wili trada for e car or a van of oquel value. Oeil 655-3006. TRIILRS 22FTr HOUSE TRAILER s!tuatod e>n Rico Lake. Water front lot. Asklng $3000 or bout offer. Phono 668-0384. 196 TRILLIUM, modal 333, new canvaus, soft top, new tires, large box for storing extres, slaeps 4 or 6, 718 traller hitch on it, welghs approximately 500 Ibu., $80 or best offer. Moving, muet sali by August 30. For more Information ceil 655-4407 or eveningu 284- 4139. M lest Ithe "R8Celer e01,Unwants' Tho Elui'orlu Section ol tho hiIby Fr80 Prossi. I have read the Emporium guidelines and wish to have the following advertise- ment placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press, (don't forget to include your phone number) E I enclose $6.00 to cover the minimum charge. E Charge $6.00 to my Visa account. 1:1 Bill me $7.50 after f irst publication of my ad. Card No. Exp. Date Name (please print - f irst and last name) Street Address City Postal Code MAIL TO: WHUTBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whltby LI N M5 SNOWMOBILE, 4000C Allouetti olectrlc start. $200 or bout aller. Phono 686-4884 mter 6 p.m. NOHOiSEOLO ELECTRIC STOVE. white, fuliy automatlc, excellent condition. Asking $120.'Phono 655-4382. e PIECE Anitque Oak Dlning Room Set. Excellant 'condition, Asking-$4,500. Aiso, welnut chine cupboerd $350.Caeil 668-0495. FOR SALE Apartment size weshor-dryer -with stand.' Ex- cellent condtion. $45OIpeir.. Phone 666-1495. FOR SALE In good condition. Two pairs af twln mattresses. Complota with box upringu, $100. Doubla mattresu wlth box upring, $50. Phono 866-1532 eveningu. MUSICA 1-5STRMENTS ELECTAIO 'GIITAR Nashville, Lau Paul Copy, $150. Cel 668& 5567 after 6:00 p.m. FOR SALE Harmond Organ 100. Asking $1200. Phono 576-4227. RlCKÈNBACKER MODEL 4001 Beu Gulter, 4 y"ars ad. Whte, wlth case. Immaculete condition. Also GBX Baeu mp. 80 watts. MI saili seperate. $900 or bout offer. Phono 068-2187. CL:ASSICAL GUITAR for sele. HIrade modal seven. Handcrafted ln 1981. Good for Intermodlete pMayer. $55, wlthout case. Phono Rey 668-3418 evoningu. FOR SALE Kimbaîl organ. Swlnger 100. $800 or bout affer. Phono 668&4760. B.M. Publshlng1l 131 Brock St. N. B B E D Whltby 668-6111 ONE G ENDRON INFANT love ' seat, $25 and ana Gendron chid lave uoat, $50. Bath ln excellent condition. Oeil weekends or aller 5 p.m. 655-3575. COuUS -Now At 668-6111 Or Use This Form To mail Tour Ad ln* L _______________ j -b--- i THE WORLD IS YOURS ... IF YOU KNOWTHE RIGHT PEOPL E... Wherever yau move the WeI- camne Wfigon bouleau l the righi persan ta help yau iind a iplace ln your now communlîy. Cali 66S8.8943 m 7777777 a m

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